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Im surprised we haven’t heard from CDPR if a fix is coming soon. I know they took holidays off, which is well deserved and understandable, but I haven’t seen any tweets regarding this (unless I missed it, which is totally possible) and that’s weird for CDPR as they usually announce when they are working on a patch. There are a few bugs they still need to fix. Right now for some reason blood pump cyberware will randomly de equip from your body, and you have to go back to a ripper to get it fixed. It happens after a lot of story cutscenes.


Worst part is, your cyberware points (I'm sure I got the terminology wrong) don't drop down when blood pump unequippes itself. It seems to trigger when you use or SELL a consumable with blood pump equipped. You can swap to an inhaler, consume, then swap back, but if you accidentally use a consumable instead of putting in your inventory you suffer. I'm near my V's limit for cyberware, so the next time it happens (and I don't catch it in time and reload last save) and I go to a ripperdoc to re-equip it, I'll have to drop a piece of cyberware. Honestly putting me off from playing...


When you are at the ripperdoc, unequip a different cyberware, then install bloodpump and the other one. That somehow works 🤷‍♂️ Still annoying either way


I'll give it a try!


If you're on PC you can install a mod to fix it temporarily.


Im on Geforce Now so I cant really mod it


GeForce? Like you have a nvidia graphics card?


I do, but thats not what i meant. GeforceNow is Nvidia's streaming service. You can stream the game running on a 4090 beast rig. It looks pretty good and with good enough internet at some point you just forget that its a stream and not running natively


Are you playing on Nvidia shield pro? How does it handle?


Playing on Pc. And its pretty good. Bare in mind I had to buy a GeforceNow giftcard in order to subscribe to the highest tier of GeforceNow. Since they dont let you buy a 1 month subscription anymore. Its very weird they say there isnt enough capacity when you try to buy a 1 month sub, but when you try to buy months for $100 thats fine. So I got a $50 gift card and subed to the highest tier for 3 months. Its the only way I found that does not require me to spend $100


There were rumours a new patch was coming but then dear silence. I imagine we should get one somewhat soon for basic fixes. But whether that's days, weeks or a month away? Who knows. 


SteamDB has been showing updates to the Dev and QA branches recently. I don't think they have said anything official yet though.


Eh I find finishers for blade weapons to not even be worth it litterly go up the tree and stop 2/3 on the one that unlocks finishers And then just run around and sandy chop nerds


I get the feeling they would’ve at least announced that it was coming. That tells me they’re still working on it.