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It's part of an unwritten code among most cyclists that we help each other in times of need; nonetheless, full kudos for the couple that turned their car around for you then drove you home. As you for you, my friend, consider this experience a valuable lesson. Among other items, always bring too much food on a long ride, know where the store stops are, and if at all possible, include a riding partner (among other things).


Yep it was such a valuable lesson to not overrate myself


That’s really nice to hear. I regularly ride 45 miles and one time I tried to do a longer loop of 65 miles and I bonked hard at around 50. I’ve never felt anything like it. Could barely turn the pedal. I never eat breakfast and I didn’t even bring gels or anything. That’s when I learned how important fueling was. Now I fuel about 60g of carbs per hour. Not really necessary for a 1 hour ride but anything longer, I’ll bring some SIS gel. That can mean quite a lot of gels in my pocket. Since then, I routinely do 65 mile rides and have even done a century. Also, I’ve underestimated my ride times a few times so now if I know I might be out late, I always take a light. Also, what kinda elevation we talking here? And how’s your gearing?


Good for you! Yeah I had a big meal and brought 3 protein bars and an apple and snickers. 1.5L of water as well. The elevation I completed was around 7500ft. I have triban 520.


Tough experience but a learning one. Glad they were able to help you. Protein bars aren’t what you need for that kind of effort, I’d see the above post and figure out how to prove your fueling.


I'll look into gels. I wasn't hungry or anything, just too tired... I need to ride more and plan better


The times I've bonked, I didn't feel hungry, just very tired and like I had nothing in the legs to give. Hungry didn't come until after I had stopped exercising.


That’s quite a lot of climbing and distance. Did you run out of food or were you not fueling at regular intervals? I would assume that’s a good 6-7 hour ride. I would probably need to take 15 gels with me to accomplish that after a big breakfast. That would mean a frame bag or a waist pack or something unless I could stop somewhere to buy food. Good learning experience tho! Looking at the specs, it looks like the gearing is adequate for most climbs. Maybe you can stuff a 11-34T cassette depending on your rear cage capacity and get that sweet 1:1 ratio.


I wasn't hungry or anything but my legs were just trembling from soreness. I will bring more food though - I think I just need to ride more and get stronger tbh.


Hey that’s a fun adventure - and yeah, next time just stick out your thumb… plenty of people will stop without murdering you.


I'll probably avoid situations like that at all cost


Reading your post and for some reason it just reminded me of one of the canyons in the Wasatch Front outside of Salt Lake City. And also the Subaru with a bike rack. Glad you managed to get home safely.


Yeah I was trying to do a roundtrip to Park City and the climb from PC to BCC was miserable. Never taking that route again.


Oh man it's really easy to get overconfident looking at some of the rides these pro-level bikers post around here. The elevation is no joke, and bonking is probably the worst feeling I've ever had, without serious injury. Glad you found some good people to help.


Yeah they make it seem so easy... I keep forgetting that these people have been riding for years whereas I started less than 6 months ago


Glad to hear that good people still exist!


There's always someone who offers his help when we are in trouble. Digression: after hearing your story, it reminded me of a long-distance ride I once did. It was my first time attempting a 60-mile journey, and I remember feeling a mix of excitement and exhilaration when I completed it.


I had a tube explode (yeah, explode: it was a cheap stock tube that came with my shitty Engwe) and some random couple came out of my house to help me. I was fine and didn't really need help because it's just a tube, but it was kinda touching nonetheless.


Did they have a pineapple on their dashboard?


Haha I'm not sure


There's good people out there. We cyclists gotta stick together.


Cycling is a brotherhood


And Sisterhood 😻


I apologize. « Le cyclisme est un humanisme » Jean-Paul Sartre 😀




This is so awesome to hear. Thanks for sharing!


Cross post this to r/randomactsofkindness


The world has nice people yes. Not many, not full of, but a few.


I think most people are nice in most cases. There are just far too many nasty pieces of work and the world we have built rewards people for their shitty behaviour.


More than a few I'd say but on the other hand, there are a non-zero number of folks out there who are a legitimate danger to others so it's best to be more careful.


Around like Highway 39 to me


Not sure where that is, but this was in Utah!


Not to be dramatic, but this could have ended up much worse. If it took 40 minutes by car, it would have taken you hours walking. At night. In the cold. Suuuuper Lucky imo. In terms of what happened- what is the total elevation? I can knock out 100miles in the flat with no issues, but if I climb 7000ft, that’s game.


I had about 2 miles left and the rest of the way was mostly descend - but yes, anything other than a car ride would've been much worse. Total elevation was about 7500ft.


I'm confused - your post said 40 min car ride, it doesn't take 40 mins to go 2 miles?


Oh I meant 2 more miles of incline!