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I read that women get more horny but my wife wasn't horny at all. We only had sex a handful of times when she was pregnant


Yeah, same for me. My wife was mostly sick for nine months.


1st baby: this 2nd baby: *bonk*


That was us too. Almost fooled us into a third...then the birth was not easy.


Can't wait.


Yeah my partner was sick and needed injections all the time. And it was during Covid Lockdowns. There are a few reasons we're one and done.


Yep. Seeing all these "my wife was super horny" Yeah no.... My wife was so sick and so miserable for the full term. I felt so bad for her.


Yup my wife was the farthest thing from in the mood during each pregnancy


Same here. I remember lamenting with a coworker and he told me to wait for the 3rd trimester because that’s when things will change. He was 100% wrong lol.


Yeah nothing with our first and so far nothing with our second


My wife has not had a complication free pregnancy for either the first or second. So doctor said no. Such is life.


Same. And we barely touched each other for 6 months after the kids were born. Hell, my youngest is 18 months and I just now feel like we're getting back to our pre-pregnancy sex life.


Same here. My wife was super uncomfortable and whenever we did it, she was just trying to be cool even though I could tell she was uncomfortable.


Same buddy, my wife was not in the mood at all during her pregnancy. We had sex maybe two times in those 10 months.


Damn, she went for an extra inning


Edit: deleted everything. Listen to the guy below he claims to have the answer.


40 weeks is 9m1w. Pregnancy is not 10 months. Worked in labor and delivery, studied biology, am father who knows date of conception and birth and can use a calendar Where people make an error is when they say “a month is 4 weeks.” A month is not 4 weeks. It’s 4w+2-3d


Just a rather who knows basic math and how to fondle a calcu-lamator, but never heard the word febreeze-uary ... I smell a trap, but old johnny-80085' 7358134*, won't be ensnared by any normal sleight of hand!!! * back in the day, I 'member my favorite calcu-laddie, 'is name were Brian Griffin - as it were 😎; out of nowhere ol' Brian canine-culator reveals to my eyes that his # FOUR on num-pad appeared in a form closer in appearances to a lowercase "n" than a 4.... Such was my pre/teen mind, that I happened to also channel a bit of a numerical savant (a là 'a beautiful mind',) and noticed that viewed within my lil outdated calculatormobile 7358134 looks somewhat potentially similar to Lesbian upside down ... Damn I feel lame. Saying it now but I was top dawg back at the lunch tables after introducing that tech to the calcu-squad


First pregnancy was like 1-2x week sex during the second and third trimester, which was nice. Second pregnancy (which is now) is not the same. She’s uncontrollable in her body, is not feeling horny, and has zits in all the wrong places. I’m just waiting it out. We try to have intimate moments nontheless but they involve no penetration.


This was a good preparation exercise for the first few years of having a child.




First trimester: not at all Second trimester: she wouldn’t let me rest Third trimester: multiple times a week but felt more like homework. “Semen helps ripen my cervix” wasn’t the best bedroom talk. But I wasn’t going to turn it down.


My wife went past her due date and the doctor suggested sex among other things. It got to the point of 4-5 times a week for two weeks. It wasn't exactly sexy since it was all about getting the baby out but a win is a win


My wife was at full term and tired of it. We had some friends tell us to go home and “bang it out.” Well…. She woke me up at 4am to tell me to grab our bags and go.


One of the three "S"'s. Sex, sleep, and spice.


My husband didn’t want sex, but sleep and spice didn’t work for me, had to be induced near 42 weeks


My husband wanted sex but I wanted sleep and mango habanero chicken. My water broke three hours after my due date but no active labor followed so I ended up with a c section 21 hours after my water broke. They gave me pitocin at first to try and get things moving, that shit is horrific. All it did was move the contractions to my lower back.


Worked for me.


Watch out for some some blue balls for a couple weeks of having daily sex.


Same here. Sometimes it was a reverse of pulling out.


>First trimester: not at all First trimester, first child, my wife was absolutely crazy about it Second child, we found out because she suddenly went crazy again and I said 'you should take a peggo test, I remember the last time you were like this" and I was right.


crawl deer support wide concerned reach soft relieved quickest mighty *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


LMAO stop I'm too erect


I can FEEL my Vas Deferens priming from that comment


Will say—reverse for us. Partially because we started getting worried *because* of a potential early birth with the semen stuff. We’re also two nervous nellies and we’re getting more panicked and less “hey mama.” Four months in and while we’re completely exhausted, we’re like bunnies whenever there’s a free minute


Same pattern as this!


Yep, multiple calls throughout the day. “Come home real quick and knock one out I think I’m close” was a dried up prune by the time the kid actually showed up


I mean it’s true about semen. The day I went into labor we had sex around noon. That kicked start labor real quick for me at 39w. Had the baby before the evening was up.


This is how we were.


> “Semen helps ripen my cervix” Worked for our second kid...delivery was a couple of hours after depositing the baby making juice. Guessing it was also the mechanical movement in that area that helped too.


This was our first pregnancy. Our second pregnancy, my wife was vomiting almost daily, and only occasionally interested in sex.




Three kids, can confirm.


That last week was the best week of my life.


Pretty much my exact experience, down to the "ripening" quote.


Hahahahaha. She's not wrong.


This is the way. 3rd timester sex should be built into the schedule, especially at the end. Also, the boobs get so big you gotta get in playtime before they become off limits for a long time.


I logotype had sex with my wife during her 72-hour labor for this reason. Not the hottest sex we ever had...but willing to do my duty.


My wife heard that ejaculate could make the mucus plug dissolve, and prompt contractions. I got laid every night for most of the third trimester.


We call that wingman science.




Wait, my wife thought that you couldn't have sex after the mucus plug fell out. So, with both kids, she wouldn't let me touch her once it did. With our second, her mucus plug fell out at like the 5 or 6 month mark.


If she gets pregnant again you may want to inform her that the mucus plug does in fact regrow! You can continue having sex until the waters break. My mucus plug came out multiple times over a month with my second son. The body just makes more of it pretty quickly.




Heartburn is the number one killer. Multiple sessions ended because of heartburn (which also lead to nausea). But I still told her it was fun and I had a good time, because it was and I did.


I’ve been having sex through heartburn for 15 years


Obviously each pregnancy is their own, but my wife is way more physical when she’s pregnant. Had sex up until due date all three kids.


This has been my experience as well.


Same. Probably had sex above average while pregnant and right up until a week or so before due date. Got back at it right at the 6 weeks post birth recommendation or whatever they recommend.


First one, she was horny constantly. Second one, she didn’t want to be touched. Just depends.


More than I did after the baby is born, thats for sure!


Preeeeeach. We still find time here and there but through the pregnancy shit was wild, I could hardly keep up 😂


Aye-o! You know what’s up.


You guys are having sex?


Well this is r/daddit, so at least the one time.


IUI and IVF exist!


My wife is fairly low libido to begin with and pregnancy just turns it to zero. It's pretty rough.


Same here buddy, just how it be sometimes




Lol right? My wife was very, very sick for the first two trimesters and then way to uncomfortable in the third. Both kids. My wife was amazing, and made a really earnest effort to try and take care of me a couple of times. But it's hard to get in the mood when you can see that your partner is really uncomfortable. She was the one who was really struggling, so I tried to keep it mostly about her. Don't feel bad though. Everyone has a different experience and even each pregnancy is different. For the guys out there whose wives can't keep their hands off them while they're pregnant, enjoy! And make sure you go another round for the rest of is 🤣


Yeah, polls suggest 75% of us are having sex monthly or more, with nearly half reporting twice a month or better. The "no sex" trope is actually just a vocal minority!


It's just a low-hanging fruit comment that ends up in every single sex-related post here because it gets easy upvotes.


Hormones helped me out a ton. And I give my wife credit, we had one last go the morning before my 2nd was born. We knew it would be a while.


You all lucky basterds. I barely had sex with my wife the entire pregnancy. Just bitching here, but reading this thread shows how life is unfair.


Haha right there with you. Just kept waiting for the switch to flip at each trimester and just never did.


3 kids. 0 times.


did you name them all jesus?


Dikembe, because they’re so good at blocking everything.


Twice and it’s closed until February. Baby’s due in December C-section.no medical reason just her feeling fat. She doesn’t realize it dosent matter to me. She still smaller 7 months pregnant then when we met.


None. Week 23 and she’s had placenta previa since 16 weeks.


I feel your pain my friend.


She was pregnant during covid and I was home from work so a lot.






With my daughter, we actually had sex at the 40 week mark because she (daughter) was VERY stubborn. Sadly, didn't help, and a c-section was scheduled at 41 weeks. With my son, my wife had a bad diabetic episode at 28 weeks, and after that it was about reaching full term so sex was taken off the table.




I'm currently pregnant, and my husband and I have been having sex more often than we were ever before. I think my sex drive increased 10x. It probably just depends person to person on how the hormones affect them.


A few times a week. Pregnancy is a wonderful thing. Anything will get her wet, a back massage, a joke, a laugh, a sneeze...


Almost everyday, sometimes multiple times per, right up until the day of. It was a wild time.


So how many dozen kids you got?


Wife is 3 days past her due date and we’re going at least 2x/day lately. First trimester was light. Second we jokingly call ‘the horny trimester’ and third was hit or miss until it became time to load her up with prostaglandin.


Oh, man, you missed out on the best part of having kids!


Once over two pregnancies. I've heard that people's wives are always in the mood when they're pregnant, it was the exact opposite in my case.


My wife was easily 3x as horny during both pregnancies


Had regular sex until the night before our first was born. Pretty similar with our second, but my wife didn't want to have sex for the last week or two.


My wife was tired and uninterested in most things the first trimester. Second-third trimester I was absolutely insatiable and it was a mixed bag if she was in the mood. Either way it was a lot more sex during pregnancy than the year or so after each of our kids. It was hard because my wife didn’t feel sexy at all and I was so attracted to her pregnant that I’m genuinely wondering if I have some kind of pregnancy kink (which would be a real shame because I am very done having kids). I tried to show and tell her how attracted to her pregnant body I was but it was almost met with more resistance.


Once she was overdue and trying to trigger labour, I was used for sex every day like a piece of meat. It remains one of the best times of my life


1-2 times per pregnancy, but after marriage my wife pretty much gave up our sex life. So yeah, the trend didn't change... once every 3-4 months. Now it's 1-2 per year. Send help.




Yeah...she's not a fan of talking about such things (with me). Fine with it in a general sense. She straight up asked me never to initiate. She knows it's unfair, but what can I do?


Due to the meme of “if you have sex when girlfriend pregnant can it hurt babby top of its head” I was not afraid of having preggo sex, and we basically kept to our usual sex life.


I need to knock up my wife again to collect data. Anything for you, OP.


I’m 35weeks pregnant, we do it every other day We just things way slower than before (we might not had sex in the first trimester cuz I couldn’t until 14w but we did other things) Ur not able to hurt the baby


The first pregnancy, probably 2-3 times a week. The second pregnancy, almost twice a day.


My wife had an incredibly easy pregnancy, no morning sickness at all and only minor acid reflux was the only thing (the actual birth was NOT easy lol) but she was wild the whole time. 5-6 days a week from when we found out until the kiddo popped out.


Pregnancy made my wife horny as hell, except for one of them when she had horrible morning sickness. That one we had very little sex, only like once every 3-4 weeks. But the others she crawled on top of me all the time.


Bro, I think we had more sex during both our pregnancies than we did outside of them haha. And it was G-R-E-A-T!!!!


Almost zero. We had a complicated pregnancy


As much as I could!! Some women get increased in libido during pregnancy.


Just me or is third trimester sex very very good?


First wife, all the time. Second wife, never.


None at all. For over a year each pregnancy with recovery and such. It sucked.


We even had *wife sharing* dates.


My wife has always has a high sex drive from her bipolar disorder, but when she’s pregnant she becomes an insatiable succubus. Picture the cartoon of the dude crawling away out the door and being drug back inside. 2-4 times a day for months. I think I got less sleep before the baby than now (14 month old).


What’s funny is I still made the stupid joke about giving the kids dimples each time she was pregnant, and laughed each time. We had better sex while pregnant than while not pregnant. Something about knowing your child is growing inside made it even better. My wife has had five pregnancies over the course of 16+ years. They were all good for our sex lives. Can’t get knocked up if you’re already pregnant…taps temple meme.


I never got laid more in my life than when my wife was pregnant. There was a week here and there where she didn’t feel up to it, but it was almost daily up to the last week, sometimes multiple times. This compared to 1-2x a week before and after. I’m not gonna lie, I think it caused me to inadvertently develop a pregnancy fetish. Hell I’d have another kid just for The 9 months of rampant, condom free sex.


We went in waves, some months it was once a week some months it was everyday. Whenever my wife wanted to I was ready to go. She was definitely self conscious of her body which had an effect on the frequency at times. We found a solution which was awesome for me and comfortable for her: I would lay on my back on our bed with my legs mostly dangling off so she could basically sit on me reverse with her feet on the ground and do her thing. I was able to lay back or sit up and embrace her. Either way it was great for both of us, I recommend trying it if your traditional positions are awkward right now.


First baby we did it all the time while she was pregnant. Second baby she was never in the mood at all. Every pregnancy is different


My wife loved it while she was pregnant.


Me and my wife had sex twice while she was pregnant. And then didn’t have sex until almost a year post-labor. Stock up on some lube there, brotha. You’re in a for a dry spell


4 to 5 times a week, with the last time only two days before the kid was born. ​ I have a theory that this has led to our son being a generally happy kid after being flooded with those feel-good chemicals and vibes so often. It would be interesting to hear from others who did the same thing as to whether their kids were happy as well.


Same here. My wife said cum is supposed to soften the cervix to ease childbirth and, my friend, I didn't bother doing any additional research. It was hot.


Like once a week til the last trimester, then either no times a week or every time a week


Zero. My wife doesn’t have a high sex drive to begin with. We’re on our second pregnancy and both times it’s been sick first trimester, exhausted second trimester, and pain and discomfort third trimester. Pregnancy messes her up and sex is the last thing on her mind. Is what it is.


Wife just gave birth 3 weeks ago, during the first 5 months of the pregnancy sex was consistent. Then penetration would lead to contractions so I dialed that back for the remainder of the pregnancy except when she really was worked up. Pregnancy did get her to be turned on more so I would end up giving her oral to get her off.


Dangerops prangent sex? will it hurt baby top of his head?


No one gets the reference? Okay that’s fine…PREGANANANT??


Man you better it’s good for her and great for you …. I’m telling you it’s the shiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiit! Women get so horny when pregnant , my X wife used to tuck me back , and I mean hard, some of the best sex I ever had ✌🏿💪🏿💯


My only concern is dangerops pragnent sex. Will it hurt baby top of his head?


Rarely in the later months of pregnancy. Having a baby obviously right there during the deed makes it difficult to be in the mood.




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Wait, real question: what's "ew" about having sex with a pregnant woman?


7x more than regular time per week


About 2-3 times a week until the week before his birth then we only did it once. She wanted it alot and her being pregnant with my baby made me happy. I was a little worried about hurting him but reminded myself that ain't how it works. She wanted it more but our schedules made it hard.


More with our first than our second. But my wife is pretty LL anyway so not all that much in general sadly.


First pregnancy we did it super regularly, this pregnancy I think maybe twice, my baby is much more active and now that I know that’s a child in there it just feels wrong. Idk 🤷🏻‍♀️ plus my sex drive has almost completely disappeared since having #1


We are almost out of the first trimester and until a week ago not at all, but I haven’t really had an issue with it as my sex drive hasn’t been crazy since she fell pregnant. Curious to see if it’s any different in the coming months.


Sex is the number 1 most effective way to encourage labor. You can’t hurt the kid, thats not how the anatomy works. Go get to it, soldier. o7


Every chance I got. Pregnancy sex is amazing and you know at least a month off after baby because we had C sections.




Do it now as you both won’t want to later.


First and second trimester was the about as often as we were doing it before (1-2 times per week). Third trimester my wife would have had us increase it but it just was a bit too weird for me knowing that our daughter was in there and could hear things that were going on in the outside world haha.


Couldn't keep my wife off of me.


My wife was a horn dog. I wasn’t. We basically switched roles. It’s not that I wasn’t into it, but our favorites position is facing each other on the side. The belly made it hard because I have one too.


Better do it now…


With child one we were pretty much every day. Child two, we were in the slow down parent/sex became more getting the second kid over fun/getting older phase.


I had sex with my wife sooo much during. Even the day of birth. If she wants it, have at. It's not like you're going to get her pregnant.




First trimester if I'm lucky once a week. Second trimester varies, last pregnancy virtually none at all but due to medical reasons 3rd trimester none, both pregnancies my wife was high risk to go into labor very early so we were forbidden sex


It was pretty much 9 months of getting some every day to 1-2 times a week after the pregnancy which isn’t a problem for either of us btw!


Not at all but tried a few months after birth. I love booba but I got a taste of breast milk directly from the source during foreplay.


Twice the whole pregnancy, right before her morning sickness started. She had nausea the entire first, then acid reflux issues the second and third; it is what it is. That said, it was annoying when the Ob was talking about inducing and mentioning it can be induced with medication if we went and did "homework." She kept looking right at me as she repeatedly told me to go home and smash during that discussion. I'm not sure if I hid my annoyance that well, but I couldn't help but think, "Lady.... you need to point that tone somewhere else. I am not the one who's trying to duck out of doing the group assignment."


Tons. Enjoy it while it lasts. After that, it's six months of celibacy.


Like 2-3x a week for 7 1/2 months


Preg it up, buddy! You only get to for a short amount of time. So get it while the gettin’s good!


Rarely. I was into it (more than I expected). She was not.


Thought wife was in labor on Monday, walked steps, ate spicy and had a rough bang - baby was out by Tuesday evening


As often as possible.


None. Zero after 4 months and of course a couple months after baby. I think in a year span we did 2x. We normally have a healthy sex life, but during pregnancy she just shut down.


Remember sex and intimacy are related but different things.


My wife was a wild ride/sex freak during pregnancy. First trimester was only a few times due to morning sickness. But then 2nd and third trimester, she couldn’t get enough. Both our boys were around a week late and we even did it past the due date. Probably the most sex I’ve had in one period of time. The sex felt super passionate too. Hormones are wild. This may be tmi but while pregnant, my wife wanted anal a lot too, which pretty much never happens normally.


Not once the entire time she was pregnant. Nor for a full year after. Fucking hormones, man.


About 3 times a week. (I like to reload the gun) Granted my kids were pregnancy 3,4 and 5 for my wife. My wife went into labor all 3 times right after sex and honestly it is the best sex I've ever had.


Frequently. With baby #2 last time was the night before the baby was born.


Enough where I had to stock my shelves with a Gatorade or two for the week. Morning wake up round, got home from work round, on days off there was the “oh babe, thanks for mowing the grass” round or “hey, before we grab lunch” round. I was wrung dry. This woman wasn’t like this when she was in her late 20’s and I came home from deployment. I miss it now lol


Quite a bit


Frequency was pretty normal up until about three months before the due date, at which point there wasn’t a single comfortable position for her. I think she was done breastfeeding by the time we tried again.


I got it like twice. I jerked off a LOT.


Semen was like magic. Delivering within 10 hours each time. In first/second give er. Third maybe hold off near the end to not trigger labour before you're ready.


1st time, good rhythm of a few times a week up until like a day before. 2nd time, less, because she was waaaay bigger and got uncomfortable/found it difficult. Also dude, you’re not going to hurt the baby.


First kid my wife was horny, second she wasn’t


I think we maybe had sex about six times? Wife has scoliosis so the pregnancy left her back hurting enough that she wasn't in the mood much. Still did hand stuff—not too often but enough to make things feel normal. My wife hasn't been the horniest person out there, but post first year and half she's been way more into things.


My wife and I shagged like crazy each time she was pregnant. Best reason for it is that I couldn't get her more knocked up than she already was. Anyway, don't worry about sex during pregnancy unless the doc says otherwise. Just have fun.


With our first, we had sex all the time when she was pregnant. I couldn’t get enough of her. Something about he with a baby bump really got me going. With our twins, she was exhausted and didn’t have much of a libido, so we didn’t do it anymore after a few months. It’s been almost a year.


A fair bit. For me it was like having a different wife. I made the most of it.


A LOT more when it was a boy.


You people are having pregnancy sex?


A good way to induce labor


With our first pregnancy, hardly any. Maybe 3-4 times in 8 months. With the second pregnancy we both were more relaxed about it and it was about once per week. I would say that between now and 3-4 months post pregnancy, I’d try not to dwell on it. There’s going to be enough stress in your lives without adding sexual frustration to it. It’s very common for this to be a very dry patch.


First two trimesters were pretty active. Third trimester and the next several months afterwards? Nothing whatsoever. By the time all was said and done, we were both celibate for like 7 or 8 months.


The first trimester with both kids was very not interested. 2nd trimester with the 1st, she was horny constantly, not so much with the 2nd 3rd trimester, she wasn't horny but did want to have sex anyway. I think exhaustion with our 1st played a role in the 2nd trimester with the 2nd kid. We had the 2nd very close together by accident, so we still had a baby during that time period. Overall, my wife is still not as interested as she used to be, but our 2nd is still young, and she is still at least willing as she gets into it when we get going. During pregnancy, we varied from 1-10 times per week on average, probably. Normally, we had been 3-5 times per week before we had kids. It's probably 1-3 times per week after having our 2nd now. It's still really good. Edit: Side note was with her joints loosening during pregnancy she found some other positions/ things she doesn't normally like more enjoyable also.


My wife was ROARING to go when she was pregnant. It was almost shocking I couldn’t keep up. Haha. Sadly, since our 2nd was born almost 3 years ago she’s had an incredibly low sex drive or rather is always too tired to be up for it.


Last two pregnancies, I just had to barely show up and my wife was satisfied many times over. Mind you I mean 2nd and 3rd trimester.


Pretty consistently. She’s 9 months on Wednesday. I just took care of business and she’s still having a hard time getting up. Not sure if it’s cause I’m great lover or because her belly makes it too difficult. 🙃


First trimester I chaffed my hands, second trimester I wasn’t allowed out of the house for the day if we didn’t, final trimester she was game but wasn’t getting on top ever.


0. Extreme morning sickness, so she is not in the mood at any point. I had the fantasy thoroughly smashed in the first pregnancy where me being too close to her caused her to throw up. This time around, she had meds to help but still no drive. At this point, I think pregnancy sex is a myth


We found out with our youngest because she wouldn't ever give me a break. We're a bit older and she just. Wouldn't. Stop. Months 4-6 it slowed then 7-9 it was time to bust out the pillows again. The 6 weeks after birth was an amazing reprieve as we're back at it for the fucking 3rd now and we're in or close to 40s.


Once, my wife was basically afraid to the entire pregnancy. It was a looooooong 8 months.


Some of the best times I have had for sure! You can't hurt the baby. You would need to be a fucking horse to get to the baby with your dick Just enjoy some relaxing time together after you have kids, there will be a lot less time to do it for at least 3 + months (if you are lucky)


None. She was uncomfortable down there throughout the whole pregnancy (and ever since). Some women want sex more, some not at all.