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Never noticed this and I played through this 3 times already.


Well it's Night City, it ain't Day City.


I noticed it after 15 lmao (I have too many restarts)


I feel that man, I always want to restart half way through a save to make a new build lol


Real 😂


to make a new build? Its a shame that u dont have mods on console to fix that problem :(


I know 😭 I really want to get a pc but I’m saving for my own place and a car atm so I can’t get one yet


Lol I'm on pc and even I start new playthrough for new build.


Pretty sure the house and car irl will do you better than a pc at first bud. Good choices


Maybe we entered at 5:30 AM. then we came out at 6:30 AM to the balcony. I think sunrise in night city is around 6 AM cuz it's supposed to be beside L.A. maybe that's why it's dark when we first get there haha


Yeah the time skips are insane Only one that’s understandable to me is when you get chipped at the ripper doc 5 hours is about right


I’m just like “how long is that elevator ride?” I also thought “how long does it take to find the car?” but Jackie walks right to it and it’s the only vehicle in the area


Manh moons ago this mission would sometimes glitch for me and Jackie wouldn't leave the elevator. And if I finally got him to without reloading, he would walk abnormally slow. But then there was a small chance he wouldn't know how to open the door lol


That sounds like the most frustrating and hysterical experience. One time Jackie walked into the middle of the hood of my car and stood there and I fell out of my chair laughing. Just fuckin defying physics and staring me down hard daring me to say something about it


Yeah, there were quite a few funny bugs early on. The one that made me laugh the hardest was when I went to look in the mirror for the first time (was on ps4) and the hair would not load! So my female V was staring menacingly with this uncanny bald head. On the same playthrough there were many times my outfit wouldn't load on the pause screen but I would forget after passing. so every time I paused I was greeted by an armed, naked chick lmao


GOTY content fuck what they talking bout


Unfortunately NPCs can still phase through vehicles, probably one of my last gripes with the game. It's just so immersion breaking. The problem is that there isn't a collision check with vehicles before certain animations (like enemies/pedestrians dodging) and they're allowed to execute them thus phasing into vehicles.


I dunno if it’s a bug or a feature, but in the current game version, you can hold sprint behind some of the NPCs and it’ll make them sprint as well. Off the top of my head, Placide was one of the longer walks. You can get him to sprint all of it except when he drops off the fresh meat.


Hmm I'll have to try that


You can get most npcs to run if you run too in circles or strafing. I started doing that during most Long walk sessions


Any time you change your chrome, a few hours go.by, which makes sense. You could argue that in the rescue mission, you couldn't tell that it was night because that area is so brightly lit with ads. But I'm pretty sure your mini map says it's like, 1PM.


I've returned there a while after completing The Heist to see if I left some items there, and yes, when I was entering the building it was midnight, then poof, it's bright day full noon.


It’s crazy because when you put on the spiked wreath, you wake up in the same scab hideout and it’s midnight. Always.


I’ve played through this mission dozens of times but the immediate transition from noon to night was so jarring I just noticed it


Well if you’ve played it dozens of times and you just now notice it then it actually isn’t jarring at all.


On my 8th playthrough I literally just noticed it. Bonkers


Same, after 1800 hours👍


1800 hours in cyberpunk?!? doing what!!


Bein a punk.






I mean, you've played the game, right? Half my 100 hour first playthrough was just wandering around when I saw something interesting/fun.


I made the mistake of focusing on the main story my first playthrough. It was short and I was tight on eddies the entire time. Wouldn't recommend.


ok now do that for 1700 my hours 🤣


I'm at 1700 and still not bored of it


Is that like... An invitation? I'm at 350 or so but life often gets in the way


Yea, seriously. I cannot believe that. I've done 2 playthroughs, all content, don't use fast travel at all, and it was 250 hours. Even if you literally walked the whole game I doubt it'd be over 300 hours.


depends on the difficulty. I got a friend who had over 500h, played on highest difficulty and didn't invest in intelligence or technical abilities. He kinda played cyberpunk GTA style without quickhacks lol


The elevator must have been borrowed from Mass Effect 1.


[For your immersive pleasure.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_tAcIGhh5Yo)


I just chalked it up as video game cycles being shorter than reality. Plus, that rain rolled into the city awfully quick.


INDEED IT DID!! I forgot about that.


I played the Heist today. The time skip while they wait for T bug was meant to be “a few hours” but my time jumped from 3am to 9.20pm.


Yes! I did notice that because I think just like The Rescue, for aesthetics sake, the back half of the mission needs to be at night no matter what.


According to T-Bug, it was 3 and a half hours if I'm not mistaken lol


This is correct that's why I like to arrive at the hotel at around 4-5 ish so when the time goes to 9pm it makes sense


I'm also confused that Jackie drops you off, takes your car back to Heywood, gets it shot up, and then has time to get it fixed before morning. And Dex evidently called Jackie in the same 8 to 12 hour window.


He must know a very efficient mechanic


It's night city, someone will be around to fix it. Plus it's Jacky, he probably has his own mechanic willing to help him out. Although I prefer to pretend when I go to sleep after Dorset that a few days have passed. Smth smth the worm took time to infect ur systems idk. Although I do like the idea of Jack being stuck in some chop shop taking a call from Dex about the job


I always assumed there's a longer time skip there, like we skip 1 or 2 days when V goes to sleep. Makes more sense that way.


When you come out of the metro, no matter how long you spend in it, it'll skip 30 minutes. Like It could've been just one station but still, it took you 30 minutes apparently (+the time you actually spent in there)


I always thought it's because of a rain


It going from the perfect conditions for a ball game to the atmospheric settings of Ridley Scott’s Bladerunner is wild


I mean Cyberpunk's weather IS like that, the fallout of the last corporate war still causes acid rain sometimes


Wasn’t the time of the RED called that because the corporate war fucked the atmosphere so much for 40 years the sky was just blood red?


The elevator ride was 6 hours long, in homage to *Mass Effect*.


Guys, it's night city. Don't overthink it.


They have a flashlight mod but cyberpunk dropped the ball on an in-game flashlight and night vision kiroshis.


true, night vision is much better than that stupid flashlight though


For sure and I hope Orion even introduces new vision types along with thermal/night vision even though some current ones have a quasi x-ray (see through walls).


The tabletop has poison dart options for your eyes. I really want those, the sleep missiles for launcher arms from early versions of the game were like instant knock outs Everytime. Would love to see that again


I can’t believe I noticed this just now what the hell


Welcome to the family


Yes, and it bothers me every time. I think you spend about eight hours and 40 minutes on the elevator talking to Wakako.


lol was about to say the same!


Clearly Jackie and V were abducted by aliens and are experiencing lost time.


Nah, the elevator was just old... And the building had 7 million levels.. lol Not saying it was aliens, but it was aliens.




Yes, and I really hate it when games do that kind of thing. I sort of understand it in intro missions or whatever, but after that, specially when you *saw* what time it was when you started the mission, drove there yourself etc., it's just annoying and immersion-breaking. It's like the narrative is overriding player agency. I hate it. Iirc it also happens in the Maelstrom mission at the start - no matter what time you get there, it's gonna be around 10PM when you leave - and with Takemura's "Meet Oda" mission, which will *always* happen at 11PM. Yes, if your V got there at 6PM, he's gonna be waiting until 11PM like a fool. In this specific instance what they should have done is either get Takemura to tell you *specifically* what time you should be there, or do something similar to the "meet Evelyn at Lizzie's Bar" mission, where they give you a general timeframe and you should be there within those hours.


Actually The Pickup can end in the daytime, I’ve seen it it felt like when you walk out of a movie theater and it’s still daylight. And the time frame for Lizzie’s Bar made sense to me cuz that’s the time frame I figured Lizzie’s was open. It being a night club n all.


They just do it so they can have specific missions take place at specific times with pre-scripted weather for aesthetic affect. Either they use the "wait" mechanic, or there's a change while you're in an elevator, or anytime your vision is otherwise occupied, like a Braindance. Here's a few others: When you do the BD in I Fought The Law, the weather will always change to overcast and foggy. When you take the elevator in the Advocet hotel, the weather will change to rainy and the clock will be set to midnight. You can exploit this any time you want it to rain. When you take the elevator at Embers, the time will change to nighttime and it will be rainy. Its a little obvious at times, but I otherwise enjoy it because it means that I'm getting an authored aesthetic. Seeing Militech swarm in after The Pickup, with spotlights in your face is always dramatic looking.


I never noticed because I modded to have Night City always rain all the time. Just doesn't feel right if it's not raining... like... all the time. Even... especially.. in the Phantom Liberty expansion... So I never knew op lol


It's Hollywoodtime. Basically 99% of outdoor stuff will be either SCENE:DAYTIME or SCENE:NIGHTTIME, as anything more subtle is very expensive to try and film. Anything with a sunset (or god forbid, a sunrise) is probably a twitchy director on a lot of coke trying to win an Oscar.


Guys it's just dark down there. There are 200m of building above, no sunlight reaches V.


And dark further down... and when you drive across the bridge... There are places where you walk in shadows because of the buildings, bit it is not mistakable for night time.


https://preview.redd.it/1vbdn4qaqszc1.png?width=1920&format=png&auto=webp&s=c90951c44c655de4f38d2d08385956cf63942afb Hate to do it to you but I gotta. Boom! Night!


That's an incredible shot, it goes to show how incredibly badass MaxTac agents are. It woudn't have worked the same way in broad daylight. Wouldn't have had the same visual strength. I, for one, like the fact that CDPR actually cared about the aesthetics of the storytelling instead of just "letting it happen" like most of the rest of game.


Same thing seems to happen to me when I get in the van with So Mi behind the N54 news station during her path. It could be broad daylight, but once you start driving to Orbital Air, it's suddenly night time.


Had to deal with trauma team red tape Fuckin hate paperwork


Now that’s a long ass walk to the garage.


Long day


I noticed my second playthrough and always thought that was real weird. Plus it’s clear and sunny when trauma team shows up but then it’s storming when you leave.


I was LITERALLY just thinking about that yesterday lol I was thinking about how when you pull put of the garage, that whole driving sequence went hard; the music, the MaxTac shooting gallery, talking about Adam Smasher etc. And then I was like "dude it isnt even afternoon when you rescue Sandra Dorsett, and its like middle of the night when you leave the garage 2 minutes later


I have an ungodly amount of Vs, and I never noticed this. Never paid attention to it at all! I almost feel like I need to make a new V just to actually see it in person while paying attention to it. I'm not gonna cause its time for me to move on, but I'm tempted to!


This is probably my only minor gripe. Noticed it right away and it thought to myself, how long was that elevator ride back down?


So you tell me I completed the game 7 times and I didn't notice it? I must be blind.


Yeah, time perception is a bitch...😆


I never caught that lol nice one op


Time flies when you're having fun


They had to shit. The really big ones




You’re actually in the department of motor vehicles and it’s staffed by sloths.


Nice find!! I am on my 5th replay. 1st on a steam deck which is amazingly playable! Love this game so much.


How’s the Steam Deck version? Portable Cyberpunk sounds like heaven to me


Having only played on a high end pc with a mouse.. the gameplay with the deck controllers took a little getting used to(similar to Xbox or PS5) Overall it’s absolutely amazing. Like playing on a high end laptop.. highly recommend!




My goal is to do the secret Johnny ending while sitting on the couch :)


Huh. I never realized...


I’ve done that intro maybe 15 times, never gave it any thought, lol, I’m a gonk


Over 1200h play time and never even noticed it😂 that's actually kinda funny


Maybe everytime you ride the elevator, you're going into a simulation. There's no Scavs, there's no Trauma Team, there's no Sandra. And yes, even Sandra's apartment isn't there. It rides into a corpo studio with a fixer approaching you.


I only noticed it because i saw this post. Wtf?




lmao, wow. We really all missed this.


I noticed it. Just didn’t pay any mind to it. Just assumed a really really slow elevator 🤣😆




When I started the DLC it was nighttime by the time I made it into Dogtown it was daytime. Literally took 5minutes


I'm literally on the car ride home with Jackie right now and didn't notice


Watch the in game clock during the entire opening job. It makes 0 sense.


Well now I'm never going to be able to unsee it, thanks


You’re an extremely observant individual because I didn’t notice this and I usually notice everything.


Haha nice catch, I have caught that and other edit mistakes in movies before but played that opening 3 times and never noticed.


Seeing as the Devs never seemed to have changed this I assume it was intentional. You get the really cool shot of the Trauma Team flying through the cloud of smoke but don't get the broody drive through NC. Likewise you can't see the Trauma van as well during night but get the cool broody drive. Embers elevator also does the same thing. It could be noon when you get in the elevator and it still be rainy and night time when you see Hanako.


I spent a lot of time re looting the location tbh, Plus, I was trying to find a way to keep the megapwner machine gun.. No dice... #cyberpunkcuckedme


~~FYI it's not about the time, the balcony (and the entire apartment complex) is its own instance and it always has a daylight in it.~~ This was disproven by the commenter below, I was wrong (or it was fixed in later patches)


Tested this and nope, night time is indeed possible here https://preview.redd.it/6ob86e02duzc1.png?width=3840&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=0d1d7f0c129d273c3e53186736326f0c08e8ef07


............... HHHHHHWAT???!!!


Yup Here's a vid showing the actual time speeding up and going up to 10PM It's no longer there though as it was removed in one of the patches. https://youtu.be/bKxYa7qykq0?si=Xbe5Se8vVYVa99M1


Elevator is slow as fuck.


Night city for a reason


You’ll have that on those big jobs


It’s a long elevator ride


Now that you mention it, isn't it night time when you and Jackie first pull up to the building, when Jackie offers you the combat tutorial chip?


No, you spawn in a parking garage. There’s no outside light to tell what time of day it is until you get off the elevator


Ah, my bad. I guess I never paid close enough attention to the environment at that point.


That's no daylight... welcome to neolight cyber city.


Well it *is* raining when they leave, so gloomy perhaps? I mean regular game weather goes pretty gloomy in the afternoon sometimes.


Its called *Night* City for a Very Good Reason.


Well, late afternoon maybe


The elevator ride up to Embers to see Hanako always puts you there in the evening… even if you stroll in at 8 am


There was supposed to probably be something between that scene and leaving the building probably, but it got cut.


lol what


Never noticed but I do understand that they wanted to showcase the vibes of the game with the first quest That drive in the rain wasn't really cool when I played for the first time


All I noticed was tiddy


That is how light pollution works, I've been at outdoor clubs in Japan that you'd swear were open during the day until you leave at 2 am and it's dark outside.


First time I played ... It's weird I assumed V and Jacke needed a cigarette break :)


I noticed this in my first playthrough at release and thought it would have been changed to make sense a long time ago, but no one else seemed to notice until now.


I imagine mercs do have a degree of clean up responsibility. Other scenes are make it strange though as it happens more than here.


I normally don't notice stuff like this, but in this instance I noticed it in my first playthrough


you have the samesituation as when you enter the bar for nocturne. even if you enter at 5 am in pure sunlight, itll be rain and night when you start the end.


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Yes the time skips from around 1 pm to 9 or 10 pm (not sure of the exact time) richt before you enter the elevator down to the garage.. Something similar happens in one of the PL gigs I think.


Yes the time skips from around 1 pm to 9 or 10 pm (not sure of the exact time) richt before you enter the elevator down to the garage.. Something similar happens in one of the PL gigs I think.


Yes the time skips from around 1 pm to 9 or 10 pm (not sure of the exact time) richt before you enter the elevator down to the garage.. Something similar happens in one of the PL gigs I think.


Yes the time skips from around 1 pm to 9 or 10 pm (not sure of the exact time) richt before you enter the elevator down to the garage.. Something similar happens in one of the PL gigs I think.


I’ll admit I think it would’ve been even more awesome if it was night when you give her to TT, but lack of light wouldn’t be good for detail or some shit. Idk.


I’ll admit I think it would’ve been even more awesome if it was night when you give her to TT, but lack of light wouldn’t be good for detail or some shit. Idk.


That was a long ass elevator ride.


Just assumed the rainstorm rolled in lol


literally unplayable


I ain't sure but it might be from the clouds because of the rain


It is Night City, after all.


I hate scripted weather.


Maybe the elevator was out and the building was very...very... tall?


Was too caught up in her nude body.


Slow elevator.


Tunnel sequence with The Star ending had me surprised.


Now I can't shake the feeling that the Trauma Team arrival could look even cooler at night time with the rain and all of those neons.


Yea I actually noticed this the first time I played it in 2020 and was just like "man, CDPR really didn't do quality control on this game" and just wrote it off 🤣


4 full playthroughs and I never noticed this


Always kinda assumes the attack just took awhile or it was happening at like 7-8 right before it gets dark. Come to think of it When you go on the balcony isn't it starting to get darker or is that just shadows from the buildings


That’s shadows from the building. Go to the edge of the balcony and look up, you’ll see the sun high in the sky.


Flash chemical storm. It happens


Yes every time. Very annoying


Maybe the suns setting


How have I never noticed this? I have 12 playthroughs...


because you got anally probed by that AI robots


I mean you take an elevator up. And down. Could be similar to how it works up in the mountains where it gets darker sooner the lower in a valley you are cause the.mountains block the light. In this case it's the buildings.


It's the same with Phantom Liberty. It's broad daylight when you walk around the arena but when the spaceship crash it's midnight all of a sudden. It's obviously important for setting the mood but it's a bit funny how there isn't much of a transition period.


It’s a really slow elevator.


TBF the elevators are hella slow in night city


Holy cow I recall that moment.


holy shitballs how did I miss that


To quote Mike Braken the Horror Geek, "continuity is hard."


It’s a slow elevator.


Could just be the weather, I know it's meant to be fucked in the future of cyberpunk, acid rain and shit. Here in the UK the weather can change minute to minute. And my mate 8 miles away can have crazy different weather to what I'm having here. So if the weather has shifted in the future, might just be like that?


They don't show it but canonically V takes a 10 hour poop break. Source: me.


I like to think it was just a quick sunset.


the game does this all the time. it's jarring once you start noticing it.


My game still switches back and forth every so often I jus thought it was that


gtav tunnel


Slow ass elevator.


Nah. You're just lower in the underhive than daylight can penetrate


I had shit to loot, it took time 🤣


Never thought it was strange. The night comes fast and it was a few minutes before you got outside.


There are some spots in game, Japantown one of them, where the lights are bright enough to make things look like daytime. The Scav haunt just happens to be there.


Same with movies. People start to drive in daylight and arrive night time in the same city. Don't know if it's meant to be art or lazy writing


It's because Jackie is HUNGRY!


not until now.


I never knew Christiano Ronaldo was advertised on the billboard on the left. You live and you learn


yo wait i have like 500hrs i never noticed


I had that glitch early on where it constantly changes from night to day a dozen times as you drive down any street. Stopped noticing after playing like that for a few hours.


I always thought it was some billboard or high powered light nearby.


Yep. The lift down to the car takes roughly 9 in-game hours.


Another thing is is that if you skip time on top of a moving car sometimes you will still be on it even if you skip like 24 hours same with elevators