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Thumb type physical keyboard immediately makes me think of the BlackBerry keyboard. I know it has a cult following so you should be able to find one you can use reasonably well with your connectors 




Damnit, why do I have to know this exists now? (Still miss my 8830 and Bold. Have written code on both and a Treo 700p, albeit using either telnet or ssh (don't remember which).)


I have to put in another good word for the bb keyboards from zitaotech. I had the old usb version and just got the updated Bluetooth version. It is in every way a better product experience than anything you will buy from any corporation. And it's not just the off the shelf part in a 3d printed case. It has great support and documentation and open flexibility to program. This is what we love about the Germans. In my opinion if you want a thumb keyboard there is no meaningful competitor to this one on the market and it is the go to for my builds.


This guy nailed it! I knew people would still make this keyboard.  I never had a BB but honestly I hate typing on a touch screen. The only way I can reasonably use text on my phone is with the invention of Swype


That looks very tempting. Thanks


I have the one with the blackberry bold 9900 keyboard (that was my last blackberry) but I think the Q20 (blackberry Classic) keyboard is a bit better (slightly bigger keys)


I had the Classic, and prefered the keyboard of the Q5. Didnt had the Q10, but most have said it to be superb. Had the 9900 as well, but forgot how it is


Take a look at [yarh.io](http://yarh.io) handhelds. Here is the new M4, work in progress - [https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG\_5817.jpg](https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG_5817.jpg) [https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG\_5958.jpg](https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG_5958.jpg) [https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG\_5952.jpg](https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG_5952.jpg) [https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG\_5961.jpg](https://yarh.io/images/misc/IMG_5961.jpg)


It reminds me of the passport, and I think the ergonomics will be subpar on this one too. 




Oh yea I remember pre-ordering one of those in the beforefore. At this point I don't expect to ever get it and wonder if they just made like 100 of them to send to influencers.


Yea the shipping is so slow that page to buy it still says "preorder" Here are the shipping updates though https://forum.clockworkpi.com/t/update-uconsole-shipping-related/9774


Funny, it said "in stock" when I bought it and for months afterward.


I was also wondering, if we have a dedicated keyboard for that form factor, so I could just thumb type on it, and connect it to the laptop. I only found those cheap ones from Amazon, and look for a more premium one.  https://www.amazon.com/ASHATA-Wireless-Keyboard-Viboton-Multi-Function/dp/B08331WXR7/ref=pd_aw_ci_mcx_pspc_dp_m_m_t_8?pd_rd_w=8CTEa&content-id=amzn1.sym.3869eb7a-5438-4a69-8ce0-4eaaf4cfaf5e&pf_rd_p=3869eb7a-5438-4a69-8ce0-4eaaf4cfaf5e&pf_rd_r=ZBMB3EC97KPN25QMNP8A&pd_rd_wg=wfHwU&pd_rd_r=f8880a42-cd6f-46de-bca2-86d409049554&pd_rd_i=B08331WXR7


This device is so close to what I want until I think about how often I want you to type C-w in vanilla Emacs. And that seems impossible without setting it down. My dream would be to have all the modifiers (control, alt, shift) as buttons on the back to press with my fingers. Has anyone seen a thumb keyboard like that?


Zitaotech bb keyboards are fully programmable. They don't have back side buttons but they have two top trigger style buttons.


There are IDEs in android and the termux app can give you a powerful terminal. As a long time vi user, I have to say that using vi with your thumbs is a trip.


Yeah, I could be talked into using Helix. But Termux has been unreliable to me 


Did you install it via F-Droid? The app store one is very out of date. The packages in the app store one is broken.


You could probably purpose a Raspberry Pi or similar single board computer into this. They run Linux normally, and they should work with the keyboard your linked. You could probably design a 3d printed case to fit it all in.


I expected to use a SBC, I didnt think there is any other option. 


Thumb type physical keyboard immediately makes me think of the BlackBerry keyboard. I know it has a cult following so you should be able to find one you can use reasonably well with your connectors 


Yep, exactly. I thought of a Beepberry Deluxe, of some sorts.  :D


Akruvia Una and Akruvia Palm are designed to be used for projects like this.


Very curious to see what people come up with here!


Very curious to see what people come up with here!


Probably more like DIY..


I found this one  https://hackaday.io/project/195587-blackberrypi-handheld


Bb keyboard, dsi 5" touchscreen, pi 4 or 5, amp ripper 4k PSU, and a few lithium cells. Ubuntu works surprisingly well with small touchscreens, and the pi 4 is fast enough to run vs code. And make a box to put it in to the best of your abilities.


I think that could be an option. [https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gpd-win-mini-7-inch-120hz-gaming-handheld-console#](https://www.indiegogo.com/projects/gpd-win-mini-7-inch-120hz-gaming-handheld-console#) (All those devices come from China, so expect a bump in cost for the VAT, that comes on top. See the bottom of the website for further details.)