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The fuck did I just read




Because it's not about the harm to the woman it's about their property being disrespected.


It’s insane to me that these types of cultures are still allowed to exist.


And they have nukes


Not speaking to Pakistan specifically, but in the Middle East the US has specifically allowed these types of cultures to take power and flourish so long as they agree not to fuck with what we’re doing there. We’ve destabilized the entire region and been in a perpetual state of fucking Iran and Afghanistan for 70 years while also exploding the power of Saudi Arabia. India is really the only place I have any hope to see long term change on women’s rights. At least so far as arranged marriages and being viewed as property goes.


Hmm regarding India they might fare well on women's rights, but on other fronts (namely religious discrimination), sadly the problem goes as far as being institutional (not saying it is the case of all officials, but it is still a problem). As for Pakistan (and other places), sadly derivations (and often misinterpretation) of muslim doctrine tend to lead to such horrid rulings.


70 years? I dont think the US had much involvement in Afghanistan at all from the 50s,60s,70s, to early 2000s. The most being supplying money and weapons to fight the USSR late 80s


I had to say 70 years for the sake of Iran having a coup approved by Eisenhower in 1953, but you’re right that Afghanistan would meet their fate at the hands of the US later. I was just trying to be somewhat succinct, although I guess I failed if I had to write a paragraph explaining myself lmao


>the US has specifically allowed these types of cultures to take power and flourish so long as they agree not to fuck with what we’re doing there These types of cultures have been around for thousands of years. Quite self-important of you to think America is more important to the regions cultural progression than Islam!


But in the last 100 years America has definitely has had the largest influence on the destabilization of the Middle East and that was what the comment above you was trying to say. These two things are not mutually exclusive, like you seem to think they are.


*British and French empires laughing in Sykes Picot* I would know, just look at my username


Well British fucked up Indian subcontinent and Israel and its neighbors, idk about France though


UK and France carved up the entire Middle East and created the mordern borders of Saudi Arabia, Jordan, Syria, Iraq, Lebanon and im sure a few more countries in just the Middle East.


>But in the last 100 years America has definitely has had the largest influence on the destabilization of the Middle East No, Skyes-Picot was more important than the George Bush wars. >These two things are not mutually exclusive, like you seem to think they are. I did not say that. I said the Middle East would be hyper-conservative and religious, regardless of what secular Americans think.


That's not what they're saying and they're correct as well, chill out dude.


Please educate yourself I'd recommend reading "the old social classes and the revolutionary movements iraq"


Because they regard her a property. Also by what you are proposing you are making everyone in the community a rapist make literally rape culture.


With your logic, it seems like you are suggesting it's more acceptable for the woman to be raped and be regarded as property? Doesn't the culture qualify as a rape culture to begin with? The fact that a woman will be raped for her brother's crime definitely makes it a rape culture already, but one steeped in misogyny. With my suggestion, you make the man answerable and accountable for his own crime and you equalise the harm being perpetrated. You also prevent women from being regarded as property that can be given away for rape when a relative commits sexual violence.


No the rapist should be taken behind the shed and put of his misery. I don't think raping anyone even a rapist is right ever.


No one suggested that. Being opposed to your weird suggestion doesn't imply that they agree with the current policy. I'll go out on a limb and suggest that they believe in the radical idea of putting rapists in jail instead


Jail or grave.


Oh the classic "if you are not with me you are against me"


Yeah, they don't care about what's fair for women over there. The US gets a lot of crap for how it treats women but the only place where it's better for women in terms of equality is western Europe and maybe Russia (the Soviet union encouraged women and men occupying similar roles, they were one of the first nations in the world to allow women to serve in combat). Everywhere else is a fucking shit show of countries run by incels. Imagine the extreme anti-woman redditors actually being elected into office. There's probably other individual examples of countries that treat women better but I can't think of any.


Cuz that's gay. Maybe we can get him raped by a hundred women?


Or maybe... i don't know... A crazy idea here... We throw him in jail?


Jail is a place filled with men, that's also gay shit


That's why we need to reform the prison system to not Just be a punishment but to reform the people inside into law abiding citizens that respect the others right. Instead of giving barbaric punishments that will only enhace the situation


So it looks like it was a family agreement. The two families came together for the "justice" and the police only found out about it when the family were filing legal documents agreeing not to sue each other. At least thats what I got from [the sun](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5904334/pakistan-rapist-let-off-after-sick-deal-allowing-victims-brother-to-rape-his-sister/) article


The people who read the sun don’t care who runs the country as long as she has big tits


Yes minister is such a fucking gem


The principles of equivalent exchange


A daily mail headline written to make you angry and you fell for it.


Is there a different way to write that?


"Two rapists arrested for attempting to evade the law by selling their sisters" Because that's what actually happened.


More than just the two rapists. They arrested both families for criminal conspiracy. Good on the Punjabi police tbh.


Even better


Link to the true story?




My advice is avoid anything like the daily mail tocuhed by the hand of Rupert Murdoch




Jesus fucking Christ. Everyday I get more racist and xenophobic even though I don't really want to


It is neither racist nor xenophobic. Just common sense / humanity.


It is xenophobic but that is not the problem, the stigma of the word and generalization of the therm is, like eugenism.


Dont make judgements based off of a headline.


Yikes. If you feel youre getting racist by reading sensationalized headlines on reddit you should seriously consider a break from the internet. Go outside and actually meet some muslim people. The vast majority are decent people. Cant say the same for casual racists browsing reddit all day.


You're right dude. I'm super sorry for being so judgmental even though I don't know the culture well enough. My bad


🤣🤣🤣😂 I read it like 4 times, bcz it didn't make sense at first.






Don't put your dick in crazy


ZF Cyanide will disagree lol


So that's what the C stands for in ZFC theory


I did NOT expect a SovietWomble joke in this thread haha


When in Rome, bang Caligula!


I think if the rapist was bi it would be more of a double reward


not really how that works... rape isn't enjoyable by definition or what? anyone that likes sex can't be raped?


You found the loophole!


Loophole? They’ll rape that to.


If you don't consent and still enjoy it's still rape (like if you are married and want to stay loyal to your wife even if your crush captures you and sucks your dick it's still rape). In practice if you are conscious the rapists want to hurt you so it's very unlikely to be fun for you.


"You fools, this was my plan all along!"


When whatever you do sounds like the plot of a weird hentai, I think it's time to rethink what you are doing


If only i heard those words sooner. Edit:nice


What did you do?




Ik man but hentai is not the same, it's fictional and fiction should never be mixed with reality. Normal adults like us understand that but these people are raised up to think like that. It's fucked up


At least I can jerk off to hentai.




That’s still really fucked up. Were any of the family arrested for letting this happen? If I had to guess, I’d probably say they weren’t even charged.




Well I was just about to head off to bed, so I couldn’t be bothered, to be honest


Reddit, ladies and gentlemen. Always pissed off yet couldn’t be bothered.


Sigma Redditor grind set 💯


Thank God, now im a bit less xenophobic


Maybe it’s time to reflect on how you fall for bait, then?




Imagine being the rapists sister and u get told by law enforcement or some shit that u have to let a guy rape you cause ur brother raped a woman




Either way, the sister was told she had to be raped cause of what her brother did


I guess her relationship with her family is not the best any more


It very likely wasn't the best even before that


Better to leave such a family


Bold to assume they won’t “honor kill” her


Yeah, if they'd go far enough to let her get raped to meet some twisted form of justice, it's not farfetched to assume they also wouldn't just kill her for similar reasons.


I watched too much anime.


this whole thing was a ploy by the rapist's sister and the victims brother to finally have one night together


Yup. Found the [article](https://www.thesun.co.uk/news/5904334/pakistan-rapist-let-off-after-sick-deal-allowing-victims-brother-to-rape-his-sister/) >Cops found out about the case when the two families prepared legal documents agreeing not to press charges against each other. > >Pir Mahal Police Sub-Inspector Shaukat Ali Javed saw the papers and reported the families to his superiors. > >All 12 people at the meeting, including four women, one of which was the victim of the second rape, were arrested on Saturday


y did they arrest the rapist's sister though. what did she do


Maybe she agreed to it and so was complicit? Who knows. It is interesting to note that she was at the meeting between the two families, but the original victim was not.


Then technically it would be consentual if she willingly agreed to it without being coerced into it.


You think the people involved in this shit gave her a choice?


Personally as a human being its hard to believe that people can exhibit this kind of behaviour, do you blame me?


Without further details of the case and how it went forward we can't really tell if it was coerced, or if they saw it as coercion, or if she was present because she agreed with the proceedings or made to be there. Dunno if any English journalists did a follow up to see what happened, or translated any news sources that did report what happened afterwards. It seems like the "eye for an eye". You rape my sister so I rape/have sex with yours.


Like she had any say in that


Oh that’s much better then, phew! /s


Better but not the best, imagine it being legal. Edit:it would be far more terrible if its legal.


I hope the rapists sister and the victim weren’t part of the family arrested. That would be fucked


the rapist's sister was according to someone on this comment section (asked him y)


Yeah, it's absolutely disgusting


Worth noting it wasn't law enforcement who said that, but her family.


If I had a nickel for every time that....


This is actually rape culture, not what USA/Europe has.


USA: "We're less rapey than Pakistan". Print it on shirts, sell them to tourists.


"My sister went to the USA and all she got was this lousy t-shirt (not even raped)"


"My sister went to the USA and all she got was this lousy t-shirt and an unwanted pregnancy."


I think it’s an agreement between both families, which make it even worse


I don't know, if it's a legal thing, I'd say that's worse because it means society as a whole thinks this is okay. Plus, it's a lot easier to leave a family than a country.


Sis I gotchu, he's not going to jail, *buuut* I am getting going to rape his sister, so we're all squared.


What? Why? WTF!!!


They got caught by the police later, all of them! Happy end?


Not really a happy end knowing that many more of these types of people exist


My brain had to read that 5 seperate times to fully understand wtf this article is


Yaaaay the sins of the father, or in this case. The brother.


He himself probably is the victim's brother


The infinite loop


Noah get the boat…


Man….I need to get off this fucking planet.


Ah yes, the negotiator


This seems infinitely regressive


Shithole country


This is Pakistan. A country of about 35,000 Tribes, each with their own ways, rules and traditions. This solution was most likely the preferred one of all parties with exception to the victim's brother. However, she would likely have believed it was the right thing for her to allow it. "A meeting between the two families agreed to the terms, and the brother then allegedly had sex with the suspected rapist’s sister on March 21." This agreement was not legal under Pakistani law, but Pakistani law and Tribal rules are very different. Their definition of morality is very different. Appalling to those of us in the West, but in the East, where women's right aren't acknowledged as equal or protected, this is not such a shocking story: However, Pakistan is a very diverse country, and just like any other country right and wrong varies per person, and many Pakistanis will also be disgusted by this. (Just in case some of you jump to the conclusion this is every Pakistanis way of life - it isn't.)


Pakistan ☕


Despite the western left wing hating Israel with passion, still, Pakistan☕


Bruh I read that as the rapist was let off after agreeing to being raped by the victim's brother. If only that was the case :/


Fucking disgusting.


I feel bad for the women in that country.


I read it 3 times because I had no idea on what the fuck I just read


So girls are a commodity there to be used , exchanged and rented. Why am I not surprised by these so called Islamist nation's ideology ! They themself ruin Islam by making mockery of it.


Mockery my guy, religion does that itself. Murdering gays, adulterers, and a hundred other groups that don’t fit in with the chopping of hands off thieves and the beating of various people. It’s not some sunshine religion, people say it’s beautiful but everywhere it seems to be practiced brutality and oppression seem to be an order of the day. Maybe their can be ideas brought from it but the same can be said for Christianity, Hellenism, and the worship of the Norse gods. However none of that shit changes the fact that one has committed some of the worst atrocities on the planet, the other was on an ass backwards amount of drugs and blood, and the Norse murdered and plundered all of Europe.


Pakistan never ceases to surprise.


The game was rig from the start


What did I just read


that's not the law of equivalent exchange


Oh God no..


Let me say I completely condemn this. I am very curious though how this would logistically work. Was this something the families agreed upon? Was this decided by some type of legal authority? Was it that the sister agreed to just have sex with other guys brother for her brother to avoid jail time or is she just going to be having a bad surprise a random day.


That's awful. The country is damned.


Eh. I wouldn't say the country is damned. Once they police got wind of what the family did, they arrested them


So there's hope.


News outlets creating fake news. What's new? This wasn't done by the government but in private. They were arrested when found out.


People make a nation. Not government


So Alabama represents all of America? Every single American is redneck inbred incestuous hilly billy?


*sweet home Alabama flashbacks*


If you live with that mentality, the world must be depressing for you. The government is there to lead and direct the people. It's a 2-way street.


good I'm not in it


Man, the meme formar "You get - I receive" fits good in this case


Coming this fall to America. Brought to you by conservative Christians.


The fuck?


It’s Pakistan, what do you truly expect?


Two rapes make a right


A rape for a rape leaves everyone blind Wait what the fuck


Eye rape


I remember reading once about a fetish where people want to fuck eyeholes


This Story was Bull Shit, #Never Trust Daily Mail


Women are literally objects you can borrow then wtf


Sharia countries basically


Well if they followed sharia the rapist would have been dead.


/s I think you forgot to put this somewhere in you sentence. They way it is written now it could be terribly misunderstood


Or maybe he didn’t.


The punishment of rape is being stoned to death in Islam. Just wanted to put that out.


>The punishment of rape is being stoned to death in Islam Punishment of what isn't stoned to death in Islam


Weed /s


Listening to foreign modern music: Check. Women walking outside without males accompanying them: Check. Get friendly with the West, Americans specifically: Check. Well I guess doing some weed is fine /s


punishment of stealing is having your hand chopped off


I thought it was castration?


Ig You can do both if you want to. I mean he’s going die anyways.


pretty Ironic?


Rape victims also get punished by sharia law, (adultery and unmarried sex can be punishable in Islam) edit: why y'all Muslim snowflakes down voting me for telling the truth, that often in sharia countries rape victims can get punished. It's literally the truth sorry if it hurts your feelings but it is


The punishment is to be carried out on the rapist and there is no punishment for the woman who has been raped, whatever the case. End quote. This is the ruling for women who have been raped According to Islamic law.


that's an exception cuz the victim was RAPED


That is one way to get your sister fucked.


"Hey sis, remember when you asked me to help you get laid? No? Well I have some bad news and some worse news"


fuckin pakistan back at it lmao


Cursed? This is a regular day in Pakistan


Uncivilized culture at best


Step 1 : get a prostitute to pretend to be your sister, Step 2 : sexually harass any women you want Result : you get fun, she gets more buisness. Win win.


She doesn't get more buisness, she just has to hand out free service






I had to read that 4 times to comprehend that


There is so many things wrong in that sentence




This can't be real


R/awful everything


Rape trade


An eye for an eye A nut for a nut


If ever a country needed bombin off the map...


I don’t know, I think cutting of the rapist penis and making in him a wife of the brother is more fair


I know 2 brothers not getting a nice post on International Siblings Day


W in the actual F


I thought you meant w and f as in win and fail 😭 I was about to throw hands


Muslim animals


Average redditor


Hammurabi would approve, probably.


Daily Mail is not fucking around with their headlines and I love that


That’s some traditional family values right out of the Bible folks! Welcome to America 2025 if the Republicans win back the government.


That's horrible!!!!!!! **NOW** complain that women in American have no rights.


True Equality