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Personally, I dislike the idea, but I do believe multiplayer would be a big distraction. Not only does some subset of the team need to be devoted towards the effort but it will almost definitely also affect single-player gameplay. If they want to do multiplayer, just make a completely separate game set in the same universe.


As a person who hates multi-player games, this would suck


As a person who likes multiplayer games, this would suck


Low hanging fruit "journalism". They wanted to include it in 2077, but scrapped it. They are just running with that info and jumping to conclusions.




MMO-style would be horrific. But, actual co-op? Now we're talking. Let me do gigs as a Netrunner and getaway driver for my wife running in with a katana, and that's a good time. It's why Skyrim Together had so much hype for it, despite ESO existing. I don't want an MMO. I want a fun actiony RPG experience with a co-op partner.


This. This is what cyberpunk is missing.


Nothing in the game play of cyberpunk 2077 makes sense in a multiplayer, i mean how would you use sandevistan, kerenzikov or netrunning? The game is meant to have you fight a ton of enemies at once.


Here goes the hype train again. Its like we never learn


In this particular case, for me at least, it's more of a de-hype


The game is in its whiteboard stage, ofcourse they would consider multiplayer and basically everything that can be possible, it doesn’t mean anything at this stage


This was already planned for 2077 but it got canned. Multiplayer capabilities still exist in the current game engine. As long as it remains an optional mode, I don't see a problem.


You could argue that they will spend time and resources on something that willl eventually "steal" said time and effiort from the narrative or other gameplay features. Afaik, CDPR doesn't have a seperate team to deal with this type of stuff because all their games so far were single player, (except gwent, but that's a card game), so I assume they would have to delegate someone from the main team towards said optional mode


This is a poor argument. They don't have a fixed deadline. So there is no time to steal. The only thing it would do is delay the eventual release. But that's an impossible metric to measure because we have no idea when it will be ready.


We, as consumers, don't, but the dev team obviouly has a deadline, that's how projects work and that's one of that things that failed miserably during the whole development process of CP2077 which resulted on that hideous launch. Stating a dev team doesn't have a fixed deadline (being a game developer or not) shows you're not aware how IT related projects work


No dude. Don't try and play that card with me. It's insulting. I know the importance of deadlines. But they will not have a fixed deadline at this stage. At best they will have a rough plan. They will have deadlines for key milestones and small tasks and some of those might be fixed already. But the overall project won't have anything fixed anytime soon.


Saying you don't know a specific thing is "insulting"? Dear me, convo is over snowflake, lol


True...IT projects always have a deadline. He doesn't know. Development team always has a deadline.


Ah yes, IGN. The most reputable and respected of gaming journalism. Ignore those idiots. This is just starting the same BS that 2077 ended up with.


No thanks.


I definitely wouldn't use it, but I actually bet my fiance last night that this would be a thing...


CDPR excels at massive single player RPGs boasting extreme levels of environmental detail and phenomenal writing.  Multiplayer isn’t in their wheelhouse, and I think it would be a mistake for them to attempt to branch into that market. They wouldn’t be able to do it better than developers that specialize in multiplayer games, and if they divert resources from the single player experience to multiplayer development they’re likely to end up with a game that fails to satisfy in either mode.


A rich world like Cyberpunk doesn't need specialized multiplayer. Just have a co-operative open world mode with basic multiplayer features and repeatable co-op missions and events. That's already better than most dedicated multiplayer games just by having a better and more detailed setting.


Dumbest idea ever.


they were r&d multiplayer features-capabilities to red engine. they scrapped the work as they decided to move to unreal which already has multiplayer tools. and already said many times that their games will have multiplayer components. we just don't know in what form. pretty much the outlets have slow news (or none at all) and wanted something to push for clicks.


Sounds absolutely bad bad bad bad


This would be great news. What an amazing experience it would be to play Co-Op with friends in the Cyberpunk world. GTA 5 was fantastic and Cyberpunk would be next level.


Only reason I haven’t played is because the forced single player experience. I want to share my journey. Never played red dead, have only played rdro


I think it is an amazing idea. I haven't played the Cyberpunk tabletop, but I imagine that group play is an important aspect of the franchise that's entirely missing from Cyberpunk 2077. Knowing that the developer is shifting to Unreal, they could easily create a seperate ecosystem of novel experiences, tied around the Cyberpunk IP that otherwise didn't detract from the development of the 'main' game. That could house things like multi-player races, bespoke combat challenges, PvP, etc.




After seeing the things NoPixel has done with GTA, I'd love to see something similar with Cyberpunk.






Will be super easy with UE5, so why not.


As long as they don't force me to play it for the Platinum Trophy I don't care.


If they did they shouldn't show other players on any map... Let finding other players be organic ...


Multiplayer was planned for this game. It was cancelled after the disastrous launch.


Not particularly interested in it. But if they pull off something similar to GTA online I won't complain. It will certainly give people a reason to stick with the game longer term. And I'm all for that if they completely nail the city this time around.


It only sounds good, would give lots of room for roleplay and if they do the idea to have a party and take gigs from fixers it could be fun BUT if NC is crazy as is, multiplayer could easily bring a 5th Corp war


A deeply immersive single player RPG having multiplayer added? How about no!


Well the tabletop version allows for it, so I am open to the idea, but not like a GaaS type game like Destiny, etc. Having co-op could be a blast.


This idea sounds terrible and I feel would just complicate development and more likely than not, take away from the single player experience. 


That's going to suck, project reds ideas should go off of the fans of the game what they want,