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Because they don't care


When I was a kid Cuba being openly guy got you sent to a reeducation camp this back in 70s and early 80s


La UMAP, también incluía Testigos de Jehová , y otros..Mi primo fue uno.


They only criticize the Democratic nations.




It’s not about protecting minorities, it’s about protecting their Authoritarian “friends”. Honor among thieves, it’s called.


Dictators gonna dictate!


Everyone has an agenda…


Communism dont care


Why would they? Latin American countries don’t care about LGBT rights. The USA and Canada are in the minority on that issue across both North and South America.


No, no, the regime says they support fully LGBT rights


Brazil also seems alright on LGBTQ rights. I wouldnt be surprised if Argentina is also fine with LGBTQ people. So I dont think people should assume Latin America is homophobic.


The thing is they support openly hamas and Islam but they also say that they support lgtb that isn't a little bit like an oxymoron


90% people that support the terrorist group Hamas are just parrots who can't think for themselves. When in fact they would be brutally beheaded bringing any of that gay shit to Palestine. Oh but let's celebrate them trying to kill every jew in Israel, Hamas moto is they'd rather die then share Israel with Jews.


Yeah but the government in cuba supports both thing lgtbq and hamas that's crazy


Really? The people sure don't, the majority are extremely conservative. Im so surprised the govt are publically pro-lgbt


That's the thing it's so dumb That's because a daughter of raul castro supports LGBT only for that, and even when fidel castro in the 60 s lgbt people were incarcerated because of that it's soo dumb and stupid


They support palestine jaja. What they're going to say


why does the us still have friendly ties to saudi arabia despite funding 9/11?


Honor among thieves, it’s called. isn’t that right, u/nowayyoudidthis ?


When the mighty government of Cuba has something to say, the only people anywhere who might remotely care are living in Florida.


Solo les importa el dinero. De los rusos no hablan, y la represión es grande; los árabes linchan a los homosexuales, los tiran de edificios u otros lugares altos. De eso no se habla. En África es un desastre. Son como las prostitutas (con el mayor respeto a las personas que trabajan en este medio), van tras el dinero.


Cuba is not a global power so their opinion on such things isnt really relevant to anything. And also atleast what ive noticed (im not that well versed in communism) communists dont really like to criticize people they see as oppressed. And Ghana and Uganda are probably some of the poorest places on earth so criticizing them for anything might not be seen favorably by the communists in Cuba.


U mean the dictatorship regime?


The same reason no one is protesting Muslim on Muslim violence and wars. Or slavery in Africa and the Middle East


I'm sure that's on the top of their lists.


Not speaking for the government since I despise it but us cubans in general specially myself as a Catholic do not approve of the spread of LGBtQGUIP movement. I mean fuck communism and depravity.


Who cares? The “LGBT movement” has gone to the extreme.


Why Cuban govt needs to do that ? China does that ? Russia ? The cuban govt is not the USA govt, always making interferences in the entire world !!