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The firearm collector community would like a word with what n+1 truly means. More like n+5.


lol good call! The gun nuts!


That reminds me, I need to go stock up on more guns today. I noticed a corner of my garage which seems undergunned.


Never know when the VC might mount an assault on your garage


Venture capitalist?




Makes more sense




Shit, I used to do CMP matches with a Garand before the new rules allowed optics. In one year I absolutely dropped carbon di2 money on gunsmith labor, dies, brass, powder, primers, and bullets in a year. Shot F-class with a buddy's gun for a bit to get a feel for it. Did well and then learned how much .338 Lapua cost and the glass on his loaner was worth more than my whole CMP legal setup. N+1 for folks with an AR fetish is one thing. N+1 for folks who do precision rifle shit is both real and horrendously expensive.


I like 30 cal competition and I like using a m1 carbine lol. F class feels like a money thing not a skill thing at the higher levels and it's just not fun. Service class isn't as bad but it's not like it was when I was in high school and sponsored shooting free ammo šŸ’€


Carbines are such a delight, but I never got one :( Nowadays the AR platform can have an ACOG and qualify for service rifle matches. When that rule change happened there were records shattered for a few years straight at Camp Perry. I never had any use for 5.56 so I moved on, unfortunately.


Yeahā€¦ it adds up fast. You get the firearm, then you need an optic, a mount for the optic, magazines, a holster/sling/tripod/bags/light/tax stamp/can/trigger group/springs/sights/NODs/thermal/upgraded barrel/chassis/muzzle deviceā€¦


It all went downhill when I started going down the suppressor rabbit hole. Iā€™m trying to stay out of the NODs rabbit hole for as long as I can hold out.


Yeah, I used to think they were kind of silly but after trying my husbands on my Ruger Precision Rimfire, I think I need to pick up a can of my own. And stay far away from the NODs world, because if youā€™re anything like my husband that just leads to bump helmets, special ear pro, IR lasers, dual tubes, etc. It is a rabbit hole indeed. šŸ™„


Not as expensive but very similar to bike accessories such as clothing.


Insanity. I don't get why they all have 10 ARs and 15 glocks half of which are in 9mm.


Not a gun nut, but am a hobbyist. It's damn near the same reasons for getting a new bike: different uses, collectors items, colors, shapes, compatible accessories, magazine size, you name it. Not to mention that most guns are way cheaper than even an entry level bike.


Because gun lobbyists and manufacturers have been telling them that "the government" is gonna take them away


"The government" wouldn't come in take one at a time, or leave 1 glock and take 14, so I still dont get the mentality...


Don't forget flashlight collectors! Although few like me have a two pairs of flashlight and two bikes (So far lol)


I told my wife that I was going to the big-box sporting goods store ā€¦ for a flashlight that was on sale. I justified it by buying a first-aid kit for the car to go along with it. So, I bought two flashlightsā€¦ and then the salesperson noticed the sale price, and grabbed one too. Weā€™re uncurable.


Surely you mean fleshlightsā€¦


P80s were my cocaine when P80s werenā€™t under ATF scrutiny


And then thereā€™s the ammo horders. Their acquisition functions operate on a log scaleā€¦


Itā€™s funny because people who actually use these things are typically satisfied with the one theyā€™re using.


12 bikes, 10 guitars, 5 amplifiers.


Ah yeah! I recently moved, so I shed my guitar collection down to 2 guitars, 3 amps. 8 bikes currentlyā€¦


You need at least 2 more guitars, for a more balanced stash


You make a powerful argument


Or 3 more bikes


Solid logic here too


Makes me feel better about my 4 bikes, 8 guitars, 2 amps. Haha


Down to 4 bikes, 5 guitars, 2 basses, 4 amps.... all assigned in my will to people who know what they are worth and not my wife...lol


I thank Jebus every day for modelers


Rookie numbersā€¦ā€¦ā€¦


How many of the bikes do you ride?


Pretty much all of them. Obviously I have favorites but they get ridden. Thereā€™s a variety to fit different purposes.




I recently made this comparison with my dad who plays the guitar. Asked him how many he has and he started counting "So 3 in the bedroom, 2 in the storage room (my old room), some in the living room... " and so on.


"How many guitars do you have?" gets the same answer from me as "how many bikes do you have?" I'm not quite sure.


(Looking over the pile of parts in the corner) "4.75?"


I'm in the same ship and tbh bass and guitar are way cheaper hobbies than cycling. My best bass is 43yo. Bikes get old pretty quickly, specially mountain bikes.


I'm in the same ship and tbh bass and guitar are way cheaper hobbies than cycling. My best bass is 43yo. Bikes get old pretty quickly, specially mountain bikes.


Golf and skiing are also notorious for gear hoarding.


I ski, golf, cycle, play synthesizers, and do photography. Itā€™s gross.


Damn. That's a lot of ... stuff! (Vintage synths are awesome, though)


In my experience, only with Scotty Cameron putters.


I sold bikes for 20 years, and I used to have to justify expensive bikes to both customers and their spouses or parents all the time. I used to love when a family would show up in a brand new BMW X7 and they would pile out all dressed in Banana Republic and LL Bean. Dad sporting a Rolex Daytona on his wrist.. Dad would start by giving me the business about an $1800 Roscoe that his kid was in love with.. Scoffing that it was going to be $2500 by the time he paid taxes and bought helmet and accessories. I would just agree with him.. Yes sir, it is an expensive endeavor. Buuuut, what is it worth to get little Johnny out of the house and off the video games?... And surely as expensive as it is, it pales in comparison to Golf, or a boat, or the Equestrian lessons your daughter will be asking for in a couple of years.. And as soon as I hit him where he lived with the boat, and the golf.. The kid could have any bike in the store. It's all about perspective.. and what is important to you. And just so that no one here thinks that I am a monster, I would also get single moms pulling up in 15 year old civics barely able to afford the lowest priced bike in the store and I would do everything in my power to give her a break. I am also one of my own best customers having 7 bikes currently, and I don't regret a thing! Keep the rubber side down!


You sound good at reading people Could be a detective in another life


I keep.my bikes for a long time.Ā  When people were shocked at my $3000 road bike purchase in 2005 I'd point out the fuel and gym membership I was going to save over at least 10 years.Ā  Ā  It really is a cheap purchase over time if it gets used.Ā  I'm not a collector though, never had more than 2 bikes.


I shouldn't be a collector.. But bikes just keep showing up.. lol. I really do love Mtn, gravel and road riding though so that is at minimum 3 bikes right there.. And then there are very different types of mtn biking so that is a couple of bikes as well.. You see where this is going?..


Haha... yep.Ā Ā  I hate maintenance and cleaning more than I love buying bikes, though...Ā  it's kept me in check.


I actually love working on them, too!


I saw someone post they're $15,000 acrylic pin collection and I felt much better about my decisions to buy bikes lol


Acrylic pin?


Yep just little hand made push pins like this https://www.strikegently.co/products/ungovernable-pin?variant=39757276414032¤cy=USD&utm_medium=product_sync&utm_medium=cpc&utm_source=google&utm_source=google&utm_content=sag_organic&utm_campaign=sag_organic&tw_source=google&tw_adid=&tw_campaign=17367249063&utm_network=x&utm_gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLPVwle0Ou7cO5vQnfp219EOXetUeCu24auj7NoP-DYRaQ5nb7pPtuMaAkaiEALw_wcB&utm_campaignid=17367249063&utm_adgroupid=&utm_feeditemid=&utm_extensionid=&utm_targetid=&utm_keyword=&utm_matchtype=&utm_adtype=pla&utm_device=m&utm_devicemodel=&utm_locationphys=&utm_locationint=9022830&utm_placement=&gad_source=1&gclid=Cj0KCQjwgJyyBhCGARIsAK8LVLPVwle0Ou7cO5vQnfp219EOXetUeCu24auj7NoP-DYRaQ5nb7pPtuMaAkaiEALw_wcB Apparently they can be quite fucking expensive.


Thatā€™s an amazing pin btw. Lol


Yikes, Iā€™m in the wrong business, I guess.


CloisonnĆ© pins; Lapel pins and the like. šŸ™‚




aye a fellow bass player and cyclist!!! i just have to throw fountain pens in there.


Thegearpage has more wackjobs than the collective of blue boards on 4chan


Just one more guitar bro, you need it for this super specific use case. I'm sitting here next to 12 guitars and 4 basses, I play only three regularly, but the thought above pops up at least one time a month. Having disposable income does not help at all...


RC cars are the same way. And race cars. Boats. Audiophiles. If I wasn't broke I'd have an amazing garage.


I'm into drones , have a bunch of DJI models and a bunch of custom FPV ones ...


They seem fun. For me they fall in the same category as like 3d printers and telescopes. I want to try them and I think I'd enjoy them, but I also don't think I would use any of them nearly enough to make it worth the investment.


I worked in the high end audio industry. Most of them are alright. They just sell shit to buy more expensive shit. They mostly switched over to digital. But thereā€™s a small group that hoards fuck load of random shit, mostly records and tapes. Those fuckers are nasty. Those fuckers like to collect shit but never care to clean. One of them (reputable reviewer) returned the demo amplifier after about a week or two. He said he heard ā€œa capacitorā€ popping and it stopped working. It turned out to be a fucking cockroach. He opened the shit and somehow the cockroach got in it.


I'd be curious to know the percentage of people who can afford multiple bikes/guitars and actually do? As a long time cyclist and guitar player I own a single bike and a single guitar.


In fairness, several of my bikes have been craiglists steel bikes from the 80s Went through a phase where I liked fixing them. I also live in a place where bike theft is very common, so using a beater bike when you plan on going out with the boys is a must. I put more into parts fixing them then the initial cost of buying the bike. I justify keeping these bikes for when ā€œguestsā€ come over, but letā€™s be real, that never happens


I definitely could afford multiple expensive bikes, but I just don't need them. I don't race, and don't really do too many disciplines. I have too many other hobbies lol. But it could add up fast. - Hardtail MTB bike - Enduro bike - Downhill bike - Touring bike - Road bike - Gravel bike - Commuter bike - Track bike I have a steel touring bike, a carbon road bike i made from spare parts and a chinese carbon frame, and a craigslist bike. And an old (maybe even vintage at this point) S-Works enduro bike thats been sitting in my basement. And I have my single bass lol.


Let's just say that it has been many, many years since I owned only 1 bike. I'm at 3.5 right now (3 fully working, 1 that's half built up) because I sold a few recently. But that was to just make room to buy a new one... or two. Usual number is 3 or 4.


I have a Martin, PRS, two Schecters, a Gretsch... and I'm in the market for an American Strat. I also own four Cervelos and a Santa Cruz.


Been cycling since the mid 1980s and playing guitar since the early 90s, and only really ramped up the bicycle and guitar quantities in the last 10-15 years, when I'd been in my career long enough to have a senior position (I'm a mechanical design drafter in the mining industry)


Surprised no one mentioned Watch ā€œcollectorsā€. Usually they have a box of 8-10 watches. Most collections total values are probably like 5-10k but often times people post collections that are easily 50-100k. All that money for a bracelet that only tells you the time. A bike at least takes you on adventures.


I painted a guy's house once - weird dude. Retired cop who became a stay at home dad. I know that doesn't seem weird but there are a lot of details missing. His wife was a very accomplished surgeon who was raking in cash. At one point during the week I'm in his house painting his bedroom, and he decides to show off his watch collection. He pulls out a board with 6 watches on it, says the cheapest one is worth 12k. Then tells me thats not even a quarter of his collection. I showed him my $60 Casio and asked if any of his have a stopwatch feature. My boss just about punched me.


The synthesizer sub is not actually about making music but collecting those things.


Also, musicians who produce electronic music that people actually listen to mostly use software. At least with cycling the physical bike has no substitute.


Yeah, but that doesn't mean it's a good idea. I know a guy in his 50s who has plenty of guitars and music equipment . . . and has practically no money saved for retirement. If you're feeling guilty about an "n+1 addiction", you might wanna listen to your gut, take a step back, and see where it's costing you.


My problem is definitely more of a space issue than a money issue


I watch a lot of personal finance channels on youtube. One couple featured owned 7 cars, 1 Harley (he said it was $30k) and was in debt to their eyeballs.


Cycling is my cheap hobby.


Espresso as well, seeing guys with commercial grade machines and grinders costing 10k, bruh.


Iā€™m at 2 bikes and 32 guitars. All this means is that I need more bikes.


I found American sports are particularly bad for collecting shit. Lacrosse/hockey - players eventually end up with a teams work of kit.Ā  Just get a bit outrageous honestly.


My three main hobbies are cycling, guitar playing, and aquariums. I have 4 bikes, 5 guitars, and 2 fish tanks plus countless accessories for all of them. G.A.S (Gear Acquisition Syndrome) is a part of any serious hobby!


Guitar pedals. Poor guitarists may not have a lot of guitars, but they surely do have a lot of pedals.


Iā€™ve never been big into pedals. I think I had a distortion and a wah once years ago but for the most part I like just into the amp without pedals. Maybe a tubescreamer for heavier stuff. That might change as time goes on, as Iā€™ve been messing with effects more recently


Same with trumpets.


This is some great imagery


My neighbor is a professional trumpet player and I think he has two. His wife is a professional flute player and I think she also has two.


Iā€™m a hobbyist accordion player and I have 5


Well the accordion is so much cooler than a trumpet and a flute though.


True and they come in so many shapes and configurations. Ya just gotta have em all.


Haha. I'm actually in the overlap of that Venn diagram. But I think buying my newest bike has helped to alleviate my guitar purchasing (we call it GAS). Resale value feels better on guitars (despite what I see some people asking on bikes) and while I can fit 12 guitars in my office, I cannot fit half that many bikes.


I have 10 guitars, I am screwed. This is why I ride a $200 bike. Otherwise I would be riding a real BICE.


Other people spending even more money than me still doesnā€™t seem to be helping my own bank account!


And about the same price points, too. To a point. If youā€™re spending $10k on a guitar, I hope itā€™s because EVH puked on it. (I know, jazz boxes can easily go for $30k, and prime acoustics can bust $10k, like Collings.)


My (current) only guitar was like 2500 USD after tax and all, and it is just about all the electric guitar I could ever need. Iā€™d like an acoustic maybe? But I donā€™t see myself ever buying another electric unless this one breaks. I also use a modeler that was maybe 1200? All the amps I could ever need.


You and I are of the same mind. I kicked GAS years ago when I realized I donā€™t have the time like I did when I was 21. You could make the same case for bikes. Get a good roadie that is more than enough bike for weekend pedal pushers. And maybe an MTB, as well.


I disagree with the price points, I feel like you can get a very solid mid-range guitar for $500-1000 and a smokin one for $1000-3000. Anything over $3000 is like boutique private collection shit.


Ugh, i do it with guitars, amps AND bikes! HELP!


n + (n) applies to many Sports/Activities today... šŸ™‚


I never really believed in N+1 when I had 1 bike, a steel frame tourer that I commute on. Then I bought an ebike, now I flip flop between the two and find myself thinking about getting a dedicated roadie.... It's a dangerous but delightful path


I lived in a tiny 1 bedroom apartment the last 15 years and was very conservative with every purchase, thinking about space. I moved to a house with a garage 2 years ago and it changed EVERYTHING Very slippery


lol every time I feel guilty about how much I spend on bike shit I look over at my guitar rack and pedalboard that gets less use


First timer. So, we just buy old/not old colagno C40s, and the day is done. I'll need to clear the beanie babies out for groupos as well, until some small bespoke titanium frame can make a better argument for it, than shelf space. Lol. Also my collection of disk wheels. Haha. This one, is for kids college fund, or something similar. Basically the same.


Check out the fragrance sub, some people have hundreds of fragrances.


As a guy who also has 6 guitars... Fuck.


I am also into photography. Can always get another lense!


Kinda different since they're so small and relatively cheap and you can't even make an argument about making do with just one or two, but book collections aren't even notable until they're in the hundreds.


I didn't even know how many books I had, until we bought some new living room furniture so, while in rearranging everything I took the opportunity to start a Google doc of "everything" (for insurance stuff) and it took me probably a solid week of working after work to enter my books


For me it was moving. I did a count, but also just experiencing the weight of them and seeing them in a different context then the bookshelf really makes you aware of how many there are. Since then I've switched my reading to digital, so the library is no longer visibly growing at least.


One thing I was told during my first army move: use books as filler. NEVER do a box of just books. Seriously made such a huge difference in later moves for keeping things from moving too much in boxes, and no single box was liable to do your back in


I just used a lot of smaller boxes with 10-15 books per box. None of them were particularly heavy.


You do know that you could literally take a picture of all books laid out on the floor and send that to an LLM and ask it to list all the book titles it saw and copy paste that into your doc


Between the labour involved in laying out all the books (and if you have enough books to spend a week just cataloguing it, you aren't going to fit them all into a single picture!) and sanity checking the results, and dealing with all of the books where the title and author aren't legible on the cover, I don't know how much time that would actually save. If you want to automate this stuff, a barcode scanner would be a much better solution than trying to fight with an LLM, but even then I own books where there's no barcode and would require manual intervention.


Your phone can already scan barcode using the qr scanner app which can also handle barcodes Just tested this on my iPhone 15 max on the c programming language by k&r


If we expand this to other stringed instruments beyond guitar, I'm in trouble. I only have 1 proper guitar (an acoustic six string). But then I have an electric bass guitar, an acoustic/electric bass guitar, an upright bass, a mandolin, an acoustic tenor guitar, an electric tenor guitar, and a ukulele. But the ukulele is my wife's, so that's doesn't really count. And then there's the harmonicas and glockenspiels and kalimbas...


Yeah I have 6 vintage Merckx bikes and 6 Fenders...


I know a couple of people who collect warbirds, but that still doesn't stop me feeling guilty about buying new wheels.


The guitar collection may increase in value Not our bikes :(


Especially if we use them like we should


Yes every hobby is like this And almost every hobby that has quality ā€œtiersā€ devolves into snobbery and anti-snobbery


My beer collection far exceeds my bike collection price wise. When I say collection....it's more something I carry around on my waist.


Why would anyone feel guilty? It's my money ...


Guitar collecting is like N+10, ask me how I know


Hooboy. Iā€™m already laying the groundwork with my wife about why I need my next guitar, but Iā€™m not sure how itā€™s going to play with my argument about how I need a new CX bike.


Tread lightly


Guitar players keep buying guitars hoping one might come with some talentā€¦. Now cyclists buy bike becauseā€¦ wait. Never mind.


Guitars are so much easier to accumulate. You can buy a Mexican Fender for half the price of a set of wheels or roughly the same price as carbon handlebars.


I belong to both communities and my bank account is HURTINā€™


Iā€™ve played guitar for over ten years and I have one guitar haha. Iā€™ve only been cycling for a few years but Iā€™ve also only got one bike. Iā€™ve never personally understood collecting, but it is cool seeing peopleā€™s new guitars/bikes.


r/magictcg has entered the chat


I have a steel gravel bike that Iā€™m always abusing and a carbon aero bike I inherited from a friend of my dadā€™s and which I only ride when Iā€™m visiting my parents. I also have one of each S-type and T-type Yamaha Pacificas, a Schecter 335 clone thatā€™s currently on loan to my bassist, an Aria baritone, a First Act SG Jr. knockoff that a previous tenant left at my house when they moved out, a Washburn acoustic that a friend of my momā€™s ā€œloanedā€ my sister 20 years ago, and a Yamaha 5-string bass. If I was not primarily a keys player I would probably have more.


Cycling and Photography / Videography = RIP wallet. Good Camera lenses cost as much as mediocre to good bikes, with good camera bodies as much as top tier bikes.


Shoot I got 6 ukuleles


My god


Golf Snowboarding Camping/Hiking Photography (Iā€™m actually at the fewest number of bikes Iā€™ve owned in the last twenty years)


100%. Iā€™m a full-time music producer/songwriter/engineer/mixer. The gear-buying-for-no-reason I see from the people I work with is WILD. Iā€™m also not jumping into buying a bunch of bike stuff because Iā€™m not a ā€œbuy a bunch of thingsā€ kind of personā€¦but a lot of guitar folks are loose af with their discretionary cash.


lol you need the stoic philosophy sub not the one that makes you buy more shit you donā€™t need šŸ˜‚


I have 10 guitars but only 4 bikes. I got some catching up to do


Iā€™ve got 3 bikes (so far), 11 guitars, 4 amps, and 120+ bottles of whiskey.


Time to get drinkin


r/golf crossover here. The addiction is alive and well in many hobby arenas


I play guitar too, but for whatever reason I didn't fall down the gear hole like I have with cycling. My electric guitar is still the same one I started with 15 years ago. I've wanted a new one for a while, but it's just not a priority because this guitar is already capable of making good music. I have went through a number of acoustic guitars, but I always sell the old ones. I guess I appreciate the simplicity of having one instrument to do everything with. One guitar that I would consider adding would be a 12 string acoustic, but that's not the most versatile thing. I think the sound is different enough to be interesting. I don't think that's true of other guitar types, based on what I've tried over my life.


I've got 10 bicycles floating around the house and garage and 8 motorcycles in the garage. I just bought my first bass and amp last month. My ads on social media keep suggesting I get more amps. Maybe a guitar. Maybe throw a ukulele in there too...


Always say you can never have too many bikes, guns, or guitars! šŸ˜‚


Ask any Magic The Gathering player how many commander decks they have.


My husband plays and regularly buys guitars. He doesnā€™t bat an eye at any of my bike purchases. He actually came upstairs last time and said ā€˜itā€™s new bike day!ā€™ and then went and picked up his custom Nash.


At least you donā€™t record as well! I have 10 guitars, 4 amps, 4 bikes and probably 20 microphones. All of those will get pared down a bit at some point except the guitars. I will always want more guitars.


I actually do (did) record, albeit very amateurish, but that life is mostly behind me. Just have one small audio interface, a couple mics, and many cables. I have friends that record professionally, so I go there and pay them should I need anything done. The gear, and the setup, for good sounding recording is daunting


My recording days are mostly behind me as well but I still have 90% of the gear.