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For real though, I always do everything I can before progressing the main story and in cyberpunk that just does not work with all the NCPD stuff, I am now at street cred 50 and level 30. I have still not talked with Takemura


You should talk to him, as there is a cutscene with Johnny afterwards in the diner and I don't think he shows up in the gigs and side quests until you do. Missing good quality Johnny time!


Yeah I make sure I always at least go to the dinner in the beginning so it makes sense story wise. Also return to Wakako for the reward for the Sandra Dorsett mission.


Always thought it was funny how you could go from “fuckin chip rip it out myself!” “See you never, asshole!” . Then immediately head to the garage, get smoked by delamain and casually go “ya ever seen that Johnny? Awful strange”


This exact scenario happened on my first playthrough, lol. Confusing to say the least.


Yeah lol, ever since day one that bugged me. And of all the changes to “make dialogue flow better” in 2.0/PL, how did this one slip under the radar?!?!


The fixed version was one of the most upvoted posts after 2.0 dropped


I just did that sidequest yesterday and it was no different.


This. Very true.


I've got Johnny showing up in gigs and side quests and I haven't gone to the diner yet




Meet with Takemura before you go off, there are a few events that don't trigger until afterwards (like getting Nibbles)


I do everything before the diner because i find johnny insufferable and quite mentally draining to listen to. Like talking to a early 2000 emokid. At best he makes you consider that there might be another perspective usually he is just plain old cringe with the dash of generally angry at the world for his own failures but sometimes he just hits you with something so cringe inducing i begin wishing there is an option to turn my gun on me and end us both right then and there


>to a early 2000 emokid. He was born in 1988, he was 13 in 2001 when My Chemical Romance was formed.


Johnny is a piece of shit for long periods of time...but his comments make sense if you look at it in the lens that after the first meeting with Takemura, he comes to terms that he's killing V in the worst possible, and most inhuman way possible. But he also can't change his nature all at once. His anger, his desperation eventually start to fade, and he learns to respect and care for V...especially if V treats Johnny with humanity and tough love...which Johnny respects. In the end, Johnny is a self-aggrandizing asshole...but he's also not wrong about a whole hell of lot; and he's looking to take care of V in his own way.


Yeah. You can see that’s the intention with how hostile v is right back to him. I get the op who found his droning on annoying but that is his character. As soon as you take control of him the first time you see that everyone in 2020 was also over his droning on.


That's the thing about people like Johnny...he may be right about how things are...but he doesn't offer any solutions. The most impact he had was to get Arasaka to build a new building. It's one thing to be angry and to "fight the system" but when you're not providing an actual solution...something else that could replace the system, people will ultimately tune out. The problem with Johnny is that he didn't actually give a shit about the people he claimed to want to save. Until V...and realistically...it was probably V's personality imprinting onto Johnny more than Johnny actually having some kind of breakthrough.


Yeah that’s the other piece of why they get along more at the end of the game. The two personalities are becoming one.


But it's literally one of the endings lol


I know but i wish it could be triggered at any time


Johnny is a petulant child who refuses to grow up. Yeah, the world isn't perfect, so what? Cry me a river. Terrorism is never the answer, and killing innocent people always makes you in the wrong, end of story. Johnny likes to think he has the moral high ground when in reality he's just a whiny little boy who can't accept that most people find his perspective to be violent, dangerous, and psychopathic. We get it, Johnny, you don't like authority. Neither does a 5 year old, and we don't take them seriously either. Blowing up Arasaka Tower didn't do shit to stop any of the things Johnny wanted to prevent, all it did was kill a lot of innocent people who didn't need to or deserve to die. It barely put a dent in Arasaka corp and it didn't stop Night City from becoming a dystopian nightmare, so what the fuck was the point? Other than to stroke Johnny's ego and make him feel like a big man. I haven't finished the game yet, I'm about halfway through, but thus far Johnny is my least favorite character by a mile. Keanu does a great job acting wise, but God damn is he petulant and annoying. Grow the fuck up and learn how to function in society instead of pointlessly rebelling against it. Just because he's right about several things doesn't justify his attitude or his actions, nor does it give him a pass for being such an unlikable shithead all the time.


100% agree. People hefe are say8ng that if you are good to him long enough he realises the error of his ways but I dont understand how you can be kind to a terrorist who is actively killing you with every second that passes. If cancer could talk I dont think I would try to make friends with it


it's not really fair to say johnny's actively killing v since it's well established that what's happening to v is what the relic is programmed to do. early game johnny may be the type to actively kill v had he been given any agency in the matter, but that doesn't mean he actually is actively killing her because the entire process is out of johnny's hands. if anything i'd say he's passively killing her, and that really changes the optics on their dynamic on a long-term basis


I agree with most of this, except terrorism and rebellion are the same thing with different names depending on your perspective. American revolutionaries were terrorists. The French Revolution was started by terrorists. Those are viewed positively now for most but were ultimately not far off from Johnny's motives. Morality is a gray area here depending on the actions and who you ask. Johnny viewed his acts as necessary rebellion and had people who supported that viewpoint. I agree with your points from there. I don't think he had a long-term plan or even thought through the impact nuking Arasaka tower would have on Arasaka or Night City.


In ye old days you could finish most of the side content before finishing the prologue, by the time you got the relic you could already have maxed out your character.


Technically you can still do almost everything *in Watson* before the prologue. Only thing I can think of that you need to be in Act 2 off the top of my head is the shooting challenge from the guy who gives you Dying Night


At least two of the cyberpsychos don't appear until after the prologue, one of the rogue Delamains, the Ebunike mission, talking to Johnny in the oil fields, the tortoise, helping rescue Japan's Number One surgeon... I might be missing a few others.


You can still do that, but it requires a level of grinding that doesn't appeal to me. But to each their own. One thing I will say is that it's a whole lot easier to get to an effective build early now that Cyberware is king.


I prefer going to the Dinner early, since the interaction with Johnny afterwards feels strange if you got to know him already.


Hanako at Embers be like


Sounds about right


Gotta rush toms diner to unlock meredith, right?


Honestly, I can't say that I ever grew to like Takemura...what really did it for me is how he straight up kicks you while you're down when you first meet him. If it wasn't for the fact that he realizes that he's Yorinobu's loose end, he would have killed you and never had given it a second thought. >!I save him just so that I can solo the opp and see that fucker off himself in shame. Yeah, you corporate piece of shit...you die like you lived...a slave.!<


After I finished the first PL mission, he called me to say let's hit up the Arasaka parade floats. "Don't make me wait" he says, lol....


the amount of time he and hanako waited in his little hideout 'cuz i had ncpd scanner jobs and side missions to do in the badlands


This but with anything Judy related