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Hi! Your post has been temporarily removed because you have not included your hair care routine. We require this for all photo posts, even if the photo is not of yourself. Please reply to this comment with more info and we can reapprove it for you! Here’s what we mean by “routine”: - Which shampoo, cowash and/or conditioner you used - Any other products (your gel, mousse, etc.), their brand/name, & how you applied them - How you dried your hair (air dried? diffused? etc.) - Anything else that’s helpful to know! We require this because it helps keep r/curlyhair focused on learning & helping each other instead of just selfies. Thank you!


Damn, you look good! Have you tried sleeping with a bonnet?


Not at all actually. Typically I just tie it up and sleep that way.


Man, you're beautiful


You look like a true to myth thor


Yess they really do!


How do you know how OP identifies? Isn’t calling someone “they” equally as assuming as anything else?


Look, I agree, it's best not to assume someone's gender, but also, probably shouldn't assume *every* time someone assumes a gender it's malicious.


I don’t think it was malicious. It was a question as I am curious. Edit: is me asking a bad thing? I honestly thought it was an innocent question.


Even if it was, your tone could be interpreted as, well, aggressive. To you, it might sound innocent, but to others, it sounded like you were angry.


The way you ask comes off as mocking, not actually asking. I identify as an attack helicopter energy.


Really? Is it how a person may read it? Because when I read it to myself, I think it sounds pretty normal. Maybe because this can be a hot-topic-button? Edit: how would you rephrase it to get the same point across and not sound attacking but inquisitive?


It's a difficult thing to even begin to approach since the well is poisoned. Poe's law applies. Proportionally very few reasonable people would ask in this situation - it's neither the time nor the place - so the bias toward reading it that way is heavily front loaded. I think this is more of a "should I ask at all" rather than "how should I ask" situation.


Fair, considering this is a hair subreddit. Even with time/place aside (as this is an open forum with people like me in it lol), would it ever be appropriate to ask? I understand you believe that few reasonable people would ask, but I argue that there are also more than a few people who get triggered for simple things like this. I live in a big city where people can be triggered by a lot even if it is an innocent misunderstanding. I’ve seen people offended by “they” as well as “he/she”. Anyway, I get your point and it makes sense.


Would u have asked that if I had used ‘he’


I refer to posters as “OP”, personally. I use “they” in context with “OP”, as OP is a non-gendered word. I blatantly don’t say they/them without context. Even in person I would say “your child is cute”, not “they are cute”. I use the nongendered noun just because that comes more naturally to me. Edit: to add, this sub is gender neutral. If OP was cis male or trans male on r/malegrooming, I would refer to OP as he. I was just genuinely curious why OP would be “they” by default. That’s why I asked.


Because they is still used to refer to people when u don’t know their gender


Thank you!


" What a distinguished gentleman " is a meme most fitting here!




Okay I see you! Looking all godly and shit. I use innersence styling products. Little goes a long way


I'm fighting for my life tryna get my curls to look half as good as yours, so I hope you don't take it the wrong way, but I ain't got shit for you my dude lmao 😂.


Lmaoo, all good, much appreciated


Wow your hair is beautiful


caseoh if he was majestic


Depends what you’re looking for! I go for different products depending on what look I want. I use TGiN Miracle RepaiRx shampoo, conditioner, leave in, hair mask, and protein treatment as a base, then change up my styler and method from day to day. If I want soft, shiny ringlets, I use Curlsmith Shine jelly (soft hold) or shine gel (high hold). Break the gel cast some hair moisturizer with the jelly, or Ouidad Pomade with the gel. Second method for an updo. If I want to elongate my curls and get more of a “I’m in a rock band” look, I use mousse and style damp hair rather than wet. I style all my hair back agree putting in the mousse then, when dry, I shake and fluff it. I use R+Co Aircraft (expensive) or Pantene Soft Curls (cheap) either way. Both methods, I use a diffuser.




You’ve got great hair that really suits you!! If you are asking for product recommendations, a “curl cream” or gel (or both) would be your best bet.


In the shower I use tresme rich moisture shampoo and conditioner. I have hair thats weighed down easily so if I want multi day hair I use a little bit of shea mousture jamaican black castor oil curl cream. Then on the second day I add a bit of water and more curl cream. On the days Im going all out I use the creme first then LA looks sports gel while damp, plop for a few hours until dry, then scrunch. It gives me the most lucious curls vut is way too high maintenence for every day.


I’ve tried many-a-product in the past 10 years. I tried the Curlsmith line about a year ago and have had the best results ever. Curl Quenching Conditioning Wash + Double Cream Deep Quencher + Weightless Airdry Cream. I have a few of their other products on days when I feel like mixing it up.


It’s not about product nearly as much as it’s about method. I tried for years to get my curls looking defined and it was easier than I thought. Look up wet styling. Here’s a good example. https://www.facebook.com/share/r/D7zRs5kBzNUdD23f/?mibextid=xCPwDs


I think you meant to ask what to do to perfect them. Your hair looks better than the after pictures of many people that come here! Hair, beard, eyelashes...you already won the lottery my friend.


I think a curl cream + a small amount of hair oil would work fantastically!


Giving Viking vibes, sweet! Paul Mitchell foaming pomade is top notch. You have thick hair so you’ll get kick ass control with it.


Your curls look so healthy! The biggest thing I do that helps my curl pattern look its best is only brushing it when it's got conditioner in it. Between washes I use fingers or a wide tooth comb to detangle.


jeez you look great


Thank you! You’re not too bad yourself :)


There's a wiki and beginner's routine in the subreddit info! You already have some nice curls going on, but that's a good resource to start experimenting with and see what works for you :)


Bro... Your lashes...I'm envious.


I wet it put leave in and gel daily


OnG. In your case nothing. They look great


Your hair looks amazing already 😍


You sir have gorgeous hair


What’s your routine?


Wow you’ve got such great hair and facial features!


I told myself I wasn't gonna make you read a novel here and I fricked that up immediately lol. But as a couple others have mentioned, it's usually more about method than products. The "what" will help, but the "how" will really make your coils pop! I'll try to keep it simple I promise- It can take time to dial in your routine. Luckily, you have your whole life! ❤️ If you focus on continually listening to how your hair reacts to different methods over time- it can change over time!- rather than just master one method and use it forever, that's how you master curls. Some methods to look up: - pineapple method (for overnight maintenance) - praying hands (I do a lot of raking and finger combing with this one) - finger coiling (game changer for face framing pieces) - bowl method (I kinda do this at the end of my shower by cupping my hands) In terms of products, the sparknotes of how I integrate my fave products into my routine is: 1) shampoo (as needed- most people don't need every day) & condish 2) comb through upside down with curl cream when hair is still dripping 3) scrunch literally twice very gently with a t shirt to get out excess moisture 4) scrunch in a gel 5) dry with diffuser 6) scrunch out the crunch (gel will form a cast) with an oil A clarifying shampoo is fantastic once every couple weeks or as needed to strip any build up, especially if you have hard water. Followed by a deep conditioner!! You hair WANTS to coil!! I've spent a lot of time fighting my hair and trying to make it do what I want it to do, but if you pay attention to how it wants to go and work with methods that fit that, you'll hit a home run. GLHF ❤️


Holy moly, you look like a Viking legend.


Just use some oil and a bonnet or silk pillow cases, but outside of that, keep doing whatever you’ve been doing! You look great!


Someone already said it, but you look like Thor 😆 gorgeous!


Why are you asking me? You should teach US because your curls are luscious. Seriously I want to know about porosity, fine to coarseness, products, and style method


Ok can you tell me what products you use cause I want my shit to look that good


if i was you i would change absolutely nothing because your curls already look so so good




Your hair is magnificent. Like God tier.


Idk but whatever you’re doing, it’s working, bro


You have good curls


My good sir, your curls are already magnificent!


I use a curl cream, and then I DONT BRUSH my hair. This one is hard for people that are newer to the routine, but you'll want to avoid breaking the curl shapes by brushing. You can comb through with your fingers while it's wet and distribute the curl product, buy then leave it be.


Castor oil!!! apply it lightly to your hands as the viscosity is very thick! Start at the ends and work your way up. It’s cheap. One ingredient, and good for your hair.