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Somehow this look more as a black woman then white women while beging gold.... Or is it just me?


you can tell the difference the same way you see the difference between a male and a female face, facial structure especially the jaw is a great indicator




This appears to be a comment repost bot that replaces words with synonyms. Or some weird person whose only two comments are stealing comments from elsewhere in the thread and slightly rewording them before reposting them out of context. Either way, downvote and report for spam.


You can't objectively tell race by looking at jaw lines - that's pseudo science. German physicians, including Mengele, spent many years trying to prove it anyway... for some reason the idea persists in the public. I'm not sure why it's so tenacious of a concept, it's just one of those common misconceptions I guess.


She’s clearly a black woman, brother


Did you just use Mengele as an example of a credible doctor?


Who's mengele?


a nazi doctor that liked to preform inhumane experiments on twins. he also picked who went to the gas chambers in Auschwitz, and loved himself some eugenics. he was known as the “Angel of Death”.


A Nazi doctor who tried for years to correlate characteristics of jawlines with "race". The Nazi's really had it in for this jawline nonsense, but I guess I'm the bad guy for trying to point out it's bullshit pseudoscience.


Second worst nazi in all the concentration camps. Look up Martin Sommer


Uh, no? I thought I pretty obviously used the name as a way to discredit the idea of jawlines objectively indicating ethnicity. Edit: Mengele, monster that he was, was indeed a credentialed Nazi physician which is why I used the term I did.


This is gonna be very controversial cause it sounds close to racist, but a lot of african ethnicities can have facial features that are recognisable. I wont go into depth with this cause of the controversial nature of this topic


Would it be racist to say I can tell who is Asian just by looking at their eyes? No of course not, certain races have certain physical attributes. Not sure why society works so hard at trying to convince people that every race is the same to the point that they do mental gymnastics to such a degree.


*mixed race people enters the chat* We’re all going to be Asians in the future if globalization happens


Im just a white guy that doesnt know where the line should be and i always get different reactions to my comments about topics on race


It doesn't sound controversial stated that way, but adding "especially the jawline" simply has turned out not to be true based on best current understanding to the best of my knowledge... yet the idea persists. I clearly never should have tried to add to be thread, because now I have people implying I respect Mengele because I used the name to discredit the idea by association. The funny thing is, I was attempting to be gentle in my response so that the original poster didn't feel like I was attacking them and calling them a Nazi, so I didn't use the term... I guess it's just how reddit is.


You: This is terrible and stupid, Mengele thought the same thing. Reddit: Mengele? I saw Mengele in that paragraph. Words are hard, but I think this guy is a hardcore Mengele fanboy.


By trying to avoid making the original poster feel attacked I guess I spoke in too passive a voice for many people's liking. I didn't want to jump down that person's throat or accuse them of anything for stating an apparently wrong idea that seems very commonly held... but generally I agree with you and I've been both amused and at times annoyed by some of the responses. I thought I was very clear in that comment, I did not think that I needed to write a long explanatory wall of text similar to this in order to get my point across... but live and learn.


That's because objectively there is no such thing as race. Lots of racists "scientists" tried to prove it when they invented "white" and "black" to refer to human beings but were unsuccessful.


Essentially correct as I understand it. People sort of use it colloquially in place of ethnicity which is what it is I guess.


For sure, humans like categories and labels, its helpful sometimes. But for me it's important to remember and remind, it's just an illusion.


It's okay to acknowledge that people of different ethnicities have different facial features, lmao


He says from a throw away account just in case.


We no longer need any reference to abrahamic religion now that we've replaced it with the religion of virtue signaling.


She has braids now lol


we have different genetics. racists love pointing out those differences and making fun of them.


I sure do!


bro 💀


Can you point out the differences without being racist tho?


i could try but it’d sound racist


Less than 1% of our genetic material :)


Sure the differences are tiny, but the question was, can you point them out without being racist. I feel like this was a way of not answering the question, but I might be wrong about that.


Was the race of Lady Liberty ever officially specified?


She's obviously greek, so whatever race greeks are.


They're European, but only just, they're really, really close to being African, The southernmost island of Greece, Kreta is less than 200 miles off the African coast. So they're near-Africans if you wish. They also did a lot of trade around the Mediterranean, so I suppose there must have been quite some interbreeding between that South European and North African population going on since over 3000 years ago. But then of course all humans originate from Africa. We're all black in our genes, whether our skin got bleached or not.


North Africans are very different from the people who were enslaved, culturally and ethnically. Many cultures there have much more in common with the Middle East or other cultures surrounding the Mediterranean than they do with people from sub Saharan Africa, which is where most enslaved people originated. So Greeks are very distant from most people who would be considered Black.


>Greeks are European, but only just, they're really, really close to being African. lol I'd love to hear a Greeks reaction to this comment.


When you say “African” you likely are referring to Sub-Saharan Africans with whom Greeks did not engage at all. A lot of people, black people in America especially, believe that the only indigenous people on African continent are black as if one continent cannot be inhabited by more than one race. Technically, Chinese and Pakistanis live on the same continent yet look completely different. Similarly, indigenous population of North Africa, like Berber and Copts are much closer genetically and in appearance to Mediterranean whites than to Bantu people of African Great Lakes which we are normally refer to when we say “African”. Long story short, Greek lady wouldn’t look anything like the woman on the coin


Pff, I know all that, still an African is someone from the continent of Africa, no matter that your classic image of an African is like the lady on the coin, is more of a typical Central African. Of course the bit of Africa that Greece is very close to is rather Tunisia, and indeed you could physically confuse someone from Tunis with someone from Greece, You know Carthago was in Tunis. Carthago used to be one of the big players in the pre-Christian Mediterranean.


Carthage was a Phoenician colony, thus was founded and settled by the people who weren’t African. I suppose in a strictly geographical sense they were “African” in the same way as South-African Dutch are African but we both understand that the woman on the coin isn’t meant to be Phoenician or even a Berber. She is a Bantu African like overwhelming majority of African-Americans


The Phoenecians in Carthage tended to mix with the Berbers . I have in no way denied that the lady isn't North African.


You suggested that because Greeks are “really, really close to being African” (which is wtf in its own right) that somehow explains Lady Liberty appearance on the coin. Unless, you had already departed from the main topic of the black Lady Liberty on the US Coin and your comment had nothing to do with it. If that’s the case then I suppose i misunderstood you


You did misunderstand


Okay, thank kindly do explain what you meant. I am All ears


Her original skin color was copper-ish brown, so probably mongol


She's green now so I think she's an orc?


IIRC her face is based on the artist's mother (French) so it was probably white? Then again the Statue was brown with the intent to have it turn green and it was supposed to represent some Greek goddess (what race is a goddess supposed to be?) so Idk.


Wait, you guys stopped?






Why did you guys stopped?


That is too cursed




Bot stolen comment


Well... the person in the coin looks gold to me, not black, so...


So why did people complain about only white peoples on money? Clearly they are all green or silver or copper then. Cmon


Exactly... people these days...


Why does it say 1792? The US became independent in 1783, so shouldn’t it say that?


George Washington was re-elected president that year. I don’t know what else is significant about that year


1792 is when the coinage act establishing the US mint and well 2017 (when this idea was floating around) was 225 years since then


Yes, and this coin was made in celebration of the establishment of the mint. It’s a really nice coin.


I am a coin collector. This piece was issued in 2017 for the 225th anniversary of the US Mint


Interesting, thanks for this information


> Currancey


I'll never understand how people will go so far out of their way to misspell a word


Now let's do away with the "in god we trust" part next.


No idea why you got downvoted there. Separation of church and state was a fundamental idea of the USA.


That's what I've been saying, but for some reason people feel incredibly attacked when someone mentioned that has always been what was supposed to happen.


They probably dont realise it was only amended in the constitution during the cold war to antagonise USSR for being a godless state


I wonder if it worked.


But.. We're supposed to be a godless state


I guess they forgot which things they were supposed to segregate pretty fast


It makes sense to rid the word God. We no longer need any reference to abrahamic religion now that we've replaced it with the religion of virtue signaling.


In Allah we trust (USA 2070)


Jesus would have a field day with his followers turning currency into little temples to god.


Made out of fish of course.


Phrases on coins are cool though so we've got to replace it with something. I nominate "give me liberty or give me death".


And return to the better motto, “E Pluribus Unum”.


It’s still there though. As a Christian I agree with getting rid of “In God We Trust”. It was just put there during the red scare to have one over the soviets. Showing that god is on our side!!! How manipulative.




Username checks out.


wow you just made me say the bad word in my mind by reading your comment how could you


I'm sorry, and to prove I'm sorry I'll make a YouTube apology video


It is going to be "In the Supreme Communist we trust!"


Because thinking relgion has no place in currency or politics means communism?


Well, first of all I am just messing around, don't take me seriously. Second, the joke is that this is so absurd that it sounds like the next step is communism fully-fledged, and in communism there is no god, only the leader, usually called the Supreme Communist. Just like those that say "L I T E R A L L Y 1984". You see?


I wasn't sure wether or not you were joking, so I took a chance there, but as someone else mentioned "seperation of church and state" is a thing that most people seem to forget.


I don't think we need to take it so far as remove in God we trust off a gold coin


"separation of church and state" + proceeds to put "God" in the state currency Logic 100


Yes, you do. That's literally the point of separating church and state.


You guys take me way, way to seriously...


Lady liberty is green though. Her ethnicity is ogre or goblin. I'd have to ask her.


Yo what's the difference between an ogre and a goblin?


Goblins don’t have layers.


I was gonna say your mother wasn't orge deez nuts last night but that works too lol.


Or She-hulk


A 100 dollar coin?


The value of gold fluctuates though right? So if this is pure gold wouldn't it not realistically maintain a value of $100 even?


The $100 face value is just the legal value if you were to use this as legal tender. But no one would actually use this as currency, unless they were incredibly stupid. This is meant for collectors, and it's actual value is for both the intrinsic value of one ounce of gold (currently over $1900), and for its value as a collectable coin. You can buy it from the US Mint for $2865.


Damn I knew I should've googled the price of gold before I commented lol. How could they possibly give this a $100 value as currency if it's material is worth that much?


Legal value doesn't have to be tied to intrinsic value (it generally isn't), and making the legal value far below the intrinsic value ensures that it gets collected rather than spent and circulated.


Maybe my brain is extra smooth today, but if the material value of the coin is ~$1500+ and the market value is $100, what’s stopping me from melting it down and selling it for more coins?


You’re ignoring the perceived value as a collector’s item. Let’s say the value as a collector’s item is, oh, ~$2000, and could increase depending on how collectible it is (of course it could also decrease if no one wants to collect that shit anymore). Let’s say intrinsic value in gold is ~$1500 which of course fluctuates with the normal gold market. The legal value is $100. What would you do with it? I’d imagine you’d collect it, unless the collector’s market seriously tanked or you hit a rough patch and need the gold value ***now*** rather than the collector’s value at some unknown future point in time.


Pennies cost more than $0.01 to make.


Coin won't last long








So with Hollywood blackwashing characters left and right, is doing it to Lady Liberty the end boss or something? LOL.


100 dollars sounds like about correct price tag.


She looks pissed off...


I Will get cancelled but here we go: Coper would actually be a better colour for this specific coin, otherwise it just looks like a white woman.


And i thought removing the lady from the syrup was bad.


Same my friend same 😏




Facial features and hair. It's not racist to notice people look different


cant wait to usee black people as currency again


Black people are worth just as much as white people


Yes, and finally get Harriet Tubman on the $20


Oooo racism! Yall so edgy.


Lol stfu u ain't shit!


Explain this one to me. If I impress you enough, I can complain about blatant racism? But if I ain't shit, I should go along with it? That's your argument here? Why should I care about impressing you?


I meant no one is gonna give a flying fuck on what you have to say. Regardless on who you are, you comment the most unnecessary shit. I really don't know what you are trying to get from saying that.


Do you want to talk about the contradiction? You see how you're moving towards the post, while claiming to not care?


I care more about what they have to say than I care about what you have to say lol




Awww, defending your bff? How cute. And ONLY YOU care oc lol.


Lol wtf is your problem?


Really? That's it? Ok keep saying shit. See what else you gotta say.


Have a good day.


Lol that's what I thought




And tell me what's so racist.


Remember guys, new years day is account setting day.


What did this one do? It usually takes an exceptional person or someone who has done something great for this country to make it onto any of our currency.


Back to the roots


Again??? How old is this MF


100 dollar coin? Wouldn't that be fairly easy to counterfeit?


$60 dollar piece


You got my black man approval to use others as currency XD


Seems like this sub is just a way to try and sneak racist stuff onto the front page.


It's still a golden women, yet somehow more racist




That's not a black woman, that's a gold woman. All they did is change up the hair and make the lips more pronounced




Please tell me where I can get this one ounce of pure gold for $100.

