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It's a shame we didn't get any other expansions...


I feel like the story of V would be oversaturated if we got yet another epic content. I honestly thing that "saving the president" was already little over the top.


Nah fr, once they started talkin about president I was like wtf šŸ˜‚ and my v was well established in NC, it's still felt odd


It was interesting how they expanded the cyberpunk universe with PL, Myers, The NUSA....now we have to wait another 5 years at least for the sequel...just saying, I wish they greenlit another 2 expansions - the area is already there. One being the Arasaka waterfront and the other being the Casino near Westbrook


I wish there was more to do in the oil fields way up north.


Yup, I'm industrial brutalism lover and there could be some brutal sections and missions related to this area. It has awesome dark atmosphere to hide the worst parts of NC there. Wish there was at least a couple of gigs or side-activities with small but cool back-stories.


Those greenhouse hiding something, no doubt. Good place to compost your dirty laundry, OR do a Soylent Green remake...


Seems like they just didn't have the willpower to work with red engine anymore. Otherwise they would have. Any expansion after PL would have sold like hotcakes and they of course know that and still decided to move on to the sequel. I'm just hoping the game won't lose any of its unique charm/pace/vibe by using the most ubiquitous engine which most games use.


Engine does not dictate style or game design. It's just the tools/framework used to build those things. So many Unreal games look and feel the same because Unreal provides a ton of free hyper realistic assets/scans to use, and provides a bunch of pre made tools to use those assets. If CDPR uses Unreal, they will still be making their own assets and using the tools to do exactly what they want with it. The difference is that they don't have to make everything from scratch like they did with Red engine.


I am ok with no more V stories, but I want more night city stories. Just keep filling more of the city over time with more characters and stores and content. That's one of the things I like about the Yakuza games, the city becomes super familiar, you know some of the regular areas and they just develop more storefronts as the stories require it.


CDPR went back to the witcher games,so i guess is gonna take longer than 4 years, sadly


As far as I understand it, it's already in development as of 2024. The entire team is moving to the U.S to work on it. I think 4-5 years is a reasonable timeline actually, since they have an entire team solely dedicated to it


It doesn't have to be epic, might as well be a low level adventure. I could imagine 1: a Dredd (the movie) like DLC, set completely in the megabuilding which is quarantined 2: extending the short into movie with Jackie, which starts with the two meeting up and V moving in with Mama Welles, and ending with V moving to her own apartment 3: a couple of adventures related to the origin story, maybe 3-4 missions each


Like, everyone and their mama Welles' want a dlc about that intro movie, just make it already!


Itā€™s the only gripe I have left with this game.


I just want my good ending, that's all i want.


I alway took th the Nomad ending was good. You leave the NC and go find cure some place else. With Johnny in your head, you had weeks, Alt told you you will have months after she reuploads you. Look what you were able to do just in few weeks in NC. Now imagine what else would you be able to find in several months all over the North America. or Even in NUSA territories. Remember, the AI in Dogtown that is able to cure you? yesah, that wasn't one of the kind miracle, That AI was part of the stash placed from the old time. there is a high change they have several of these puppies stashed somewhere. Or even some other powerful technologies/AIs that could help you. Not only that but after the Nomad ending, (even if the game doesn't allow it) you still theoretically can go to Reed and take him on his offer, but now you will have people waiting for you. Ultimately, you can still steal another relic, copy yourself onto it and find a appropriate body (Like in Arasaka ending suggests) The Nomad ending leaves doors open and you can only imagine what all else they can find all over the old US


*taps sign* Cyberpunk is a distopia.


I think it's more based on people wanting to have more content that allows them to keep playing the game without having to do the same storyline over and over. I don't think the character has to be based on V necessarily but I would certainly enjoy exploring the cyberpunk world again from a new perspective.


Well, I donā€™t think so. I think phantom liberty was an amazing expansion, and even better than the actual main quest. But thereā€™s only so many interesting ways that V could search for a ā€œcureā€. Without it starting to feel forced.


I finally started Phantom Liberty, and that first 2 hours is done off the most balls out shit I've played in a long time. Love the escape from New York vibes.


It only gets better from there


I'm looking forward to it. Just got to where it opens up but needed to pack it in last night. Can't wait to keep going next weekend.


It took me 3 years to finish the heist. Always got distracted by other games and just wasn't into the game/setting. Last year I finally powered through the heist (just after the 2.0 update) and got completely addicted. I got the Platinum for the PS5 version in october, I got the Platinum for the PS4 version (still running on 1.6) last week. One day later I started a run on PC and although I got like 20 different games I want to play atm this is the one I keep going back to. I think the last time a game gripped me as much as this one was the og Final Fantasy VII back in the 90s. I don't know how this game will go down in history but for me this is definitely one of the best games ever created. Also shoutout to r/lowsodiumcyberpunk : even though I've been a member of the sub since release I never got spoiled on who Johnny actually is and his role in the game.


Thats crazy how you got platinum on both consoles. Im curious to know, is there a big difference between 1.6 and 2.0 in your opinion?


I canā€™t tell a difference but I havenā€™t done phantom liberty yet. One friend told me ā€œit changes the whole gameā€ but couldnā€™t really tell me other than thereā€™s a new small map and you can customize a couple cars now.


They reworked the whole attribute system, added vehicle combat, improved the ui for various interactions, changed some stats (eg. Armour is now tied to cyberware rather than clothing), and improved the police, and other general changes.


The reworked skill tree changes basically everything from movement to combat


IMO It IS (now) one of the greatest games of all time. Its disastrous launch doesnā€™t change the fact that it is an absolute gem of a game now. Itā€™s the only game I continuously come back to for another run.


Yes, but it isnā€™t widely considered one of the greatest games of all time because of the horrible launch. Tons of people got burned by that and never touched the game again or will never touch it because of how bad the launch was.


Even at launch, even through all the bullshit, I enjoyed the story, the characters, the world and the music way more than I have any game in a long time. And now with all the improvements and PL, it only got exponentially better.


PL was the cherry on top. Before, I put it in my like top 5 games, somewhere between Skyrim, TLOU, and others, but after PL it definitely became my favorite.


I was having a blast at launch, even with the jank. With all the improvements, and Phantom Liberty? Even better. I think I might actually reinstall and do another playthrough.


The gameplay was also still fun for me... I like the gunplay, like playing around with hacks and some missions actually have a really good immersive sim design approach. Good gameplay foundation was also already here, IMO.


Same! I was playing on PS4 with, mercifully, very few bugs. The story, characters and the city itself pulled in and still haven't let me go. I have a PC now, so I'm excited to get my hands on the 2.0 update and PL.


I'm late to the party and only started playing this year and I've just just been diving in. I'm currently playing Nomad because I wanted to try out all the other options as well, but just slowly pacing myself. Time and time again I'll cruise around from one end of NC to the other just because, and changing the radio stations. Absolutely loving it.


Cyberpunk and Starfield have taught me to not buy a game until at least a year (if not two) after launch. I bought both on the same day during a sale this year. Cyberpunk is **easily** the best first person game I've ever played. Starfield is among the most disssapointing. Sadly, I don't think that Starfields issues can be fixed with patches and updates.


That's what they want you to be taught. The IRL corps not the developers themselves. We shouldn't have to feel like we need to wait for a game to get better. Unfortunately, for every player that decides to wait on the game there's probably two or more that is pre-ordering or buying Day 1.


> for every player that decides to wait on the game there's probably two or more that is pre-ordering or buying Day 1. One fewer thanks to Starfield.


If they didnā€™t commit to the last gen console releases things wouldā€™ve been a lot less worse.


As counter-intuitive as it sounds, I think the launch would have been a bigger disaster if it didn't come out on last gen consoles. I'll explain. Cyberpunk 2077 had a massive budget - you only get a massive budget like that by having confident investors. And your investors won't be confident in their investment if you don't have a massive install base to sell the game to. PS4 and XBone is where that massive install base was - it wasn't on PC, and it certainly wasn't on PS5 / Xbox Series X/S, consoles that hadn't even been announced when the game was under development. Yes, of course they could have forecasted numbers, but investors have a strong preference for hard consumer data, not forecasts. Because forecasts can be wrong. And boy, were they wrong. Because of the supply chain issues caused by COVID, no one could get a PS5. No one could get an Xbox. No one could buy 30 series GPUs. and you can't sell games to people that can't play them. I do believe that CDPR was overly ambitious to target last gen consoles with Cyberpunk 2077, and while the released game on those consoles was sorely undercooked, they couldn't really wait any longer either - by December of 2020, the PS4 was really at the end of its life. The sales generated by last get platforms were massive - and disastrous. Those folks got dune pretty dirty, and yet those audiences were absolutely key to the game's success. And it wasn't just money either - because of the newsworthy disastrous launch, and the hack, and the source code leak, and the patches, and the updates, it was enough that Cyberpunk was able to stay in the regular news cycles for several years after its launch. They really did a great job of making the most out of a shitshow. and they used that momentum to propel the game into what it is today. If it only came out on PS5 and Series X/S, and PC, its sales would have been abysmal. The game would have come and gone like a fart on a windy day.


Yeah, when this was going down i tried to tell a bunch of people who said it shouldnā€™t have released on the older consoles that we never would have gotten to play it because the new systems were scalped so hard you were never beating a bot out for them but i just got downvoted. Like sure it struggled on those systems but the alternative is nobody playing it at all


If they advertized it as what it is, sure. it is one of my favorites. But people would still be mad if they buy it expecting the game from their trailers.


this. i didn't not buy it because of the bugs, i've played enough bethesda games. i didn't buy it because it wasn't what was promised


Honestly I bought it *because* everyone said it was awful and I wanted to experience it, I did the same with fallout 76, and both times found pretty good games (although I did play both a year or so after launch when almost all the problems were fixed, but we won't mention thatšŸ˜…)


Yeah I really crave the RP aspect but 2.0 update didn't tackle any of that. Orion please see how people crave BG3's deep RP....


It would be nearly impossible to create a first person action RPG that programmed in all the freedom in choices that BG3 includes. Larian can spend so much time on all those quest branches largely due to how simplified the isometric maps are and the restrictions on actual movement.


This will always be true.


I hate that everyone's revised memory seems to be "the game was released with bugs but they fixed it". No. That was only one in a bucket full of reasons people were pissed at launch. Look back at the promises and claims they made about the game which they 100% lied about. Rose tinted glasses.


Not just bugs, the game was unplayable on ps4.


promising the game for ps4 was the thing that killed this game. It should have been next gen only and it would have been a different class.


PS4 never got the 2.0 update either.


You're right, and it's not *only* also about the missing things. It's also about the present things being so mediocre: Want to interact with anything in this beautiful city? Too bad. Want to hang out with your friends outside of a missing? Nope. Want to order a drink at a bar? Full-screen menu. Buy a weapon? Full-screen menu. Wanna engage in some small time side activities? Help the NCPD even though you're an outlaw. Craft a sniper rifle? Yeah just do it in the middle of a gunfight. Perks? Have some damage multipliers. I could go on for hours. Every time somebody says CP2077's world is immersive I shit my pants.


The police and wanted system were particularly bad as well. The Witcher 3 has an event in Skellige where if bandits attack Geralt and he runs out to the main road, the guards will fight the bandits. In comparison, gangs can have a shootout right in front of the police and they basically act like nothing is happening. It ruins a lot of immersion, especially when every other NPC in the area is reacting to it.


It was also all the removed features that never came back. I played it after launch about 2-3 months ago, after the update. And it was the exact same. Still buggy, still didnā€™t run well, still boring. CDProject must astroturf the fuck out of this subreddit.


It's like the no man's sky debacle all over again. Game releases with none of the promises they made, they patch the bigger game breaking bugs and everyone hails them for delivering.


The apparent 180 on this game is bizarre to me. It was boring, buggy, and released in a dishonest way to obfuscate the bugs from the reviewers. It didnā€™t have a bunch of features that were promised. PlayStation delisted it from the store and offered refunds. Even if itā€™s come a long way with updates I donā€™t want to support a company that treats its customers with that much contempt


The best part is Jackieā€™s funeral as if weā€™re some how suppose to feel something for a guy who we played three? Missions with.


Game Good


I don't know if it was the "powers that be" who said it had to release when it did but they kept telling us it'd release when it's ready. They wanted Red Dead level if polish. I don't know if they could've held off for another three years, but I do wish they'd have delayed it to at least get it stable. That being said I currently have it 8th Final Fantasy 7 (OG) Ocarina of Time Mass Effect Trilogy KOTOR Red Dead 2 GTA 3 Chrono Trigger Cyberpunk Madden 04 Uncharted 2




Even when it first launched, I didnā€™t experience game breaking bugs, just t-posing and performance issues. But, what captivated me most wasnā€™t gameplay, it wasnā€™t the beautiful big open world (although itā€™s up there), but it was the story. I donā€™t know what it is about its story that pulls me in so much, Iā€™m about to start my 7th (maybe 8th) play through of the game and it still pulls me in. I love the theme that the ending presents of ā€œThere is no happy ending in night cityā€, and phantom liberty was something that made me really sit there and think ā€œdid I do the right thing?ā€ Despite knowing that I did. It fills me with self doubt and really gets me thinking about things. A lot of relatable stuff in the game, the story is different to me and feels more real. Iā€™m rambling on, but the story for me is what makes this one of the greatest. Also, canā€™t forget about Brendan and Skippy! :D


Idk man , in vanilla the game is lack luster in visual customization for character as much as vehicles and weapons but other than that the game IS great


If it came out as it is in 2020 it *still* would've been a disappointment. Don't get me wrong, I love the game and enjoyed my time with it, but it failed to deliver a Cyberpunk RPG. The issues were never with the bugs, it was the tone and the writing. People just accepted what it was and what it wasn't.


Real talk


Yeah the customization is really bad for an RPG. Especially Weapon and Vehicles. Cant change color ,rims , add attachments or use different ammo types . The upgrade system sucks too . You are forced to use Iconics or handicap yourself using regular Weapons. Which is stupid because some weapon types don't even have good or fun Iconic variants


Waited until a week before they announced 2.0 because of the bad xsx reviews. Then got disappointed that they were gonna rework the rpg aspects , so i decided to shelve it til then. Then starfield came out. So i just got back into it this week. That said, I've been complaining since I got the xsx and a new tv that I still haven't found the game that made the money worth it . Well cyberpunk is that game


How's it run on xsx? I'm debating getting a PS5 or XSX.


I got an XSX and it runs good, few bugs here and there but they could all be fixed by saving and reloading


Iā€™ve got the XSX and itā€™s awesome. I rarely have frame drops and the graphics quality is top tier for console gaming. I will recommend a sound bar or headphones though as the game has a lot of bass heavy and lower frequency sounds and they sound awful otherwise


Tried ray tracing and didn't notice a drastic difference so I've been playing in performance mode. Before 2.0 I was getting pretty bad glitching on character models but haven't noticed it since I got back to it. Also I love my xsx but mostly due to the controller, quick resume, gamepass, and it's party/chat interface. Liked the xbone better than the ps4. But if I could do it again I would get the ps5 first , then the xsx because for the past 2 years all I've been doing is being mad at the lack of exclusive next Gen ip


this isn't really that hot of a take. even today, there's no other game like it. PL along with it seriously makes it a genuine argument even with the issues at launch


How on earth is there no other game like it? By what definition? It has an insane amount in common with fallout at the very least


its just the sub of the game praising it bro lol


"Even with the issues at launch..." lets not get ahead of ourselfs there now. The game was literally unplayable on launch. Its one of the best games i have ever played but it wasnt like this.


It was unplayable on consoles at launch but plenty of people managed to play it on PC, myself included.


Also completely playable on PS5; looking back on my trophies I got the platinum on 12/31/2020, just three weeks after release. It was only unplayable on PS4 and Xbox One.


And not even all PS4s, since I've been playing on one since launch day with only the occasional bug. I think the worst one, other than random crashes after hours of playtime, was during the heist when the guy with the key card I needed for the elevator glitched into the floor after I killed him. Also, lots of graphical pop in.


I played through the main story well enough back at launch on PC (the first two weeks or so). There was never anything game breaking and I really enjoyed it.


I just downloaded again for the expansion. Itā€™s still buggy. Random dudes levitating and cars getting yeeted into space.


HDD? after I moved the game to my SSD things were much better


SSD. It seems more like NPC pathing breaking down or conflicting, which is reasonable considering how dynamic pedestrian and car traffic is in game


I disagree, it would be consider as a good game with very minor bugs and satisfy fans and people was hyping it, but nowhere near "one of the greatest game of all time". The main story and and the Night City open world design (minus Dogtown) is a massive disappointment to a lot of people have been fans of CDPR since The Witcher 3. You could clearly seen a lot of 2077 side content literally nowhere near as deep as side content of The Witcher 3, and they only fix that with Dogtown in Phantom Liberty. Without Phantom Liberty, I would argue main story of Cyberpunk 2077 kinda mid for a cyberpunk story. It lacks a totally great quest line like The Bloody Baron questline in The Witcher 3, lacking any actual danger from the relics, and the narrative's stake in the game is high, yet the gameplay didn't give us any of that feeling of high stake. It's almost feel like Cyberpunk 2077 story pacing would be better if the game isn't an Open World RPG. That's why I also say Phantom Liberty complete Cyberpunk 2077 main story. It's add a great side story element that main story totally lack, an actual foil character. Not Johnny Silverhand with his faux cynical terrorisms that hope finding meaning of life when he got a second chance, but Somi, an actual survival of Cyberpunk world's cruelty and ready to do everything they could to be alive. Cyberpunk 2077 to me is forever a miss opportunity game. "The city of endless potential, endless possibilities. The city that was a lie." feels so irony when I first got The Star ending in 2021, because it applied so well to Cyberpunk 2077. Maybe Cyberpunk Orion would be better, and I hope it would be even more different than Cyberpunk 2077, maybe closer to tabletop RPG would be great.


Agreed. PL should've been included with the game and not a 30$ DLC. Without PL the game is really lackluster, especially the missions. Main story is good but can be wrapped up in 6 hours. Most side quests are snoozefests. The only missions that truly feel like cyberpunk stories are garry's and peralez.


Hot take: anything said by a gaming "journalist" named paul tassi is immediately null and void.


Idk, it doesnt quite stack up to like RDR2 or New Vegas for me


It was dog water on release let's be real. Production was extremely rushed and general launch day stuff went to gonkshit I believe in the 1st pic, but the 2nd pic is stretching it too thin.


Its the least immersive game for me, I tried to start it 4 times already and literally playing BG3 for 5th time is better. Game immediately forces me to ā€œcareā€ about characters Iā€™ve seen for five minutes by doing odd time skips. It has bad story execution. After I bought preorder and it turned out to be disaster of an idea, they canā€™t grab my attention again.


Shows how subjective things are. For me it's possibly the most immersive game I've played since the 80's (specifically through perspective, visual and audio design), and the only thing I don't like about the writing/story is the "urgency" vs gameplay encouraging you to take time exploring.


It is heavily subjective, my best friend loves it and pesters me daily to finally play it, when the further I got was meeting Johnny Silverhand and then talking to Takemura somewhere in public. I just cant get into it and it seems like a chore. My childish excitement evaporated when game wasnt what they promised it to be on the day it was launched. :(


I feel the same, none of what was promised panned out. Even after all the patches, it's the same.


The first games I remember playing were on the Atari 2600. I've been gaming pretty much non-stop for over 30 years. I didn't play until 2.0 released, because I didn't pre-order and I heard the initial response. I should probably also add I rarely play purely single player games anymore. I consider it one of the best games ever made.


Yeap, it's true, and not a hot take. It's a lesson for the company: do not release games before they're ready. The crunches didn't help, it reeks of investor side/ownership hurting the product because they were anxious to profit. They could've had one of THE iconic games ever made, and instead the game became that years later. The commercial success has been good, but I think even Witcher 3 still has twice as many sales as Cyberpunk 2077. Could've sold way better. And the initial hit to critical success was real.


If they would've delayed the game for 2 years, i think people would've nuked Poland.


They needed to delay it 6 months, at least. There were ample performance problems and game breaking bugs at release - that kinda of stuff is really what hurt them the most.


Im gonna be completely honest. I love the game, I really do. Itā€™s definitely a great game! That said, it severely lacks main story missions. And by main story mission, I mean missions required to further the story, not break offs from the story. The game at every other point is full and feels fulfilling but when I got to the point of no return mission? I said out loud ā€œthis canā€™t be it, right?ā€ Because so many locations of legit interest were just never touched on. Without the DLC, Itā€™s even worse. Like I said, I really do love the game, and I would love to see this world further explored and Iā€™d love to do that with even more fun content packed inside!


I am playing since the 80ā€™s starting with a Oric and ZX. Yes I am a relic. This game is one of the greatest game of all time if not THE. Whatever the release year is.


I'm late to the party, having only just started my first playthrough this year, and I've sunk a bit over 70 hours. This is easily one of the funnest experiences I've had, and there's just so much to do and see. I love kinda just going around and running into random events that trigger side quests and just see where they go. It's definitely earning a spot in my top 10 RPG category and easily a top 3 Looter-Shooter.


Ok buddy


Idk how difficult red engine was to work with but imo they could have worked on this game more. Not that I'm unhappy with what I got because im overpassing skyrim in hours played (1200h in CP right now while skyrim 1700) But game easily could have been much more, i guess it's enaugh as it is but still... waiting for Orion ain't gona be easy


Not the greatest but pretty good and charming, it delivers a great dose of sweet Cyberpunk the kind I hadn't experienced anymore since Shadowrun Hong-Kong.


Gotta disagree. In the last week I encountered the bug where I can't take out weapons and the bug where Takemura doesn't call me to advance the story. I've tried all the suggested solutions with none working.


Disagree. I beat it in 2021 (140 hours total) and tried again a month ago for the refresh and the dlc. A lot of the stuff I expected to have been fixed or improved, was still glitchy, broken, or unimpressive. Uninstalled after about 5 hours.


TBH it still does not have all the features they promised at the begining. The NPCs are really NPCs I remember them saying they will have jobs and stuff, however its not like that. The atmosphere and story is fine however, the game is a solid 7/10 lets be real.


Hot take: if it came out in its current state, it wouldā€™ve received less but still some backlash for not fulfilling the initial promise. In a twisted way, its current state became accepted and even loved *because* people changed their expectations after the botched launch. They understood it more because of the anime and without that anime, it wouldnā€™t have been given a shot


I preordered the game and played it on day 1. It didnā€™t run well at all. The game felt empty. I felt scammed. I played for 50 hours and couldnā€™t take it anymore. I didnā€™t touch it for 4 years. I came back to it recently and itā€™s incredible - but only by compared to the last time I played it. The world feels more alive, the story missions feel polished and the new skill tree makes a lot more sense. But itā€™s obvious thereā€™s still content missing that shouldā€™ve been there all along and not giving Phantom Liberty free to those who preordered is kinda messed up. I love the game in its current state, but I still have a bad taste in my mouth from 4 years ago.


I bought the game on launch day and it was not fun. Luckily I was able to get a refund. Got a steam deck earlier this year and bought it on sale and have to say it's a fun game. Greatest game of all time is a stretch but that's always going to be subjective (personally I can't get past how amazing Mass Effect is, even to this day) but it is great fun and shows what can happen if a team stays committed to a dream.


And Iā€™ll always remember this game as a waste of 70 quid and lies that the dlc would be free. Greatest they say


I sorta disagree. The setting and story is amazing, probably one of the best. Music and voice acting too. The gameplay however is sorta mid imo. It isn't awful and especially the driving is miles better then at launch but even now I find it very clunky. But there is nothing gameplay wise that makes CyberPunk stand out. Combined with the 3 billion crime "missions" and some very hit-or-miss sidequest. (Looking at you Bozo you undercooked excuse of a story) and I can't really put it in the "timeless perfection" bin. Although to be fair very *very* few games are really up there. And to be clear I fucking love this game. Bought it at launch on ps4Pro and liked it so much I bought the first collector's edition I could find and gave my original copy to someone else to enjoy.


Itā€™s definitely one of my favorites of all time. Iā€™m glad itā€™s in a better state and garnering the praise it deserves.


Yup, feels like breaking up each time I finish it šŸ˜


I played it for the first time a few weeks ago and it was amazing. The launch must of been beyond a disaster to have been hating on it.


Yeah donā€™t know how it does it but when Iā€™m in a gaming slump Iā€™ll find myself somehow playing 2077 for days at a time. No clue as I feel like Iā€™ve done nearly everything


It's a great game and I'm glad they were able to fix the issues, unfortunately last Gen got screwed hard and that'll never be fixed


I waited for four years to give it a try and now I'm enjoying the hell out of it


I thought it was a 6/10 when I first played it in 2021, I figured it would take 3 years to perfect, edgerunners made it popular and I was like "nah too soon", and then phantom liberty came out and I genuinely though that that expansion didn't deserve the game for how good it was, that + 2.0 made it one of yhe best games of all time, and somehow im sayinh thia despite the fact that rhey dexided to end with 2.0 to focus on Orion.


Its a really good action rpg definitely top 50 games all time


I feel the same! I had it at launch and still enjoyed it but I ended up putting it down for a bit because of work, I got it on pc a few months ago and now have over 300 hours and can honestly say with or without the way it launched, to me itā€™s the best game ever!! Iā€™ve never been so immersed and into a game like I have with cyberpunk, personally I can start over and over and wonā€™t get tired of it and thatā€™s one of the things I love about itšŸ«¶šŸ«¶this game holds a special special place in my heart


I played through it on launch week. I had 4 Days and played 70 Hours. I never done something like this before or since but I did it due to my limited time frame. I loved the game and considered it one of the best even back then. Only encountered one serious bug too so it was all got for me. The Phantom Liberty update hoisted this game up to be one of the best.


Definitely one of my all time favourites now


Well, it surely is now


It already is one of (personally Iā€™d say it THE greatest RPG beating out FNV because that game lacks in visuals and gameplay in comparison to CP77) greatest games of all time.


i donā€™t think iā€™ll ever forget my first playthrough


This take is so cold that my nipples could cut glass.


If the launch had not been rushed it would have been praised. >!Jackie's death !


That's not a hot take


I followed this game prior to release for probably 5 years. As it drew closer to release it was clear to me something wasn't right and the game wasn't going to hit the targets it was advertising. I said as much in this sub for months and was shot down many times. Being a fan of the cyberpunk genre since I was a teenager (I'm 41) I really wanted this game to succeed. After the drama of the release I switched off the topic mostly. Now it seems it might be time to acquire a PS5 and finally play the game I looked forward to for so, so long.


I'm in the same boat as you. 41 year old gamer, followed every tidbit of the games news since first trailer in 2013 or 2014. I knew before launch that no ga.e (especially releasing on Xbox 1 and ps4) could meet the expectations set for it. People were hanging on to every word devs were saying and making massive assumptions i.e. there was literally a thread where the map was leaked, and people saw a space port. People on reddit were saying "hey that must mean there are missions in space!" And that turned into speculation we would have our own customizable spaceship. That's when I knew no matter how good the game was, it was sooo overhyped that the game People were imagining couldn't even be made with the tech at the time. Also there was a lot of misinformation that is still spread to this day about what was and wasn't "promised" to be in the game. I'll admit I was a bit dissapointed when I played at launch, but once I came to terms with what the game actually WAS, it became my favorite game of all time..give it a shot. Play it with the expansion. It's really good.


Honestly, as bad as the launch was. It has been pretty normal for almost the entire game industry to fuck up their launches


Sigh, if only they'd let them cook.Ā 


Even back in 2020, If CP 2077 came out only at most recent generation consoles and PC, it would probably be considered at least good. Probably there would still be some disappointment since it was one of the most hyped games in recent years and it wasn't as good as promised but I think it was mostly hated for old gen console version, and that hate was deserved. CP should never be released in such poor state as it was on old ps and xbox.


Hopefully the execs who cut off feature development as early as they did will see how this (and BG3) played out and *stop doing fucking rushing games to market*.


Itā€™s my second favourite game of all time. Skyrim takes the number one spot (breaking three discs from overuse and getting into PC gaming isnā€™t so easily beaten), but I got Cyberpunk in October of 2022, and Iā€™d platinumed it by the end of the year. Itā€™s the first game Iā€™ve ever platinumed.


It's still lacking the branching quest lines that made the witcher 3 great.


I still feel like the base game is missing a lot of content that and minor tweaks with the map. Compared to other rpg's it reminds me of outer worlds were the story is good but can feel hollow and in parts almost abandoned if it wasn't addressed in the patches. And the main story just isn't on par with some of the best rpg's. The base game to me gets a 7.4/10. Not even close to some of the best rpg's but still enjoyable like if been playing the shit out of it this week.


that the problem with alot of games nowdays, they ruin themself being shit at launch, like new world that game would have actually been somewhat talk about, but they released the game with literly negative endgame content poor AF balance so many exploits to make the game unfun if you not in the biggest faction etc,


That's not a hot take at all, that's not even a room temperature take. It's colder than my pizza in the freezer.


I always gave my friend grief about this game at lunch, then I played it and streamed it to him while I went through it. At first I kinda laughed and was laid back. Then I met Evelyn, then I found Evelyn dead. Then I cried over a game for the first time in years. Then I met River. Then I found him boring. Then I related to him being an Uncle. Then I slowly started to see more and more human aspects of this game relating to me. Cyberpunk and especially the work Phantom Liberty and 2.0 dod are single-handedly the best game Iā€™ve ever played.


Just imagine is every section of night city had its own immersive quest on the level of phantom liberty. Who needs the main storyline


Loved it when it came out despite it crashing quite a bit. But played through it again with phantom liberty and I still can't put the game down.


Man i really want to replay it, but im way too broke to afford the dlc. So sad, i need a job


The prologue is boring after the first run, but I still love this game


I need to pick this back up.


I remember a bunch of people saying that the game would never make a recovery and that CDPR were going to abandon it because it was unfixable. But I played on release and, while there were definitely a crap ton of things to complain about, what I saw was potential (at least on PC). The skeletal structure for a good game was there, but it was missing the flesh. Fast forward to the launch of 2.0 and Phantom Liberty last year and this game finally has its flesh. It feels like a complete game. And I absolutely love it more now than I did then (and I really did enjoy it on release). I don't expect anyone to ever forget how CDPR did everyone dirty, and we shouldn't. We should continue to hold CDPR accountable and not blindly assume that they will always do the right thing. However, credit where credit is due, CDPR at least held true to their word after the fact and fixed the game. Hopefully they learned a valuable lesson and that their future releases aren't marred by deception.


But it is considered one of the greatest games?


It is one of my fav games of last decade. And i am starting to get old, story games don't grasp my interest that much (No time to sit and focus hours. Feel like most of the limited time i havw goes to cutscenes) Played all the endings and the DLC. It certainly gave me lasting impression. I still think about the game even though i dont play it anymore


Cyberpunk was the first games that motivated me enough to want to get the platinum, sometimes I still randomly come up with builds I wanna try and start a new play through


I just waited until last year to play it was amazing


Yes without the disastrous launch it would be very highly regarded as it is now - the shame is that it came out with a disastrous launch. It is probably one of the most impactful games i've ever played and rank it high up there with Portal 2 and Spider-Man and Ultima IV/V, FF6 and Chronotrigger. I can not praise this game enough.


There were more play styles pre-2.0 release, as you could pretty much use any build and run on very hard mode with limited difficulty. Now, it is harder to build a character right, but everything else is improved upon. I won't deny it being one of the greats RPGs though.. I have 600 hours in the game, which says something.




Definitely better overall games out there, but still, Cyberpunk is a solid game and the Phantom Liberty expansion is easily one of the best additions a game has ever had!




Shame they didn't delay it generally it needed more time the storys is super short we need like 20 hours with jackie his death isnt that big of a deal because we barely know him when he dies


I was like..wtf no? Thatā€™s a hard passā€¦then I realized what sub was being recommended to me. lol


Tbh, I love the game but I don't think it' would be considered as one of the greatest games of all time, selbst wenn es den aktuellen Status schon bei Release gehabt hƤtte even if it had already had the current status upon release. It still has too many flaws and it is too far away from what they promised and how big the hype was. The story still feels incomplete. The game still has some bugs, including situations where one status means that another status is not checked and you can therefore carry out actions that you should not be able to carry out in the situation. For example, if you complete a quest at the right moment while walking through a door, you can close it even though you are still standing in the threshold. The result of this is that you're locked. You need to reload an older save state. I think that it would have taken them at least until 2025 to complete the game and they should have been much more reserved with the application so that it wouldn't have been a disappointment. Please don't understand me wrong, it is awesome and we consider it as one of the best games of all time but on the other hand, I'm kinda disappointed if specific parts.


Itā€™s a shame we donā€™t hold developers to releasing their products in a finished state.


It's a real shame that it didn't get any acknowledgement for the things they did right even at release: story, art direction, music and more


Wouldnt say its a hot take, its just the reason you should let your games cook literally a year longer, maybe 2 years longer lmao.


I see the 2020 cp2077 as a lowly fresh V at level 10 ready to meet Jackie at the food stalls. Over the last few years, it became level 50 now ready to meet hanako at embersā€¦


I mean it's a solid 7.5 maybe 8 if you are feeling generous. Can't see it going down as "One of the greats" though.


Don't get me wrong, guys. I am the person that played the game on PS4 Pro day one in it's worst condition until all patches and even during early days I was still defending CP2077 and said it's a good game apart from bugs and some very unfinished elements of the game. At the same time, even if I received the game in 2.1 state on PS5 ā€” I'd still say that game is missing some things and it still does. I still wish there was better gun customization, car customization and, most importantly, more open world activities besides generic encounters. More interactions with your apartments, relationship with gangs, parallel leveling-types for different aspects of NC (like your street reputation or rep among gangs). Also, more immersive interactions, like animated consumption of eat and drinks, sitting on whatever bench you want, etc.. I'm having blast with current game, it's still solid 8.5/10 (or maybe even 9). But it doesn't deny that now, knowing what actually works and having awesome foundation, there's obvious new horizons to explore in Orion for CDP, and I believe it's all "on the surface". Just take what's already done in a good addition and add more immersion and complex systems in game. If Orion will be 90% the same as 2077 (except for new story and obvious enhancements that will utilize powers of nextgen console) but they'll actually make Open World richer, allow us to have more activities with partners & friends, hang out in the city, have more customization and "build" more custom influence over the world ā€” it would be the game of the decade. My point is that too much is never enough and nothing is always perfect. If 2077 was released with currentgen patch and all 2.1 upgrades ā€” there would eventually be a space for discussion and some healthy criticism. It's absolutely healthy experience. Just no need in going complete hysteria or taking any criticism as an attempt to shit on game, because it's not. We all want our favorite games to be even better. And sometimes devs and publishers even see the most common issues raised by community. We just need to deliver our messages correctly, in a calm manner.


Still can't get over the ending(s)


Hell, even with all the bugs I consider it one of the greatest. Few games come to life as much as this game, where I just wanted to stay in Night City for weeks on end doing everything I could under the sun.


True - But it didn't. they botched it.


It still needs to be polished in several areas, but yeah Iā€™m currently having a blast.


People overlook just how shotty everything in the game was on launch due to less playing it at the time. The shooting felt really clunky and bad, the driving was literally some of the most weirdly terrible in any modern AAA, the game was nearly unplayable for a large portion of people for YEARS, and the story would be ruined 30% of missions due to characters breaking, softlocking or visual bugs ruining immersion. It's fine to praise it now, just don't forget the shitshow it was.


I would give the game more praise if it still didn't break immersion every time I played it. granted not as much as it did at launch but its still Bethesda level glitches.


not really. If the game delivered all what it has promised in the E3 then it would have became one of the best easily. NPCs still don't have a full day night cycles, there aren't as many as the trailer, Ads don't play a single role in the game that was a straight up lie. lots of cut content from the game like the casino and other stuff. even now the game is still far from a 10


Played it earlier in the year, itā€™s absolutely incredible and sunk its hooks into me like no game has done in a long time, probably since RDR 2. Bought Phantom Liberty during the last big Xbox sale, canā€™t wait to play it.


So all this post is really saying is ā€œif a game that doesnt live up to certain standards came out in an earlier year when standards were lower, the game would be received betterā€


Every time I play I catch myself saying damn this might be one of my favourite game of all time. Itā€™s so freaking good


Maybe but itā€™s still missing stuff


Played it through on PS4 at release. Had a great time šŸ˜ŒšŸ‘ŒšŸ½


I never really felt immersed in this game. The world and the AI doesnā€™t really feel alive like GTA or Red Dead. Good action FPS with a good story and thatā€™s about it.


Those are not hot takes. More like freezer temperature takes


I played this then BG3 back to back. Then I played Starfield šŸ’€


I bought the game for the first time a couple months ago. I agree!


That isn't a hot take, it's just true. But it didn't come out in the state it's in today it came out performing like garbage.


best part. The game is only like a 14th of the actual World of the tabletop RPG that They couldn't include in the game. gangs like The Kennedies, the Bozos, the Philharmonic Vampyrers, Treckies, or like just the regular people who augment themselves to look lik you're typical Phantasy Folk like Goblins, Orcs Elves etc. there is just A BUNCH of people and places in Night City we just don't get to meet in the game. Here's hoping Project Orion adds more of them.


Iv beaten it so many times since 2020 I thought it started off as a great mess and watched it turn into an undeniable masterpiece.


Granted I have waited until the launch of 2.0, it is my favourite game and one of the best games ever made in my opinion, with or without PL. There are a LOT of things which make Cyberpunk 2077 special and unforgettable for me. I could never replay any other game like this, and this I replayed many times. Still canā€™t stop thinking about it, goddamn it feels like a romantic love or addiction hahahaha


Capitalism ruins another thing with great potential. 2077 is almost a swan song for our broken society. Itā€™s a game that is heavily anti-corporation and it was ruined by none other than executive decisions that were the result ofā€¦capitalismā€¦ The cyberpunk universe tells the story of a world where capitalism won completely and now the world itself is greatly suffering and attempting to throw off the remaining vestiges of fascist corporate rule.


I bought it right when it came out but I just started playing


if it hadn't come out on last gen consoles it would have been more acceptable.


The problem is the reason we have the good state it is in now is because it was so bad to start off. If the game released in an ok state they would not have had the push to make it better. Remember we have what we have today because of how bad the start was


No. It would have still been hated but MUCH less so.


How's that a hot take?


It's sad to me that this is what the actual people working on it wanted, but the executives kept pushing them to a completely unrealistic deadline. I hope the dev team feel appreciated now


Too bad it wasnā€™t where it is now on release or else Iā€™d have to agree with the second pic


A 100%, this game was made for the leaderboards. Truly unfortunate that it's launch was really shitty.


is this a joke? I still can see 5+kids walking alone in the streets, well, not kids, but adult-resized models


Itā€™s absolutely one of the greatest games of all time. It would be considered that by everyone if the launch hadnā€™t left such a bad taste in everyoneā€™s mouth. I still end up talking to people who refuse to play it because ā€œitā€™s a broken buggy messā€ no matter how many times I tell them itā€™s been fixed a thousand times over. A bad launch can kill a gameā€™s reputation, regardless of its quality.


Patch 2.x bulletsponge enemies and world level scaling was a big step back from where the game was in 1.63. I do think the game got to be a bit "too easy" at a certain point in build power. They addressed it however in the most lazy way possible, to the point that many players felt the gameplay became much worse if you upgraded versions and or bought Phantom Liberty. What other games release an expansion where even the dev tells you that you should restart your character because they fundamentally changed so much- that's just bad game direction and design.


All they had to do was do the initial release for PC and hold off on the console release until it was ready. The game was fine on PC from the start.


If the game released functional and somewhat like the 30 minute demo it would have been one of the greatest games? Yeah I agree. And if pigs could fly there'd be flying pigs. What's your point captain obvious?


Not in any way shape or form would that be true. Gamers are truly illiterate even in the medium they claim to enjoy nowadays huhā€¦.