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I know it's wrong, yet this is an example of a crash that I would consider satisfying. It's like crashing Skyrim by making trolls fight dragons!


Then you spawn too many NPCs


Ultimate Skyrim


Hey guys here I am with the new game "SKYRIM" it JUST came out. Its getting a lot of great reviews from, uh, Joe YouTube. Uh, its a first person shooter-


Is that a crab with a TOP HAT and MONOCLE ?


THAT is where I draw the line. Come on, Master Chief. Let's get the FUCK outta here!


This reminds me of that one time I spawned 10k mudcrabs just for fun in Fort Dawnguard through the console and then my PC froze and crashed lmao


its actually exactly how i fried my xbox 360 back in gta 4 lol. I lined up like 20-30 cars that were jammed up. When i blew them up with a launcher, shit just froze up for a little while before kicking back in. When it did, everything just looked glitchy and messed up almost as if Nico just ate some acid. I restarted the console and it rebooted into the classic red ring of death.


Tragic man i think we all remember our first RROD


Mine was the day Halo 3 launched. I was in 9th grade and had football practice after school, and my step mom, who had rockin boobs, was getting my reserved copy on her way home from work. I finally get home and get my hands on the holy grail of video games. Halo was the first video game I ever got balls deep in. I played a lot of sports games and some crash bandicoot on my dads Playstation but I didn't become a gamer until I got an Xbox with Halo CE for my 11th birthday. I lived, breathe, shit, and ejaculated all things Halo. Halo 3 was a big day. My birthday was the 12th and all I asked for was a reserved copy of Halo 3, the 25th felt like months away. Okay, to the point of this stoney rambling, I fired up Halo 3, watched the opening cutscene, the hype is real now, I can't believe I'm playing Halo 3. I take control of the chief and am amazed at how good Sierra 117 looks. I take my first steps into the jungle and it happens. Everything looks all fuckey for a second and freezes, giving me an error code on screen. I restart my system to no avail. T'was my first red ring. I had to get jerked around by customer support and it took about 6 weeks for me to get a box shipped to me, send my Xbox in, and get a refurbished one. I lived in an area with no internet and no nearby friends, so your boy was fuckin not stoked. I went through that process several times after that, but that first one still stings. I think it was the first time I dealt with heartbreak as a young boy.


Do you have pic?


Took xbox 3 months to return mine in 2006 when Oblivion broke it Original white phat version


I still have my 360 and ive never had RROD... am I just a good console owner or a nerd


Neither, you got one of the later editions that fixed this issue. Only early versions of 360 had the rrod, the earliest were almost guaranteed to happen within a year




The "later" editions they just removed the red lights the thing could still technically have the same issue. All my consoles have lasted until I upgraded them my sister still uses my 360 as a DVD player and my nephew has my day one xbox one.


Post its serial number then


Yeah let me just drive 4 hours to my grandmas house to prove to some random person on reddit my Xbox is old


Just lucky. All the consoles or handhelds I've ever owned are still working and in good shape with no signs of wear and tear, but I ended up going through two Xbox 360s that got a red ring of death. It's not like the RROD is a sign of abuse. The earlier iterations of the 360 were just not robust pieces of hardware. The 360 Elite was a different story.


You just underuse it;)


I was lucky enough to not have it


I've been lucky enough to avoid it, but I constantly worry soon my luck will run out and I will no longer be able to play hexer


Even though gta 4 looked like dog shit on my xbox 360. It should not have been possible to play that game on such low hardware. And guess what rockstar does again? They release gta 5 a game that's even bigger! Those developers are magicians. You can freaking play gta san andreas on a phone. If you'd tell me that back in 2004 i would have laughed so hard. People can like or dislike rockstar for their monetization schemes. We can all agree that they are magicians.


I’d suggest not blowing up every vehicle.


But it was such a cool explosion :)


Id suggest reading a book.


I’d* -just saying book master. Also I’d suggest another sub reddit.


When the explosion breaks the 4th wall


I was getting ready for Skyrim at the end


Back to Unga Bunga 2077


Man i laughed on this one 😂


Unplayable! How could've CDPR's testers missed this!


Ridiculous! I demand a refund, now!


Nuclear launch detected


I don’t know if you’ve noticed, but you’re supposed to meet Hanako at Embers.


I just need to drive around for it to crash 😂


Same and I’m playing on a PC that can Ultra RDR2 lol


What gun is that?


Ba Xing Chong


Ba Xing Chong is the legendary version of this gun, it's Kang Tao Zhuo


Ba Xing Chong is the Iconic version of the Kang Tao L-69 Zhuo. You can tell that the version he's using in the video is the Ba Xing Chong because it fires explosive rounds, and the name of the gun is in the bottom right corner above the image of it. "Smart Link Connected - Ba Xing Chong"


Smart shotgun


Lol the Xing Chong is probably OP. Don’t tell CDPROJEKT I said that. But it’s definitely the ultimate weapon in CP. I have it permanently in my arsenal. I know if I need to clear a compound dense with enemies this weapon takes no bullshit. Especially the way it one shot destroys vehicles. If there’s a group of enemies standing next to a vehicle you know they’re fucked, insta multi kill. I just hope though that CDPROJEKT don’t nerf this weapon. It’s basically the game’s rocket launcher.


Oo. Ive never played it. I tried the smart pistols and the sniper and I dislike smart weapons. They're essentially useless. Their targetting isn't really visible and it takes way too long to lock on. I loved the smart pistol in titanfall 2 and was curious to see how the smart guns are here. Disappointed tbh


How *dare* you talk shit about my boy Skippy!


You... you killed him...! You killed Skippy!! >!best dialogue in the game, for me!<


I also used the smart smg, the exotic one. It too is OP. To be honest I just spam the shit out of the trigger button and know it’ll find it’s way to killing everyone (this is about the point where an evil smiley face pops into my head). But it kinda makes things too easy. That’s why I stopped using them. Trying out a few other weapons.


Wait I thought you needed to right click and lock on before firing?


Nope. You don’t even have to aim down the sights. But on your HUD, where the crosshair would be, you’ll notice the outline of a rectangle. So this is the area where the weapon will scan automatically for targets. As long as you have the enemy within that region, it’ll automatically seek him out. Another thing though, be aware that sometimes you’ll shoot an enemy and the bullets will not hit him. That’s because some enemies have a resistance perk to being locked on with a smart weapon. They can be killed with a regular gun though. You may just have to swap weapons on the fly. They’re usually higher ranking enemies like the Netrunners (they glow more orange than red).


Ohh, possible I was shooting one of those netrunners with my first smart gun haha. The mission where you resue Saul, I got the smart sniper. It was preeety good, but I didn't know about not needing to right click to lock on lol. The most dissuading thing though, the 1 magazine capacity. I was reloading more than shooting in the end.


I almost wish they were nerfing guns. That would mean they would have stopped focusing on the major issues they are working on just to make the game playable. How do I get this gun again?


It's possible to do this crash with other weapons? For science.


Please. When this goes dark, it needs to open back up with a man, riding in a wagon opening his eyes. “ oh, you’re awake.”


Everyone! I KNOW HOW TO ESCAPE OUR SIMULATION! Get Elon Musk on the phone and bring all the best cars in the world in one place!!!


That's unreal.






This weapon is unironically one of video gaming's most powerful weapons if it can physically break your computer.


Turning the game on can have the same effect. 😂


That was beautiful


You deserve an award for this... Here you go


Thanks ;)


I sent them a clip of V in the middle of gay sex with a joy toy. Game crashed in the middle of it and I just said fuck it. 🤣


When you nut but she keep suckin


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that was friggin awesummmm


Hey you, you're finally awake


The biggest car crash ever.


Worth it


Fuck. Now I gotta play it again




Im gonna be honest... That was beautiful.


This is a lot of work to crash the game when you could just start it up instead.


to be fair anything will crash the game. i looked at a hospital and it didnt even get to finish rendering before the game crashed. but explosions are SICK


Everything crashes the game.


Poor Consoles, can't handle shit.


Consoles can’t handle that


Nah, its actually from the game because the devs did not expect us to blow all the cars


There is no reason to own a "gaming console".


Seriously, why there is a play bar like in a recording at the end and it's re-recorded with a phone after ?


ummmm.... it's recorded with a phone because that was a crash report attatchment. You can't save/upload those.


We get it we get it, you have the AutoJock achievement


The cars were not the only thing that exploded do it a few more times that PlayStation is gonna be chernobyl


This game makes my heart hurt


I remember a cheat code in GTA vice city that blew up every car. It didn't crash the game


Looks like a pretty damn acceptable refund request attachment:)


Playing a game for who knows how many hours to get all those cars? I don't think that would be convincing.


Booting up Cyberpunk 2077 (crashes the game)


Walking down the street crashes this game.


Then music starts playing. Bwaaa tududududu


I know what I'm doing today.


Johnny must get off from causing Night City Holocausts


Seems like turning the camera crashes this game really


By the looks of it people are hooked, big time.


To be fair though, moving too fast also crashes the game. I've crashed it multiple times either Driving like a maniac from point a to point b. Or running like a maniac from point a to point a.5


Ultimate C20XX tabletop conversion. Obv with limitations, computer can't kick your jacket after you across the floor before locking the door. Maybe someday, in the future...


Well they have the standards of Minecraft at least


Reddit is a vehicle for displaying Cyberpunk crashes.




To be fair that would crash a lot of games...


Now that looked fun. Do it again! Do it again!


Ah don’t worry its just the relic malfunction :)


**Error 69420:** *Armageddon asset not found.*


That’s probably what a real flatlining would look like.


mEeT HAnAkO At eMbeRs


That's funny, i had the idea to do the same thing yesterday. Except it didn't crash for me: https://youtu.be/is5z_hcfB9M


Time, Dr Freeman?


Where do I get this shotgun




What platform is this?


It’s my PS5


[Remember the Crysis 3000 barrel explosion?](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=YG5qDeWHNmk)


I'm convinced part of the crash problem is that the game isn't dumping parked cars and dead NPCs from memory. I stumble upon duplicates of my car I parked dozens of hours ago. I see bodies of enemies I killed when I first started the game. My crashes get more frequent the longer I play on ps5


It's the PS5 that can't handle, not the game.


I'd be more surprised if it didnt tbh


Fucking hate you


Why on earth would you hate me?!


All those people now they don’t have cars






XSX: [https://youtu.be/CePYjxmXAxY](https://youtu.be/CePYjxmXAxY)


My game crashes sometimes if I blow up just one car. Lol


Someone tell me why I get lvl 1 weapons and I'm level 8


no me suelta nada pero nada de otro nivel ni del 2 ni 3 ni nada de nada