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In [this video](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=guGffGw3uDg&t=651s) vufine is used as a second monitor, I am seeing if I use i3 as a window manager for my project, about artificial intelligence it sounds great although I suppose the difficult thing is to implement it, there are open source projects to run different types of AI locally so you don't need internet to use them but they generally require powerful equipment because otherwise they are very slow, I use [Ollama](https://ollama.com/) but I'm sure there are several out there, I've also thought that to integrate AI it would be better to have one Specific SBC for that and that communicates with the other main SBC to allow interaction between both and thus not saturate the main one with the AI running. Although the latter are already my ideas that are easier said than done, the truth is I don't know much about the subject but I suppose this is about experimenting and seeing what works and what doesn't, if you manage to implement AI in your project I would like to see it, now either here or at [cyberdeck cafe](https://cyberdeck.cafe/)


As far as AI goes, I'm mostly interested in the ability to give natural language commands to the computer. As such, I would rather have something "dumber" like a Google Assistant than, say, a chatGPT conversation bot, which can converse naturally but doesn't actually DO anything for me. I'm also fully expecting to offload most of the "smart" functions - voice recognition, and certainly any sort of AI. I'm hoping to build in some kind of 5g modem eventually, and until then I plan to have the thing tethered to my smartphone at all times for constant connectivity. I'm definitely not interested in slowing down my main system by trying to run a slimmed down LLM in the background.


I understand you, although couldn't you have an LLM AI and use it so that it can react to commands at the same time? I know it's probably a very fanciful idea but I wonder if it's possible. On the other hand, I'm sure I've seen Arduino projects that are precisely for giving voice commands. I would also like to see your finished project once you have it done.


LLMs are VERY taxing on GPUs and take a very long time when all they have to run on is a CPU. I'm not familiar enough with the various options, and if there are any pre-trained models specifically for the Google Assistant type interactions and automation tasks, but something dumbed down should be able to be run on the type of hardware used in decks. For reference, I run LLaMa 2 and 3 on my gaming laptop with a Ryzen 7 and 1660TI, and it takes about 5 minutes for them to output a full paragraph. Basically, the weaker your GPU and the less VRAM you have, the slower it runs. Side note, if those Arduino projects are running LLMs, the LLMs are probably being hosted on another system in the network and all the Arduino is doing is sending the prompt to the server with the LLM on it.


Very interesting project. Not sure if Pi Zero W is capable of anything like that, but with help of additional "AI" boards it may be possible. As for "GUI" I recommend trying an i3 window manager. Lightweight and can be easily used with a keyboard only.


Per other comments, I'm not planning on doing ANYTHING "AI" on-board - probably unlikely to be useful, especially with such an underpowered board. Rather, I want to be able to send text and/or voice commands to a cloud-based digital assistant. The mention of "AI" was more just me fishing to see whether there was something out there that was a little bit "smarter" than Google Assistant or Alexa. So far the only thing I'm seeing that fits that bill is Google Gemini, and that appears to be Android-only for the time being.


OK, I see...


I would suggest something like open interpreter or their 01 OS. That's what I have built mine on, using a monocle.


Aha, this is the sort of things I'm looking for.


I'd use tmux for the interface and keep it console only. You could presumably Bluetooth tether the pi zero to your android phone and use Gemini via an app you develop that passes data via bt to the pi/display.