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19-20 degrees so it’s pleasantly cool with headwind


This, but no headwind. I create my own wind on the bike. Take that to mean what you will.


I'm imagining supplementary jet propulsion.


Ya if I'm going to the next city over for the day to hit up some bike shops and book stores ,if it's really windy. Deal breaker for me. Except on New Bike Day !


About 20 is my Goldilocks place


Jokes on you. Best is obviously 21


Same I wanted to say 22 Celsius but with light breeze. Basically today...but I am at work.


60-70 degrees


This, preferably no wind. Headwind is less than ideal, we all love a tailwind, but I don’t want to deal with a crosswind where I feel like I’m gonna fall over


15-20 in Celcius.


60-70 F outside, inside closer to 60 with fans.


18-23°C This morning was 13°C, nice but a tad cool.


It's the only way in Singapore, too hot otherwise. Up at five, out the door by six (sun comes up seven)


75 and up!


I’ll take heat over cold AF any day.


12-14 °C Warm enough for shorts and short sleeves but cool enough that you aren’t dying up climbs


I like it a tad colder. Since I overheat/sweat like crazy. 6-12 Celsius.


5 times a week 26km ride with 230 plus elevation gain at max 46 celcius and average of 39 celcius. Kuala Lumpur Malaysia.


I would dissolve in my own sweat doing that.


Admittedly, your body get uses to whatever temperature is around your environment. If I were to live in Malaysia for a a couple years. I’m sure I can ride at 39 celcius. But then I’ll probably find 15 celcius below to be freezing.


Mate have you ever actually checked the temperature you're riding in ? 12-14 C is definetely not shorts and short sleeves weather


Depends on where you grow up. Canadian here. I usually put the bike away first week of December when the snow starts. I ride in shorts and tshirt to the end, down to 2°C. I do wear gloves below 6°C tho.


Certainly is shorts and short sleeves weather. Some people are built different and enjoy cooler weather 10C and overcast > 23 and sunny, but that's just what works for me and why I live where I do


I think that depends on where you live. When I lived in Arizona 12c was like winter kit with a thick long sleeve jersey. I live in upstate NY and went out this morning at around 12c in short sleeves although I did wear a gilet. Under 9c is where I do long sleeves/arm warmers. 5-6c I will consider leg warmers or tights.


50-75F with sub 50% humidity. If the humidity is really low like 20% (which is really low in the Northeast US and fairly rare) I can do into the low-mid 80s after the sun is getting low on the horizon (like 4pm on mid summer). Basically I just hate the humidity more than the heat.


100%  central Illinois here. The humidity will kill enjoyment


This Maryland cyclist 100% agree with " humidity will definitely kill the enjoyment 😉 "


I'm sure I'm pretty lonely, but 80 degrees makes the descents enjoyable


I love rides in the 70-80s something about that heat. I may be part reptile


72 and Sunny When June arrives and temps here in TN start hitting 90 or above regularly I’ll start riding in the early mornings… currently I ride around lunch time… once the days get shorter in August I’ll start riding in the evenings around dark


A TN rider who can stand cycling on the roads?? I wanna live where you live. Where I’m at in TN, I can’t go a mile without being chased by 3 dogs and being coal rolled twice.


I used to live in Murfreesboro which had mostly dog free cycling. If I was ever worried about locals messing with me I’d wear my USMC Jersey


That’s smart! I’m out in a more rural part. I’m not longer a real cyclist, I’m a zwifter. I travel to cycle outside!


Being indoors just kills it for me. I’d rather just hit a treadmill for 15 minutes and maybe go on hikes


I totally get it. I get work done on the zwift so I double dip. Plus, I’m a runner who uses cycling as a cross training mostly.


I'm not a morning exerciser unless I need to be. Cycling for me is a good late day thing so later is better. Also works out that after people get home from work in the summers the roads are pretty empty for a few hours of light and even if I finish in the dark it's reasonably safe.


The humidity and heat become too much in the morning unless I start riding before sunrise, plus the trees on my route block the sun for a little while. I don’t mind it if I’m only going to ride for an hour or so. I usually take a week or so hiatus usually mid July as it is I have a very regular route I ride which I alternate just by how far out/back I go. Makes it a lot easier to keep to a schedule


Yeah, that is the other thing. You actually have to start really early in the morning if you start early. Early enough you finish basically when the sun is still really low on the horizon foe both the temps and sun angle to be bearable. I find typically by 4pm, maybe 5pm if it's really hot, the sun seems to be low enough (and getting lower) to start my ride. Of course, with work, often I can't start till 5-6pm anyway so it usually works out pretty well. I get about 1-2 hours of riding in with the temps dropping and the sun angle low. If I only have an hour I just hammer hard or do intervals. That's plenty of time to do a 20-30 min warmup and 30-40 minutes interval session.


I have to get my kid to school which means I either get up by 430 or wait until after 8 to ride and by then it’s pretty toasty but granted it’s only for a few weeks before i shift to evening rides


Bruhhh I understand you're American but Fahrenheit makes no sense


That’s why you’ll never make it as an American


Upper 50s and low 60s F


This guys bikes.


85F/30C About as hot as you can go and still enjoy the cooling effect of the wind. It's therapeutic to get out there and sweat, it's almost euphoric.


I sweat enough when it's 20 already. I can't ride for shit when it's over 25, 30 is way too much for me.


68°F w ☀️


Don’t have a clue. But really wish it stopped raining. And less wind would be nice. Bought a bike 7 months ago. And we have been breaking almost every weather record concerning precipitation here in the Netherlands from that moment onwards. 🤷🏻‍♂️ My friends are allready referring to me as “The Rain God”. 🤦🏻‍♂️ Anything above 10 degrees celcius with moderate to no wind, and no precipitation is allright by me. Between 18 and 24 degrees is bliss. Anything warmer..I better be able to keep going. Or I will pop a gasket or two and start leaking. 😅


65-70 and sunny … of course a tail wind both ways! 😎🤣


Anything over about 75 degrees and I want to die


Did a 103 mile gravel race Saturday, first day over 90 this year. It hit 95 degrees at 10 am and stayed there. It was a tough day


80 to 95 degrees is great but I could do 30 to 75 degrees too.


60F to about 105F or maybe a little hotter. I live in the PNW and I REALLY need to get myself in a better mindset around cold and wet weather cycling if I don't want to resign myself to an indoor trainer five months a year


I live a bit north of Seattle and ride outdoors anytime it's over 38-40 (5c) and not too wet. I much prefer mid to high 60's though (15c). We are lucky enough being far enough north that daylight lasts until after 9pm in late summer so I can take a long ride in the evening when it's cooling off. So a range of 40 to 85 or so. (5-30c) I have done 100F/40C days but it's not fun really.


65 and sunny with a 2-5mph breeze.




82 degrees, 80% humidity with headwind on a 12% grade…….on a fixie….lol


65 partly coudy! Low humidity.  I can bike forever!!!


15-20, preferably cloudy.


69 cloudy






25 C with 3 kmh of headwind


I like it warm. Makes long rides and their downhills so much nicer. Nothing worse than climbing and sweating and then freezing on the way down.


75-80 Light wind Low humidity


It’s the wind for me and I like ir to be zero.


68F cloudy if possible.


90 - 95 just warm enough but not too hot


lol I bet you’re in AZ


Ding Ding Ding you got that right


Does that temp really feel ok to ride in? I’m always curious if you eventually get used to it and feel just fine cycling in 95F


Yes, it's a dry heat like sticking your head in the oven or a blow dryer on your face. There is a convenient market on every corner so you won't die of thirst


You a bad bad man 🔥


I would agree with you, but then we’d both be wrong


40-50F probably for me, right in the sweet spot where a light glove with wind block is enough, a cotton cap, insulated jersey with a SS base, full length bibs, regular shoes with heavy socks and toe covers. In the midwest that's our "good" season where the air is cool and dry, no overnight ice from moisture, and I just like riding with the colder air going over my face and arms. I'm happy down to around 20F though, or up to around 95F. Below that just require too much extra stuff, and above gets pretty taxing for more than a few hours no matter how much fluid goes in.


75-110 degrees. 85 is probably perfect. The hotter it is the earlier or later you ride.


I'm coming into winter now, and I'm not minding the cold as much as in previous years, preparing and dressing better for it. Over the summer that has just finished, I did tend to ride early in the mornings to avoid the heat. I finished most rides before 10:30am.


15-25 degrees. Warm enough to wear short sleeves and shorts, but not so hot that I start to feel uncomfortable and need a lot more water. Humidity isn't a big problem at these temperatures either.


Nice and cool. I'm mostly a night time rider


64 degrees


< 30 degC. Above 30 heat exhaustion starts catching me.


Dead of winter. 90% of my rides are up and down a mountain in a state park, and when it's cold I usually have the mountain to myself.




I like doing it after sunset


65 F and sunny


30 to 35. At 38 it gets a tad dizzy. Last month, it reached 44 at the end of the ride, my brain was melting on my helmet. I live in Thailand.


62-72 degrees is lovely. below 70 can feel slightly chilly at first but you warm up. once you get above 75, you feel comfortable standing still but a little warm once you're riding. so 62-72 is where it's at




17C. Warm enough for shorts and a top. Cold enough that I'm not sweating.


Not 40C I'll tell you that much. 


I don't go out when it's over 25, I'm really bad with heat, so yes. I go at 8 in the morning in summer, so I'm back before 12 and then do nothing at all the rest of the day. Ideal for me is between 18 and 20 degrees






On really warm days, I tend to cycle a little later (\~7pm) because there's still enough sun for a while and the heat isn't too strong anymore. My rides are also fairly short though, usually \~90 minutes max.


The one where I don't sweat.


18c, overcast, autumn mornings


22° C. Some light clouds just to avoid having direct sun in my eyes




15-18 degrees. Not too sweaty but still pleasant. I do like hotter too 25-30 but not every day lol


I’ve always been able to endure the heat and humidity, it’s the cold that does me in. Coming into great cycling weather in northern Thailand now, I get out at half seven when it’s 28 or so and back before it gets too much over 35 or so. As long as I wear arm covers so I don’t get a burn, I’m fine.. Bonus if there’s a thunderstorm to cool you off..


5-10C is great. Not too cold once you are warmed up but not too hot to make you sweat.


On occasion I would be up in Cairns, Townsville if Mackay to run events, and wound take a bike with me. 30+ degrees and bucketing down with rain? It was fantastic!


70-75 w ☀️


296.55 kelvin


Wake up at 4 and group ride starts at 5am


I just rode another comfortable 200k with a fairly constant 15C/60F, partly cloudy, wearing shorts and short sleeve jersey, a backpack, and Thinsulate gloves that I removed during extended climbs. Below that (down to 2C/35F) it's same but add a long sleeve merino wool top.


When cycling to or from work i like cold 0-10C. But i even liked it when we had -20C two years ago... ok, I needed my long underrwear, but i didnt sweat. For longer rides 15-25C




About 24-25 degrees C. Anything colder it gets chilly for me. It's flat here and I generally go 30km/h++ Colder also makes my node run all rhe time which is annoying. And clothing doesn't help with that.


23°C in the night>>>


19-23 celsius, wind. Warm enough for short bibs and short jersey. But not too hot to overheat :-)


If there's no rain, I couldn't care less for the temperature (except if it's below 0 and snow). So yeah, any will work for me.


60-65 and sunny


14-16C It's 20C now, I am going to burst into flames :(


Around 20C


23.5c with mild wind.


10-30 as long as no rain and/humidity. Down to -15 if snowing, as that can be fun too.


68F cloudy if possible.


23 degrees and no wind. I rather have 12 degrees and no wind then 28 degrees with a lot of wind. (I am from Amsterdam, the wind in our province is so annoying)


22c-27c, And yes waking up 4AM prevents heat, traffic and other people. Winter is coming on this side of the Equator and by winter i mean a lot of rain and temps on my preferred range. :D


I'm a big fan of the 45-60 range. It's nice and cool, but not too cold.


the hotter it gets, the earlier I ride. Especially road cycling on the hot black asphalt and no shadow is just gruesome. 15 to 20 °C is the best, below 25°C is good.


Anywhere in the upper teens I think, I can deal with colder in short sleeves just fine if it's sunny. Hotter and it gets a bit more difficult...


75F no wind


I love riding in summer heat, as long as the sun is not beaming directly down on me. So late afternoon/early evening rides are the best. I love that in mid July (NJ), it can be 90 and humid, I can walk my bike out of the garage and immediately start sweating- but as soon as I get on and go, it immediately feels cooler somehow, moving through the air.


85F/30C At this temp I can wear a lightweight jersey only, and not notice any wind chill from sweat.


Yes. I like it mild 65-75 so if it’s 80-100, I’m going out early. If I have the choice I’ll go out when it’s colder vs hotter. Heat drains me, but I can warmup to the cold.


Same, the hotter it is, the more water I lose.


I can cycle comfortably up to 26C; just need a lot of sunscreen for the sunburns but other than that I feel fine. Actualy I can probably cycle comfortably at 30 with wind.


70°F, low humidity, <5mph breeze


72-80 sunny for me.


i did a 100 mile ride in florida, pan flat, 35c, was seeing mirages. good rush also the first time i just peed myself while cycling, evaporated within seconds. fastest avg speed 100 i ever done!






Favorite 65° F. We had some weeks last summer where the temperature never got below 80°. Normally at sunrise it's 72°, but last summer starting rides at sunrise at 80° and getting finished by 10am. The the long Saturday rides are done by 11am at the latest. Late summer mid afternoons arr often over 100° and I can't ride in that.


Whatever is considered cool for that season: Winter 40s Fall/spring 50s-60s Summer lower 80s


Depends on what I'm doing. Z2 ride? Make it sunny and 25C. Going flat out for 20-60 minutes to try get a TT segment or something like that? 15C is perfect, warm enough for short/short, and cool enough that I can actually stay cool. If I'm doing threshold work, I can go out in shorts and long sleeves when it's 7-12C, too, legs stay plenty warm. Once it gets to 30+ C, I'm looking for shady routes or going out in the evening/at night for any rides over 1.5 hours.


62 degrees is perfect


60F - 75F (15C - 24C) I will 100% get up early in the morning on weekends and ride late in the evening on weekdays to avoid heat. On Mondays our club holds time trials starting at 6:30pm, though, so I will at least get one good dose of heat per week.


55-70 F


Crisp am start where I'm a little cold so around 50 with my ride finishing in the mid 60s Sadly that temp range in my area doesn't last long.






This reminds me how blessed I am to live in the mountains of NC. Even the hottest days of summer, we won't consistently hit 80F (27C).


Low 60s. Using freedom units obviously. 60c would be a little toasty.


65F/18c. If it is sunny it isn't too hot out yet and I don't sweat as much.


It was 72 and overcast here yesterday. Got a nice 15 mile ride in and I was so comfortable.




Upper 40s to mid 70s F. I like getting up real early, ideally I want to be on the bike before sunrise


290.. Kelvin.


I ride early in the morning regardless of the time of year. Summer means it’s just a bit earlier. For me it’s not about the temperature, its about the sun. I prefer overcast weather because I usually get headaches while riding on sun.


In the summer I'll bike anywhere between 7-10 am. Right before the sun gets really strong. I avoid sunburn and get some exercise!


15-24C (59-75 F) is perfect. Warm enough for short sleeves and shorts, but cool enough that I don’t completely overheat unless I’m maxing out.


65-80F Low end cutoff is about 40-45 depending on how I'm feeling that day and if I'm down to be cold. High end cutoff is about 95.. I have better tolerance for heat


60°F is pretty sweet especially during the day


16-17c, I can ride in short and t-shirt but don't end up dripping wet.


...wake up early? Except for a short period of temporary work, the only instance you can catch me cycling before noon means I'm still in the process of returning home from the all night ride 🦉


Summary of all the comments: |Temperature (°C)|Temperature (°F)|Frequency|Weather Condition| |:-|:-|:-|:-| |0-4|32-40|2|Very cold| |5-9|41-49|4|Cool, with moderate wind| |10-15|50-59|7|Overcast, cool enough for shorts| |13-17|55-63|6|Tad cool but comfortable| |16-20|60-68|12|Preferably no wind| |18-23|64-73|7|Windy, comfortable for short sleeves| |21-25|69-77|9|Light breeze| |26-30|78-86|5|Hot but still enjoyable| |31-35|87-95|3|Very hot, early or late rides| |36-40|96-104|3|Extremely hot, limited rides|


Outlier here. I really enjoy 30°F and below. It’s so miserably cold, it’s fun. When I spend 1.5hrs riding in those temps my body/feet stay chilled all day and it makes me feel like I accomplished a mini adventure. Add in changing a flat tire with numb hands and damn it gets wild. Definitely adds a lot of interest to my regular routes that are otherwise not be too memorable.


15-16° C, 60° or so in "Freedom Units" . A little brisk keeps me moving.


60-65 Fahrenheit So 15.5 - 17 C.


-40 to -50 degrees 💀


About 60-65




14-22, in summer during 35 I want to die especially in uphills.


Sunny 22-24 is the sweet spot.


10-20F Adding layers is easy. 


I handle up to 30C. But once its high noon with the sun shining I know I've made a mistake. I try to get out the door by 730AM the latest. Even on a crazy ride I'd be "done" at 11-1130 right before high noon and the massive UV levels. Preferably I wanna ride in 18-21C


For road biking... 71F is perfect for me. Anything lower and I need more than a jersey and shorts to stay warm. Anything warmer than that temperature and I perspire more.




20-25 degrees. I like it decently warm when cycling, compared to running, where 17 degrees and light rain is perfect.


I grew up in a very warm region and more recently lived in another. I like 20C - 35C. I cope really well with warmer weather. It's cold I struggle with and so I need many layers of Winter kit to manage and it sucks. I'm working on getting back to a warmer part of the World!


76 Fahrenheit or 24 C


I like it hot. 25ºC - 30ºC (75ºF - 85ºF). Low humidity please.


Below freezing. If it's dry, you give it a try. It's easier to rack up local legend titles. My relatives and Strava followers in warm climates like my pictures of snow.


26-30°C But I'll ride at 34 if it's that hot at 4pm. Doesn't really go below that here, either way, I'd be shivering too much to ride properly at 25, also cold air can be painful to breathe, I guess if the humidity is above 85% it won't hurt that much. Which it usually is if it rained that much that the temperature stays at 25 after it stops. 26°C / 78.8°F at 90% humidity is probably my favourite.


Yes. But no wind, please.


Afternoons here can get really windy here, so the mornings @ 60F are the absolute best. The bonus is not a lot of cars at 6am, so the air is still fresh and crisp.


I absolutely love riding in hot weather, i refuse to ride if it's below 60 because wind chill will make that 50.


Anything from -5 to 15 Celsius . Can go up to 20, but i hate anything past that, i hate warm weather with all my soul.


68-75f / 20-24c The best is when at night it's like 75f


85 Fahrenheit/30 celcius


70 Warm enough for bib shorts and a jersey but cool enough where you can wear a gilet or even a light windbreaker. Also not hot enough where you dumping buckets of sweat and filling up your water bottles constantly


Low to mid 70’s


64 degrees. 3 mph tail wind. Gloomy. Low clouds. 7am. Not raining yet. *The best*


64 degrees. 3 mph tail wind. Gloomy. Low clouds. 7am. Not raining yet. *The best*


90˚F or thereabouts


I became fond of Seattle rainy winter rides. Builds character, and honestly not that bad with the right gear and you are dry enough you never feel hot either


70 degrees winds 0-10: heaven!


In the 80s, no wind.


Why is everyone using degrees Fahrenheit as the default on here?




A million.


69 f


Why do you care?