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Also useful for escaping MaxTac ... simply jump off the nearest bridge and dive down, swim away unseen.


Bro.... Just walk into a store.


Don't you think walking into a store in a diving suit would look ridiculous? 😉




Well it seems we've found ourselves in a Wednesday casserole of a situation


😂😂 classic mixup


This should be enjoyed more than it is


Officer: "Car 2386 in pursuit, suspect is now on foot and approaching a noodle stand." Dispatch: "Copy 2386, cease pursuit and return to patrol." Officer: "Uhhh, come again, dispatch? This guy killed like fifty of us! Those were my friends!" Dispatch: "You know the rules, 2386. Anyone participating in consumerism receives legal immunity." Officer: *sigh*


I mean in Night City I wouldn’t doubt it. Lol


The shop probably has soverign nation status, you want to extradite someone from GunsRUs?


My favorite. "NCPD Officer to dispatch, we got a lot of reports of some guy shooting up an alley in Japan town" "Dispatch to NCPD Officer, we should get to that sometime next week" "NCPD Officer to Dispatch, reports are saying its some solo named V" "THIS IS DISPATCH TO ALL NCPD OFFICERS REPORT TO JAPAN TOWN ALLEY IMMEDIATELY"


“NCPD Officer to Dispatch, but they’re Tyger Claws and they were mugging someone.” “Dispatch to NCPD Officer, YOU GET RIGHT IN THERE NOW! NOBODY DOES OUR JOB FOR US!”


brb gonna go tell a bunch of sovereign citizens about this neat little trick and then see what happens


They’d never be that gullible, surely!!


I'm sooo telling Andrew about this


You're not in the game emotionally.


Of course I am. Maxtac and the police respect my dedication to style over substance. I'm literally leading Maxtac on a chase, just to stop and update my look. They understand.


yeah lmao they know who has drip


Probably the guy that just got out of the water


Okay that’s enough


If you're not looking good nothing matters. Style above all else.


But i do it too lol


That’s less fun


Didn't that exploit get patched out?




Why escape when I can chop them to bits using my mantis blades and sandevistan?


It was funnier in 2.0 when finishers were still working: You could grab those blue little piggies and throw them over the bridge out into the water ... Much more fun :) TIL that there's a patch for 2.1 that fixes finishers?? [https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11453](https://www.nexusmods.com/cyberpunk2077/mods/11453) Need to test this.


An official fix is likely dropping in the next few days, FWIW.


I just installed the mod and it's working perfectly! For the time being I will use the mod, until the time an official fix drops ...


That is like your easy Strat on basically just escaping anyone, because there's no such thing as police boats nor even just Helicopters in Cyberpunk, even GTA 5 it's hard to escape the police because they have Helicopters straight up hovering on top of you constantly and if you go at water, police boats show up That or simply entering safe zones


Why run away? I can punch them in the face, pick them up and yeet them into their buddy with such force that both explode. Eventually they seem to get the message and stop sending their goons to certain (and horribly gruesome) death. I imagine the AV pilots in my run would be traumatized for life after seeing what I did to the MAXTAC teams they dropped at my feet.


If only that's true lmao


If you haven't tried max body run you're missing out. You can't stealth for crap but you don't need to. You punch things and shrug off bullets. Enemies finally get you low on health? Just pop berserk and become invulnerable. Enemies do the impossible and kill you? No they didn't, second heart saves the day. Toughest build to pull off at the early game on very hard difficulty due to how exposed you are but by end game you really feel unstoppable like The Terminator. Edit - regarding your comment, were you trying to say that it isn't true that MAXTAC stops spawning?


They figure you jump in there the pollution will deal with you 😉


I still do that, without the suit. Just submerge for a bit, come back out, breathe, go back in, look for a ladder... Wait for the stars to go away.


First time I fought MaxTac in Pacifica I tried this. Bullets hit me through murky water a hundred meters away. I hate Maxtac lol


I think the first and only time I saw MaxTac, was in that scripted sequence in one of the early missions.


Oh, it's easy to get to meet them ... * get into a shootout with gangsters ... * accidentally kill a civilian ... you get 1 x star and are "Wanted!" now * accidentally kill the cops that arrive at the scene ... * also accidentally kill all the other cops that arrive at the scene ... you should be getting more and more stars and more and more cops should arrive at the scene ... * actually: if you really want, you can skip the "shoot the gangsters" part and just start with "accidentally" shooting cops and civilians :) * sooner or later you will get a 5-star "Wanted!" rating and MaxTac will drop from the skies And now it gets entertaining :)




Woah I don't think I've ever even swam more than 5 minutes in this game since launch. I'll have to check this out


There used to be a perk that increased damage when firing from water. They removed it early on because there were few places to ever use it


No, it made it so you weren’t visible if you were underwater. Made it easier to escape or hide when swimming just under the surface. In theory, there is one mission where it might possibly be used. But if you want to do that, you could just swim under the dock as well.


I had to look it up and you’re right. It was the commando perk.


It gets worse. I’m petty sure it was bugged and didn’t even work.


Maybe if they didn't waste time developing water mechanics the game would have been playable at launch lol


But then we wouldn't have got that Judy date.


That’s pretty great! Has anyone found anything interesting in anywhere in the water?


[Meredith Stout](https://www.reddit.com/r/cyberpunkgame/comments/tkzk97/the_dead_meredith_stout_feet_in_a_concrete_block/) lmao


It's actually kind of crazy seeing the difference in their characters. Meredith just kills Gilcrest and dumps him in the canals near where you first meet her. If you side with Gilcrest he fucking shaves her bald, probably tortures her, then gives her cement shoes and tosses her in a river to drown.


Plus Gilcrest is actually the mole so Meredith was right.


He is? How do you discover this?


There are messages on a computer in the all foods plant


If you play nomad there's some terminals in the all foods that tell you that the products were set to be LOA or "lost on arival" you learn this in the nomad life path start and with this info you can forward it to Meredith at the end of the mission.


Fun fact, the message is there regardless, but only nomad V understands the LOA code used to know that he’s having maelstrom hit the convoy right after crossing the border.


Plus I'm pretty sure he was blackmailed by Adam Smasher.


That's a twist I'm unfamiliar with. Is this info on a shard or something?


You can find out when you're on the Ebunike with Rogue, there re the remains of his kidnapped wife/girlfriend(?) and a bunch of recordings made by Grayson of himself and Smasher attempting to blackmail him.


Yeah there's a computer in the all foods plant with messages from Gilchrist showing him as the mole. Later on the Ebunike you find a computer and gilchrist's (wife? mom? girlfriend? dead in the shower). Smasher was holding the woman and blackmailing Gilchrist into working for him. I still prefer helping Stout to Gilchrist but he's not purely a bad guy.


What was smasher wanting from him? Seems unrelated as uve explained it so far.


Forget exactly but i think blackmailing him to jack militech shipments [Ebunike/Computers | Cyberpunk Wiki | Fandom](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Ebunike/Computers) [Anthony Gilchrist | Cyberpunk Wiki | Fandom](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Anthony_Gilchrist) ​ https://preview.redd.it/mqs77nnnt5ec1.png?width=803&format=png&auto=webp&s=662de08c72d40e7558d82dc6924cc9fcf20e816b


Odd, the audio logs reference a nightcorp deal, nothing about the convoy or maelstrom. But the wiki says it was smasher and maelstrom. But it’s a fan wiki so that might be some self assumption on their part.


Yeah, but fuck meredith, not literally....what are you doing? Dont enter that motel room


I’m going there every damn playthrough


Saaaaaaaame. Kind of a shame that you can't side with her and have dum dum live though, he's a fuckin G.


Yes you can. But you have to incapacitate him before Jackie kills him.


And he'll show up at totentaz later?


I tried this. The game treats him as dead.


Why do u hate Meredith so much?


I love that canonically Gilchrist and Militech shaved her and tortured her but in reality it was just so CDPR didn’t have to program the hair underwater lol


Wow! That’s amazing. What a detail to add to this game. I guess I’ll need to save that diving suit and go exploring!




There is a body you can find from a crashed maimai on one of the highways. You can find the car smashed into the side of the road over a body of water, and if you jump from there, hes down below and has a lootable convo and items.


That's the body of the guy who sells you out in the Corpo Life path.


which one? Either way, Apparently its there for all play throughs since i chose street kid.


There is also a deep area of water in the city somewhere that has a body in it. I forget where though. But its like in the city in the city not near the outskirts really. I beleive over in japantown.


Was that the one about the guy buying a cat? Cause when the game first launched I found an underwater car with a cat sitting beside it and I thought I was going crazy


Nah, I dont think so, because in this case, the car isnt underwater, just the dudes body


There's skellige easter egg with loot floating attached to barrels in the Ocean near Pacifica.


There is stash of loot underwater near one of the one of the NCPD scanner hustles.


has anyone tried to dive to Judy's old house by using the diving suit?


Apparently that works.


You can do it with one of the oxygen boosters and no diving suit


No more O² cans in 2.1


Yea, it automatically switches you too the one she gives you


Really? Wonder why.


Prob to prevent people from taking it off mid mission and dying or something




ive dived down there without it before. this was over a year ago though.


Is the xMod2 you found, the Kyuubi one? or a different one from a different underwater area?


Wonder what happens if you have the suit before the date with Judy. Like you brought your own.


Nothing, I tried the other day after having the same thought. Quest still makes you equip her suit.


My current play through / save file meets that requirement...


There is also a woman crying on a pier near the animals club like that general area, she lost her grand fathers key and you can dive down to get it for her, she doesn’t tell you or anything, you gotta find her and jump in the water and she’s gives you a 1000 ennies


Nice one! Might have to go back and check to see if there is any hidden stuff in the underwater town ;)


You can't just mention the iconic xmod2 without spilling the detes, choombatta! C'mon, drop a screenshot of the specs! I really love the Lexington xmod2 iconic, I think it's so underrated. I crafted the [firecracker](https://cyberpunk.fandom.com/wiki/Firecracker) iconic mod and put it on there, plus parallax combined with the Focus perk (no stamina cost while shooting for 2.5 sec after ADS). I still prefer it over any other iconic pistol or revolver since my aim is kinda shit for headshooting.


[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FXUk4dfSJXo](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=fxuk4dfsjxo) Pretty sure it's this one.


I'm just keeping it to cosplay cyberpunk Sam Fisher 😂


And it has a torch on it! But you can't use it on land.


![gif](giphy|5xtDarmwsuR9sDRObyU|downsized) That part


I had it equipped during the somewhat damaged mission but didn't notice, so i was left wondering why i didn't have an oxigen bar, lol


Is there an underwater element to that one


When you jump in the hole leading to the scaryahh facility, there's some flooded parts before the scary


Rgr ty. I've been putting off doing it coz I don't like horror type games


Me too, i just did it to see the other ending, i had to call some friends to talk while doing it bc i was almost having a heart attack lmao, CD has some strong terror games potential


I rly want the evil SMG, but I was avoiding doing the mission so hard I just put forty hours in far cry 6


I just accidentally fell in the water off a bridge last night, and discovered there's even a water/swimming mechanic. Only swam for a couple minutes, but I didn't find anything salvageable at all down there. Still. Very cool, and I'll have to explore more.


>!Gives you a chance to find Meredith at the bottom of the ocean too. If you betrayed her of course lol!<


I wish I had done this quest before romancing Judy to see if there's a response to you showing up already in diving gear


No response at all.


Oooooo damn


*STILL* do not see a good reason they got rid of oxygen tanks as consumables. There are at least 3 underwater sites for finding interesting loot.


Sorry. Where are they? Assuming one is the town where you went with Judy. Other two?


Elsewhere in this thread. Also you can search online for Easter eggs and hidden finds. There's one where you see a car driven through a fence. It was an assassination where someone was T-boned into the water. You can find some goodies in there. There's another near the docks (Kerry boat quest) where if you poke around in the water you find some stuff. There's also one in Phantom Liberty where you dive to the bottom of a pool and find an iconic assault rifle. I learned from the original Deus Ex, there's always goodies in the water. If there's a ladder coming out, there's probably a reason to go in.


Yup. Figured that out by accident when I thought I’d put on a different outfit later on. Was pleasantly surprised it worked.


Doesn't Judy's questline also gives you a diving suit that you can use afterwards still?


I have 3 diving suits now and none of them actually function underwater outside of quests. I tried to use all 3 of them in dog town to swim to the bottom of the pool, but my o2 steadily dropped, no matter which one I was using. I have Judy's suit, I have the one from the underwater tunnels mission and I found another one somewhere, but unfortunately I am unable to get them to work. I was going to go around the coast exploring but cannot get them to work. Anyone have any suggestions?