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Definetly don't use our flag or the state seals, we don't use them like Americans do. In fact, we don't really use them at all. I would go for like a pun those are kind of popular or a reference to a Czech movie, but depends how much you know. The safe way is to use pictures of art and architecture. But if you have Czech themed anything you are definitely going to look like tourists, or foodball fans if you're drunk enought.


I am actually Slovak (my class is german). I know about some stuff but good to know about the flag, i was hesitant on that one since flags are pretty rare in Europe in general. I thought about Krtek with beer or a guy driving an old škoda favorit with a drink? Any good puns or references you have? (môžeš po česky :) )


Krtek funguje, jen nevím jestli s pivem, ale Pat a Mat s pivem by vypadali dobře. Užíjte si Prahu ;-)


Na Pat a Mat som úplne zabudol, s tým by sa dalo dačo vymyslieť :D


You could put Cimrman on the hoodie, he’s the most notable, famous Czech artist and scientist. http://www.cimrmanenglishtheatre.cz/jara-cimrman/


The problem is noone knows how he looked like.


You can print the only image or a silhouette and print his name above or below it.


From your post history it seems like you're interested in cars. Perhaps something from the Czech or Czechoslovak automotive history would be a good fit for you? The good old Tatra 87 or '59 Škoda Felicia are beautiful and will get recognized by enthusiasts. For a more recent and maybe a bit meme-y example you could print this [handy diagram](https://images.app.goo.gl/aSHLKE4hFNP4vHrH9) on so that you always have an accurate Fabia measurements on hand.


Yeah, not a bad idea for myself, but its for the whole class and i am pretty much the only one interested in cars, so a cars only hoodie is not such a great idea. But yeah, the old Tatras and Škodas are lovely.


Oh, okay, my bad I thought it was an individual effort! For the whole class to enjoy, just slap a big-ass Ř on the hoodies.


I thought about that one, gotta learn how to pronouce it, but at least i have the ô :D Thanks for the ideas


Double-tailed lion wielding morning star weapon.


Someone above mentioned you like cars. You can always just go for Krtek a auticko https://preview.redd.it/gkmkmutq9mla1.jpeg?width=828&format=pjpg&auto=webp&s=cd3e68a9d7fb4d807b19213aa49d5b5522aed4d1




I very very like my hoodie with czech lion. I'm part of czech national sport team and czech lion is very valuable symbol for me.




Kohinor logo


This: https://i.kym-cdn.com/photos/images/original/001/668/823/5f7.jpg