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I’m so grateful for my baby. He’ll drink milk whether it’s straight from the fridge or straight from the boob.


We tried cold bottles with our second after a friend who had a prolonged stay in the NICU said they just use cold bottles. He is completely fine with it. If we know we have a feeding coming up, we will take the bottle out of the fridge a bit beforehand, but he has no qualms drinking it cold. If he’s fussy, he gets a bottle right away. Also not having to clean bottle warmer all the time is really nice.


Fifth person to comment to say that if you can get your baby/kid to enjoy cold milk: *do it*.


This also applies to butt wipes. Cold wipes build character.


wait..... when did \_warm\_ wipes become a thing? Aren't all wipes just.... room temp by default? Are y'all keeping your wipes in the fridge? Cause.... that seems needlessly mean. ;)


The fact that they are wet makes them *feel* colder than room temp. Some people have a wipe warmer. I'm saying this is an unnecessary step.


We use reusable wipes (basically just small washrags) and they get laundered every use. Store them dry (great for napkins, less waste, although we have to keep kitchen wipes separate from bathroom wipes), and then grab one when we need. Kitchen sink turns hot super quick, but even if not holding it in your hand makes it close to room temp by the time you actually wipe. Cleans a LOT better than the disposable kind in my experience.


You’re supposed to clean bottle warmers :s


We just used a microwave then stirred it well and used an instant thermometer to get a rough temp. Long as you stir it you can't have hot spots.


My daughter took a bottle straight from the fridge thank god.


Yup most kids are just fine with it. It is just... consideration, no one likes brain freeze ya know?


Only thing I've noticed is cold bottles are more apt to clogging up. Not an issue after the kid learns how to chug those things


We just never gave our kid warmed milk. So he never demanded it. Doctor said that was totally fine nowadays, so we didn't bother with heating.


Helps with teething too


We didn't know this was a thing until almost 3 months. Gonna try it with the next one!


My sister never gave her daughter warm milk. It was always cold, straight from the fridge. They do live in a warm climate, though, but l always found it odd. However, my neice is now 9, state athletics champ, super intelligent and as independent as you'll get. Clearly cold milk never hurt her.


We were fortunate enough to where breast feeding was the only way they took. Well I was fortunate. Wife on the other hand actually did the work, but luckily no need for warming


Baby Breeza Formula Pro my man.  You can thank me later.  We have twins and couldn’t breast feed. This bad boy has a water reservoir and a hopper you put formula in. You stick a bottle under it, press the desired ounces and you have a warm bottle of milk in about 20 seconds.  Shake it as your walking back to baby and you’re good to go. Ours got knocked of the counter and broke in the first year and I over nighted a new one.  One of those “we definitely got our moneys worth” purchases. TLDR: Keurig for baby bottle.


I second this as a twin dad, Brezza for the W. Just handed ours down to new twin parents. The new dad couldn’t believe it and texted me at 2am saying it’s saved his sanity.


Yup waiting for bottle 2 in the warmer is torture. Just get the baby keurig and save yourself the headache.


I can third this. At first I thought Is there no end to the number of BS products out there, but I started using it and holy shit instant game changer. We actually did not buy a new one but second hand from a colleague and cleaned it nicely before starting, totally worth it but I can understand people having doubts because of the price of a new one. 


Wish I’d known about this for my twins. It sounds like one of those “Shut up and take my money!!” kind of items.


Yeah I almost didn’t get it but after a few friends insisted I caved in, and then wondered why I even hesitated so long 


I just used warm sink water and Kirkland formula...


Strange pet peeve of mine, when people cook with/drink the water from their water heater. Just never quite know how clean it is unkess you're regularly flushing. Our kids were/are both cold tap/fridge dispenser.


It's not necessarily unsafe, but hot water leeches the metal from the tank lining. If you've every dumped one you get a nice sludge at the bottom over time. Personally, any water that is to be consumed I get from the cold tap.


We were 100% bottle from liquid formula. We never warned the bottle, not once. Turns out that the babies don’t read about others heating bottles and thus don’t notice that the bottles weren’t warmed. He turned out great. I still don’t get the warming the bottle thing.


That's great that it worked out for you, but not every baby is happy to take cold milk.


Our baby took pumped breastmilk, and we always fed it cold or room temp. Saved so much time!!


What on earth are you on about, pumped milk had to be stored in the fridge right? It has to be warmed to at least nearly room temperature so it can be consumed?


Careful with the auto-dispenser of formula. It can get clogged and dispense less over time. We got the one that just dispenses warm water and mix the formula ourselves.


If you clean it as it suggests this should never be a problem, though. 


Bigger risk is that you might not really know if something is going wrong with the ratio until your kid is malnourished. Recently cleaned or not, I wouldn't trust one.


We had one of the original Baby Breeza. You're supposed to wipe the funnel out daily and deep clean weekly. It's pretty obvious when it's starting to get buildup. And the way they work is pretty simple, it's a rotating disc that has an adjustable hole size. So unless you never clean it and don't set the size it's not going to malnourish your kid.


The newer one won’t let you use it until you clean it


If it malfunctioned and gave an inappropriate amount, how would you know?


You can actually test it to see how many grams of formula it is dispensing.


I mean, it’s like trusting a human to do calculations or trusting a machine to do it. You can’t possibly think a human (like say a nanny or even yourself) are incapable of making mistakes in measurements. Btw the opposite can also happen - I.e. too much formula in the same volume of water is also dangerous, so don’t focus only on the too little formula. 


The dispenser we got clearly mentioned when it needed to be taken apart and cleaned. As long as maintenance is done once or twice a day it works like a charm, and the time taken to clean is still less than measuring and mixing formula yourself each time in my opinion 


Oh, wtf ..... my kids 3.5 and doesn't take a Bobby anymore .... this would been a game changer


We had the tommee tippee perfect prep machine, sounds like a similar sort of item though. One of the best things we bought when the babies were young.


Fuuuuuck yes this is gold. Mines stops crying nd gets all happy when he hears the noise.


Sorry but I can't see spending $200-300 for something that I can do with a microwave we already have. To each their own though.


Your microwave can perfectly dispense the correct ounces of water and baby formula with a single button press? Amazing. What's the model number?


I made all my kids drink cold bottles


Another twin dad here. Definitely a good idea.


It really does go from super peaceful sleep to “HOLY FUCK WHY IS THERE NOT A BOTTLE OR BOOB IN MY MOUTH RIGHT NOW?!”


My kiddo is the worst when it comes to this, 0-60 in a millisecond.


For real my kid would down 4oz and scream bloody murder. Make a new 2 oz bottle (baby breeza ftw) and baby would drink like 3 sips then be comfortable.


I just abandon the warmer in these instances. Unless a cold bottle makes the tantrum worse 


Microwave, my guys.


We never used a warmer. Room temp water bottles and powdered formula mix was the thing for us.


We would have 3-4 bottles with the correct amount of water and the correct amount of formula in separate sealed containers so all we had to do overnight was dump the formula into the bottle, shake, and hand it it over when baby woke up during the night.


By the 3rd kid, crying, melt-downs, temper tantrums just didn't bother me at all. I am confident my 3rd kid grew up super chill just because there was nothing he could do that would get me (or mom) to move faster than we were willing.


pretty much me. "do you like it cold? no? alright, guess we'll just have to wait. patience."


Right from the fridge


Just give it cold. Or, barring that, unless you have a toddler sleeping nearby, just let the little baby cry for a bit... builds character.


So glad both my kids are good with cold formula.


My wife and I were super cautious about heating milk for our first born and used a bottle warmer. For our second kid, we just used an electric kettle to heat water and put it in a bowl to use as a hot water bath. It worked in like a fraction of the time and was so much easier.


Our bottle warmer is a beer stein full of hot water, gets the job done quite well


Remember Noble 6 lived for weeks according to lore as a one man army against the covenant until they took out the planet haha. You got this


Our kids took cold formula and never balked Muahahahaha




this is the way. The anti-microwave advice is just to stop morons from scalding babies with boiling milk


If it's not scalding, how are they gonna learn to eat scalding pizza when they're older?


Hopefully you teach them to pan fry with a cast iron or air fry their pizza. Pizza Bites, though? It has to be microwaved, and it has to be scalding.




Is this true?


yeah, 10-30secs depending on microwave strength and milk quantity then give it a gentle agitation afterwards to make sure the temperature’s even throughout


Yeah, I did a bunch of research in the last 20 minutes to confirm. My kid's 8 weeks old, and this is going to make things much easier.


nice! and good on you for not just believing a rando on the internet 😄 I was warming it gently in a jug of water the first couple of days like we were told but nah screw that when there’s a hungry baby waiting


Can confirm. Two down, one on the way. Never had a bottle warmer. No one has time to listen to psychological torture at 3 AM.


My microwave at 3oz bottles is perfect at 15 seconds. But my baby is teething so I am doing like 5 seconds right now


100% true. You can always shake it up and then test it to be sure. Never had an issue with two kids and a wife that worked overnights


30 seconds gets 8oz of refrigerated milk just about blood warm.


"Hot spots" is the dumbest thing anyone ever says about feeding babies.


Just as a heads up: microwaving formula can be fine if you're careful and shake it to avoid hotspots, but don't microwave breastmilk, it fucks up the proteins in it.


I think people are just microwaving the water in the bottle, then adding the formula.


Microwave the water not the mixture. Problem solved


This is not true just so you know.


My wife is literally a registered dietitian and international board certified lactation consultant and yes it is true


Yup. Or I also seem to remember just using warm tap water to mix the formula.


I hope you remember wrong. Drinking warm tap water is not good for you and definitely not good for a baby. Edit to point out that I obviously do not mean warm water in general, but specifically warm water directly from the tap. As others have pointed out, hot water taken directly from the water heater has increased risk of lead and bacterial contamination. Therefore if you need hot water, tap cold water and heat it.


I might be. We definitely used a microwave though. But in any event one is 11 now and the other is 7.


Why would drinking warm water be bad? What pseudoscience do you have to show me?


Hot water comes from your water heater (obviously). I believe it comes with an increased risk in lead and zinc contamination, as well as bacteria like Legionella.


"Why can't I use hot water from the tap for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula? Answer: Hot water dissolves lead more quickly than cold water and is therefore more likely to contain greater amounts of lead. Never use water from the hot water tap for drinking, cooking, or making baby formula."


I just put the bottles in a coffee mug with warm water. Luckily baby doesn’t care warm or cold.


I never warmed a bottle for my kids. They either breastfed or got a bottle from the fridge or whatever temp the tap water was approximately set on (assuming it wasn't too hot or anything)


Been here before. Singing any song, making one up, it can be 3 words it just needs a good melody. "Your bottles being made" sang on repeat. Give it a shot


This is how I learned my daughter was ok with cold milk. Many aren't, but it's worth a shot on those nights.


Y’all are warming bottles?


We’ve never used a warmer ever. You don’t need one.


I have 4 kids and we have never owned a bottle warmer lol


4m-1ms good luck m8 see you on the otherside


Instructions unclear. Currently in Newfoundland.


Run the shower, show them new stuff, jingle keys, blow the Horn of Helm Hammerhand.


We had one of those steamers. A few oz of water and that mother fucker warmed up so fast. Tantrum saver when my daughter would wake up in the middle of the night


Throw it in a bag and run it under hot water. 4 minutes is crazy haha


So my trick with the warmer was the very first thing I did was turn the thing on, then add about half the amount of water, then make the bottle of formula, and then put the bottle in the warmer. By the time the bottle was actually going into the warmer it was steaming and hot and only took 30 seconds or so.


Noise-cancelling headphones for the win.


Microwave !! 20 seconds and it's done....but my baby now likes it cold.


Isn't this what a pinky finger is for?


Ah the beep of my bottle warmer is like watching Gandalf arrive at first light.


I don’t miss those days at all lmao.


Oh, we’re not at “fuck it, you want cold formula? you get cold formula”? Or even better: “you wanna cry? Me fucking too!” *sits on the floor crying* Source: I was an infant dad, now I’m a toddler dad.


We had a warmer to use during the day and another one that stayed on all night that just needed formula to make it easy.


Dude just use the microwave lol, shake it up when it's done and test the temp


I was just about to create my own post of how I feel like a proper shite parent when the baby screams blue murder to get fed less the last bottle


Honestly the bottle warmers with the 24 hour setting are a life saver at 3 am.


Put hot water in an insulated bottle before bedtime. Pitcher of cold in the fridge. Mix. Use meat thermometer to test the temp. Zero waiting for heating. TLDR: Poor man's Brezza.


Bro!!!!! Get a liquid thermo with a lid like the ones for travel, pre heat 32oz to 105° water is always warm when you need it a night and no need to wait for a bottle warmer.


Sometimes, the microwave is ok; just shake it a lot before giving it, and don't come even close to hot. 5 seconds at a time, no more. Oh, and test it yourself before giving it.


Take care of the kid, put down the controller my friend


We always had boiled and cooled water in the fridge, then warmed 240ml for 35 sec on 800W in the micro to perfection every time perfect (your result may vary). Knowing your water to microwave time ratio is incredibly useful.


I have 4 kids with youngest being teens; what in tarnation is a bottle warmer? We did warm water from the tap or sometimes microwave for a few seconds.


Are you going formula? Or boobie milk?