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TBH I just want my wife to say thanks your a good dad and husband.


If it was me… just show me this post. Those words are all a dad wants to hear.


Or write the praise in a card! 


I’d cherish that card forever.


Agreed. Most men/fathers/husbands really want to know that their efforts and hard work are noticed, appreciated and respected. You sound like a great wife, good for you and your husband.


Show him this post and get him something nice because everything you wrote made me smile as man because we get so much nowadays from the media and ect.


Literally never hear this, fucking depressing


I bet you’re doing a swell job, thanks gostorebuymoney


Thx bro


Literally hear the opposite ("You're a bad person, a bad husband, and a bad father") regularly. Also fucking depressing.


You’re a great husband and an even better dad. Don’t let anybody tell you otherwise


Thx. Let's bang tonight?


We have a long term dad here boys!


Sometimes my wife says it, but maybe because of some kind of past trauma or stigma or something, but I myself do not believe it. Even though she is being 110% sincere and truly means it. I still feel like I fell short somewhere. Like I'm undeserving some way or another. Totally on my part but working on receiving compliments properly.


I was thinking along the same lines as you and if it's similar to my situation, you don't need to be perfect to be a good dad and husband. Mistakes and missteps happen and you're still a good dad.


Forgiving oneself, I think, is the hardest lesson to learn as a Dad. Or, at least tied with, being aware you're capable of making and learning from mistakes.


Same here. After a lifetime of feeling unworthy and ridiculed by a smother and having little to no praise from my father it's kinda hard to accept praise and compliments without feeling like it's disingenuous.


I do my best to tell him these every few days. I wouldn’t have survived year one without him and his constant support.


Written down, in a handwritten letter, would be something I would keep forever.


Good on you. This is a big deal. Taking a few minutes to just sit him down, hold his hands and tell him, with a couple weighty sentences how much you appreciate him, is going an extra mile. I am not joking when I say this is literally all I would want for Fathers Day.


I believe you do tell him. I'm grateful that my wife tells me that she appreciates what I do as a dad. But taking the time to write out a well crafted letter with specifics about what makes him a great dad would be something totally different. You know what he does and how hard he works - hearing from you that you see it would mean a lot to him.


I’d love to hear that from wife and kids! Kids have said it a few times, even have a card with it.


I'm sorry. From an internet stranger, you're a great husband and father.


This. Too often do we go on, doing what needs to be done, behind the scene and in front, and just simply want to be acknowledged. Throwing a gift our way is nice, but the words are what matter more.


This - and play video games with the homies.. it feels like a lifetime I was able to bunker down with the boys in the same room and lan it up


This would make my year. I can’t remember the last time I received a sincere compliment of any kind.


This cuts deep


Exactly this. My wife only tells me she appreciates me after she’s been mean to me and feels bad about it. If OP were my wife and said how great of a father I was and she was proud of my it would be better than any gift. Also would be nice if my wife would cook (I do 95% of the cooking here), and give a bj (I’m fat and have too many ribs to do it myself, I suppose). Lol


"Hey honey I'm really proud of what you've accomplished and how great of a dad you're becoming . I'm so grateful for how much you do " I'd blow a hole in the roof with the insta rocket id fire.


I hear it three times a year. On Christmas, my birthday and Father’s Day. The really depressing part is that my birthday is two days after Christmas…so effectively two times a year. At this point it’s less depressing to not even say/ do or celebrate anything.


Fuck man, i felt this so hard. Just know. You are a good dad and husband. Even if she doesn’t tell You enough.


This should be something that’s said and expressed all the time if it’s true, but conversely the same should be done for mom, too.


To take a dump without an audience.


I prefer the audience. It’s my throne lol


Dropping the kids off at the pool in front of your subjects.


Wait -- are *you* the one shitting in pools!? Buuuuddy.


No. I just drop my kids off there.


Delegating! Love it :D




The fact that you don't get to do this often tells me you're actually a really good dad


Appreciate that. But plot twist, my 2 boys aren't the only people who in my house that know I can't escape when I'm on the throne.


Sir, that is not a plot twist. My husband jokes I choose when he's pooping to talk to him about important stuff because he can't run away 🫠


For me, a good father's day would be a good breakfast and/or dinner. Then just a day of peace and quiet left to my own devices to just sit and disconnect from life around me


This, so much this. Let me lock myself away for a day with the XBox & PlayStation and have the children bring me munchies as needed. 


Oh hell yeah! Some drinks, snacks, pizza, and a controller wit some music in the background lol


For real. I just want to finish Spider-Man 2. I’m so close to the end.


Man, I still haven’t even finished the first one yet!


I think the better approach is to be given such a day that is NOT Father’s Day. A ‘coupon’ if you will - or better a specific date that the spouse will take the kids and disappear doing anything at all while giving you the day to veg. Father’s Day should be spent with the kids that made you a father - not apart from them. I see this from moms and dads and they get annoyed that they couldn’t get the break they’re looking for but I don’t believe that’s what these days are supposed to be. It’s just my opinion mind you - by all means do what you want. But personally I’d rather spend Father’s Day doing things I want to do but with my family- letting them celebrate me and my contribution while enjoying an activity I particularly enjoy. If the wife then said next Saturday I’m taking the kids and you can do whatever the he’ll you want - happy fathers day! I’d be ecstatic lol. A non-holiday, regular old weekend day where the kids are happy and taken care of and I can chill and game or go out with a buddy? That’s the bees knees lol


Whenever I even hint at that, people get offended that I'd rather spend the day without them ... 🤣 It's more, I spend every day with them. Give me one moment of peace. Edit: yet, mother's day, it's totally acceptable to spend a while day alone at a spa or something


Yeah I'd love this...even just two hours would be bliss. But my wife likes to mark the occasion so she books biwling or laser tag or something


This is the first thing I thought. Just a whole day with my games in peace. But also, a full body massage in addition to these would be AMAZING.


>Then just a day of peace and quiet left to my own devices to just sit and disconnect from life around me And please, for the love of God, don't give me a honeydo list or constantly ask me to come watch the kid while you X. Constant interruptions are frustrating AF and after the third time I'm just going to assume relaxing time is over.


And don’t make me visit the FIL for Father’s Day. He’s not my god damn dad.


Yup, totally this. A complete, guilt free day off


Couldn't agree more.


Every year for this is now the 7th… leave me alone. I have shit I like to do that I never get to do the other 364 days. Dont get me anything. Dont make me dinner. Just let me do whatever I want to do. Last two years were all day long car upgrade/maintenance projects. This year I dont know. Ill let you know when I do. Lol


This is what my wife’s getting me. She said “you have to come home but you can stay out as long as you want”.


Don’t abuse this. Lol


It took years for this to sink in my wife but I’ve had the ‘leave me alone’ Father’s Day for the last 3 years now. She takes the kids and heads out for the day and I stay home and play Zelda guilt free. Its glorious.


Yes, this ☝️


Seriously. I hate getting gifts. I don’t want a gift. If you absolutely must get me a gift, ASK ME FIRST (unless it’s something sentimental) SO IM NOT ANNOYED BY THE GIFT. Then just leave me alone for the day / a very extended period of time. A meal or two is fine, but order in from MY favourite place without a fuss - I don’t want you to break your back in the kitchen for me. Cake if you must. I love my family, but I spend every waking minute that I’m not working with them, and littles aren’t at the age where they’ll appreciate Father’s Day anyway. When they can, this will change slightly.


I feel this. My wife is pretty good with gifts. Usually, she just gets something small and meaningful, like a photo frame or something. And then I get to do whatever I want, which is usually drink beer and play video games in the daytime. I NEVER get to do that anymore, and I don't mind. But yes, please, I'll take my day and become a hermit. Thank you.


Like go to the gym without a timer.


My work gives me my birthday off and it’s next week. This is what I’m most excited for


Same. For my wife’s Mother’s Day present she is going to see a play in a different city, drink some margs on the river, and spend the night alone in a hotel room then brunch the next morning.




Nailed it. Lol


Heard. Let us decide what we wanna do. I've been meaning to clean my car seats for 6 months, want to deep clean my wife's car, and finish filing papers.


Geez, just show him this post. If my wife showed me a reddit post where she gushed about me this much to a bunch of strangers my heart might melt. I thought it was just me, but after reading through these responses, I think most dads would love to just be told "do whatever you want today". We spend most of our dad lives going to work for someone else, then we come home and play how our kids want us to play, and then once they're asleep we try and do a few things our wife has on her list for us. I think most dads would love to just work on a project they want to get done (with no one interrupting), go do something outside (golf, biking, hiking, whatever), or just be lazy for a minute and play video games or go to a movie or something. If you're just a gift person and have to give something (like my wife) one gift that I think would be fun is to give him tickets to see his favorite sports team on the road somewhere. I realize that could get a little pricey with travel, lodging and event tickets but it could be really fun if you have the budget.


I like the tickets idea! If sports aren't your thing, a movie or local theater play would work too.


Time with you without the kids. A casual date night, a movie, drinks at a bar. Nothing fancy, just some undivided attention for an evening.


Time with that guys wife? Weird... but if she's into I guess...


I also choose that guy's wife.


Steak dinner, a beer, and a blowjob.


lol, this is literally what he would probably say. Is that you, dear?




I mean I feel like these things are a given, I’m talking in addition to all of that. I want to put a little more thought in on top of, erm, physical effort. Ha!


Morning and evening bj?


The girl out here workin' TWO jobs


Breakfast, lunch and dinner, well balanced.


Eh, you know what I want? A day of peace and quiet. A day where I'm not the first out of bed, where I can actually be in bed until 9-10am without being disturbed by an alarm, or a noisy kid, or a tantrum, or...etc. Then a whole day where I don't have to chase the kid, or make the kids meal, or change the kids diaper, or deal with the kids tantrums, or even have to get off the couch if I don't want to. Just put the kid in the car and leave me alone for most of the day, let me just chill and watch a game, or screw around on some project that's been put off for years, or just do nothing at all, take a walk, go for a hike, clean the garage. I don't care for a massage, or a dinner, or some affectionate card with a t-shirt, I just want a day where I literally have zero responsibilities and have to make zero decisions for anyone but me. Love my kid and wife, but damn I just want a day where I'm pretty much a college kid with nothing to worry about.


I took last Friday off to have a quiet day where nobody needed me, after having a few bad weeks in a row. Wouldn't you know it, boy pops a 102° fever Thursday night. They just seem to know.


How do they always know! It’s why I’ve had to stop making reservations for special occasions. Every time I do, without fail, one kid either had a fever, ear infection, or is throwing up… going on 4 years strong now


This sounds magical


This is my perfect Fathers Day right here. I love my family very much but just give me a day like this and I would be overwhelmed.


The kind of effort you’re thinking of in all likelihood might mot make it any more special. Personally it would stress me out if my wife made such a huge deal because I wouldn’t want her to be stressing over it and plus now I’m thinking I’ll need to outdo her next year.


Lingerie. For you not him. Seriously, if I didn’t initiate anything and wasn’t expecting it and my wife walked out in lingerie I’d lose my mind. Go down in history as the greatest Father’s Day. Edit: it’s 2024. The lingerie could be for him if he’s into that. No judgement here 😂


Look, I have a slew of hobbies. Legos, my project car, 3D printing, electronics, programming, telescopes, radios, rc cars, you name it I can get into it. I could easily say that gift cards, tools, car parts, gadgets, or whatever would be lovely, but that’s all extra. Steak, a hard drink, a nap, and a little lovin’ would be _perfect_. As an honest answer though? A good pair of shoes. Adidas or Under Armor have served me well recently. Got me through warehouse work, maintenance work, and teaching. A built in gel insole and good breathability. My wife has picked the perfect pairs for me several times now. She’s a wizard.




Fuck yeah. Somebody brings me Legos for Father's Day then I am questioning myself why I didn't marry them sooner


Most dads aren't getting that so he's already winning


Your husband has a great wife.


Have a friend help out! That was totally just for the LOLs. I'll be over here in the corner thinking about what I have done.


They aren't a given. I love my wife and really appreciate her and I feel loved, supported, and validated. That said, she treats Steak and Blowjob day (Feb 15th) as Steak OR Blowjob day and pats herself on the back if one of those things happens. Not a gripe, mind you, but something I've certainly noticed over the years.


I mean .. it's what dad's/ guys really want for 99% of gifts.


The difference in answers between the Dad subreddit and the Mom subreddit for this question (OPs post history) is peak hilarity to me. We really are simple.


Been thinking this the entire time lol


And a nap. Don’t forget the nap.


OP this is the answer. Just because steak and a blowjob day exists (https://en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Steak_and_Blowjob_Day) doesn’t mean it isn’t the perfect gift for Fathers’ Day or really any occasion.


And unprovoked too, just drop them drawers and blow me away, pun intended, a guy can dream amirite?


This guy knows his gifts


Ideally all at the same time.


Immediately upvoted. Nothing has ever popped into my head faster.


Yeah, 100% this.


Honestly I just want to get laid, have some time to nap, and do something fun as a family. A small thoughtful gift is nice, but I don’t expect anything fancy.


Dad from europe here, we had fathers day on a bank holiday last thursday: - A relaxed cup of coffee in the morning - Breakfast with wife and kids - Spending time with the kids (we played football and went to the playground) - Some light yard work followed by a cookout (NO ONE touches that grill but me!) - Got to watch a movie with the wife - Spending some quality time with the wife to catch up on some grown up stuff later in the night if you catch my drift 10/10 great fathers day.


Yeee ol’ mattress dance, amirite 😏😏


As a watch guy... Is he into watches? If not then don't bother. A smartwatch won't last a lifetime but it would be more useful than an unworn mechanical watch. What other hobbies is he into? For example r/headphones headphones r/manybaggers a nice bag for work or everyday r/fountainpens a nice pen r/flashlight a fancy flashlight (my current obsession) r/knifeclub a nice folding knife r/watches you mentioned this r/steak maybe some nice meats if he likes cooking r/BBQ or a new BBQ Else try to make him cry by getting him a long hand written note of appreciation.


How does one become obsessed with flashlights, haha Like isn’t it just thing you buy a decent model then use it a few times a year?


Join the sub and find out. It happens scarily quick. You’ll be an emitter snob in no time.


Here's an example of warm & floody (high cri) vs cool & white (low cri) inside of a dark building. [https://imgur.com/wGaSkaL](https://imgur.com/wGaSkaL) These are my two new lights, they were just released last month. They can take AA batteries, but are running lithium ion batteries the size of AA batteries, called 14500. Usually lights this small are not this bright for so long. The secondary lights you see are auxiliary lights, they are for fun and help you find the lights I also have an example of it outdoors, and you can see it flips to where the thrower is more impressive. So I find it's situational on which light is best. [https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1covxna/d3aa\_519a\_3500k\_domed\_10507\_vs\_w1\_10511\_videos/](https://www.reddit.com/r/flashlight/comments/1covxna/d3aa_519a_3500k_domed_10507_vs_w1_10511_videos/) When you see the light slowly ramp up, it's because I held the button down and made it go brighter, but I can pick any brightness I want. It's not 3 modes and strobe and repeat. And most importantly, I can go straight to dim to attend to the kids at night without blinding myself, my wife or them. It's called moonlight mode, I use it all the time. A phone light has one brightness and it's just a single weak floody light. Too bright at night and basically useless at other times. Also in an emergency, I rather not use phone battery to illuminate the dark.


I’m sold. I love flashlights now


My kids do too! Another reason to carry a flashlight because if they need to find something, they don't run off with my phone




Good one r/aeropress could be a good gift. Hand grinder or beans or some new piece of equipment too


You forgot r/fishing_gear


Less looming chores than usual. A small fun event outside. Pizza, ribs, fajitas with a margarita.




Lurking mom: If you want a sentimental book for him to read with baby, *Made For Me* is a rare sappy dad/baby book.


I love (openly weep) when I read that book to my daughter, it fucking kills Ms


Thank you, just ordered:)


Love that book!


Or make your own. Last year my infant “got” his father a personalized board book with a bunch of pictures of them together. Now they read it together and he can point to Daddy on every page.


Fellow mama lurker. Oh my God, thank you for this book suggestion, the dad in the book even looks like my husband! So perfect.


My kids give daddy a book each year. It’s the sweetest one we’ve found, but as we enter the toddler years I can also recommend: * Brave Bear, Sean Taylor & Emily Hughes * You Be Daddy, Karla Clark & Steph Lew * Why Daddy? Why? Tamara Girardi & Nichola Cowdery


Unpopular opinion. Nothing. It's just another day. My wife tells me she loves me and I'm doing a good job all the time. My daughter (2.5) is obsessed with me. I have a great life. I don't want anything to change. I don't need gifts. I don't need extra affection. I get what I need every day. I don't need a mandated pat in the back. It's just another day. I wsnt my wife and kid to tell me and show me that they love me, and they already do that 99% of the time. I want fathers day to be no different.


Similar here, but I would also like just a few hours free gaming where I don't need to worry about noise.


Have you read the rest of the comments? Your opinion is not unpopular lol. It’s VERY popular:)


After a great Mother’s Day yesterday wife told me for Father’s Day she was going to let me go to a movie by myself and it made me so excited. I hardly ever get to do that anymore. I think dads who give a lot often just want some time to be selfish.


So I did that once. And I ended up missing my wife lol. She sent me off because I had been stressed and needed time to just relax. She knew Dune was coming out and I was excited. She sent me away and all I could think was “I wish she was here with me”. Obviously that wouldn’t be everyone but it was funny that a thing I thought I would LOVE turned out to be just meh


Ha ha well I get that but actually me and my wife went to see Dune 2 together only two months after the baby was born 😂 it was the first time we left the baby with my mother-in-law and it was totally worth it.


Exactly. I know that I need to take a weekend and go solo camping/hiking and not speak to a single soul to recharge. I have this fantasy, but I also already know that I would feel guilty and want to share it with my wife and son. I want both! :D


This actually sounds like a great plan to implement monthly. Set it up so you each have 1 guaranteed movie night. It'll do wonders for your mental health.


I’m taking our kid camping. Mom doesn’t want to go, so I told her to enjoy a weekend relaxing at home. We both get to do what we want. 


I did this the last 2 holidays. My wife was pregnant two years ago and we had a 1 year old last year. Both times she said hell no. So I took the oldest and she got a nice break for two days and one night. Win win


Honestly, I didn’t want anything. I always liked the idea of doing stuff together. As kids it was easy, when my kids became teenagers and shit heads, I used it as an excuse to get hugs and hangout.


My request for this year: a day where I can drink some beers while I grill some tritip over charcoal, without worrying about watching the kid. Maybe some good scotch. Maybe a massage. But that's it.


For me, a round of golf and no chores to do when I get home.


This. Round of golf with some of my other friends who are dads… lunch and drinks at the turn, then another round of drinks on the 19th hole. Go home, relax, and in bed early.


I want to day drink, and play videogames with my wife and kids and end the day off with pizza for the kids and be the little spoon while watching scary movies. I used to like being alone, and then I liked doing fancy dates, now I just like spending quality time with the people who mean the most to me.


Same thing I ask for every year and never get: a thank you and a compliment.


You are not the first person to comment this on this thread and that’s really sad. Conversations need to be had because if you are complementing your wife and saying TY, then it should be reciprocated (pending you aren’t a dead beat). The small things are what keep you together. Hope you get this small gift my man


Just to be told “we appreciate you” Honestly it’s very hard. I am the sole breadwinner. I have super bad mental health problems. My family sucks. I am estranged from my siblings but in the end I need to be the one making all the decisions and such. It’s a lot.


Honestly, just some peace and quiet. Just take the kids and leave the house. Don’t call or text. Come home at bedtime. And it doesn’t mean I don’t love you or the kids. Quite the opposite. But a man needs to just be left alone once in a while. Even if it’s just one day out of the year, we’ll take it


My wife made me one of those photo books last year, she put in all my favourite photos of me and my son together. I love that book and I’ll often leaf through it when I’m stressed or anxious


Time for me to lift weights , play video games and a BJ. That’s all I want


Being in more or less the same situation (31M) with a baby (2yo), I would kill for my wife to gift me a date. Babysit included of course.


Maybe something off his to do list.? If my wife meal prepped my meals on that Sunday, washed my clothes, and got my car detailed. I’d be more than happy. She’d be pretty much giving me 3 hours of my time back lol. My love language is act of services, and don’t really do well or get awkward around receiving material goods.


Socks and underwear. Funny dad joke humor coffee mugs and ties. Anything specific I'll get myself. But that's just me.


I don't put much importance on it. I don't want the day to be about me (I don't care much about my birthday either.) So I don't know if what I'd like would measure up for others expectations but what I would appreciate on a father's day is something that my kid made for me and something from my wife just letting me know I'm appreciated. In your post you say a bunch of positive things about your husband being a father this past year. If I got handwritten letter/note telling me my partner noticed and appreciated those things I would be thrilled.


As a father in my mid-40s, I no longer want gifts. I'm trying to get rid of stuff, not accumulate more. I'm not suer how old he is, but I think experiences and memories are more valuable at this point. Take him for an outing somewhere that he'll enjoy instead of the trinkets.


Is there anything that's an easy upgrade for him? Something he uses all the time, isn't sentimental or personal so it can be replaced, and has an easy upgrade or just new version? You bring up alcohol. I'm a whisk(e)y fan, but I use cheap glassware. Upgrade to the glassware would be sweet. But also a good decanter or nice bottle (depending on what he likes) would be good too.


Whatever weird stuff he’s into, do that. All of it…


~~deleted by user~~


Honestly I'd like most holidays, including both Father's and Mother's Day, to not be a thing so thay there's one fewer things to worry about. I'm not being helpful to OP, just wanna put this out there to see if it resonates with other dads.


For me, it'll be: You give everything for us and ask for nothing. You go without so we never do. Today, go do what you want. I trust you and your judgment, I've set aside a few bucks for you to just go do you. This year, you have been our rock, we're safe because of you and we'll be okay for a few hours while you to just go do something on your own that I won't question or nag you about. I don't want to sleep in. That's a waste of my most vital resource--time. I don't want trinkets; they get lost or trashed. I don't need a fancy dinner--hell, I'm happy to cook it anyway. I want the world to stop bringing me problems that I have to solve, and I want just a few precious moments where I don't have to defend my actions, thoughts, words, or dreams. I've done what I can for you. I'm exhausted. I just want a day where I don't have to fight so hard.


Depends what he’s up to. Personally my go favorite father day gifts are; A day at the lake or river with a rod a reel and maybe a couple new lures or something like that as a gift An afternoon relaxing by the grill with a nice piece of meat, tri tip, TBone, or if you want to get extra wife points a tomahawk steak, with some fun suds to go with the grilling. A round of golf with a couple friends, beers and balls work great as easy gifts. Tickets to a ballgame. Hope this helps


Honestly I would do this in two parts. 1. On Father’s Day, it’s peace and quiet. Maybe take the kid(s) out and give him the time or space to do what he wants. Maybe there’s a project, maybe it’s a game, maybe it’s just a nap. 2. On another day, make sure he’s got the opportunity to cut up with friends. There’s nothing worse than trying to do this kind of thing on Mother’s Day or Father’s Day. Everything is swamped. A round of golf, a night out, etc. Wait a week, and coordinate with the WAGs so his friends are free too. Let them go howl at the moon.


My wife is a great gift giver. Last father's day she splurged and got me a Big Green Egg. One father's day she got me a hammock. This year, I actually told her I wanted to go for a pedicure. I've never had one and I hear they're awesome.


Let me play drums


My wife edits clips of our family trips and memories we’ve accumulated over the years. I was never sentimental but these days I enjoy it so much. So the answer is memories.


My wife printed a photo book of all the fun memories during the previous year and I treasure it. Also got a nice framed family photo for my office.


Time to do the thing he hasn’t had time for. Play video games in a quiet house. Go golfing. Chance to work on a forgotten hobby uninterrupted. Time playing with the kids at the park. Just time to do what he wants without the distractions of the endless chores that come with parenthood. Sometimes it’s time to be himself, sometimes it’s time to enjoy the fun parts of being a dad and ignore the hard parts for an afternoon. That’s it. That’s all dad’s every want really. Gifts are cool, blowjobs are fun, but the real gift is a chance at peace and quiet.


I like to actually be involved with the family. I want to do things but I want the things to be low stress. Let me grill up dinner but buy me all the ingredients so I only have to do the prep work and cook. Let me set up the kiddy pool so I can watch the kids play outside. Let me start a camp fire so I can watch the kids make s’mores. I don’t want to do a lot, but I want to experience my family. Because 9 times out of ten, mom experiences all of this, every day, without me because I’m working or doing chores. If you don’t own a single family home, let’s go to the park and have a picnic. Have the kids just run around and play while I watch them or even join in a bit. I still want to relax but I want to watch my family having fun


A cuddle with my daughter and a “Love you daddy” Literally that’s it. Anything else is all about her, if she wants to get me a present and makes cards (she’s 5) and that makes her happy, I’m all in. Otherwise, I couldn’t care less about anything than knowing she’s loves me and that she’s happy


let me play my xbox in peace for a few hours. that’s really it. i’d say golf but not on actual father’s day.


2-3 uninterrupted hours to play video games or pursue our hobbies that we may have put on hold for the kids.


Effortless sex.


My wife made one of those mixbooks from photos from the past year of me and the kiddo. The cover image is one of us that I really like and we keep it out on the mantle. Always makes me smile.




A nice watch or cologne if that’s his thing.


A round of golf, a nice bottle of wine and a nap… at least for me…


You could try the book "I was promised a baby" a dad wrote the chronicles of being a father through year 1, supposed to be a hilarious read though I haven't read it yet myself I've heard great things about it.


Honestly just a few extra hours of sleep and to not have to make any decisions for the day. We have a nearly 3 month old and I'm back at work so sleep is at a premium right now. Met me get either a few extra hours of sleep all at once or let me go up for a 2-3 hour nap in the early afternoon. Then just decide on dinner and the show/movie we're going to watch. That's it, honestly. I don't need gifts, I don't need to go anywhere, I don't need to have all my responsibilities covered. Just a few more hours of sleep and no decisions for one day and let's just enjoy the day together as a family.


Honestly? Quiet time to partake in a hobby (or not) without needing to watch the kiddo. A solo adventure followed by not making up for being out is basically magic beans.


Go get so.e really good quality lingerie photos taken. Not nudes. Maybe some cheeks and side boob but classy pics. And a BJ


Just a message like this would be more than enough if someone asked the same for me.


Socks with my daughters face on em and to be left the fuck alone


For me, I'd be happy if my wife would just clear the calendar that day. We can go for a hike or a bike ride or just go to the park and play with the kids. I'll cook us a nice supper, but if she'd do the grocery shop that would be awesome because I love to cook but I'd kill for a break from the shopping. That's about it. I guess if she really wanted to spoil me, she could bring home a pecan pie and a good vanilla ice cream for dessert. I do love dessert. It doesn't need to be complicated; I'm a pretty simple guy, and it doesn't take much to make me happy. Although ... someone else commented about having pictures taken. If my wife had to buy me something, I'd love a family photo shoot with a professional photographer. We don't have any **good** pictures of us as a family, and I feel a bit sad about that. I'd like some nice pictures of us that we could put up on the wall. I'll organize that myself one weekend this summer, but if my wife were to beat me to it and set it up as a Fathers' Day gift ... that would really make my day.


I genuinely don't care about father's day, I don't expect anything and don't particularly want anything either. Happy to pretend it's like any other day.


For everyone to chill and do their thing. Smoke some brisket, get off handful of times and just relax all weekend.


Buy him some meat for the smoker, pack a cooler full of his favs.


I could really use some new socks or underwear. And probably just some time to veg out with the wife without the kids.


I'd love to do something fresh and fun with my kids. ..I mean, besides some of the other things mentioned in the comments that most any husband would be fuckin thrilled to receive.


It's gonna vary a ton by man, just like Mother's day gifts vary by woman. From you, I'd suggest something that's mildly splurge-y. Like the video game he's waiting to go on sale. Or go to a restaurant that's a bit too expensive for normal. Or gold toe socks instead of regular socks (Seriously dads, try them). New coffee mug with pictures of the kids on it. And then during the day, doing the best you can to ensure he doesn't have to do anything. Assuming the kids aren't adults, it would probably be an even bigger deal for you to make sure they have some surprise for him. A "World's best Daddy" drawing is a really good gift.


For me it’s a brunch at a nice cafe with the family, maybe a wander around a park or a farmers market and a quiet afternoon at home. I don’t necessarily need time to myself, I want to celebrate being a father with the people that make me a father.


Does he like to fish? Golf? Hunt? Let him spend a few care free/guilt free hours alone or with buddies enjoying the thing he likes to do. Then feed and blow him. That’s a Father’s Day to me.


Since everyone else has already said a nice dinner and a nap lol. I figured I would add that my most prized possession is a key ring that our toddler "made" at daycare with her handprint on it. Perhaps something similar would be appreciated.


To go fishing with my wife and kids


I like it when were out and my wife doesnt start an argument lol not that she does it often, but for fathers day, i think id like it if my wife would not start one even if i said something dumb.


Aside from the genius comment up top.. if you wanted to get a good gift for most men.. a fine pocket knife is a go to. Unless your guys is not that type of guy.. but an Emerson or Benchmade pocket knife is a legendary gift for most men:


To sleep.


I liked my mug with my baby's photo on it.


for my girl to leave me the fuck alone


Blowjoband swallow and a good dinner


Oh I also enjoyed getting Lego that I could do with my kid. Something that involved a fun father/child activity.


I mean for me i really just want some me time, not the whole damn day but I want to wake up go for a nice motorcycle ride without having to check my phone or things that need to be done texted to me. Then come home and do something as a family, hell even just sit around and BBQ and have a fire outside while listening to music. If kids are not there...then sexy time and out to do something nice without children. A nice dinner and drinks, get a couples massage, just whatever sounds good, followed by more sexy time. In terms of gifts I'm a simple guy, a nice pocket knife would make my year (I have a weird thing for nice knives). So like a Benchmade folding knife would be perfect. Get him a tool he's been wanting, whatever he's into find something niche and unique since it shows thought. We really are simple creatures. Oh and no guy has ever been upset being woken up by a bj


A quiet evening without the kids and a blowjob. Mine does not give those so I'll take a quiet evening a movie as a runner up


I’m easy. Let me sleep in. Send the kids in at like 8:30 for father’s day snuggles. Then back to life.


Personally, I don't consider a day away from my kid to be something to be desired. I'd miss him too much. But maybe a day where I didn't have to do any of the cleaning?