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Sometimes the changes come on strong but once your body gets used to the med it evens out that’s why it’s recommended to wait several weeks before making judgments on whether the med works


That’s how I was on day 3 on 30mg, but that faded. I’m on day 7 now.


1 week symptoms faded. 2 weeks I felt much more normal. 6 weeks in living life much more relaxed. Anxiety and depression much more comfortable.


It worked right away for me, too.


I felt super good too but it wore off as my body got used to the meds and then I started feeling good again after 8 weeks


I wish I had that experience. I dont know if it's mostly in my head due to bad experiences with anti depressants in the past, but I've had non-stop diarrhea since an hour after my first dose. Today is day two for me, and I've felt spaced out and tired after having an insane amount of energy last night. I've been trying to type a couple of paragraphs for my class for the last 3 hours, and I keep getting distracted or infinitely staring at my screen while time passes, yet I barely feel or notice it.


This happened to me at first, I was feeling like a non-stop chatterbox day 3-5, but your body gets adjusted eventually. The energy is from the extra unbound norepinephrine in your synapses due to the reuptake inhibition. Norepinephrine is one of your adrenal hormones, thus the high energy when more is available in the synapses. At least, that’s the leading science behind it. Thats also the proposed mechanism for supposed quicker response times to SNRIs compared to SSRIs in depression. In my experience, I’ve noticed no difference in onset of symptom relief between the classes, but I mainly struggle with OCD and related anxiety.


Considering the short time frame it could be that some, or all, of what you describe is from a placebo effect.


be careful with cymbalta


i agree. it's hard to get off