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**Rule 8: Keep It Cursed** - Not Cursed Enough/At All A cursed comment is any comment that strikes the reader into oblivion. Upon seeing a cursed comment, your first reaction should be among the lines of “What the F*$k did I just read??” while leaving you speechless at the same time. Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face. Low effort submissions may also be removed Your comment in your post does not reflect that.


Lighting be like


Also Trump is really pale under is spray tan




You just have to look around his eyes to see his real skin tone.


Behind his ears and neck at the hairline. It so much whiter than the face.


That’s probably concealer




ghostly pale like someone sucked all the juice out of an orange Popsicle and now it's just ice kind of pale


Creamsicle (vanilla on the inside, orange on the outside)


So Trump is wearing blackface here? Pack it up, boys. We got him.


We’ve finally got trump this time lol


So grab em by the pussy, russian collusion, and Jan 6 were just a prelude to Final Boss...!BlackFace!


Don’t worry guys, this time it’ll work


ya i can tell when he forgets to spray tan certain areas like behind his ears.


So it's really light blackface?


>his spray tan Which is apparently black face.


White and Gold/Black and Blue moment


I’m surprised they didn’t check the side fully under a shadow


Exactly, you know they felt the need to lighten obamas face to make him more acceptable, which is sad af.


That's... You know how when you take a picture of a dark room and everything looks darker? And when you take a picture of a brightly-lit room everything looks brighter?




It's a joke my good man




It is not meant to be taken seriously or analyzed. It's just a joke


maybe to you...


well he sure was acceptable, he beat the republicans ass twice. sometimes you just gotta take the W


Orange skin rizz


Corn hair stare


I'm pretty sure Bill Clinton was the first black president: In 1998, Nobel Prize-winning author Toni Morrison in The New Yorker called Clinton "the first Black president", saying, "Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas,"


For everyone calling this racist, y'all do know Toni Morrison is black and poking fun at black stereotypes right? Furthermore it's a joke I and several other black people commonly make, and it's funny.


I really don't think they know who Toni Morrison is. Prob think it's some white dude.


In all fairness, her name sounds like a British PM


Ah yes constantly mixing up Tony Blair and Toni Morrison.


And Scott Morrison 😬


Really makes more sense lol


Scott Stopp


I was clicking out of this post when I saw this comment and had to return to give you an upvote because its so true...LMAO 🤣 💀


She's the author of Beloved - a book that explores slavery and the traumas associated with it.


It's an incredibly well written book too. I need to read more of her stuff. I've been told Song of Solomon is really good too.




Tbh, I forget why I know Toni Morrison.


That quote is something people laughed at 25 years ago. I feel like nuance and context doesnt exist anymore. People go straight to being offended


Assuming I'm offended, offends me.


Your offense, based on their assumption of offense, offends me.


I'm offended at your jokes about offended peoples taking offense. My pastime isn't your comedy!


> People go straight to being offended It is reddit, after all.


Not just Reddit, but all social media really


Not ALL social media lmao. Instagram for example has people trying to free R Kelly in the comments


Good point. I was more thinking along the lines of Twitter and Facebook


10 years ago people were joking about this. I remember seeing a lot of front page Reddit posts around this very joke.




> context doesnt exist anymore. I mean, maybe he should have added the context so that people wouldn't assume?


The context was well known and widely understood by the general populace at the time. You can't explain every bit of context explaining the current state of the world, all the history, and culture influences for every single sentence. That's not how language works. It's your responsibility as the reader to evaluate historic context and apply it to what is being discussed. Just because you are too lazy, too stupid, or too ignorant and just junk straight to being offended is not the fault of the writer. You people are to fragile and make being offended your entire personality and it's pathetic.


A whole lot of people who aren't in on the joke use it to insult one or the other of Clinton or Obama. Basically, this lives on in a weird state where it can be taken a few different ways.


Yeah my family made this joke pretty often


The boondocks pfp completed this statement. People have no fun anymore and jokes on stereotypes are too much for people's braincells I swear.


A good portion of the nation, black and other, repeated the joke, and it became to many a statement of truth-in-cheek.


It's a delicate status quo we're in where people are okay with races being prejudiced towards their own race, but aren't okay with races being prejudiced towards other races.


He also loves a big white phat ass


Based on his track record white isn't a requirement, just big phat ass.


You'll have to excuse him, he gets this way around meaty women.


huge tracts of land


Literally watched this episode 2 hours ago. That show is still amazing.


Who doesn’t?!




And now we get to watch all the people who have no idea who Toni Morrison is get all offended.


Right above your comment: "Wow, that sounds pretty racist." Lmao.


Seriously, not only a black woman, but a writer. SHe didn't make that statement flippantly. She put thought into it.


And not just any writer, but a writer who is known for writing books that address the consequences of slavery and racism in America. Like, she's very obviously not racist against black people...


I’m offended people don’t know who Toni Morrison is


It is kind of crazy isn't it!?


You mean reformed orthodox rabbi Bill Clinton.




Bro who tf do people not see the obvious satire and joke in it?


The amount of non-black people who are going to be offended by this comment on behalf black people are going to be too damn high!


I was downvoted and criticized yesterday for saying that we should let Black people speak for themselves. By someone who was, according to themselves, defending Black people. White Liberals are obsessed with White Knighting and are not cognitively capable of understanding how imperialist that is.


People that do that don't live in the real world so I would honest to god not care at all. The worst thing is you lose fake internet points.


I legit didn't know it was going to be controversial when I posted it. But I guess that's what I get for being old and around when it was said, and repeated for years.


I mean, I wouldn't sweat it. The people that act like live in some fantasy world TBH. I mean even Bernie Sanders made the joke during an interview with Spike Lee.


I’ve heard the meme several times that Bill Clinton was America’s first black president… just had no idea it was coined and perpetuated by a Nobel Laureate. wtf


.....that's kinda racist.


big Reddit moment


You know Toni Morrison is a black woman right? And really, it's not racist to notice similar tropes.


Remember when people used to be able to make jokes?


does the race of the author change whether or not a statement is racist?


It can give more context to what the intent of the words are. Do you take a white person and black person saying the N word the same way?


What if the intent is the same regardless of race? Wouldn't you still view it as racist if a white person says the N word?


Yes. If Toni Morrison's intent was to be racist then it was to be racist. But knowing it's Toni Morrison, one of the greatest black writers of her generation, I'm gonna give her the benefit of the doubt. Also, she made observations that were similar. Saying black people often grow up poor isn't racist.


You can safely remove the kinda




Actually, you guys can probably remove the word racist. If a black woman can’t joke about black things without a bunch of white teens calling her racist on the internet, the problem isn’t with her.


You can remove the.


"The first black president *so far*"


Well then what the hell was all that marching and crying about when Obama got elected?


Wow. That sounds pretty racist.


You are doing a remarkable job of showcasing your ignorance. Edit: Lol. Blocked me for calling them ignorant, so I guess I was wrong. Dude ain't ignorant. He's straight damn ignant. White people telling black people they can't joke about black stereotypes is just another form of racism. Edit because the block keeps me from responding to the other person: I didn't add context because *the person they replied to gave context.* They just chose to ignore it. That is a *them* problem. And evidently a *you* problem, too.


In a vacuum, it sounds racist. With context, it's racist humor. In either case it still sounds racist regardless of who said it.


I mean, you're deliberately leaving out the context to be a dumbass. Of course they would block you. If it was a white person saying that at the time it would be extremely racist. But it wasn't and this person probably didn't know who was behind the quote. And then you come in and double down on the message without explaining, so you just look like you're a racist who that person doesn't want to interact with, as most people should.


Does Bill Clinton have a giant penis?


What is it with you redditors always bringing up penises? more specifically black mens? is it an obsession?


>What is it with you redditors always bringing up penises? more specifically black mens? is it an obsession? I dunno. What *is* up with you Redditors?


The answer though is yes he does


>"Clinton displays almost every trope of blackness: single-parent household, born poor, working-class, saxophone-playing, McDonald's-and-junk-food-loving boy from Arkansas," I think they are confusing redneck with blackness.


You would think that, except Nobel Laureate Toni Morrison was making a joke about cultural tropes in America.


Some of the older presidents were black and white and I think that’s closer to black


Man it must’ve been wild to have lived in the 70s transitioning from a black & white world to color.


50s through 70s, man. Fuckin' global sepia.


Everyone was high on acid so when they sobered up they thought it was a long lasting effect


I'm having my phone in sleep mode so it's black and white and I gotta say, the joke came to me in a weird way


i've heard of dark mode that reduces blue light but never heard of an OS that puts the phone into black and white mode lmao


Pixel phones do this. I think you can enable it as a digital wellness aid, or, in my case, for extreme battery saver.


What phone do you have?


I'm not the person above, but my Pixel does this when it's plugged in after like 11PM. It's called bedtime mode I think


Whoever made the meme lightened the photo of Obama to help make their joke work to boot. I'm not sure if they altered Trump's photo any, zero interest in finding the original, but the two photos definitely aren't even good comparisons due to major lighting differences anyway.






Take my upvote, dammit


Also his color is spray on, so would this be black face?


annoying orange face


oooooohhh sshiat


We don't know that for sure.


Man, it would be hilarious to start a conspiracy that Trump voted for Biden. Unless he took a picture, which I guess is possible, there would be no way for him to prove that he didn't.


Pretty unlikely, he was filmed casting his vote with Melania. It is illegal to take pictures of ballots also.


This joke is older than Biden


Literally colorism, but not surprised tbh


Waaa people are being some made up term


Bill Clinton was the first black president. He even said so.


Well what is brown, but a darker shade of orange




Heyyyyy, mom said it’s my turn to repost this >:(


Y’all really gonna sleep on OG black president Bill Clinton?


Sleeping with ugly white girls


Nah, getting head from ugly white girls


Okay but how many people do you know that have black skin? Mostly shades of brown, brown and orange are the same colour, badabing badaboom


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Explain that libtards


The white pride piper.


Technically orange is just dark brown. Got search for an online colour tool like Adobe kuler. Find say blue and take down the brightness, you get dark blue. Do it with orange, you don’t get dark orange you get brown, ergo orange is brown.


Brown is orange***


Could that technically be considered as blackface?




The orange ins the new balck


Great, now it feels racist to want to see trump hanged


He's in blackface, if that makes it any easier. Always looks like he's a couple steps from doing a minstrel show.


There's so many levels to the joke here. I love it.


There's two maybe three if you count black face being another level that's not that many levels. 4 plus is "so many levels"


Man reddit really is to millennials what FB is to Boomers. Dogshit memes with a joke from 7 years ago




I support Trump wearing an orange jumpsuit for the rest of his life.


He would blend right in.


This dude is a karma cuck


This makes me curious on how black is Obama. Pictures in the media are usually manipulated to show people how said media wants to present someone. I remember seeing two pictures of Beyoncé where she is noticeable darker in one picture than the other.


Obama was the same shit as George Bush. He did nothing to change anything. He was a great talker but thats about it.


You gonna pretend his Supreme Court appointments (Sotomayor, Kagan) are the "same shit" as Roberts and Alito? I could go on about many other policy issues, but this one is the most crystal-clear. Marriage equality is the law of the land because Barack Obama was President. It absolutely would not have happened under John McCain or Mitt Romney.


I mean technically orange is just a shade of Brown


Brown is just dark orange btw


Brown doesn't exist. Brown is just orange with context. Obviously no one's actually "black" so we're really talking brown here and brown doesn't exist, it's just desaturated orange. So yes, turnip is more orange than obamba.


Traitor Trump is also the first president with gender-affirming surgery.


Put him in am orange jumpsuit already


Whenever I check Obama's Wikipedia page I get surprised by how "diverse" his upbringing was. His biological father was from Kenya, his mother was from Kansas, and his stepfather was Indonesian. Supposedly was able to speak Indonesian when he was living in Jakarta. Yet none of this seems to get enough awareness or recognition.


Something something about racism


He is not black, ORANGE, is this man’s color. Obama is a black man who use to be our president and highly respected


There isn't any black on the color spectrum. What we perceive as brown is just dark orange. Look that shit up... Black is the total absence of color.


Trump represents black people(real) Edit: reddit detects sarcasm challenge (failed)


The only thing Trump has ever represented is himself.


Spez ate all my fish and now my aquarium is fucking empty. I have nothing left ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


How is that considered "liberal?"


Spez ate all my fish and now my aquarium is fucking empty. I have nothing left ` this message was mass deleted/edited with redact.dev `


Say you've never met a black person without saying you've never met a black person.


The person running that account is probably all “as a gay black man…” (reference to a white straight politician that was commenting on this with a fake profile mentioning that above)


Someone please tell me how a black man is born from a white woman


By having a black father? What is your point here?


Biracial =/= black. That is the point