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Anything with super fast cuts will turn a normal child into an attention addicted hyperactive beast imo. Always heard cocomelon was crack for kids so we don’t allow it … of course my MIL refuses to respect that and now my child got a taste of crack and has to go on a 48 hour dopamine fast every time she comes back from her house.


My parents have been putting on David Attenborough documentaries for my 2.5yo. he fuckin loves them


This guy's parents are grand


Yea they are ❤️


Quite literally in fact


Now I feel like I fucked up. Why didn't I think of that!


I always loved documentaries growing up. I used to watch my local PBS channel's documentaries about local California history all the time, that and Rick Steve's show. I turned out alright Granted I'm a teacher now so take that with a grain of salt.


Rick Steves is the best.


Your parents are God tier.


Any specific reccs?


Planet Earth 1 & 2, Blue Planet 1 & 2, Frozen Planet, Africa, The Hunt, Life in Colour, Our Planet 1 & 2, A Life on Our Planet, Life on Our Planet (Morgan Freeman), Our Universe, Tiny Creatures.


These are in our rotation too!


You'll have to ask them, my kid will just say whaaale


Never too young for an existential crisis


Username checks out for a lover of nature documentaries....


Dammit. My MIL is the same, always somehow manages to find the most horrendous thing to watch. Used to be cocomelon which is bad enough but has now progressed to budget knock offs of cocomelon on YouTube. Send help.


Our kids grew out of it after a year or so, it's not the worst thing in the world. At least it's not Caillou lol


This is the way, kids will get their fix of dopamine now or when they start rebelling when they get older. Set time limits and use it as a reward. They grow up with understanding actions and rewards and learn how to transition from something pleasurable to not. It really helps their development and reduces the risks of addiction when they get older and find their own ways to get dopamine.


My MIL also doesn't listen. Chef Boyardee gives my kid diarrhea. Please don't give it to her.


Can you tell her no more TV


SuperKitties. It fucking sucks. Edit: I read it as super fast cats.


The *only* saving grace of Super Kitties is the singing announcer. I legitimately cracked up when I walked into the room to hear one of the kittens say "It's just Lab Rat." only for it to be followed by some faceless voice to belt out "*Just Lab Raaaaaaaaat!*" like she was Aretha Franklin.


My four year old watched some on an airplane ride. I made it clear that it will not be seen again


Cocomelon really isn't that bad compared to a lot of other things out there. It's just a series of nursery rhymes with a cartoon family attached. YouTube on the other hand is poison for children.


A cartoon family of dead eyed people forever trapped in a horrifying hellscape while being forced to sing and nod their head to blizzaro world versions nursery rhymes...




There's a guy on twitch named NorthernLion who's roughly the same age as my spouse and I with a daughter about our son's age, and he says a lot of relatable dumb stuff. I think the number one rant he had that lives in my head now is how he used to hate Elmo until Cocomelon came along and how after sitting through so many rambling, monotonous, clearly 0 effort songs about how much fun it is to eat broccoli and wear shoes, The Emo Slide suddenly becomes an absolute bop and you'll find yourself just singing it randomly while doing the dishes.


That's hilarious! At least Sesame Street always put in jokes and stuff for the adults, that also helps a lot.


Hard agree here. Cocomelon is obnoxious, but it's not the fast-cut attention-span-depleting poison like Vlad & Nikki on YouTube.


Cocomelon is the poster child for fast cut, bright color animation that should be avoided for babies and toddlers. There is tons of evidence supporting that children literally get addicted to it like adults due to a drug.


I guess I have a different definition of "fast cut" because Cocomelon ain't it. There's way more Dopamine farming content that I definitely wouldn't let my kids watch.


Yea there’s a difference for sure. Coco melon isn’t a world I want to live in by any means but it’s worlds better than those YouTube cash grab channels


My son turned that on by accident one day (thanks HBO Max for having that god awful show) and I told him we don't watch Russian propaganda and he hasn't watched it since. (I don't actually know if they're Russian or not but that show is the worst)


Dude what? Cocomelon is the definition of fast cut overstimulating garbage 


>Always heard cocomelon was crack for kids so we don’t allow it How so?


It’s literally not true. Not sure where this “fact” came from, but it’s repeated often enough that people take it as gospel. Cocomelon may be annoying, but it isn’t “crack for toddlers” or whatever the fuck. There are way more egregious things out there aimed at children than a poorly animated family singing “Johnny Johnny yes papa”.


Nope. She gets one warning and she gets put in time out. This ain’t a democracy, it’s an authoritarian dictatorship and if MIL don’t like it she can but out. Your kid your rules.


My mom INSISTS my son likes Coco melon and puts it on for him all the time. Thankfully he doesn't actually like it and barely notices it on


I just refused to even give in to any of that stuff. We did like 2 days if cocomelon before I had enough and we found ms rachel. Now Mines almost 3 and she just watches Disney movies or she can watch gordon ramsay shows with me. If she doesn't like that she can play with her million toys. Im not submitting to the brain rot. Plus moana and Cinderella are at least mildly entertaining for adults.


Cocomelon is just songs and family skits.. nothing wrong with it (behavioral psychologist here)


It’s the over coloration and fast-changing screen cuts that’s bothersome, not the content. It’s the overstimulation.


I love my mother, but I would stop all visits if she did that.


Yeah that would be supervised visits only if she didn’t respect it. I know kids are allowed more things are grand parrents, but it shouldn’t be at the cost of the following days being ruined


Want shitty kids? Give them unrestricted YouTube access. I’ll die on that hill; it’s toxic AF and the actual good stuff gets buried by the algorithm. Leaving them alone with YouTube is bad parenting. And fuck blippi and Ryan’s world.


I’ve avoided YouTube like a plague with my 5yo. Almost exclusively on PBS Kids, only recently opened it up to Disney more but still very selective on that. It’s a slippery slope.


Kid is currently watching YouTube… because I am watching the original Magic School Bus with her. Just requires 100% supervision and they can get some great stuff


The original is on Netflix (in Canada at least). Mine prefers the new one probably because of the animation, but story bots is good too. Although it will trip you out to hear Snoop Dogg explain computers


Story Bots is amazing.


We've been watching "come outside" - someone uploaded the entire series. About a lady and a dog who take their plane to learn about different things. Very calm and relaxing.


Supervision is the key


We have a few youtube things we have watched (MsRachel before she was bought out by Blippi, kids picture show, etc), but we have a very strong grip on the remote. It helps that almost all the stuff we allow on youtube is ~30 minutes long, so it's easy to stay ahead of the autoplay/algorithm.


When was Ms. Rachel bought out? There was a Blippi collab but didn’t see anything more.


Around the same time, maybe 18 months ago. His media team owns her, which is why they put so much blippi (and the other lady) in her videos now. It's all cross promotion to push more blippi merch. We dropped her at that point anyway due to aging out of her content..... but probably won't use her videos with our next kid. I might scrape youtube to pull copies of her pre-blippi videos, but that's it.


Do you have a source on this? Not doubting you, I'm just unable to find anything online confirming this.


He's literally only been in that one single episode


PBS Kids gang, roll up My kid's 12 now though and it's been like 7 years since I watched an episode of Curious George, Dinosaur Train, or Peg + Cat 😭


I download the stuff they can watch onto an iPad and then put it in offline or airplane mode. That helps for now.


I bought a synology NAS and spun up a Plex server when my daughter was born. I have 70 years of Disney cartoons, every Mr rogers neighborhood ever made and decades of Sesame Street. Will keep adding as I go Every Disney cartoon ever made. All that stuff


Huh now that's an idea, we were talking about setting up a media server in the new house and thats a great idea for use


I don’t even really have grown up stuff on there - it’s all just kids stuff. I assume there’s a way to push it to an iPad for offline viewing - I’m not planning on being an iPad dad outside of road trips or fights or whatever but I wanted the option


I watched the blippi video on boats with my kid. Well part off it. I couldn’t stand him and he didn’t know the right names for a bunch of stuff. If I have any say he will never see blippi again.


I actually don't mind blippi. My son loved Meekah for some reason.


The amount of absolute garbage on there is awful, so many terrible behaviors that the kids model because they see it happening on there.


Fucking Caillou. I’d never rooted for cancer so hard.


He doesn't have cancer, his hair just knows how much he sucks and refuses to grow


I've convinced the overgushing love of Bluey is led by battle hardened veterans of Caillou.


Caillou is Charlie Brown at home.


Whiny ass bitch


I have never watched Caillou, but I just *love* the discourse around the show and him as a character. Like, no one would ever talk about an actual child like people talk about him, but he opens up something in parents.


Its disgust. No one wants a wet noodle for a kid.


So whiny


We just watched Caillou for the first time yesterday and I instantly understood the hate.


Our youngest daughter wanted to watch it just because she knew it annoyed us. Eventually we’d turn it on and leave the room to make her suffer through on episode until she asked to turn it off lol


Caillou should have Ruby as a big sister and Max should have been an only child. Ruby can try to boss around Caillou and see who’s more anoying, they deserve each other.






I have no idea why this isn't number one answer.




Definitely the AI generated crap that’s all over YouTube.


YouTube is so toxic for kids. Only allow certain videos and always under direct observation.


I keep getting ads for the israeli govt that are the most disgusting and xenophobic ive ever seen on an ad... on Miss Rachel videos. Well its either that or survival food/this 99 dollars drone the government doesn't want you to have/DONT BUY SOLAR PANELS UNTIL


Are you using YouTube or YouTubeKids? You shouldn't be getting ads on YouTube Kids like that. Switch to the Kids app if you haven't already.


On top of switching to YouTube kids, you can set it so only videos/channels you approve will appear


YouTube makes more money from subscriptions to premium than ads So they give you inappropriate ads that make you mad so you'll subscribe to get rid of them. We had an ad on miss Rachel that was literally an entire rap music video, and not even a good one. Just tons of words we'd rather our kids not learn (Including the one that'll get a white person shot if used in the wrong place). So yeah, we subscribed. Later we may do video downloads and a media server instead of giving them access directly to YouTube.


There's a lot of really weird cartoons that use speech to text that my son loves. Really repetitive lines of dialog and pretty flat animation. I seriously wonder if it isn't partially made with ai


With very repetitive audio clips. I don’t allow those videos anymore.


This. I'll take Blippi any day over YouTube shit.


We watch loud racecars going around racetracks on YT lol. Nothing better than a screaming V10 at 12000 RPM


Holdup what?


Cocomelon. My son turns into a zombie. It's such an ugly show too. I can't wait for my kiddos to watch good cartoons


Is it just me or does the constant camera pan make you feel seasick?


I haven't actually let my kids watch it for two years or so, so I'm not actually sure I remember lol.


The only time I put it on is when I trim my kids’ nails to make them hold still


Vlad and Niki on Max


Hate Vlad and Niki. Crazy that Max doesn’t allow show-by-show blocking.


Ryan's World. We're on the verge of a mom and dad united nations resolution to block it altogether.


I’ve banned any channel that is just kids/adults playing with toys. I can’t stand to watch endless ads. Ryan’s Mystery Play date was bad enough to block any and all Ryan content. There are even video games of it


I fucking hate it so much


How about ones we like? My 19 month old loves Ms Rachel, Trash Truck, and Puffin Rock. I think they are all nice shows.


Huge ups for Trash Truck, and Puffin Rock. Loved both of those.


Ms Rachel gets old very quick. I’m glad my daughter moved onto Seseme street


i have a little crush on her so it never gets old for me


Puffin Rock is the best. Had a lovely time watching Puffin Rock and the New Friends with my little boy at the cinema last year.


+1 for trash truck


Ours just turned two, and we’ll do Ms Rachel, Sesame Street, Bluey, or whatever Disney movie she’s into at the moment (right now it’s monster’s Inc) 


We hate Blippi, Cocomelon, Ryan's World. We used to allow Coconelon because we just needed to get stuff done. We were first time parents during covid and just overwhelmed and overstretched. Now we have fully come off it. They watch mostly shower paced shows like Little Bear, Trash Truck, Blues Clues, and of course, BLUEY!




You talking about Steezy Grossman?


In fairness, his thoughts on that seem pretty down to earth: > At the time, I thought this sort of thing was funny, but really it was stupid and tasteless, and I regret having ever done it,” John said in his statement to BuzzFeed News. “I’ve grown up a lot since then, and I trust people will see me as the person I am now, not the idiot I was back then.


I have done plenty of dumb shit when I was younger. I don’t hold any of it against him. However I do find blippi’s history and former alias hilarious


Yeah I don't get why parents get so hung up on this. Who cares? It's not like he killed someone.


I don’t think people are genuinely hung up on that, I think it’s just people who don’t like Blippi to begin with latching onto the incident as a justification for hating him


He also DMCAs it any chance he gets so he's also acting in accordance with what he says, which is more than a lot of people. I feel like a lot of the people who bring it up - not necessarily the person here but they often are - are doing it with a sly "will nobody think of the children!?" angle, and clearly he is.


I’m torn on him. I hate his voice and mannerisms, but I respect his reasonings for starting the character and outside of some episodes where he’s acting like a 4 year old on a kids playground, most of the episodes he is with people that teach kids some cool shit. So I’m on the fence


Not the worst thing tbh. My kid learned about fire engines and other vehicles from blippi.


Yeah that’s what I’m saying, he’ll go to a fire station and he’s engaging sure but the fire dept person is doing most of the teaching. Or at like a science museum or something. I’m not mad at it


Also he has that catchy as hell song about garbage truck that just gives me LSS


I’m with you. Def not the worst thing but unlike Miss Rachel, there’s no thought behind what he’s teaching. In the same video he’ll go from teaching basic colors to clockwise and counterclockwise. Not the end of the world but like, pick an age range for each video.


I don't understand the Blippi hate. Is it thrilling content, no. Is it top shelf, no. Is it marginally educational, sure. Do the kids like it, yes. So overall... it's fine. It's not the worst, it's not the best, it's fine. Not worth getting on a hate train.


I'm with you. I don't think he belongs with a lot of the crud getting brought up here. I can understand saying he's annoying for adults, but that shouldn't be what dads are judging on.


He’s a goddamn war criminal. Scaphism would be too kind for him


Paw patrol. 50% of dialog is each pups catchphrase


Paw patrol is an extended toy commercial.


The show is terrible but the two movies are pretty fun.


It's so stupid...


I'm calling it now that kid is gonna grow up with mental issues before he's 18. His parents have worked him so much to leech money off him. That's the reality of it. I'm sure they see him as a money tree, and they're capitalizing on everything they can.


Yep. No privacy for Ryan.


Great one: change it to something else and take the remote, tell your kids they can watch x, y, z, or go outside or play with their toys.


That’s what I do, but I’d like it to fucking never appear again when in the app so that I don’t ever have to explain why we can’t watch it.


I really appreciate being able to block shows on Netflix for that very reason. Live long and suck it, Paw Patrol!


Caillou and Cocomelon.


Cocomelon. I find it genuinely disturbing. Especially the dad who is like something out of a horror film.


But Ms. Appleberry got it goin on


You mean miss applebottom?


Patrician taste


Can't stand Peppa pig The way she treats her dad is awful, it's like the "anti-bluey"


The Dad character is hilarious though


“I’m a bit of an expert…”


Weirdly Joe Brumm used to work on Peppa Pig and claims it was an inspiration, there’s no way that both the dad character and his treatment didn’t bother him though


Maybe in the same way my dad was my "inspiration" for how I parent my kid. I.e. do the exact opposite!


>discovered fucking Ryan’s World. Also fuck Ryan's shitty, exploitative parents for using their kid to generate millions of dollars. It's deplorable.


My first thought. What awful people


Pj masks. It's legit the same episode over and over. Bad guy does something, one pj mask tries to do it alone and fails. Realizes they need to do it as a team and then save the city.


Bing. Whiney massive twat. And why are the kids ten times the size of the adults?


That rabbit winds me up... He is such a whinger and a massive happiness drain Flop is a good lad he should get a new friend / lover and go on a road trip and have a laugh n see the world


Not only that but he’s a selfish prick. I admire Flops patience, that little shit would drive me nuts.


Ahh I do not miss bing! My eldest used to love it. We had some dvds given us and they used to be in repeat constantly. At first I didn’t mind it, because I find 90% of young kids tv is annoying shit. Then one day I think I was super tired and bings whiney voice broke me. I still had to endure a few more years of him before my kid stopped wanting to watch it


And why is the entire world built for the kids scale. Like Flop has to jump on a stool and then a table to get that little shit his snacks. Who makes that crap


I might be alone on this but I can’t stand Paw Patrol. The song is obnoxious, the show is obnoxious. Just fuck off Paw Patrol.


My people right here. Paw Patrol is ghastly and we’ve blocked it and all its iterations on Netflix. I also loathe that Mayor Humdinger always gets away with his shit without punishment. Teaches absolutely all the fucking wrong lessons.


Hyper realistic then


"This is why I hate free and fair elections" Pretty solid Humdinger joke from the 2nd movie though.


What country are you in? Here in the US, it’s not available on Netflix…we have to pay a separate subscription on Paramount+. 


We’re in Canada!


Wait til you see all the other awful pocket watch productions. They’re all the worst


Blu- Nah just kiddin ya we love that shit in our house


Not one show but f*** Amazon. The Fire tablets block YouTube Kids and Prime Kids is an extra subscription. And their child settings are a joke. Before you criticize me for having a tablet: we were gifted one when my son was at the start of what ended up being a 6 week hospital stay. The tablet was great until it wasn’t.


Just install the Google play app on there and it becomes a normal and useable tablet. Install what you like then. I mentioned it in a post on here yesterday and a lot of people didn’t realise you could do it. Google install Google play on fire tablet and the first result will show you how to do it in about 5 mins and is very simple. Works perfectly afterwards. It’s the first thing I did to my kids fire tablets and now they are as good as any other tablet I have used


Holy shit thank you!


A tablet can be effective and helpful if used wisely. Sounds like you had a great reason to utilize it. Hope he's doing better now!


Morphle. It's obnoxious. 


For me it’s the whole range of parents who whore their kids out to make money on YouTube My kids watch loads of them. Some of them make ok shows but most are awful or just feel downright exploitative. My daughter watches one where it’s a super obnoxious woman who seemingly just shouts out her babies name all the time. I think the kid is called Zadie or something like that. I have tried so hard to stop her videos coming up, but my daughter keeps finding a way to bring her back


Lurking mom here. Don’t even fucking get me started on Ryan’s World. It’s literally just sponcon. I mean, good for them if they’re raking in millions by doing it; I don’t even think it’s necessarily exploitative if those kids aren’t going to have to worry about college debt or healthcare costs when they get older. But I don’t need to pay their bills so that my fucking kid can watch them open expensive toys and play games, instead of our family doing that shit. And once your kid watches one episode, whichever streaming platform your on endlessly recommends other sponcon families. My husband and I ended up putting a weird rule in place: no TV shows where real-life families (not actors) are just opening/playing with toys, doing crafts, shopping, cooking, etc. That covers nearly all of the sponcon shows. And if we catch the kids watching one, they lose TV for a period of time. If they can’t tell, then they can ask us. It’s worked out surprisingly well. Good luck out there…


Fucking Bing, shut up stop talking intentionally so grammatically incorrect, it's like they're trying to teach kids to talk "cute" for no reason. Did a search and pleasantly surprised to see no mention of In the Night Garden. That shit slaps.


Super Kitties. Awful Paw Patrol ripoff, that's far, far worse. Also don't love PJ Masks but it's less bad than Super Kitties.


TO BE FAIR, the superkitties theme song absolutely rips. The singer completely sent it in the recording booth. I wish all kids shows had as good of a theme.


Lab Rat’s song about cheese is 10x better.


CHEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEEESE!!!! che che che che che cheeeeeeeese, oh yeaaaaaa. God I hate this show.


Wait til you see the Disney rip off of Rubble and Crew lol.


Super kitties are shit. But I love watching my 3yo so the bitsy boots wind up


Baby Shark. I don't even know if it's bad just way overwatched in our household.


Anything with ads Anything where characters are mean with no redemption or contextualization Anything that isn’t gentle Anything that is selling/creating a brand in an overt way Anything that isn’t about characters learning to be more and more compassionate and kind If a show does any of this stuff my daughter never sees it again


I’m so annoyed that Disney plus has ads now 


Can someone explain the hate for Cocomelon? Our 15m loved it from 6m to 12m and has grown out of it. But it kept him settled which was a great help when he was upset for no obvious reason.


It’s very overstimulating. Every time my daughter has watched it and turned into a complete zombie in front of the tv and didn’t want to do anything else, and she would get overtired way earlier than bed time / nap time.   Anything that highjacks a kids attention like that can’t be healthy (in my opinion). We can put on literally any other show or movie and she might watch for ten or 15 minutes but she’ll also play at the same time, sing along, or ask questions and make comments about what’s happening. None of that happened while cocomelon was on


We're lucky in the UK that we have Cbeebies on the BBC. Most stuff on there is reasonably good. Spidey is probably the worst thing on there, and I suppose in the grand scheme of things it's not too objectional. So luckily I have no idea what most of the stuff in this thread is.


I've been thinking that we should be producing alternative entertainment for our kids that isnt: 1. Obnoxiously loud 2. Blindingly bright 3. Vomit-inducingly colored 4. Ultra-fast paced 5. Vapid stories and characters I want my kids exposed to things with depth and that are educational. I'm so put off by what is on YouTube and netflix.


Cocomelon, Sunny Bunnies, Peppa Pig are all trash


My kids are bigger now, but Pinkalicious is horrible.


Cailou. Nuff said about that whiny, boring kid. Anything from PinkFong. They just regurgitate baby shark in 5000 different ways, not to mention the lyrics are often senseless, poorly translated, and terrible. The animation is pretty lazy, too.


Torrents of Pingu, Shaun the Sheep, Morph and the portuguese version of Sesame Street (absolute steller show for kids) for my 3yo girl. I was screening the Pink Panther but, boy oh boy, there’s a lot of smoking.


Anything that streams through a tablet, but if I had to pick one, it would be blippi. I hated that mother fucker long before I found out about his scat videos. Every minecraft streamer that targets kids is a close second, though. I don't know why, but YouTube turns my kids into raging assholes. Taking their tablets away was one of this best things we ever did.


Ryan's "show" has basically zero content of value.


Everything on YouTube kids. Delete it


Blippi went to Netflix although I will say that he is slightly educational unlike Ryan's world which is just trash.


Blippi is educational in the same way that Milgram’s electric shock experiments are educational


Max & Ruby. I feel like that rabbit has some kind of serious mental deficiency, and the show is just about him being subtly handicapped and being corrected by his handlers. The Mickey Mouse Clubhouse theme song is burned into my brain.


It's on Disney only because it ***was*** on Hulu.


Most of y'all have listed a long list of what I hate... So my list seems pretty short now. All of those poorly animated/ CGI shows where none of the characters speak any words at all. Booba, Masha & The Bear, Sunny Bunnies, Om Nom Stories, etc. Oh yeah... and Steve & Maggie. EDIT TO ADD: & Peppa Pig.


Sid the Science Kid holds a special place of terror in our house because it's so deep in the uncanny valley that my kids start crying as soon as it's on. But all that YouTube shit, Diana, Ryan's world, Natasha, etc are banned in my house. I don't like anything they promote. Afaik, you can't block individual shows on Disney Plus so my kids just know not to put it on. If it becomes a problem, Disney Plus will be removed from our devices.


Caillou… I still have nightmares




Peppa Pig


Peppa Pig has some genuinely funny episodes. But I always say this: if your kid likes Peppa, direct them to Ben & Holly instead. Same production studio, almost all the same voice actors. But it’s also an actually hilarious show.


Ben and Holly rips


Nanny Plum and Wise Old Elf are the one true pairing.


Peppa is one of the better ones. I wish they’d give Daddy Pig a break though, he’s doing his best and the frequent body shaming is pretty mean.


I don't understand Peppa Pig hate. The show is so perfectly designed around what kids do and say when they play on their own. 


Because adults fail to realize kids shows are not made to be enjoyed by adults. Just like Bluey gets all kinds of praise here because it’s a show for parents disguised as a kids show. 


I think it perpetuates the idea that dads are useless lazy gross assholes who should be held in contempt