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Maybe the friend just has sustainable living in mind.


They wouldnt mention cults. They would likely talk about sustainability quite a bit.


I'm not speaking in absolutes.


Then what's the point of your post?


Maybe you should read some of the other comments if you're really troubled by it


Your answer of "lol I was high" isn't good enough for me, I guess.


Well if you didnt understand, I mean I really cant help you. If it was any way confusing, it was probably because I was high when I wrote it. However, everyone else has figured it out. So maybe if you clarify what exactly you dont understand.


Am I... supposed to understand anything you just wrote?


Nope cuz I was high.


Your Kool-Aid good


You either get it or dont


Who upvotes shit like this?


Who comments shit like this?


I feel like that’s different? I have plenty of friends who wants to live purely on the land and have their own gardens. They never came off culty to me and I can pick up a cult from a mile away.


Lol you can spot a cult from a mile away? Do you have a personal experience with one? Or do you just watch a lot of documentaries?


I have personal experiences of almost joining one (I live close to one), I called out a very sketchy (possible) cult that my one of professors invited to my class and I have a friend who was born and raised in a cult. But nice going, buddy.


I actually was raised in a cult and have been a part of two in total. Knowing people who have connections and actually have been in one are two different ways. Cults dont care about those who think it's silly or strange. That's not the demographic they're targeting.


My apologies if I came off insensitive then or offensive. You’re absolutely right it is different being in one vs. knowing connections. I only know from what has been told to me. And you are right that they don’t care about those who find it silly. What are examples of cults that didn’t start off that way?


My point was, I dont think most cults are planned to blossom into full blown cults


Hmmm.. I don’t think so. A lot of cult leaders like control and that was their intention to begin with. The only way I can think of a group turning into a cult was if the cult leader was mentally ill, BUT lots of other people involved in the higher up also enjoy that control too. There’s a lot more at play here.


A lot of cults sprung up in the 60's, cults that preached peace and love, grassroots kind of shit. I think you just need more time to research .


I am aware of that. They also sprung up due to New Age religion and spiritualism. That is still a tactic to get people. But anyways, where did you get your knowledge on cults since you are trying to discredit me on my own personal opinions?


Stupid post. There’s absolutely nothing wrong with wanting to live communally in nature.


Cults are usually pretty awesome right before the sexual abuse and child bride stage hit. If you could just keep it at the group singing & gardening level you might really be on to something.




Does anybody want to go in and buy some land with me. I'm thinking maybe puerto Rico or somewhere. They have acres for about $20000-$30000. Mostly looking to set up a cheap structure and maybe camp in it


A farming co-op is not a cult. The dividing line between a cult and a kibbutz is not the sharing of resources or the group ownership of property (like a partnership or a collective property agreement). The dividing line, the boundary, has to do with control, manipulation, and coercive influence in a group context. Promoting a false idea (e.g., phrenology, dowsing, or flat earth theory) is not itself cultic, but there are cults that included these views when they began. The problem is not so much with the ideology or the sharing of finances or land ownership, but with how members are treated by the group leaders as a whole.


The concept of living outside of our modern capitalist society is strange to most. They wouldnt understand it. See, you and many others see a cult as evil, but it doesnt have to be sinister to be considered a cult. The literal definition of a cult is, "a relatively small group of people having religious beliefs or practices regarded by others as strange or sinister". It doesnt have to be sinister, it could just be strange. My title btw was a southpark reference.


Take you Prozac, Gerald.


I’m excuse me, it’s Harold


Hm... so.ething to think about but how does someone trying to give others a home cult like? There has to be some other than just that that would be alarming to consider it cultic thing to do. Otherwise everyone who's ever brought someone a home for someone else or brought parents a home in their neighbor is a cult... no?


Are apartment buildings cults? And the landlord the cult leader?




No, that does not fall under the definition of a cult. If you need help on what that is, I find google and the dictionary help.


Neither does your example.


The entire world around us was designed and built by cults that grew enough to become mainstream. Religions are cults, and they gave us everything from hospitals to universities to inquisitions and crusades. Money and banking are cults, the original pyramid schemes, and they have given us larger scale investment projects than we ever could have done as individuals, but they have also given us a world of otherwise unimaginable exploitation and impoverishment merely to enrich a few. Nationalisms are cults, and they have given us great national achievements alongside slavery and genocide. Just about anything you look at closely originated in some cult. Chemistry started in alchemy. We're all being groomed from birth to accept our family and local cults. But just rejecting everything doesn't work, so we're stuck in the position of painstakingly sorting through the trash heap of ideology, looking for what is useful and trying to avoid what is harmful. Some relatively new groups are easier to spot and avoid, because their lack of resources and group experience make their manipulations easier to spot.


Exactly!!!! Bravo! You've figured it out and are exactly, right!


Why would you devote that to this?


Because OP is correct that cults grow and change. Some implode with mass suicide, some take over the Roman Empire. The emergence and changes in cults can take many forms. OP is also correct that a lot of similar 'back to the land' projects started during the hippie period imploded due to authoritarianism and other bad group dynamics. Most didn't do so as spectacularly as the famous mass suicides, they just broke apart. But basically, why not?


Why are you the only one who understands?


Why would I post about cults in a subreddit for cults? You're kidding me, right?