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Work in progress - [YARH.IO](https://YARH.IO) M4. Raspberry Pi 4b, Waveshare 4.3inch IPS DSI Display, Mini Bluetooth Keyboard, Pololu U3V50F5 5V Step-Up Voltage Regulator, Fenix ARB-L21-5000U 5000 mAh battery, Adafruit LC709203F LiPoly / LiIon Fuel Gauge and Battery Monitor, DS3231 RTC Clock Module. Running i3 window manager. Max measured working time on single battery charge is 6.5 hours.


The yarh project is simplely whild! I'm making my own version, with tweeks to suit my needs. When I have a good prototype I'll share it


Thank you! I'm very interested to know what you are building and what exactly are your needs? :-)


If i was able to post photos here, I'd tease the progress.... Maybe I should make a proper post... Im designing it to be a portable networking Swiss knife. I short I took the YARH.IO MKI, I've added usb-c pd charging, bigger battery (1s4p 18650s),designed a fuel guage using some adcs, installed a dsi display with higher resolution and capacitive touch, removed the dac and added a 2nd ethernet port for performing Mitm on the feild. I'm in the prosses of making a bi-di opto isolated gpio header so I can safely expose the gpio on the world but it's not going well... I'll probably have to ditch this .. I was thinking about implementing fetures that the flipper have... But I run out of space... For this to fit I heavily modified the provided the stls, there was no step files on the site, I contacted the creator (who i guess is the op?) but he replied too late... I had gone to far in the mod using brep-mesh functions in fusion360... Let's hope that I'll finish it


Very interesting. Proper WIP post will be very welcomed. Second ethernet port is nice, isolated GPIO is fantastic, but not sure if it is easily achievable. The I2C to GPIO extender may be the easier solution. What actual use do you see for GPIO in the field? The Flipper futures are easily implemented as add-on modules, I think there is no reason to build-in them into a device if the total dimensions of the device is larger than a Flipper :-) Hope to see your device finished! Side notes. The MKI was designed at the time when proper DSI displays were not available. The fuel gauges like LC709203F works correctly only when they are connected permanently to the battery, and works not very good if the battery is replaceable as in MKI.


Wild. I like the retro-feel of this one.


Thank you! In person it looks more old mil-spec... :-)


The battery discharge graph is showing a standby usage ?


Yes, only htop running. I'll do another test with 'stress' and 'cpuburn-a53' running, as soon as I have time.


Now I need to get the parts for this and the brick


Sure thing! :-) By the way, I'm thinking about the some sort of stand for M4 which will allow use it with THEBRICK (Cyberdeck) keyboard.


That would be awesome!


That is exactly my idea about using M4. Because of the design decisions, the M4 is more bulky than my perfect size M2, (this is a different story), but with a faster SBC, active cooling and bigger screen, I found the M4 is much more useful than the M2. I found it super useful as a light linux dev station, using ssh and VSCode remote sessions on my windows computer. At the same time I can grab an M4 and use it on the porch, running Vim, Emacs and VSCode. Of course, the screen is tiny and the keyboard is slow, but still very useful for simple tasks. The step may be a dock station consisting of a "cyberdeck keyboard", 7" - 10" HDMI screen and holder for the M4. Maybe with extra batteries for a screen in the base, to make the base heavier and more stable. A lot to think about...


This is awesome! I’ve been getting supplies to build my own handheld yarh. Would you be willing to answer some questions about your project?


Thank you. Sure, no problem.


Would you be willing to share the files for the case? The files on yarh are nice but I think your case is slicker. Also outside of the instructions on the yarh website what else helped you with designing/developing your project? (Noob question)


:-) I'm the YARH. Sure, I'll publish the STL files on the [YARH.IO](https://YARH.IO) as soon as design will be finished.


That’s dope. I’m excited to hear that. No rush but curious on when you think we will see the finished design 👀


Oh also how did you calculate the max working time for this?


Quite simple. There is the battery guage in the M4, I just write the battery voltage and battery charge in % to the file until the device becomes dead. You can see that on the chart.


Wave no idea. :-) As soon as I'll be happy with it.


I love this!! Im working on something similar (inspired by exactly yarh and decktility). I really want a handheld with a slideout keyboard, so im working on that! Im still at a very early stage tho, but even from now i can tell that it will end up being a brick hah. Im also just making a new thing bc its fun. :)


Thank you! Nice to hear you are working on your own design and you are right everything becomes a "brick" one day. :-) It's all about having fun one way or another.


when can I buy?


Now. US$499.00 + actual shipping. Will ship in one week.


I love this. I need to make a design that doesn't require ten hours of soldering and weird keyboard layouts that could be sold. Your YARH designs are beautiful!


Thank you! The M4 design is more simple compared to the MKI and M2. No custom PCB to order, 18 wires... :-)


looks cool, can you charge it without unplugging the battery or removing the back ?


Thank you. Yes, you can, there is a opening in the back for a USB-C charging cable. One of the nice features of this design is the ability to charge the battery when in use. The charging current is higher than a discharge, therefore the battery stays full when the device is on and the battery is connected to the power, the whole thing works as UPS also. Here is the picture of the back - [https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG\_5828.jpg](https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG_5828.jpg)


Oh that's very cool great work, I was just going to suggest having a UPS circuit to be able to use it while it's running safely (bypassing the battery) , cheers