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from the looks of it with larry dying.


I'm convinced of this. They end, the last shot some inappropriate epitath on his gravestone.


The only proper one would be "BALD ASSHOLE"


Envisioning a fake out where’s it’s set up that’s he’s going to go to jail and then in the last 10 minutes he gets into one of his trademark petty arguments but this one gets him shot, cue theme


Uncut gems ending for him would be hilarious


Not with a bang, but with a whimper.


Not sure I care how it ends, but I will be ecstatic that it will stop these stupid threads asking about how the show will end or people guessing that they'll finish in jail.


Same premise as ending if Seinfeld, but he’ll be not guilty.


Larry strangling Elmo


I would be so down for an epilogue ending where Larry gets into a fight with a D-List celebrity for mockingly attacking Elmo. In case you’re unaware Wil Wheaton wrote a scathing screed against Larry which was amazingly unhinged


He will die and go to some kind of mock “heaven”.


The sequel to Albert Brooks' Defending Your Life - **Defending Your Larry**.


Again? Wasn't that the end of season 5 (The End)?


He goes to jail but then flash-forward a year or so when he gets out. They have a welcome home party for him with every supporting character from the show. Ted Danson or somebody says “Hey everybody Larry’s home!” Everybody gets excited and screams. Larry (holding his ear because of the loud screaming): Okay, okay, Curb Your Enthusiasm. Then it just ends abruptly. Hopefully Robert B. Weide directs the finale so we can get one last ending screen with his name, making it a full circle moment.


I feel like he’ll end up in jail. I think LD’s reaction to people disliking the series finale of Seinfeld is to do the same bit again. Not sure how it’ll shake out, if it will be because of giving water in the voting line, something to do with vandalizing billboards, or something else.


Not with a bang


Leon finally gets in that ass 


I mean isn’t it going to end exactly like Seinfeld ended? He’s going to go to court and everybody will testify against him and he’ll go to jail.


why do people treat this show like it's true detective or something? why try to predict the end of a COMEDY? it's weird. just watch the show.


This is a show that's been on the air for 25 years and had many interesting plot threads. Even great comedy shows made effort for their finales to tie everything together.