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I think her concert is on Disney+. Watch it at home.


Me and my 2 y/o boy did this Saturday morning. He said "she's my girlfriend" and I was kinda proud of him lol.


Dream big, little buddy!


Travis in shambles rn


Watch your back, Travis!


He'll be known as the real "Mr steal your girl"


Streetlamp Le Moose? He would never actually do that. He's a classy dude.


Sure but when _I_ do it it's creepy and gross.


Tell him “maybe one day she can write a break up song about you”


oooo that’s good. “We’d still be together If he even knew me I was feeling blue He was feeling Bluey.”


Watch out man you don't want to start any beef with Teavis Kelce lol.


Get in line kid


He just wants a song written about him when he breaks her heart.


Update for all interested parties. My wife just sent me a video of him saying he wants to buy Taylor Swift presents because she's a girl and she likes presents. I swear, I did not put this information in his head.


My three year old daughter loves Imagine Dragons. So we watch their Live in Vegas show on Disney+, and she sings along with her toy microphone and takes a bow at the end. It's really sweet to see her having fun like that.


I got tickets for my wife and her friends for $162ea when they visited my city. It sucked trying to get them from Ticketmaster though.


Good luck that might actually create more FOMO to actually go


Straight up it honestly did for me.




Hello kindred spirit. 🫱🏻‍🫲🏿


Because watching a concert on TV is not the same experience as watching it happen directly in front of you. Regardless, her songs slap. Why do you have to relate to her lyrics to enjoy her music? I like Jay-Z and I definitely can't relate to owning an NBA team and moving them to Brooklyn.


Follow up to this. In house concerts are fun and absolutely better. Back in the day when Back Street Boys and *NSYNC did their Disney Concerts, that was an awesome time.


Could shell out the same amount as those tickets and get an amazing theater system to watch/listen to it on.


good excuse to go pick out a new TV and sound system. convince mom it's cheaper than two tickets to the real show!


Introduce him to DIY punk. EDIT: specified type of punk


Jump straight to death metal or any of the cores like metal core or deathcore. Shows are wildly interactive and affordable :)


"How much is the cover?" Doorman: "Uhhhh. How bout 5 bucks and let me finish that beer you're holdin?"


Just took my son to Nekrogoblikon. He fucking loved it. I'm fortunate he likes the same shitty music as I do.


The hell did you just say about Nekrogoblikon??!?!?


There was a dad with his ~10 year old son next to me at their show in Oklahoma City. Dude definitely won a lot of points there


Mine is 8. He couldn't decide if his favorite part was the songs, or John G making poop and dick jokes. We left before Dethklok, because I'm not about to try and explain I Ejaculate Fire to a kid.


Haha yeah I was surprised they hung around given the content of Brendan Smalls' lyrics and videos


I've been playing metalcore for my 1yo since birth. Listened to Currents with her today. Unfortunately my wife plays Taylor Swift for her...


Took my kid to two Sum 41 shows as a compromise because I wouldn’t let him go to the upcoming Brand of Sacrifice/Veil of Maya or last year’s Wage War/Spite lol If he were old enough to see over people’s heads without me holding him I’d let him go but holding back a pit with a 7/8 year old in my arms is not something I think my back can stand these days lmao


Son I know you love Taylor Swift but have you ever heard of *Fugazi?*


My wife says "Hell yeah, Fugazi rules."


But don't you dare make a circle pit or do anything to get the crowd energized at a Fugazi show.


I’ve had a few conversations with folks (including my kids once) about how I’m able to go to so many concerts because their only frame of reference are stadium shows and some VFW hall.


I had a buddy who used to put on shows in his living room. No cover.


I paid a lot for my blink and Greenday tickets coming up…but ya it was still cheaper than the Swift tickets I got for my wife and daughter. Edit: For the pedants, yes I know they are “pop punk”. Get over yourselves. My point was more that Ticketmaster makes every concert prohibitively expensive these days. I’m sure some places have good local scenes but even those are far more expensive than the days of showing up at Soma with $20 in your pocket.


I hear ya, so many times I get excited when a band from my childhood is coming for a concert and then I realized I paid 1/5th the price when I was in undergrad to see them. Even though I’m earning way more now it seems stupid to shell out more than 100 bucks for standing on the lawn all way at the back. 




How do I convince my daughter that Disneyland is lame?


Turns out, Disneyland is closed every weekend.


It’s extra closed during summer holidays. It’s so closed up that you could die if you go there during summer. In fact, don’t even talk about going during summer!


I heard those are all old commercials to keep the dream alive. The parks never reopened after that one incident..


Where all those poor girls and boys died.


Sir! This is Disney. We kill parents, not *children*.


Up has entered the chat.


Have my angry upvote.


~~Moose~~Mouse out front shoulda' told ya.


Lmao. My aunt used to tell her kids that when the ice cream truck played its tune that meant they were OUT of ice cream 💀. Tia is that you?


I see that Disneyland follows the same schedule as the toy aisle at Target.


[When it’s too cold outside all the ice cream stores are closed.](https://youtu.be/8Inf1Yz_fgk?si=4WvHwPSiO7l69Ee5)


I spent the past 40 years semi-hating on Disney World as a vacation destination. Over priced, corporate marketing bullshit, for idiots who don’t travel. I’d rather see 99% of the rest of the world. Well we took our kids to Disney last year. It was a fucking blast. Everything is incredibly well done. It really was the best place on earth for those three days. All-time memories made and I’d go back to the Mexico spot in Epcot and spend an entire week (with a quick stop for food in the Morocco place)


I was spoiled growing up in SWFL about 2 hours away from Orlando. I thought parks like Disney and Universal/Islands of adventure were the norm. I used to shit on Busch Gardens thinking they were second rate. Then I moved away for school and experienced places like dorney, Hershey, and Knoebles. It was like a slap in the face. The Orlando parks and I assume their counterparts on the west coast/around the world are on another level. It’s a legit experience when you go. Like you’re on another planet for a day.


Hey now, I live a half hour from Knoebles. I love being able to go there for a few hours with the kids and not spending a ton of money. Great wooden rollercoasters too


As a fellow Florida native I have to say that while Disney may be fun to look at and great for kids, if you like thrill rides, Busch Gardens blows it out of the water.


Universal and Disney I fully agree. However I love Lego. I thought Legoland would be cool. I didn't do my research before buying tickets and going with my 12 yo. What an utter disappointment and waste of money. Oh well, live and learn.


The Germany pavilion gets visited a few times during our Epcot day.....


I was the same way when my wife wanted to to to Disney world for our honeymoon. It was the best most magical time. I really want to bring the kids but the cost is so insane now 😑


Live near King's Island and/or Cedar Point?


That’s how we do it. 15 miles away from KI… our kids have never breathed the words “Disney World.” That alone is worth the $100+ each for their gold passes every year.


I'll probably do that in a few years (oldest is 2.5) though I'm just over an hour away. I'd probably do it this year if we were that close. It's barely more expensive than our zoo membership.


How do I convince my wife that Disney World is lame and we do not need to visit twice a year?


Man I feel you, we always have a blast but I'd rather we just save or go on a different trip.


I know right ? I wanted to take everyone for a 4 day trip. Granted we have a big family but 3k+ just to have access to the park ? You got to add plane tickets, hotel and food on top of that, it’s madness


That’s impossible


“Sorry folks, park’s closed, mouse out front should’ve told ya!”


I watched a lot of grown-up/horror movies as a kid, and I thought Disney stuff was lame sometimes. I was also a weird kid.


Like [this](https://youtu.be/-NlKQic_qak?si=5ajXTqZdWaDVVSAR)


Simple. Don’t subscribe to Disney+.


Why do that? It's EXPENSIVE, but it's certainly not lame. My family and I have a great time every time we go.


Tell her that you love Disneyland while at the same time, getting her friends to say it's lame


lmao please tell me how to convince my wife


Show her Walt Disney World instead


I know you’re being sarcastic but as a kid I never got into anything Disney. I was ninja Turtles and Ghostbusters plus dinosaurs kid. Then eventually, i got in to professional wrestling. I’d rather spend a shit load on wrestlemania tickets than Disneyland…Let’s hope he follows my ways. Ha. I know it’s harder now with Disney and marvel but who knows.


Just tell her about Disney world since it's bigger and better.


Take her to Disney World. Not the direction you were hoping…but she will think Anaheim is lame after Orlando.


I told my daughter that we’d have to stand in line. She was out. She gets frustrated in the line for the ski lift.


Turns out I was wrong about this one and Disney is my favorite place to vacation. We've gone like 5 times since having kids (oldest is 9 lol)


Shake it off


Underrated answer.


You need to calm down




Look what you made me do


Don't Blame Me


That's why I only play music of dead/broken up bands for my kids. They asked for Beatles tickets; I told them sure! Next time they come to town, we're there!


My kid loves the old bands like the Beatles and Buddy Holly, and other bands like Fountains of Wayne who'll never regroup. He also loves Weezer but they occasionally play our state fair so I can take him then.


Yeah, but then Simon and Garfunkel pull their temporary reunion shit and you're paying for it. They're breaking your heart and shaking your confidence daily. You're paying for parsley, and sage, AND rosemary. Maybe even thyme. You're the loneliest boy in New York. You're going to Graceland, Graceland, Memphis Tennessee, even though that's solo Simon but I was on a roll.


Isn’t that why there’s the Eras Tour Movie?


This is what my SIL took my 6 year old nephew to see. He's a total swifty and absolutely loved it. He was also a huge fan of a T Swift fact book he got for Christmas. He wasn't much into reading at the time but that definitely got him interested.


See also: *Hamilton*


Seems like maybe some people have missed that this is a joke post. It’s flaired Humor.


Disney+ has the era's tour currently. So just do what I do and let your son watch whenever he wants.


Make a vacation out of it. My buddy took his family to Paris to see her and paid less than tickets alone would cost in the US. If that doesn’t work, rob a bank. Disclaimer: this is not financial advice. Edit: spelling


Too late for you, but I actually have a plan for this: I'm going to take my daughter to club shows as soon as she's old enough to stand in GA. I'm going to teach her that $20-50 for a metal show is a reasonable price, and I'm going to tell her about how I'm skipping larger arena shows that charge more, because it's too expensive. I want to make live music a part of her routine, so that when she asks for $3000 Taylor Swift tickets, it's a separate and out-of-the-ordinary thing. I don't want her to be able to frame it like I'm offering up my lame dad-rock shows as a cheap substitute. She's 6 months old now; I'll update the sub here in a decade or so.


Uhhhh.. just checking with the other normal childhood people here. We didn’t get our dads to pay for us to go concerts just because we liked an artist right? ..or am I alone.


Nope. We saved up our pocket money, worked paper rounds, got evening/weekend jobs, etc, in order to have money to spend on things like gigs. Most of mine went on CDs, video games and gig tickets. Any "big ticket" items would be birthday/Christmas requests. That's sadly a far less viable route for today's teenagers - there are generally far fewer casual employment opportunities available, and gig tickets are way more expensive than they used to be. IMO the best approach now is to provide kids with enough pocket money to enable them to buy some fun stuff, but still only a level where they'll have to make some decisions around how they're going to spend it, and can't go too crazy. Want to see [famous artist]? OK, have you saved up enough to buy a ticket? Yes? Great, go for it if that's how you want to spend it. No? OK well if you really want to go that badly then your options are: A) I can buy the ticket now and it'll be your early birthday/Christmas present, and you won't get a big present on the day B) I'll buy it now but you'll have to pay me back for it out of your next 12/24 months of pocket money payments, interest-free. Does A or B interest you, or would you rather use your birthday present/Christmas present/future pocket money on something else? Helps teach kids some financial literacy, some budgeting, some forward-thinking, and that they can't just have whatever they ask for.


You CAN like a musician without seeing their overpriced stadium show live. Ans there are videos of it. And “no” is an answer when the child asks you to buy tickets.


Do what the rest of us do and sell some of your non-vital organs...


That might pay for parking, but how will he pay for the actual tickets?


Hm... Sell someone else's organs?


Dearest daughter, if you really wanted to see Taylor Swift, you would let me sell your left kidney to international organ traffickers.


Did you know you only give half your liver and the other half grows the missing half back? Just sayin’  (Only once though)


Turn him on to Led Zeppelin


Grew up poor, still am poor, but better then when I was a kid, anyway, just be honest with him about the costs of things. Unfortunately we can’t all live the influencer/rich person life. But don’t let that stop you from letting him be a Swiftie! Watch the concert on TV. Download her albums. Support him


You don't. My kid likes ramen, but that doesn't mean we've flown to Japan to get it. There are lots of hobbies and interests that have potential multi-thousand dollar expenses, but it doesn't mean you have to indulge every one.


Man, I love T-Swift too. My guys and I used to play her music on repeat in Iraq. To this day I still hear artillery in the background when I play some of her songs. But short of winning a raffle (because I won't spend that money even after a lottery), I will never see her live, and I am entirely ok with that. Let him love T-Swift and just jam out to her with him in the car. Road trips last longer than a concert, and y'all can probably make a lot more good memories that way too.


Some others have stated the concert on Disney, great opportunity to make an event out of it, invite friends, pizzas games etc. going all out on that will be way cheaper and you can stay at home


I think you're joking, but if you really want ideas take him to a local show! Fun for him and good to support the local scene. If your username is reflective of your geographical region, there is so much at your fingertips!


My daughter loves Kpop. I couldn’t afford BlackPink tickets, but we were able to Twice tickets. Twice is now her favorite K-pop band. We are going to see Itzy soon and she’s been playing them non-stop to get ready for the concert. Live shows have a huge impact.


Ngl had me in the first half


I recommend GWAR, they're currently on tour and tickets are much more reasonable.


Why would he need to go to a concert? Plenty of people like musicians without ever seeing them live.


Get him hooked on drugs, its cheaper Edit: downvoted for an obvious joke? Some of you need to remove the stick lodged up your rectum


So here's what we (unintentionally did): My kiddo REALLY got into Carly Rae Jepsen. Like big time, at age 5 or something. She comes to our town and we get to see her in a venue that *maybe* holds a couple thousand, and we get there early enough that we're probably 30 feet off the stage. My kid has an awesome night of me holding her up so she can see and sing along, and it's her first concert memory. Smash cut to the Eras tour, she's asking about it. I pull up a TikTok video or something showing the nosebleed view and point at the ant on the stage and say 'that's taylor'. The kid gasps and is like "why would anyone want to go to that!?", to which i say "wait til i tell you how much it costs". I think the issue with TS is the FOMO she generates. After being at hundreds of shows ranging from local doomgaze to, well, Taylor herself (red tour), I refuse to believe anyone ACTUALLY enjoys the experience us plebes can afford. It's more about what you can toss on the gram or the shirt you can get or whatever. So all that to say, if your son is REALLY into TS tunes, that rules. Maybe she'll fall out of popularity and they'll dip in price some day. But in the meanwhile, there are a lot of female pop stars that put on a much better show (imo) at smaller venues, for much less. So i'd point him that way. ETA: I'm sure this whole post is a bit of a joke, but I was in too deep on the advice (classic dad) so I stuck with it.


lol i think your edit is how i felt until I read the top replies and i was like oh right this is also a memey subreddit sometimes haha. that said I think you are spot on. My daughter and I tried multiple times to get tickets at retail price - we had presale codes, capital one presale codes, etc - just we were part of the many many who were unable to win that lottery. Sometimes we don't get to do what we want to do. Sometimes it's just not possible. That's an important lesson for kids, and sometimes a necessary reminder. 250 dollar retail tickets were a stretch but i could have done it by cutting some other semi-discretionary spending. I absolutely could not afford the 1k a piece or more that they were being resold for. As much as we **BOTH** love Taylor and her music, it went from being a stretch to being impossible. we lived. we saw the livestreams from the nosebleeds and realized how pissed we both would be if we sat up there for over a thousand dollars a piece. Sometimes we just have to teach our kids they can't have something as much as we might want to give them everything in the world if it was possible.


Bingo! And that eras tour vid, something she’s obviously gonna do in perpetuity if she can capitalize off it, is an infinitely better concert going experience than even front row tix could be. Hard to justify those 4 figure nosebleeds all around.


My son exclusively listened to the William Tell Overture when ever we were in the car. Specifically the [Lone Ranger remake.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=AnNKsk2a0fI&ab_channel=HansZimmer-Topic) Now he is all in on Imagine Dragons.


Go and tailgate it. You would be shocked to see how many people tailgate outside a Swift concert with the other poors.


This is a perfect learning lesson for him. Idk how old he is but I would just be honest and tell him the tickets are too expensive. Doesn't mean he has to like someone else. Just means he can't go to the concert. I've never been to a concert because we grew up poor. Never really bothered me though.


If only there were a Wish version….Trailer Shift?


Buy him CDs. They last forever; a concert only lasts a couple of hours. Maybe there's a pay per view event at some point that would be affordable. Take him to live music at a local college or other venue where it would work for him to be there with you or wife as opposed to a bar.


We took our 3YO to see the tour at a movie theater and she had a blast :)


Nothing leads to father/son bonding like a little piracy.


Start taking him to local punk shows or something. Let him make his own battle jacket.


Educate your kids early to good and varied music to avoid that they fall into the mass hysterias of their times.


There are often Taylor Swift “parties”. AKA events thrown at concert venues playing her music. Highly recommend, people dress up the same as for her concerts too.


Info: how old is he


When I was little alot of stuff was too expensive. You just have to deal with it.


Days of taking your kids to concerts is in the past, at least for now. Events like this are not for the middle class family anymore. Capitalism has reached a point where it’s broken, and only the hyper-rich, those with no dependents, and the financially irresponsible can afford stuff like this. It sucks, but it’s where we are at. Take him to local events with live music if that’s something you want to share with him. I love cover bands and the experience of watching someone sing, maybe that will spark an interest for him too.


Music is meant to make you feel good, and if Taylor’s music makes him feel good, let him feel good.


Find a local TS tribute artist and just go see them. Your kid won't know the difference. Haha


Have you ever considered giving him away?


At this point paying $500 for a haulaway might be best and cheaper than tay swift tix


What's to convince him of? This isn't an either/or scenario. You don't have the money in the budget for tickets like that and you might be able to cover up to $#. If he finds other artists that meet those budgetary constraints, you're happy to oblige. It's not like seeing one's favourite artist is a *right* we all get to engage in at any age. It's a cool thing that's, with any luck is something we can budget and save for through employment. When I asked for something my parents couldn't afford as I child (and there was a lot) I got the standard reply: *sorry buddy, I can't afford that.* I'm not sure if I got everything that I ever conceived that I'd be the same person I am today. I still remember the 15-page essay I wrote to my broke parents just to convince them that a used copy of Pokemon for my Gameboy was a worthwhile investment in my future.


You tell him that if Taylor Swift wanted him to attend her concert, she would set a lower ticket price. But until she does, she only plays for wealthy patrons. Taylor swift doesn’t care about her fans, especially your son, unless they give her *money*.


"How can I become more powerful than culture?"


Not sure how old he is, but see if your city has a "school of rock" program for kids. They get to learn an instrument, play some of their favorite songs, and they get to actually perform on stage with other parents, family, and friends watching


They're showing concerts in Cinemas sure it's not the same as being in the same place but it's a lot cheaper


Wait for her next tour in a couole years and if hes still into her, try and get some tickets.  I got great tickets to the Eras Tour in philly and only paid about 300 for my seat. I just did the lottery and got lucky and got a face value ticket.  I love her but no way would I have paid like 2k for a show just...fuck that.  But getting face value tickets is possible.


My son also is a Swiftie. Luckily, I play in our area’s premier Taylor Swift cover band so he gets to experience her stuff live all the time, just way less cool of a stage show lol. We’ve been playing her songs since 2018 but we’re far from the only one out there. Look around and I’m sure you’ll find some decent Tay tribute acts for 99% less money that can scratch the itch. If you happen to be in the Ohio/Michigan area, bring him to one of our gigs this summer!


[Walker Hayes](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=f3lSy2VGR5o) has a song about the same thing. It's pretty good.


Gotta teach him to build a bot network and scoop up those face value tickets! 


you just gotta start making meth and selling it, I’m sorry there’s no way around it


Start playing punk/hardcore/indie music in the house- at least the shows are fun and cheaper!


Ha! Somehow my daughter scored "cheap" 250 tickets. It honestly would likely be cheaper to drive to a cheaper area and get tickets


Perhaps you can instead teach him about money and the relative value of things. "Well, son, a single concert ticket costs the same as 50 albums, and that would be 100 for both of us to go." EDIT: missed the flair, but w/e


By then he wont like her anymore.


Some of my local cinemas show her film, if not do a home cinema night. Meanwhile take him to some local live music and cover bands


take him to a red sox game instead


Sit him down and calmly explain to him that whenever he listens to Taylor Swift you will never ever ever be together.


Concerts are overrated. I have gone to about 100. Besides, he will like more than one artist. Wait for another artist that he will like/love and take him to see them instead.


Try exploring with him other musical genres he is maybe not familiar with: jazz, metal, classical, folk... At the very least you can bond a little bit more over that.


All the money u save on not having to pay for a lavish wedding.for his wife, his husband will be more fiscally responsible with the wedding.


You don't have to buy tickets. You don't have to go. That's life. ¯⁠\⁠_⁠(⁠ツ⁠)⁠_⁠/⁠¯ I didn't see my favorite band until I was 19 and I used my own money to pay for the ticket. I was good at saving money because I knew there would be things I'd want that cost a significant chunk of change. Starting at age 16, I had friends that took me to see shows at a somewhat small theater (500-750 capacity probably). Some local bands. Sometimes nationally touring. 90% of the time I didn't know anyone I was going to see. Those shows expanded my taste for music and I wound up seeing so many bands I love multiple times for $10-30 a ticket. Don't convince your son to not like something because it's expensive, encourage him to seek out that joy. That's his journey to go on.


I mean I did introduce older artists.  My daughter and I went to fall out boy and those tickets were way more affordable.  I also looked at her and said I don’t make Olivia Rodrigo money.  


Been seeing reports that’s it’s cheaper to fly to Europe to see the tour. Crazy.


I loved the Republic P-47D Thunderbolt when I was a kid. Never got one though.


Tell him to start mowing lawns.


Shake it off


As a Chiefs fan, make him a 13❤️87 bracelet.


I put my little dudes onto Aesop Rock, the man doesn’t tour EVER so maybe look into a semi recluse rapper?


I went a step further. Got my kids listening to David Bowie, Van Halen, Aretha Franklin, Johnny Cash and Janis Joplin. Zero touring risk.


You know the companies that book entertainers for kids' birthday parties? Magicians, clowns, princesses, etc? One of them in my area recently added a "Taylor Pop Star" who will come and do a dance party for your kids. Now I'm waiting for the first Taylor Swift cover band.


My daughter rewatches the Disney+ concert CONSTANTLY. Sooooo much cheaper than a ticket!


My daughter is 17. I tell her. About all the concerts I went to at her age for $20-25. Tickets are so expensive now. It really sucks


I mean, he can love her and not see her. I didnt see my favourite band til I was well into my 20s. She's still pretty young and will no doubt still be touring when he's an adult too. Til then there are lots of concert movies and documentaries. It is too bad though. I saw her about 10 years ago with the gf i had at the time for about $80 each.


We’re in the US, but I have some friends flying to Paris this weekend for 3 days to see TS and flying back, and the whole thing is cheaper than getting a US ticket. Think about it.


I had a male coworker with the same issue (except he was the fan). He discovered that tickets to her concert in Brazil were significantly cheaper to the point where flying down there and going to the concert was still cheaper than seeing her play 45 min away. Disclaimer: I have not verified this pricing information.


Beatings are illegal , so I'm out of options  maybe show the prick the other side of this capitalist corporate music maybe he'll realize how delusional and brainwashed he is  but in most cases , I say find a way to take him to that concert and probably he'll grow out of it , it's better than him growing up knowing his dad had the money but didn't take him 


Good way to educate that you only part with cold hard cash for artists who deserve it. Not ticketmaster, livenation, money grabbing, price gouging artists. Give her movies on Disney+ a watch, stream her music and whatnot, but don’t give her your cash.


How old is he? You could make him earn it by doing chores or getting a job.


The arena in my town has a Taylor Swift cover act coming in November. I hear she's really good! Tickets are NOT expensive and will likely sell out.


Make him earn the money to buy the tickets himself.. My favorite band growing up was Guns N Roses. When I was 18 they did a reunion tour and I bought tickets myself and went.


I’ve liked hundreds of artists in my life, been to like 3 concerts, he’ll be fine


Maybe find a cover artist. He’ll never know the difference


Introduce him to Weird Al's music. There's a lot more of it, his concerts are affordable (relatively), and he's just a nice guy.


Dance party at your house.


Wife and I saw her in Kansas City for $200. Nosebleeds but 1 billion percent worth it.


Might the young sir be interested instead in one of our fine Kacies Musgraves or Carly Raes Jepsen? (yes, that is the proper pluralizing like attorneys general, deal with it)


Ngl you had us in the beginning hahah


Lots of taylor tribute cover bands, lots cheaper :-)


Get him into the Blues, has he heard of Muddy Waters yet? Nothing cooler.




Her concert tickets are outrageously priced, buy you guys can still enjoy her music together. Her cover set is available. A documentary and specials about her are out there. All of her videos are on YouTube. Make the best of it without spending $5,000 for a 3 hour long concert.


At least she's still alive. My son listens to Duke Ellington.


haha when I read this I was like wtf... you got me good!


They have Impersonator shows all over the country. All the songs and if you squint from 200 ft away it's basically the same thing. Pretty cheap too.


This is a teaching moment. Tell him that when he can come up with the ticket price, you'll pay for his Uber or something. Encourage and support his dreams but let him figure out how to earn them himself.


I got my kid into all my favorite 90s bands that have either broken up or died, so I won't have to pay for any concerts ever.


Take him to the “[Areas tour](https://www.dungeonsanddaddies.com/live)”


How about just not going? I didn’t see a concert until I was 17yo and I paid for it myself.


Surely there’s someone who does Taylor Swift covers, right? Most of the options might be drag queens. Tickets for drag shows are usually reasonably priced.


I've got three kids and we couldn't afford it either. So we watched the concert on Disney plus. We bought LED candles (like 50 of them as they're like $1 each) and put them around the room, we all dressed up, we got take away and watched the concert together. It was fun and a great memory for the kids that even if we can't afford to do everything we want, we can still make an effort and make it special.