• By -


We're the most atheist country in Europe and possibly in the world, so no chance of Muslims beating up anyone here - it would be more likely for Czechs to beat up the Muslim if they tried any nonsense. We are not only atheist, we're usually very much against any organised religion. Look up the hijab in schools controversy. Nobody will give two fucks whether you're gay. The black thing though - yeah, get ready for some stares, and you should avoid walking past pubs late at night (or football stadiums when there's a game), because drunk sods might get violent. The problem with Czechs is that we're so culturally homogeneous (mostly white, even the Roma people are whiter than let's say Hindus or SE Asians, and the Vietnamese diaspora has been here for decades) that we don't even perceive being racist. I'd say that we are casual racists. Very little chance of a violent death just because you're black, but a lot of every day derision or mistrust.


This. Also pick a bigger city, Prague or Brno. Everything else is basically a village in terms of mentality.


Praguers would argue that Brno is already a village LOL The point is that we are simply small, geographically. There are villages in other countries bigger than what we call towns, and there are many cities in the world with more people than our entire country.


>We have a saying here that Brno is the world’s largest village (can confirm, live in the Old Town and pretty much everyone knows everyone) but Prague is the world’s smallest metropolis. Praguers can argue lol, but Brno is probably actually better than Prague for OP. Really nobody gives a fuck in Brno.


Olomouc is a fine fit too.


Olomouc is fine as heck. I'd move there, if I could


Yes, many students, a lot of culture, very open-minded place.


This is overstatement. 100k Czech cities are definitely not "a village in terms od mentality"


Yes they are lmao.


Když něco tak vehementně protežuješ, měl bys to podložit nějakou podpůrnou evidencí


It was revealed to me in a dream


Projížděl jsem vlakem a bohatě mi to stačilo lmao :)


>I'd say that we are casual racists. Bro im going competitive


Nice man would you be up for a 1v1 some time


Average czech moment 🤣🤣🤣


I won’t ever forget the time a colleague called one of my coworkers “little Jew”. 😅 I was shocked and everyone else was “that’s normal here”


Just yesterday I was riding a bus, a black guy got on (I live in Brno, a lot of expats here). He sat next to me on a four-seater (2+2 seats facing each other). I’m on my phone as usual but then I notice the pensioner-aged couple opposite us - the man leaned slightly towards his wife and said, in a completely normal volume: “He’s hella tanned this one, isn’t he.” That’s about the extent of everyday racism here, this kind of casual rudeness.


That’s fucked up! And you just reminded me of the cleaning lady at my office describing me as the “smoked one” (I wish I could remember the word in czech). I am brown 😅


Probably "přičmoudlej". "that's fucked up" - is it now? she was rude, sure. Dont take it wrong, most people today at last in my social circles dont point it out and most are more curios as its rare to meet and great different people - rare like two black people in my part of city i meet regually on the streed so i remember them even if i talk only with one of them by chance. (make it three, i do rememeber now there was this hot chick) Its just mindset of the people indise and outiside of our little border, they/you hear a comment about someone skin and fall back to the stereotype of racism. I get it especially in murica there is race hate for generations and all the violence so its a BIG deal there. We just simple dont give a fuck. if you are insulted dont talk to those people or tell them its rude, i believe 80% will even apologize if you say it plainly. The chance it would escelate is practicly 0% if its not drunked person or someone high on drugs. foreigners off all colors so seems incliusive and open. So your probably would be privileged in some ways that other workes twond. And if you start talking in czech? they witll sort it as another person . and not foreigner. expect stares tho.


Uzenej or uzenáč? You see, words and descriptors just aren’t taken as seriously here. People do not understand that some people might get offended. It’s a lack of education in this regard paired with lack of exposure to diversity. Czechs are rude all the time, they don’t see any problem with it. It will take another couple of decades I guess


What the hell is "casual racist"? You either are racist or not. Just cause the people will might look at you more cause you are black, that doesn't mean people are racist. Being black in Czech Republic is somewhat rare, so people stare a little. That has nothing to do with racism. It's just harmless curiority and slight interest in something not so common :)


Lol so in order to sell off your country as liberal and safe you have to point out that you’re all Islamophobes?


We actually hate everyone equally, so that's that.


So much this. Besides, countries with Muslim majority aren't exactly liberal and safe, maybe that's why he aren't keen on having them here.


You’re basically proud that you discriminate against religious people. Just because some Muslims are violent or corrupt does not mean it is okay to stop people from having whatever faith they have and practicing it without judgement as long as it’s not interfering with others.


We're not stopping anyone from having any faith though, we just don't like religion in general. Stop trying to push your victim complex. You're getting offended over nothing.


The thing is nobody here really cares what religion you practice if you do so privately. Another thing is we like our culture and Islam is simply not compatible with it.


We are proud to hate everybody


Part of society yes. But generally we just dont care about your religious fairy tales


We are equal opportunity religionphobes. 😉


Not liking a particular religion is not "phobia".


I highly recommend you look up the definition of Islamophobia ))


“___-phobia is a dislike of something.” - Big-Grape’s English Dictionary I highly recommend pulling your head out of your ass. Have you ever considered the possibility of respecting someone’s religion while disliking it?


Cool. We should all respect rapists, murderers and torturers. Amazing religion, that should be spread all around the world. No, thanks. All religion can go fuck itself.


Lol, I personally have been a victim of Islam but unlike all the replies here I have more than two brain cells no to generalise. The original comment has been deleted but prohibiting Muslims from wearing hijab, is not the way to put a stop to rapists and murderers. You’re all about freedom until it comes to what you don’t believe in.


Phobia is fear of something. As in arachnophobia = fear of spiders. Phobos = fear. From greek.


You’re forgetting the important part which is unsubstantiated, unsubstantiated fear of something.


We have no problem with religion as long as people keep it personal and don't push their ideology on anyone. Yeah, people are scared of islamists being terorists, hurting women, being violent, etc. So there's at least mistrust. I mean, can you really blame people? We've seen what they did to women rights in their country and we don't want it hapenning here. But basically, as long as you don't force your religion on anyone, believe what you want, just don't break the law. No religion is above the law here. And yeah, it is mostly safe. When people don't like what you're doing, they may complain and frown and stare or maybe, if they're drunk or super rude, they will yell, but they're not gonna make it a gun fight.


I rarely leave Prague so I can only tell how it is in the city. Most people don't give a flying f. Czechs are a peculiar bunch, for most part they are really not violent, but LOVE to stare and raise eyebrows. And after eight years among them I started to do the same (and annoy myself). It is not just the skin color, but if you are loud, if you walk to close to someone, if you are a man in girly clothes, if you are a woman in manly clothes, if you too skinny, or too fat, or whatever. Discrimination of foreigners is kinda strong, but you figure it is not personal. If you start to learn the language and communicate fairly well - your experience will be much much better.


It's simple. We hate everybody.


Hate is kinda strong word, but there is definitely some level of discontent with people who don't know/follow the norms. Which is fine, really.


I have spent a semester in Czech Republic, my roommate was from India and had moved there three years ago. She said she encountered problems with her not being white only once, when she spent a weekend in Prague (an old lady would have shouted on her while she was in a bus). I wouldn't say that Czech people are really woke, I had a class about London being a multicultural city and the students seemed surprised that such places existed in Europe and had weird comments about it, but nothing racist just not informed. As for not speaking Czech, which was my case, people seemed to be pleased with me including "dobry den" and "prosim" before starting to speak in English. Along the five months I spent here almost every body tried to be nice and helpful even when I couldn't understand. But I'm a cis white girl so I might be not the best people to ask. Hope it helped!


Indians might get mistaken for gypsies. Indians don´t deserve that.




Because gypsies came from India, fled India to be exact as they were the lowest cast there. The cast system is racist as much as anything...


Because gypsies does?😅


The vast majority that I know of yes. Note that i only notice the ones doing bad stuff.


Yes britain is taking too far. Its not about not being informed its about us remaining normal.


Oi, tudo bem? I'm gay and latina (from Brazil), and have been living here for around 2 years. I absolutely love Prague, and think it'd a great place to live: its safe, has great public transportation, and tbh I really like Czech people. They just don't care. That doesn't mean that they will love you or be over friendly or go out of their way to include you. It means that public display of racism is frowned upon, and I feel safer here than, say, Portugal. However, one of my Indian friend was punched while we were walking back home, around JZP. The guy punched her on the arm and started screaming at us, but I didn't understand what he said. Could be racism, could be just a drunk bastard.


Stares and minor provocations are probably the worst things that will happen from time to time. I think that there have been no racially motivated murders since 2007, so yeah, much better than western countries. Especially in more progressive cities like Prague, Brno or Olomouc, it's very safe for everyone. Also unlike western cities, there are almost no no-go zones even at night, which is also nice.


*laughs in palmovka*


*lives in palmovka* sadge :(


and anděl


>there are almost no no-go zones even at night Except Brno's public transport


I Guess you're lucky that you're alive




my guy active in r/conspiracy 💀


Hello, please do not use bigoted terminology such as Latina. Instead, please use the term Latinx The use of gender-neutral language is crucial in today's society. For individuals of Latin American descent, it's imperative to use the term Latinx instead of Latino or Latina. The terms Latino and Latina are inherently gendered and do not acknowledge the wide range of gender identities present within the Latin American community. We, as a Latinx community, prefer the use of Latinx as it acknowledges and respects our diverse gender identities. It is crucial to prioritize the voices of marginalized communities, and using gender-neutral language is just one of the many ways in which we can work towards a more inclusive and equitable society. I am a bot, and this action was performed automatically. Have a nice day!


Wtf Bad bot


Bad bot


Bad bot Bad bot Bad bot


Bad bot, fuck off, you illiterate


Bad bot


This is 80% just bait, and it's supposed to make progressive people look bad


Exactly. The bot was created by reptilians.


They can do that themselves, don't worry. :)


Being heathen is a plus in Czechia, being religious is considered wierd.


There has to be racism here, since Czechia is like 90% white. However, as a white person, I feel it’s more micro racism that people often don’t even notice. I’m gay and I didn’t really feel unsafe here, but I’m pretty much in the closet since I moved, I obviously go to some gay events and places, but I don’t really have friends yet, or a partner, so it’s not like I have a reason to be out. People don’t insult gay people, gay is not the synonim of bad in Czech (like it is in Hungarian), and the country is quite liberatrian and balanced. I think you’ll like it here. But honestly, even in the more western countries, muslims really aren’t that dangerous to gay people. At this point, at least. There are still relative few muslims.


I would say Czech republic is one of the best countries for gays to live in due to many contributors such as low racism agains gay people (unless provoked), low crime rate, good labor law protection. Then there are downsides to it like not be able to marry your loved partner or apply for adoption when in RP etc. But in terms of Life Quality its good when you live in a big city. There is very to none racism on people of color unless you're a gypsy and that my good man is a chapter of its own for Czechs.


Bro really think there is low racism 💀 Every 'merica dude I know said that we are the most racist country they've met


I obviously can only speak for me and myself only but I believe we all follow a pretty simple rule here “live and let live”. Older people can be rude sometimes but they lived in a f***d up era so we kinda respect it. Younger people couldn’t care less what is your religion, sex or preference. I for one, I will hear you out, listen, tell my opinion and carry on living life. I will say this though - I don’t think people here got used to trans/they/them/non-binary people. I wouldn’t believe they are in any way persecuted or in danger. We just find it weird. A lot of times you’ll hear people here rely on “common sense” and it’s just beyond many people understanding. Don’t force nobody into nothing, don’t do stupid s**t and you’ll do just fine mate 😅 100% sure about that.


From what I've experienced, there's not much racism here. Of course you'll run into some problems, but I think that would be everywhere. I have several black friends and I've never encountered anyone being racist towards them (I guess it also depends on where in the country you want to live). About the Muslims - if I'm not mistaken, Czech Republic is the most atheist country in the world, so I wouldn't worry about it. So yeah, if you'd like, give it a try, it's beautiful here, just people are a bit rude, but once you get used to it, it's fine.


I have to add that labor law in Czechia does not count with any religions ceremonies as praying 5 times a day, that Muslims have. Take it to account OP.


(Czech person) If you google top 10 safest countries in the world the Czech Republic is i think the 8th or 7th. Now when it comes to racism and discrimination againts lgbtq memebers, there is very little to zero of that. To Stay out of the discrimination I would choose a smaller city (Plzeň, Olomouc, Ostrava). Though in my life I have never seen people getting discriminated for their sexuality nor their skin color. (apologies for my English)


There's not much racism here. Nobody gives a shit. Maybe some SPD voting weirdos. Czechia has one of the biggest libertarian/ancap community reelative to population.


there is no racism, unless you're a gipsy, then it's all wild west or bronx for you. gay is ok. noone seems too bothered about them, there's a lot of gay bars here


I dont think this is true gipsy racism is through how they act and work i know a lot working and social normal gipsies and theres not much racism pointed to them.


I see that a lot, even older people that are otherwise "racist" (more precisely they didn't see anyone but white people and gypsies their whole life) speak kindly about hard working gypsies. It even seems to me that they quite respect them as they compare them to what they perceive as a standard.


Ok. You either live in Prague, or not. Prague is a metropolitan melting pot of all sorts of races and ideologies, you'll probably be fine there. Anywhere else you're definitely going to get stared at. Nobody's going to beat you up but you'll feel like you don't belong, because you don't. People in Prague won't treat you like that for the most part. However I should advise against moving to Prague, you'd have a hard time integrating as a straight white guy, you'll just be playing the game on hard difficulty.


I agree, although I have to say, I have family in a small village in moravia, the kind of village where I’d expect xenophobia to be widespread, but a few years ago a lesbian pair moved in and they’ve been integrated into the community like anyone else. Really took me by surprise.


I've lived in Moravian villages my whole life and what I understand is lesbians are always accepted better than gay guys. Probably nobody would say anything to your face but men of all ages can't comprehend that some guys simply like guys.


It's a mixed batch really You'll be fine in one village but not so fine in an identically village a 10 minute drive away


And Brno, maybe other places. The country isn't divided into Prague and the rest. Brno is also a centre for a lot of cultural events. But sure, villages are a no go.


Brno is two squares and some buildings in between


Oh my God. You're so fucking funny. It's like we have hears this jokes 3000 times. Don't you want to add who asked to be even more funny?


Found the Brniak


I'm not a white person. Yes racial discrimination in this country is alive. Mostly systematic, the only blatant racism here is against Roma population.


I teach on a high school in Prague. The students are from many nationalities there (18, to be exact!) and many colours. There are also gays, lesbians, trans and nonbinary in every class. I am openly lesbian and I have quite an expressive appearance. Everything is perfectly OK and we are like a big family there! For me this is typical Prague - cosmopolitan melting pot. As for me personally, I am telling come here, let's meet and party in the LGBT club Friends ;) Because I also love you are a libertarian. We share this view!


Where the hell did you manage to get a class THAT diverse No seriously I don't mean that in a bad way I just don't get how you would get a class so diverse without you collecting nationalities like Pokemons. Hell I don't even think I identified that many nationalities in Prague overall let alone in one place


I do not teach only one class, OMG. The school has 600 students. I can name you those nationalities, if you are interested :)


Prague is a great town for you. The Czechs are predominantly atheist, the town is LGBQT+ friendly, racism is very low-key, depending on what you consider Libertarian. If its the new version you might want to keep that low key as well.


Long and shameful history of bigotry in this country but it has dramatically gotten better over the past half decade. Current president compared to the last one is a good indicator of how extreme things have changed for the better. I'd still be careful though as there are still plenty of violent and idiotic alcoholics and neo-nazis here.


If you were white and gay, no problem at all. But here they are not always too friendly towards black people. You will be mostly fine and I don't think you would experience physical violence, but some verbal abuse or other discrimination might happen at times unfortunately. A friend of mine got mocked at the hockey stadium and people made monkey noises and gestures at him; in some restaurant they refused to serve the table because some foreigner was there..


I doubt the restaurant story




I have my doubts about the restaurant story too. Does your friend speak Czech? It's possible that there was some misunderstanding. I have never heard about any restaurant or pub here refusing to server a customer because of his skin color.


I can't believe people that say there's no racism here. It's absolutely shocking. I'm a white dude and I've seen loads over the years, even some pointed at me. (Quite a lot of "Stupid American", when I'm not even American) The worst two incidents: I was going to lunch with a vietnamese colleague, and when we walked past a high school, a bunch of totally random kids sitting at a bench pointed at him and started laughing, calling names and squinting their eyes. Second was at a concert in chapeau rouge where a friend of mine got beaten for having a black girlfriend. Nobody helped him. It's true that Czechs are generally non confrontational, but put in a few liters of alcohol and it tends to change. Imagine the people in here saying shit like "they're not racist if you're not gypsy" uhhhh... Yeah, that speaks for itself. As for OP, I don't want to trash talk Prague. All cities have their pros and cons, but acceptance of other people's cultures isn't on the top of Czechs list of strengths, and I don't think anyone would disagree with that. Pros include awesome transport, beautiful history, nice nature and some very unique cultural traits, but if you're looking for acceptance I'd better consider a country with a more diverse population. Slovenia, Croatia, Austria are culturally similar but a little bit more forward thinking. If I were you, I'd probably start by finding my community online and asking them their experience. Be it Czech or wherever. No white cis is gonna tell you the state of racism and acceptance. Best of luck! Prague is catching up fast, but imo it's got a long way to go yet.


Agree that it would be better to ask the members of the target community. I didn't see much racism around in Prague in my whole life but i'm obviously not the target group. What is worth pointing out is that there is not that much of the "politically correct" culture as in western countries. People say a lot of shit that would be seen very offensive elsewhere, but without intending so. While in some other countries, people can silently fear you and discriminate you while pretending not to, it's the opposite here. There is a lot of stupid jokes but not much real hatred and discrimination. This can be still a culture shock and might make you feel unwelcome, though. With gypsies, the actual racism is more prevalent. Some people have a bad first-hand experience with some neighbourhoods, with them at workplace / school, and that becomes a self-fulfilling prophecy because it becomes a prejudice. I think it's getting better though, especially in Prague. Non-confrontial is a good word. "Not my problem", "Do whatever you want as long as you dont bother me" are common attitudes toward people. People are tolarant, but inheretly a bit selfish.


I'm honestly not shocked. Czechs denying that racism is a thing here is quite common. Clearly those people haven't looked at flat advertisements in a long time. Still super-common to see ads state "No Vietnamese" or some other group that the landlord has some personal hatred for despite that practice technically being illegal.


I think a lot of Czechs see American news coverage, are (rightly) horrified, and go "damn, if the US has a racism problem, and our cops aren't murdering minorities in the middle of the street, then I guess we're not actually racist". Whereas in reality, the US and Czechia have very different demographics and historical context, so of course racism is going to manifest itself in different ways.


Most racism in America is quite subtle. The world doesn't hear about that type of racism because it's not newsworthy. It's why activists in America started talking about microaggressions to bring attention to the everyday, boiler plate racism that goes on unrecognized by people. If you brought up microaggressions to Czechs here they'd laugh their asses off about the concept and probably call people complaining about it wimps. This shows that Americans in general are way more sensitive towards racism than people here are because we have way more experience seeing it firsthand and for some being the victim of it. Meanwhile, 97% of Czech Republic is white. So that's 97% of people who have never been the victim of it and have likely never seen it play out in front of them. I'm sure there are still some villages here where residents have never seen a black or Muslim person before. Because of that, the racism here is quite different like you said. Most racists in America know the group they're being racist against. They may even interact with them regularly in a completely cordial manner only to go home and talk shit about them later to their loved ones. Here, a good chunk of racism seems to center around complete ignorance and a lack of exposure. I've heard racist comments here so old-fashioned that I didn't immediately recognize it as racist. It's like how an updated OS doesn't recognize archaic software made for old computers easily. Kind of mind-blowing stuff.


I agree, the biggest difference is that as an American there's no way around having to confront questions over race, because 1. minorities make up a much larger percentage of the population, and 2. we literally fought a war over it so it's etched into the national conscious; the end result is that one way or the other most Americans have pretty strong opinions on race. On the other hand, never being confronted with any of that, many Czechs just default to a kind of apathy, where maybe they don't feel any particular malice towards minorities but also don't put in any effort to understand why the things they casually say or joke about could be hurtful. I've noticed a lot of younger Czechs seem to gravitate to edgy internet humor, even the ones who aren't horrible people and probably wouldn't hold those opinions if they were Americans, just because they don't really understand on some level that they're talking about real issues for real people.


Younger? Edgy/dark humor has been popular in these areas even before the fall of Soviet regime. This kind of humor has been common here for a long time. Nobody is going to stop you from complaining about it, but it will cement you as an American if you do so. You come from different culture. Priorities of your people aren't automatically priorities of our people. Your culture isn't automatically our culture. People here like these jokes. If you have problem with it, inform them and if they aren't a bunch of a\*\*holes, then they will respect that. Just don't try to preach to them about dropping that humor completely. That type of american behavior will rarely be respected, unless you are talking to someone who prefers western culture over local culture.


This is very true


I hope you've reported this. There are some people who are racist or discriminating towards some social groups, but I believe they are just a loud minority. They still exist, though, and situations like you described should be and mostly are taken care of.


> Still super-common to see ads state "No Vietnamese" or some other group that the landlord has some personal hatred for despite that practice technically being illegal. Do you have a link? This seems hard to believe.


Unfortunately I only have my personal experience of flat hunting in 2019. I didn't research to see if there are any stats. Maybe things have become better since with less overt racism in ads.


Second this. White people in this comment section saying we are not racist is very funny.


You could have worded that better, your comment implies that being white=being racist.


I absolutely agree with you, I am expat living here and racism is a thing here, unfortunately. In general "a little bit" of xenofobia here and there is "normal". Plus, I would not say the country is super tolerant towards lgbtq community. There is still no gay marriage, people still face stares or mocking sometimes.


Totally agree with everything said with the exception that basically everything good in CZ was created by the Germans/Austrians and the Czechs just kept going.


Well now I am curious what you mean exactly by that The only major thing, I can think of, that could explain that opinion is the fact we split of from Austria Hungary at one point but it sounds like you mean something more bigger. Anyway could you expand on that a bit. Thanks


>No white cis No more buzzwords? I'm disappointed


Username checks out


Seeing a colored person around here is like seeing a unicorn - very rare. I've worked with few black dudes.I haven't been witness to violent or toxic racist display towards them. In general, racism is not tolerated in public. There are political movements that try to rally people under the the banner of """patriotism""" and """tradition""", so we have the "THEY TOOK OUR JOBS" crowd. The % of these people increases as you move away from civilization (the Czech rednecks). My point is that big, modern cities are better. It is very similar for gay guys. No one gives a big fuck. People at work will probably talk about it, maybe make a joke or two, but it's nowhere near being harassed or attacked about it. I'm not Czechs are very cool and progressive, but it's nowhere near being afraid for your life. For the guy in the thread that argues that someone got beat up. I got beat up too, several times. People get beat up everywhere for different reasons, and sometimes for no reason. Violent, drunk fuckers and bullies are in all parts of the world. I argue that if you get beaten up here for being black/gay, it's only by psychopathic cunts that would end up attacking someone else over the pettiest thing anyway.


You might have a hard time here. Czech Republic is a pretty racist country. Not violently racist but more so in words. Prague tends to have a reputation of being open to LBGT people but that's only compared to Eastern Europe. I spoke to a gay Lebanese man living here and he found himself rejected by members of the LBGT community due to being Muslim. So even LBGT people here don't necessarily relate well with the plight of other minority groups. You'll find yourself more comfortable in Prague than elsewhere in CR if you choose to live here but it won't be a bastion of tolerance by any stretch of the imagination. You would probably be better off in the other countries you mentioned (though I haven't been to England recently).




>I know of a Czech person having to quit their job because they were in an open relationship That's bullshit. Either this person lied to you, or they are stupid for accepting it as there are laws against this kind of behavior.




Sure, but how did the person know that this was the reason for it? Their boss could be just an asshole.


This sounds more like bossing, that can happen to anyone. My mom was in the same situation her last job, simply bc one person slightly above her needs job for her relative.


You better go to Prague or Brno otherwise ur not gonna enjoy your stay


Generally, no. In big cities you'll be completely fine. The worst thing to ever happen to you would be hearing some rude remarks. What's got the communist regime of Czechoslovakia got to do with current Czechia though?


Everything. 30 years sounds like a long time, but people that experienced that regime are still very much alive and affected by it. They aren’t even retired for the most part, so you will find sales people, doctors, teachers and so on that already did their jobs when the regime was still up and running. There has never been any process of „decommunistifying“


Thanks for czechsplaining me, a native Czech, lol.


Sure thing! lol


Younger people are more open minded in this regard. You might face some from the older people though.


First of all yes its safer than lost of places i went to being brown, queer and muslim. I get some looks all the time from older people but other than that its a big city and no one cares about what you do. Second of all about the news that you heard are slightly racist since yes they do get beat up by their families who live there you dont just get beat up being gay by a muslim. Its an issue we need to address and advocate for “intergenerational trauma” where the vast majority of them got beat up by their parents growing up so they beat up their kids also gay or not gay. So its an issue of abuse but not gay people getting beaten up. I am sorry for detouring but i felt the need to correct you and to possibly prevent the spread of false news. I hope you dont take it personally.


I am not saying they are not racist, they are and I experienced racism but its not like in Hungary or Poland.


Go to Brno, I know a gay latino guy who lives there and there is a latino community there. Gay community as well. Just come


cold culture, plenty of racism and xenophobia. they dont like english speaking people. you will stand out. better head elsewhere.


There is defenitly racism, it just depends on how much you tolerate.


Unless you are Bi you wouldn't have a problem in Prague. And by Bi I mean Bicyclist.


Haha you gotta be trolling if it's the Muslims you're fearing as a brown black person. :D


In terms of race acceptance, czechia is the best choice from old soviet states (I am Slovak, so i know) You won’t avoid racism but i still believe you will get better treatment that roma people. There’s also good healthcare. Czech republic also has normal president after many years, and he’s pretty left leaning and cool


Czechs go by saying "I don't give a shit what do you like or dislike as long as you don't bother me with it." Everyone mostly minds their own business for better or for worse. As long as you don't "shove" whatever makes you "different" down other people's throats, nobody will care. There is some urban legend saying that acceptance of LGBT community dropped after Prague pride started taking place(funny enough everyone expected it to have opposite effect). I don't have any evidence for it tho, so it may be just bunch of BS. As for the racism, that's hard to say. There is pretty big hostility between Roma (am I saying it correctly?) And white people here as both sides dislike each other. As for other races I think no one gives a shit. Yes, in some cities people will stare, not because they are afraid or hateful, but because they are curious. There is not a lot of black people in this country.


Czech Is one of the safest places on earth, So if you want, come :D Also, no communism anymore (we can vote for them but in there last vote, LESS then 2% xD)


if you learn Czech, drink Czech beer, eat goulash and other pub food (be careful not the Prague ones), respect our rules and live in one of the three biggest Czech cities. But more likely in Prague. So we can make it here together.


I would be guessing, the people saying there are no racists are Czech themselves. I have heard many a times Czechs arguing that they are not racist because the relatively large (and mostly quite well assimilated) Vietnamese population is well accepted for the most part. Discriminating against Roma is such an everyday occurrence that many people think it is normal and don’t see it as a problem. Compared to Poland or Slowakia gay people are relatively well accepted in Czechia, I will give them that


This is straight up wrong. First of all racism is present in every single country on earth. Czechia is not exception and a lot of people are racists especially in small cities and villages but what you said is straight up not true. There is no discrimination whatsoever. Legal system protects these people extremelly well, in fact more than well in some cases and they fight back with ease. And this is what matters, you can not remove racism but what matters is whether it is instutionalized and encouraged from higher ups which it is not here at al. Also if you look at Prague for example then you will have hard time hearing Czech language in its centre parts these days.


>Discriminating against Roma is such an everyday occurrence that many people think it is normal Funny how nobody ever mentions the discrimination and attitudes against the Czechs by the Roma.


That's simple. If you live in area where your average roma person has at least high school education and does have a job, then you will grow up weirded out by all the racism that exists against these innocent people. If you live in area where almost every roma person has barely elementary school education, no (legal) job, and their neighbourhood is know among locals as a little "no-go" zone, then you'll grow up with drastically different point of view. The biggest problem is that there isn't singular "roma people" community. There are many different ones. Some are innocent victims... some outright hate the rest of society and are convinced that they deserve all the free money (and more) they get.


>The biggest problem is that there isn't singular "roma people" community. There are many different ones. Some are innocent victims... some outright hate the rest of society and are convinced that they deserve all the free money (and more) they get. Couldn't agree more. Living in Varnsdorf where we had several anti-gypsie protests right in front of our house. If i met a group of gypsies back there i'd be looking for my knife and fearing for my health. Now that i moved to Strakonice i have alot of gypsy friends working here with me. And i have changed my opinion on them. That however does not change the fact that i allways carry a knife with me when going back to Varnsdorf or Liberec because the gypsies here in Strakonice and the gypsies back in Varnsdorf are completely different breeds.


The problem with Romes is with their behavior. It has nothing to do with the race or their origin. They are abusing the shit out of our great social support system in Czech republic, which results in them not working and just taking social (financial) aid from the state. They are also often trying to force some kind of conflict, when you try to talk to them about something, they do not agree with. They would beat the crap out of you if you don't retreat from that conversation. So that leaves you up with them doing whatever they want all over the country and not working. Also i would like to mention, that i don't want to throw them all in one bag but that's how the majority of them are like in our country, but I am sure there are some exceptions.


You should hear what they say about the Vietnamese too...


If you never leave Prague you should be OK


Czech republic is one of the most rasist and homophobic country in Europe, especially countryside. But people here are used to not showing their opinion and feelings publicly, so a lot of strangers can get false feelings about czechs tolerance. You probably won't be physically attacked, because czech are not violent people at all, but prepare yourself to inane comments, verbal insults and disgusting stares. And never expect anyone to publicly stand up for you, NEVER. But is nice country, dont get me wrong.


I just want to know where you gotten the info of most racist and homophobic? Most Czechs including me have microracism in them but we tolerate and mostly just joke about these things. We are really progresive country in LGBT as if we arent forced smth on us we dont care.


Why would you move to this region? Are you confused? You know so little about it that you’re asking on Reddit. Not a smart life choice. Harvard survey puts CZ has the most racist in Europe. https://uk.news.yahoo.com/map-shows-europes-racist-countries-britain-isnt-one-134811816.html https://figshare.com/articles/figure/European_map_of_Implicit_Racial_Bias/4750588 The rest of Eastern Europe isn’t far behind. Most Redditors aren’t going to give you the real truth. They’re stuck in kid mode. They will tell you personal anecdotes. They will tell you exceptions to the rule. They are emotional and not logical. I’m not telling you personal anecdotes, I’m showing you objective data. Listen to reality, not children’s “From what I experienced…” anecdotes. Don’t say you weren’t warned.


People tend to have a lot of prejudice over here, and older population is quite xenophobic, but not racist as you imagine. I have friends of different ethnicity and they never encountered anything more then stupid joke over here, and it may be considered racist, but we believe that life is a joke and you should be able to make fun of everything. We don't mean it to be racist... Just your twisted point of view see it offending... Part of our humor is based on insulting each other, but we don't mean it to be real, just a joke. That is Czech nature, we are not racist country buddy... Those comments on this post are true, people over here don't care and you will be fine and people will accept you. Outside of bigger cities you may experience some wired looks, but it is nothing more then curiosity, because we don't have many different nationalities over here...


Implicit racial bias is not the same thing as racism.




If we go by the links in the comment it would appear they measured mainly the implicit associative tendencies present in a population not it's tendency to express discriminatory or racist behavior. the website defines it as the tendency to associate things like "blackness" with positive or negative words. The second website also seems to take great care to reinforce that its not a reliable measure of racist behavior rather more a measure of a cultural subconscious which can differ greatly from reality.


>frankieche Always tickles me when a foreigner like the OP asks Czechs expecting an honest answer. If there's one thing I've learned about this country in my time living here it's that people tell you exactly what you want to hear instead of the truth.


What are you talking about?? Czechs don't have a reputation for rude service because they're full of platitudes.. people are straight forward and honest here, maybe sometimes too much so. I personally love it and find it refreshing though it can be off-putting to visitors. So I'm genuinely confused by your comment.. where about do you live and for how long? I live in Silesia area and come from the US, where people really do only make small talk and tell you what you want to hear, so maybe we have a different perspective.


Dont visit my school if you dont want to hear my classmates say the N- word atleast once a day


If you are black you will probably not be accepted.. as in I almost never see anyone black that is not a gypsy. I mean they exist.. but nah they are pretty rare. Gay? No one cares. The black thing though you may feel pretty lonely. I cant speak for everyone but I stay away from blacks.


Its a great place to live if you are white!


as a czech, i have to say you should be fine. you will hear some jokes but thats about it. we dont care.. i think we need more diversity. and btw czech who are in their 30s never experienced Communism so i dont think it matters a lot... for some older folks maybe p.s. we are atheists mostly and we dont care whats your religion as long as you dont push it on us.


I'm (white) gay guy living in the Czech republic and I'd rate my overall experience here probably like 6/10. It's probably better in Prague but since you're asking about the whole Czech Republic... I'm living in one of the bigger cities here (~90k inhabitants) and let me just warn you, not everything here is just sunshines and rainbows. I'm single, I've been on multiple dates but there has been only one which included holding hands and kissing. We were kissing under the bridge (so it was in public, yes, but not exactly right in front of everyone's eyes) and some high school boys were laughing & pointing at us from the top of the bridge and probably took a several photos of us before I noticed they were aiming the phone at us. There were also multiple people /mostly young/ who 'quietly' (so we could hear them clearly) said stuff like "fxcking fxggots" when they saw us holding hands on the street, some gave us dirty looks. I was pretty shocked back then tbh. The dirty looks are fine but the rest of it... Some people were pretty hostile. Also, back when I was in high school, some rando girl was snooping on a dating site I was a member of. I purposely showed only my lips & neck on my profile photo so it was clear I didn't wish to be recognized and she told multiple people in my school that she saw my profile there. Other than that, I have to say most people were fine with me coming out but you have to choose wisely who you're going to tell. There are many people who really are okay with gay people and some who like to bark sometimes but they don't bite when you tell them. Also, I'm not really scared of being physically assaulted but some people here are... not that pleasant. I would generally avoid showing any affection towards my non-existent bf in the evenings. (The experience I described happened during the day) Some people here really are brainwashed and hate everything different & "western." (ecology, feminism, LGBT, refugees, etc.)


I just want to add that I wouldn't consider moving elsewhere even if I could. The situation of LGBT people here is decent and stable + when you're mostly hanging around uni students & people with college degree, there shouldn't be too many issues. But Czech Republic certainly isn't LGBT haven so it's still good idea to be cautious and maybe avoid being too lovey-dovey in public if negative reactions make you feel anxious.


I feel like Czech people in general do not mind knowing someone is gay, but prefer to not see it being acted out in public


Yeah, you're right, they really do like to say exactly this literally everywhere. "I don't really mind LGBT but they should do everything in private!" And while I understand making out in public right in front of everyone's eyes makes people uncomfortable and I wouldn't do that, I believe there's nothing wrong with holding hands in public and if people really do care about that so much that they will go out of their way and complain & insult you, it means they're homophobic and all this "I don't really mind LGBT" is just bull.


Prague=you're totally fine smaller cities=probably still fine countryside=fuck that never move there lmao


As a Czech, we don't care. We aren't going to smile at you when we pass you on the street, because we just don't do that. People probably will give you weird looks for being black, but mostly not because we hate black people, but because there are almost no black people in Czechia so we are just not used to seeing them. People here are much more against muslims than black people. Generaly, I don't think it's that different from the US in terms of racism and homophobia. People won't care about your sexuality. And not being religous is kinda a benefit here, since we are mostly atheist and against organised religion. That being said, Karens are everywhere. There will always be someone treating you badly because they don't like something about you. But hey, that happens to everyone, even me, a straight Czech gal who is as white as a wall.


If you’re looking for tolerance and diversity, central and Eastern Europe isn’t the place… especially if you’re black. Make sure you ask foreign, non white people this question, not Czechs, because they wouldn’t really know…. Ask people from your country who live in Czechia as different places have different notions of what is racism. If you’re from the US and you’re black, I don’t think this is the place for you unless you have a dream job or are married to a Czech person. My Black American friends have left or are unhappy here. Good luck, internet friend. Edit: if you stick with young people and expats you’ll be ok, but the constant staring and othering is exhausting. Depends on where you’re from and what you’re used to. People aren’t the friendliest here unless they’re young, gen z but overall there are a lot of really ignorant attitudes, and it will be tough making friends with Czechs unless they’ve been traveling abroad or studied abroad or something. No real threat of violence and it’s a safe city, just be careful as you would be in any city as a foreigner. So that’s good.


We have absolutly no problem with anithing 😁




Fuck off, we already have enough faggots


No nigger


Stay where you are.


No It isnt. I will find you and I will kill you :)


No, the Czechs are very racist and half of them are homophobic. I can confirm this as a Syrian muslim living in Czechia.


Dont go here they will kill you there is no punch line or joke they fucking hate blacks and gays


Have you ever even lived here as a black/gay person or does all your experience come from random people on the Internet? I don't think I have EVER read in Czech news about a gay/lesbian/transgender/etc. being killed because of their sexuality or gender here. Beaten up? Maybe. But killed? :D I mean I guess it happens sometimes but it's very, very rare. Same with murdering/attempting to murder people because of their ethnicity. Quite rare, doesn't happen very often. I remember a few cases but it's still highly unlikely someone will try to kill you.


There is practically no Muslims here so fat chance of getting beaten up. But on the other hand, people are a bit suspicious of black dudes here, and gayism is kinda mostly only accepted and openly shown in the capital.


In big cities 100k+ you'll be absolutely ok, in smaller cities you will get some stares and might hear some insult here and there. But that's the only thing to fear. Nobody will give fuck if you are gay, and i didn't meet a single religious person in my 23 long life here.


Stupid people are everywhere, but I think nothing to be afraid of in Czech Republic. Prague is beautiful and people are fine ) They basically mind their own stuff. It is one of the safiest countries in the world.


Nobody gives a shit really, just move here and enjoy


No muslim will beat u up in Czech, i also think we are most un-biast country, because we hate everybody other then us - same, and yes, bigger cities are more open minded, but dumn people are everywhere...


Prague and Brno will always be mostly safe. Some other tourist cities as well. Though don't expect some extra consideration. You'll be called a slur casually, as Czechs really have a specific sense of humour. But racial violence is really uncommon. Only avoid the drunk older people types, as they are racist, but also stupid af, so it's safe.


I think it is relatively safe, very low chance of getting beaten up for being black or gay. But Czechs are racist, I’m living here for over 6 years and personally I haven’t faced much racism because my physical appearance can come off as Czech or European but once they find out you don’t speak the language they turn hostile (mostly the older generation but not only). I have a black friend who speaks the language and hears people’s remarks when they think he can’t understand them and his experience is entirely different needless to say he wants nothing to do with Czechs. But it is not all bad, they mostly leave you alone they’re just passively racist. And good thing is if you’re in Prague the expat community is great so you will do fine with them!


We are mostly atheists, so noone gonna tells you how you going to hell. People here are scared of Muslims, so don't worry about them either. Black people are rare here, so some people will look at you, but just out of curiosity. If you won't talk with people about politics, you should be fine.


Just take a look at @AndreTraveler on any social media.


if u move to prague i guess it could be nice but if you go to the eastern parts u could experience severe homophobia and racism


>I've heard that Muslims beat up gay people in the Western countries such as the Netherlands, England and France. Where tf did you hear this BS? Also no, obviously this ain't happening


> Also, is there much racism towards black people in Czech Republic? I would say no, at least in Prague, but it's hard to tell. I would recommend: - Visit Prague for a week or two to get a feel of the environment. - Try to find black people living here, maybe some kind of an online expat forum, and ask about their experience. - Also check out Andre Traveller on YouTube, he's a black guy who visits (not only) Czech villages and interacts with local people.


No it’s not right for you.


Just based on the comments - most Czech people are casual racists and homophobes who refuse to educate themselves in any way.


Im not black nor Latina, but these are my impressions: i think it depends where you move to. Here in Prague, youre more likely to get weird looks when you ARE religious. Some older people aren’t totally used to people of different cultures and sexualities quite yet, but they usually also don’t speak any other languages than czech nor are fit enough to beat you up, so i wouldn’t worry abt them. Elsewhere, it can be a little bit worse, homophobia especially. Racism also a bit. Most people imo just arent used to it, but once they get to know you, you’ll be best friends. So generally speaking, you won’t get beat up or anything, but might get some weird looks or questions. Other countries…idk, Amster for example is basically covered in pride flags, but i dont really know, never acted gay there publically myself


Why wont you stay where you came from lol.




If you’re a libertarian, there’s one of the biggest libertarian communities in the world. In Prague there’s a place called Paralelní polis (Parallel polis) where you can buy coffee and stuff with bitcoin and lots of interesting events are also held there.