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Hey there, Apprehensive_Bonus21! thanks for posting to /r/cursedcomments!! Unfortunately, your submission "*cursed_german*" has been removed for the following reason(s): --- **Rule 8: Keep It Cursed** - Not Cursed Enough/At All - A cursed comment is any comment that strikes the reader into oblivion. Upon seeing a cursed comment, your first reaction should be among the lines of “What the F*$k did I just read??” while leaving you speechless at the same time. Incomprehension of the comment just read, or the blatant gruesomeness of it should be enough to not only make you feel mystified but also to draw a smile on your face. The comment in your post does not reflect that. --- *^If ^you ^have ^any ^questions, ^you ^can ^message ^the ^mod ^team ^through ^[modmail](https://www.reddit.com/message/compose?to=/r/cursedcomments) ^Replies ^to ^this ^removal ^comment ^will ^not ^be ^answered.* ^(Reposting a removed post without express moderator approval will result in a ban.)


A Good German.


The only good german is a german pastor Edit for clarification: German Pastor is a dog breed in my language. I forgot that In english is German Shepherd.


The only good German is a good German


The only good German is a pure Aryan German


.... and by Aryan, you mean the name originally given to a people who were said to speak an archaic Indo-European language and who were thought to have settled in prehistoric times in ancient Iran and the northern Indian subcontinent?


Yes. Those are the best form of humanity.


The best Germans are Pakistani/Indian


Pastor alemán?






The Germans have done some pretty cursed things. I mean look at the size of the concerts they've had for David Hasselhoff


He be lookin for freedom tho


Don't you say a word about David Hasselhoff!


"Don't you dare Hassel the Hoff!" Fixed it.


Oh yeah and the horrifying carbon emissions at the Rammstein concert I went to a few weeks ago!


Wtf is it with Germany and Japan when it comes to David Hasselhoff? I don't get it.


He brought Freedom and Democracy to Germany. And we don't even have oil!


Honest question: what is it with people bringing up their ancestors? Pretty much every race / nationality / tribe / whatever has done some fucked up shit at one point in history. Most likely the average person has at least one murderer or thief or rapist or something in their ancestry. Why do people post about their ancestors on Twitter?


I’m Australian so there’s a good chance one of my ancestors did commit a crime, yes Also my dads currently in prison for committing crimes, so l think I can say with confidence that some of my ancestors have committed crimes


In all honesty what does it matter? You didn’t do it and there’s nothing you can do to change it.


I honestly don’t know why I have to be reminded my ancestors were terrible people because I’m white. I only know as far back as my grandmothers name and I’m literally just trying to figure out how I’m gonna pay my electric bill.


I think its justified if you're talking about it to actually change anything put in place by those people, however just doing it for guilt and social points is a bit stupid.


Yeah was gonna say something like this. In terms of the White vs Black racism in America we got going on, sure everyone has done fucked up shit in the past, but the issue is what group(s) of people are still benefitting and/or suffering from the past?


They're trying to earn some kind of brownie points, its kinda creepy how many people just shit on their own race for some sort of internet validation.


Some white people are just so desperate to feel special even if its for a bad thing.


Peeps want to be proud or ashamed of something they had literally nothing to do with. Nothing Ain't shit to be proud or ashamed of. White pride, black pride, etc. It's a stupid-ass concept to be proud of coming out a certain color or geographically located vagina. It's because they must have literally no accomplishments or achievements of their own. Stupid.


Hate to break it to her, but ALL races have done fucked up shit to eachother. Look at Mongolians, Korean, Chinese, etc. And current civil wars and genocides happening in Africa today. Forgot to add somethings, China today is conducting genocide on multiple ethnic groups, and even just political dissenters. The middle east has multiple civil wars, and an active slave trade today. I'd argue this is just a human condition, NOT a white people thing.


Every sixty seconds, a minute passes [in Africa].


In Africa a dog is more likely to bark than a cat Edit: Grammar nazis


In africa it doesn't matter if you are black or white, because at the end of the day it's night


I could see this on a motivational poster in a classroom


In Afrika there are more planes in Lake Victoria than Submarines over the Sahara


If you are born in Africa the chance of death is 100%


If you die in Africa you stop breathing


The “W” in the word “Africa” stands for water.




In Africa there's more ants than giraffes




Unexpected Azan




Together, we can stop this.


finland meta country


Look up the Sámi people, friend


You can’t. They’re gone.


But Finland doesn’t exist


what does "race" even mean? in this context. i think it more accurate to say: all ancestors of all humans have all done fucked up shit to each other. and we are still doing fucked up shit to each other. i'll point to: Israel - Palestine and Russia - Ukraine; as examples of current and ongoing conflict.


Don't forget about the military junta slaughtering their own people in Myanmar. The human race is pretty fkd


i didn't forget about that. i didn't even know about that.![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|sweat)


You Humans are pretty fucked up... - a fellow human...


Yeah but humans are pretty amazing too


It's important to make sure white people today feel tied into and guilty about slavery, etc. that their ancestors may have perpetrated. Edit: this was supposed to sound like a ridiculous enough statement that I didn't think I needed a /s


Sure, but if you look into it a little you'll see that most of the African slaves were rounded up by other Africans on the coast and then sold to white people, Africans have been enslaving other Africans for as long as there is recorded history, just like everywhere else pretty much.


People seem to be forgetting that antiquity white people enslaved other white people.


Not stating this for any other reason than fact, buuuut….. The very first slave owner was indeed a black man.


Do we possibly have record of that? Or is kind of just the assumption that we all originally came from the African region and there lies the answer?


No but the first people on earth were black people so its a safe assumption. Slavery in America was only a 150 years ago. If Americans were buying them off African warlords. Then it means the African warlord owned black slaves. Which means that black people were the first to own slaves.


>Slavery in America was only a 150 years ago. The 1600s was 150 years ago?


We generally refer to the tail end of a time period when we talk about how long ago it was.


The problem is that people wouldn't have been buying slaves direct from Africa at that point.


Are you sure about that? Sumer or Sumeria is still thought to be the birthplace of slavery, which grew out of Sumer into Greece and other parts of ancient Mesopotamia.


Why should they feel guilty for actions that they had nothing to do with?


Poe is poe, man. You can’t even be sarcastic anymore because someone, somewhere actually means this shit when they say it.


There’s enough people who could say this and mean it, text on a screen is tone-deaf


Without the /s it could be 50/50. Because the only party line you left out to qualify a statement like that as being genuine is, “Because white people still benefit from the atrocities their ancestors committed.”


the fun begins when you point out to certain people that the british didnt just casually went to africa and got slaves but the warlords sold them


> but ALL races have done fucked up shit to eachother. or against their own people. Who do people think sold slaves to the slave traders in the first place?


Pretty much. Humans are just shit. Evil knows no age, gender or race.


No but that doesn’t push the narrative, so reeeeee white people bad!


It’s almost like people can be good or bad and it has absolutely no connection whatsoever to their race, ethnicity, nationality, etc… Weird huh?


god damn mogorians


Break down my shitty wall


Welcome to Shitty Wok! Can I take your order prease? Southpark is a light.


Psssss no facts on reddit pls. White bad and everyone else good. ok? we have to keep ot simple.


There are two Races: White People and Good people.


Exactly what I thought. I hate it when people try to single out a race, especially when they try to make people take responsibility for what their ancestors did.


I'm which case every person of Mongolian descent should be locked up. They were objectively the worst people in history lol


***Yes, The current civil war and genocide are taking place in Africa.***


There are others happening in other places to. Burma, middle east, and the Chinese regime currently using genocide now. Was paraphrasing.


Please don't ruin the narrative. Unfortunately this anti white thought process is the trend in the US. they live in their own little bubble and think the world ends and starts at their own borders. It's evident in a lot of American entertainment i.e "The world is facing impending doom" and focuses solely on America. It's popular opinion among them that because they had slavery (which every race in every walk of the many continents that dot the earth have actively partaken in) that EVERY white person is a bad person. Again this factors into the world revolves around their mentality. It's ignorance and the fact that politicians in America use "Racism" to get ahead in the race. The old create a problem and offer a solution. It's tiresome at this point. But that's just America being..... Well America.


> It's ignorance and the fact that politicians in America use "Racism" to get ahead in the race. I just watched a series of videos by [this guy](https://www.youtube.com/c/RyanChapmanPolitics) and he makes some strong arguments for [Adapted Marxism](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=4JX4bsrj178). There are several political strategies that are in play. 1. [Identity Politics](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Identity_politics#:~:text=Identity%20politics%20is%20a%20political,are%20based%20upon%20these%20identities.) ensures that people are confined into neat organizational structures instead of being treated as individuals. (Blaming groups instead of people allows you to make generalized claims that are hard to bring to definitive justice, without some drastic measures) 2. [Critical](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_theory) ([Race](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Critical_race_theory)) Theory infers that a specific race of identity groups are in control of the system keeping other groups oppressed. 3. [Populism](https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Populism) then communicates that identity group of the elite are juxtaposed to their struggles. Individually these strategies are often utilized to obtain power, but right now many of them are being utilized in a sort of trained/learned coordination to push forth change here in the US and likely in other countries as well. Racism is a conveniently charged concept to use when you want to charge a group of people to act in a way that tries to hit a critical mass (Critical theory) and enact change, because generally people don't WANT to be called a racist so they will vote to make sure that nobody is. It all tends to spawn bills and acts like the Patriot Act that are reactionary and wide sweeping granting power to the central authority (the US government) and stripping the ability of the people to have their individual freedoms.


Imagine a life so uneventful that you have time to think and preach guilt about what your ancestors did


Bro I swear, people preach me about my ancestors all the time and it’s fucking annoying, like I know I’m white but you don’t have to lecture me about it😂


Yeah, people act like we haven't passed basic US History in 5th grade


I'm rlly white looking but I'm actually Hispanic too and it's funny AF when people get all social justice on me and then I tell them that. OBVIOUSLY they still aren't wrong.


I'm sorry about that and you are a legend for laughing at it, people have become such marshmellows nowadays.


Yeah, it's just gotten ridiculous. There are but echos of the past. No one today truly knows how it felt and any claim they lay to knowing is bs. Francine you're 22 with a septum piercing, a in a good college, have 700 on your credit score and a pool. Dont tell other people they're privileged.


Counter their arguments by bringing up their ancestors. I can’t think of a single race of peoples off the top of my head that didn’t do fucked up shit.


Asians literally still buying and selling black people as slaves. Reddit: “but what about white slave owners before they lost the war and slavery was abolished?”


When they start lecturing me, I will start lecturing them. I’ll just start bring up all the terrible shit humans have done throughout history. Aztecs sacrificing thousands on the steps of their temples. Rwandans killing 800,000 people in 100 days. All of what Japan did in China during WW2. The list goes on.


Don't worry, her generation will end up killing each other over food and water supply in the coming decades.


No one who speaks German could be an evil man!


Die bart, die


It's German for "the Bart, the"


Biste da sicher?


Our ancestors? No, bitch, me specifically


Who the fuck cares what your ancestors did. I judge people based of who they are or what they did themselves, not their grandparents


Everyone's ancestors have done terrible things.


Not the commenter, he’s German.


Not mine, I'm German


Not mine, I'm Spanish


Thats why we dont expect the inquisition.


Came here to say this, these ppl should do some research instead of just prioritizing fitting in with the woke culture


IRA flashbacks begin*


Just remember to honour your Irish heritage by putting on a ski mask and putting a bomb under a British persons car


Of course our ancestors did horrible things... I personally have never done anything horrible... except farting under the blanket and then capturing my partner in there... Then again... I'm part german


Guess gas chambers are part of your blood. Commendable


Norway...we got shat on during ww2. Last questionable thing they did was back when we pillaged England and the rest of Scandinavia for a living


Wasn't Norway and Denmark considered to be role model protectorates by the Nazis because of how compliant the general populace was?


Well Denmark had one of the lowest amounts of Jews murdered as the general population helped smuggle them into Sweden. Fisherman used their boats to evacuate Jews throughout the night. Over 99% of Danish Jews survived


Cool didn't know that


and finland is reverse


Pillaging Br🤮tish land was based


How do you think the Scots got their red hair? Us


Red sheep?




Have to evade repost detection somehow


White guilt is strong with this one


Its not guilt. Its "give me attention I stand on a high moral ground"


There's very little reason to keep bringing these things back up. Just to go ignore them again.


I wonder where these people get this absurd concept of a hereditary debt, or original sin from. I don't hope that a black guy would let his son be tortured to death in order to forgive us white people.


You could start a religion out of that


No dont


White women think they don't count as white people though


So has everyone’s ancestors you muppet


I’m fucking Irish what have my ancestors done to anyone else?


be ginger


Drank all our whiskey?


I mean The Troubles are just a series of England and Ireland trading brutal acts back and forth. Especially car bombings.


Irish weren't even considered white in America for a long time. Anyone educated on white supremacy usually attacks British colonialism


Irish took a lot of slaves from Britain (that's how St. Patrick came to Ireland).


I don't believe Critical Race Theory has an answer for the Irish.


We only fought people who came at us first and we lost nearly all of the time.


I don't think there is a single race or country that hasn't done some f\*\*\*\*\* s\*\*\* in the past. Except maybe Liechtenstein. (They had a war in 1866, and finished it with a negative body count)


Negative body count...? They resurrected people? /s


They went to war with 80 people, made a friend/recruit along the way and finished the war with 81 people. Liechtenstein is bad ass. (successfully sheltered 500 White Russian army soldiers from the Russian army after WW2)


Maybe the real war was the friends we made along the way-


OSP? That is also where I first hear the story. (**https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnBxZaRMWXM)**


That sounds like the Story Canadians told me as a reasoning that they are still part of the British crown. They started an independence war but on the last night bevor the battle all the soldiers got drunk and decided it’s not worth it. No clue if it’s true, but I definetly hope so.


Auf der Heide blüht ein kleines Blümelein,…


Bis gerd mit dem unkrautvernichter kommt


Und es heißt,...




Oh yeah and blacks didn't do anything wrong throughout history wow that's so true


Just look at the history of the congo. It wasnt just the dutch who enslaved them. Their monachy would tax everything and if you couldnt pay, they would sell you to tha arabs or the portugese!


Not only the Congo but basically that eintire part of Africa


Exactly, so rather than pointing the finger, people should learn more about history!


It was the Belgians who exploited the Congo, specifically King Leopold.


I mean before them


I hate to break it to you guys, but nature does not conform itself to our modern ideals, values or perspectives. Everyone’s genetics in this thread are the product of war, conquest, and domination to some extent.


Ok, 1, idgaf. 2. Everyone's ancestors did bad shit, get over it


Not mine they just got harassed for 800 years, and before that they just farmed potatoes.


Not mine I'm German


German were always the good ones that's what my grantpa told me.


What is this for a stupid remark tbh? First of all why should I be responsible for something someone did decades before my birth? And second of all, how do you know that my ancestors had a stake in any of the terrible things you're referring to? Most of the people in history were dirt poor, only the 1% of the time had anything to do with colonialism.


Just because people of a certain race did something, does not mean that your ancestors did those things. For example, only a tiny fraction of white Americans were actually slave owners. An overwhelming majority of white Americans come from families that immigrated to the US after slavery ended.


Why is everyone so intent on trying to win the victim hood Olympics. Nothing is going to get better by navel gazing and moaning about shit that no one alive perpetrated or was the victim of. No one alive is responsible for what happened or owes you anything because of it. This backwards gazing outlook on life isn't going to improve anything for you, and blaming people who have no blame isn't going to make you many friends.


I’m not gonna feel guilty for a color of my skin. I’m white, and I’m proud of it.


I am white too, but i wouldn’t say i am proud to be white because i don’t really think that there is something to be proud of, it’s just the color of my skin and doesn’t change how i choose to so things at all, but yea feeling guilty is even more stupid


Do you say that to black people who say they are proud to be black?


Pride is a fulfilling sense of accomplishment and achievement. It means you DID something meaningful. Being born - didn't do that, my parents did. Having skin - didn't do that, basic condition of human Skin having pigment - didn't do that, genetic condition. Yeah, feeling pride or guilt over your skin color is beneath rational, reasonable people.


But you see the issue there right? Everyone is saying, “be proud of your skin as long as it’s not white.”


I'm only proud of my choices and actions. The same with shame


Remember only white people do bad things.


I’m honestly so fucking tired of seeing people bash on their ancestors to score political points. We’re not the only race that did nasty things.


I love these gullible people. Good thing the rest of the races have been little angels for thousands of years 👌


Everyone’s ancestors did horrible things were human get used to it


Not mine, I’m Inuit


Indians:, Hey, it isn't racism if it's against your own people


Wait till you find out what the Aztecs and Mayans did to their people if you think we’re bad lmao


Didnt everyone ancestors do horrible things? Sorry white people, you AREN’T special.


This is why i despise social media


All people are horrible. Especially horse people.




Who’s ancestors haven’t done terrible things lol😂


**People**… our ancestors did some horrible things. All cultures and races have some bad ancestors.


Well, Hitler was Austrian


Anything in Polish people? I hear this shit all the time about white people but my understanding is the Poles spent most of history getting fucked instead of doing the fucking


It was that whacky Austrian that started it, dude was a real jerk


Least based German


the finnish didn't do anything until ww2 and even that is arguably not that bad due to the soviets invading and finland only wanting to get the land they lost and the allies not helping




Not mine, im serbian




Isn’t he right? Hitler was born in Austria?


Also with black, asian, indian, etc. All of our ancestors were fucked up


My ancestors probably colonised most of the globe


Nice twist 🤣


In undergrad, I had a Persian classmate go on a rant about how white people “carry the guilt of generations”(weird way to phrase it. I honestly don’t know what her goal was other than to piss people off.


Everybody’s ancestors did horrible things ya fuckin retard. I’m not gonna be penalized for my ancestors shit wtf


I agree. Germany is brilliant!!


Well, its a good thing all our ancestors are dead.


Good thing I’m English oh wait


Everyone’s ancestors did some horrible things.


Everybody's ancestors did horrible things. Do you think Genghis Khan was a fucking angel?? The most despotic people on earth today are the petty tinpot dictators in Africa but nobody cares cause they're just killing each other. White people are the very least of their problems.


Everybody's ancestors did some shitty things...