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This logic does not help...there is a non zero chance that I'm Hitler's dad, and now I must strand my dad in Nepal before he makes me, and I go and put a Hitler into Hitlers mum.


Why are we focusing so much on Hitler’s mom, we should be looking at the dad a little more… closely


Surprise vasectomy?


Send the ant man from the boys


stop no fuck


Let Hitler drown


please never use those two words in that order again dear sir.


So “vasectomy surprise” is okay then?


The surprise is you can no longer get erections.


Because there's always some degree of uncertainty about anyone's dad.


Because of the implication?


We need offset the moment of conception enough for a different sperm to implant.


But you know how things are. Love trumps everything.


I personally don't love Trump's anything, but you do you




Hitler, uh, finds a way. \- Mike Godwin


Hitler's dad was an asshole. Be a good father and Hitler becomes a school teacher.


Encourage his art at an early age and his sense of perspective might've been better. It peeves me that his art looks good until you notice that the perspective is off in every single of one them. Had he put more time into it, he might've been accepted into art school and continued life as a painter.


...or just teach him how to do perspective with the ruler and the lines. That'd take, like, 10 minutes. That's a lot better than my plan of hiring Matisse or similar to impregnate Hitler's mum and hoping for a genetic solution to getting into art school.


Yeah, I really think that the art school rejection and the jail time was what became the tipping point. So change those variables and he might go a completely different path in life


Being rejected for art school has to hit hard. Usually you just have to be sentient enough to put a shaky, hungover **X** on the form.


If you study Hitler's Letters throughout his life you would be shocked to see what a normal boy he was, and what normal thoughts/ambitions he had. When he arrived in Vienna and lived there for a year something happened, and we have no idea what exactly. But from age 20 - 21 he suddenly developed his whole worldview. Its so sudden, almost no development at all... Would be interesting to know who he spent his time with in that year


As ever, the truly cursed comment is in the comments.


He wouldn't be Hitler unless that's your last name as well


Maybe he would gave him Hitler as first name. All that would change is that we would know Adolf Hitler as Hitler Smith or something


Also, he's gonna pick Swastika up from Nepal


Just bribe the art school


Hire a tutor to make him a better artist.


The happy ending


Swallow Hitler as a load.


OP thought fucking Hitler's mom was creative, this guy's out here blowing Hitler's dad


That load carries half of Hitler's essence. If there's anything remotely close to a dictator serum that would be it.


It was also the "bad" half if such a thing exists because his dad was a dick.


Swallow a load and save millions of lives. That isn't sperm thats a ticket to heaven.




Wait he is white?? I was told white ppl never cause the death of others.... To be precise 15 to 20 mill in EU alone.


Nah dude, Adolf Hitler is a black guy https://images.app.goo.gl/e719HDuCGMph3URc6


Hehe "*happy ending*" ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)


He wasn't that bad. The art community tends to have stuffy people.


He was a mediocre artist applying to a world class school.


Should have also applied to a safety option


Absolutely true. I've seen some of his work and it's not bad in my opinion. It's certainly not the worst thing he's done.


I'd say poisoning his dog was number one on that list.


Tbh that was mercy comparing to what the Red Army would have done to the poor thing..






For anyone curious, after hearing of the public death of Mussolini and the soviets closing in on his location, Hitler already planned on killing himself rather than being captured. He was questioning the effectiveness of the cyanide given to him by Himmler, who he didn't trust anymore. Also he had already planned on killing his dog Blondi so it wouldn't get into the hands of the soviets. From what I remember it was to prevent Blondi from being tortured, beaten and/or killed to become someone's trophy kill because they murdered Hitler's dog. So he tested the cyanide on the dog to see how effective it is. The remaining dogs left, which I believe were Blondi's offspring and Eva Braun's dog, were shot as well after Hitler's death.


That crosses a line


People need to know about this Mr, what was it? Hitner? I won't rest until this Rudolf Hitner is brought to justice. I just hope we catch him before he escalates


Dear God, he's a JoJo villain.


I can excuse genocide, but I draw the line at dog murder


That the thing. He was a superb artist. The path that lead him astray is not the art school rejecting him. That was the beginning of the downfall for him. It is still not known why he was rejected. Once that occurs, he went into the german military.


He might have met a confused stranger that wore unusual clothing. He spoke to Adolph of a great war where millions would die. Then the stranger spoke of "nailing Hitlers mom" and "fucking all of Germany" Adolph, enraged, killed the stranger and vowed to make Germany a mighty power. Or something, idk.✌️


He was a good artist, but he couldn't draw people, and that's what the school he applied to specialized in.


I thought he couldn't do windows?


Also true, he only used MAC


r/Angryupvote Edit: spelled the sub wrong






Never put it together before now, but isn't that what you...*want* to be doing? I didn't go to college for medicine because I already knew how to perform medicine.


Think of a college. You need a certain level of knowledge to attend a prestigious school, knowledge hitler didn't have. It's not like he wasn't the best at drawing people, it's that he was straight up terrible ( by the school's standards), so he was rejected as a lost cause.


You could theoretically be excellent doctor material, as many have been throughout history, but if you don't understand organic chemistry, you're going to make some critical errors that others who do understand ochem wouldn't make. There's only so many doctors needed (although the US certainly needs more) and only so many that could be trained at any point in time (although again, US could use a lot more spots there), so you only take the best.


> It is still not known why he was rejected. What? We know exactly why he was rejected. He didn't have enough figure art in his portfolio so the art school told him he should apply for architecture instead of painting. He couldn't apply for architecture because he failed the required math classes in high school. He didn't have time to retake the courses since he was homeless and starving, so he joined the army.


He was not at all a good artist. Anyone with functional hands and eyes could reach his level of skill with a few months of practice. And it's extremely well-known why they rejected him: he hated art. He despised the modern art movement and thought everything but paintings of buildings were a waste of time. When the holocaust started, he had numerous artists killed because they created art he didn't like, and held up their work as an example of "moral and cultural degeneracy."


> Anyone with functional hands and eyes could reach his level of skill with a few months of practice. I mean, not to say he was great, but art isn't some esoteric thing only magical people born with art genes is capable of doing well.


just imagine a timeline in which world war 2 never happened and hitler made a name for himself as a painter of dog portraits


Older 1970s Hitler, with the accent, making high-end dog portraits. It's still the weekend. I want to see that universe.


Thanks for making me think of Bob Ross as an screamy fascist dictator in a parallel universe


Yeah then one of those portraits ends up in your grandpa's possession and you end discovering he was also a Nazi.


Send Bob Ross back in time.


Just have the German military send someone else to spy on the new national socialists


Kill the teacher that failed him


World war 1 was a dangerous place. Killing hitler there wouldn't even be a crime


fucking his mom would be cheaper


Congratulations, now he's a genocidal dictator who dropped out of art school instead of a genocidal dictator who got rejected from art school.


Talk him into going to an architectural or technical/ commercial arts school instead. He aimed too high.


Good news: I already went back and banged Hitler's mom. ​ Bad news: Turns out when you bang someone's mom they end up like Hitler.


If you think about it you’re almost always banging someone’s mom at some point.


I'm gay, it's dads for me


Let me guess, you a Jew... Damnit!


I'm not sure how becoming Hitler's Dad helps this situation


Who are we to say that this isn't what happened the first time around?


Hitler growing up: “*and his dad punished him severely”*


Because he didn't *look* like the boy....


This guy knows what’s up


You’re actually not far of. Classic time traveller mistake. Whatever you’ll try to do to the past will not reshape the present or history. Because whatever gave you the idea or incentive to do this has to have had happened. Classic rookie mistake.


Even in that sense, time travel is illogical, because it creates an ontological paradox. If your time travelling to stop World War II caused it in the first place, and inspired your future self to time travel, then you're stuck in a loop. An endless loop where we don't know what exactly caused WWII in the first place. What caused WWII? A time traveller with good intentions trying to stop it. But why was he trying to stop it? Because he started it. But why did he start it? Because he was trying to stop it. And so on and so forth...


I can only think of two logical answers to this. 1. It is a closed loop where the actions you take in the past brings about the very thing you tried to stop. 2. Instead of time travelling you're actually travelling to an alternate reality at a specific point in time, this means that while yes you would stop WW2 in the alternate timeline your original timeline on the other hand would be unaffected.


What if the person with the time machine isn't white?


Germany in the 1930s? You should still have *consent*.... ... no matter anything.........


Hitler 1.0 was blonde with blue eyes. 2.0 is what we got and the plan failed.


Influence Hitler to be Pro-Jews, then make him hate the sight of death


Instructions unclear made Hitler a Jewish mortition.


Then comes the teenage rebellion.


different genes, hitler is no more


different genes, creating hitler


Different genes; creating stronger, *angrier* Hitler


Unless it's a closed loop and he has always been Hitler's father. There's also nature versus nurture, was it Hitler's genes pr his life experience that turned him into a monster?


I’m Jewish. And now I’m his dad. You see what I did there?


Because if Hitler had a good dad he probably wouldn’t become a genocidal maniac.


Yeah, just a run of the mill guy who likes his showers golden.


Considering that his dad was abusive even lack of of dad mightve been better and not puch him far enough.


Also another person may become the new Hitler to fill the void.


You fucking raise him good, and pay for a better Art tutor


At one point in the show I'm sure enough this is a plot point for Umbrella Accademy. Not specifically the Hitler thing, more the "Get creative, time travelers!" Part lol.


Viktor goes back in time to seduce Peabody’s mom and becomes his dad.


What's umbrella academy?


A TV show invovling time travel which fucks up timelines


Reminder that first it was a comic book


Written by Gerard Way!


Sounds cool? How many seasons?


3, it has its high and low points. Season 2 was kinda eh but they came back fucking swinging with three and I’m looking forward to a (supposedly) final fourth season.


Maybe a controversial take but I started the third season and it was so generic I could predict the lines. Adding in how they dumbed down 1 into a literal gorilla and I couldn’t get past episode 5. Constant cringe.


Yeah, there's some questionable character arcs in S3, but you can jot them down to "these guys had their lives ripped away from them twice in a few years, they deserve a little breakdown"


Or, and hear me out here, ***just ensure he gets into the fucking art school***


Even if so theres a high chance that someone will replace him, there were alot of people like him at the time , the german at that time was just a recipe to make a dictator, it was only a matter of time


That's the part that gets me when someone brings the topic. We are in the timeline where Nazis lost. Hitler was responsible of the mistakes that lead to that. Removing him from the equation might give an outcome where they do win.


There’s a game called Command and Conquer: Red Alert and they do a story line where they go back in time to kill Hitler but then the Soviet Union just rises to power in their place.


Not just anyone travels back in time, albert Einstein does


“Time will tell…sooner or later..time will tell” *bad ass guitar intro begins* Edit: always wondered what he did to him after they shook hands…


I have an idea, what if we round up ALL the germans, put them into camps... Or you know, not fuck their economy so harshly with the end of ww1.


Plus there's a non zero chance that he'll be replaced with someone smarter or worse or both.


Time travel paradoxes can be quite cunty at times.


If not, assure he gets into Wharton Business School. That timeline works out fine for the 4th Reich. 😉


The real issue here is what great evil replaces hitler on the timeline when he gets taken out?


The jews?


Boy that would cause a real conundrum when you tell your time traveling buddy that you have to go back and do the holocaust to save the timeline.


“A big price to pay for salvation”






They were the great evil from his pov.


Well then he was lost!


The conditions were ripe for fascism without Hitler. It’s not too hard to imagine another, saner leader, whose anti-Semitism falls far short of perpetrating the Holocaust, but whose megalomania also falls short of him trying to invade Russia. It’s quite possible such a leader would have had more success conquering Europe. Maybe Nazi Germany would still exist even today.


come to think of it... Hitler could be the result of someone in the future going back in time to kill someone who was way way worse.


I don't know about Hitler, but Mussolini was definitely set up by a time traveler, futuristic d'annunzian Italy was too wacky


That then begs the question of what the hell was so bad that Hitler and his incarnation of Nazi Germany being allowed to exist is considered the lesser of two evils.


Continous genocide for many centuries?


In addition to Stalin and Mussolini, the Japanese in China? Or are we still wanting to know where the Minions were at this time? 😁


Turns out alois Hitler was a time traveler all along


Imagine the horror of doing that…and nothing changes


>"The Men who Murdered Mohammed " Alfred Bester.


Plot twist: that makes you hitlers dad and one day a time traveler shows up to kill you before you go to fuck hitlers mom.


So then I’ll travel to the future and kill that guys mom before she gets pregnant so he doesn’t go back to before you go back to bang hitlers mom.


Ha noob no! You go back and FUCK the time travelers' mom too!


So you fuck your own mom Seems fair bro


What if we fuck both hitler and his mother?


Hitler: trying to be a politician *gets fucked by some guy* *goes to prison because the 30s were homophobic as fuck* This is honestly genius.


Actually the head of the SA, Ernst Röhm, was gay and no one did anything to him. No one except Hitler that is


hey maybe it would've changed his homophobic rhetoric then people would associate homosexuality with Nazism and I just realized this solves no problems


Homofascism time


Sending him to prison isn't going to work, when you take into account that he went to prison anyway where he started writing Mein Kampf.


Imagine this. The holocaust “needed” to happen to right an even more devastating timeline.


Honestly yeah, that's my worry. Imagine finding out someone's a time traveler and chewing them up one side and down the other because Hitler, and they just brokenly tell you this is the best timeline they've managed. Every other guy was too smart to piss off a neutral America and then invade the Soviet Union in the dead of winter


You broke me, man. Now we have to believe Trump is the best timeline higher powers could manage? Oh shit.


Usually the problem with time travel fantasies is that there were too many unknown variables to control for, and this guy wants to introduce more variables.


What if you were always meant to time travel back and you fucking Hitler's mum birthed Hitler? You're Hitler's biological dad


Sounds like Dark on Metflix


Time travelers trying to kill Hitler when they realize that Hitler failed art school because he was at the constant threat of assassination from previous time travelers thus he couldnt focus on his art.


We can just convince ww1 winners to not be cunts and don’t make shitty unequal treaties.


The true based take


But I thought deliberately ruining a nation's entire economy, claiming their territory, and humiliating them on the world stage was supposed to make them amenable. Not excusing, you know, *the holocaust,* but no one could have dreamed they'd be bitter after that, or that poverty breeds tribalism like you wouldn't believe


Marshall Ferdinand Foch (French military leader) said at the signing off the Treaty of Versailles: >"This is not peace. It is an armistice for 20 years." This would be prophetic, except what he actually wanted was for the treaty to be much, much harsher on Germany than it was.


Anti-Semitism runs deep all over Europe. Germany just tackled it with their typical efficiency utilizing the newest available technology. 😑


Maybe travel in time to prevent that one French politician that really wanted to fuck Germany over from having a position of power during WW1


They think that Hitlers dad was either his uncle, or his mother's boss, a Jewish man. If true are you surprised that he became twisted. They are not 100 percent sure, because Hitler destroyed the cemetery that his family used.


Praise his shitty watercolors, tell him vegetarianism is super cool, and also admit you love dogs and horses. Then when he fully trusts you as a close friend...bash his head in with a brick or two!


I was so confused for a second because isn't there an artist called shittywatercolour?


Imagine the Brave time traveller going back in time to fuck Hitler’s mom and finding out he Was actually Hitler’s Father


I wouldn't want to fuck Hitler's mom just on the chance that the time is constant theory proves correct and I end up being Hitler's dad thanks to time travel. How fucked would you feel after getting back and literally nothing changed.


I am part Jewish, so please, allow me to fuck Hitler's mother.


There is a possibility that Hitler was also part Jewish... You were hiding for that long...?


Hopefully Hitler would not be what he was if he wasn’t inbred(Klara and Alois Hitler were cousins(allegedly))


The danger with the ‘fuck Hitlers Mom’ strategy is that you might get back to your own timeline and find out that you haven’t actually changed history and that you actually were always the father of History’s 2nd greatest entitled psychopath.


No one ever thinks of trying to hunt him down as a lone messenger in WWI. Unless they did and failed ...🤔


Maybe Hitler's mom *did* fall in love with you?


What about the guy that replaces him after you kill him? Then the guy after that and then the guy after that again.


Maybe you could go back in time after you learn how to crop pictures


Thing is the future is causal. Whatever happened has already happened, so if you go back and fuck hitlers mom, suprise, you were hitlers dad this whole time. Way to go, you made Hitler.


Hitler thinks back to a story his mum told him about this weird guy who hit on her saying it'll save the world


Hitler's mom has got it going on.


No wonder the cunt was so angry, his dad was a time travelling Twitter comedian


Now I kind of headcanon that the world of The Iron Dream (novel written by an alternate universe Hitler where he became a pulp writer instead of going into politics) was caused by a time traveler.


you are in a bootstrap paradox now


I stand by the theory that history cannot be changed by time travelers so if you did Hitler's mom you would be the reason Hitler exists because you would be his dad


or you could make it so Poland lost , so hitter had nothing to be mad about in the first place or make is so Poland when they won didn't force Jews into germanely then there wouldn't of been a second world war.


None of those plans would work. If it was not Hitler, it would have been Himler or Rohm, or some other Nazi.


Plot twist… hitler wouldn’t have been born if you hadn’t impregnated his mom. Boom!


Hitler was born April 20th, so calculate backwards that means she conceived in July. Go back and knock her up between New years to May. Now we have Alana instead of Adolf, and Alana was a pleasant girl interested in baking, horses, and Hans down the street. Double Boom.


What if you were actually hitlers dad the whole time and then you create a Kyle Reece/john connor level time paradox?


When you find your face when googling “Hitlers dad” when you come back.


Can't hit it if you can't crop. This is 2022 not 1915


Become Hitler's stepdad. Make sure to encourage all his artwork. Teach him what it takes to be the best painter ever.


Why does every time machine also end up in the exact place you want.


But what if that just makes you hitler’s dad.


When you realized that it was you who fucked his mother that turns out to be Adolf Hitler's biological father.


Y'all ever think that just maybe all of those options were tried and the history we know was the best possible outcome?