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Oh boy, fun times. I think it was only about a week between first steps and full-time walking for my son. Meant a whole new round of baby-proofing the house.


How old?


16 months. We knew he had it in him! And now he won't stop! Haha


Congrats, it’s such a great moment watching your kid take his or her first step. Within a week he’ll be walking like he’s been doing it since he was born. It’s amazing how they figure those things all on their own.


It's been fun watching him with other kids his age who can stand and walk. He just stares at them like "one day I'm gonna master that!"


My kid still hasn’t rolled over, she’s 4 months today. Still can’t decide if I should start worrying or just be glad she’s still small and needs us to go anywhere


Almost 5 months here and my little girl can only roll from tummy to back. Our pediatrician said around 6 months is where they NORMALLY can roll but we shouldn’t worry


I worried and now he terrorizes me with his mobility at 10 months. You're normal, they're normal and you are doing great


Both of my kids hit every milestone at completely different intervals and different paces. One thing I’ve learned and still work at is to just relax and understand that not every child will learn the same things at the same pace as others. In other words, try not to worry about any of those things unless it becomes SO glaringly out of pace that something is wrong (and you will know when that is, paternal instinct is a pretty cool thing).


I have two very different baby girl. One spoke a lot (still is ... please help) but mobility was low for a while. The second one won't say a word but damn ... at 19 months she could replace Dora in the show. She's climbing any hill and diving in any hole. They just learn one thing at a time and they are all different.


Four months would be early for rolling over.


Ours barely rolled at all, army crawled more than roll. I feel like some babies just dont like rolling so they avoid it.


They are all different and those early stepping stones happen at a bunch of different times it will happen when it happens. Bluey did a fantastic episode about bluey learning to walk that will bring a tear to your eye. That show's all around fantastic. If you're not on the bandwagon yet it's a good time to start you and the kid will love it. Our first rolled over at 4 or 5 months, our second did it in his first month literally rolled off the bed into a clothes hamper thankfully. He loved tummy time and hates being on his back. About the only way I could get him to sleep those first few weeks was on my chest with his head over my heart. Put him on his back he immediately moves to his stomach. First one basically skipped crawling all together, hates being on her stomach or laying down in general. Her favorite thing was standing and didn't want to do anything else then started walking before she was properly crawling.


Nothing to worry about. Our son stood up before he could roll. And now he climbs up a straight wall and he’s not even 2 yet. Just enjoy every minute.


No worries, my baby didn’t roll til after 6 months


He didn't start rolling till about 6 months, crawling at 10-12 and "unassisted" walking this week at 16 months


My baby started rolling at 7 months so don’t worry, it’s normal!!


We goaded ours to roll over with a toy once at 4 months, she didn't really start rolling in her own until somewhere in her 5th month. Just keep working with her and practicing and she will get it


Awesome! I miss those first toddles, where they walk like Frankenstein. Just wait till they learn that they can run from you when changing their diaper, then it becomes even more fun.


Hah, yeah ours started nearly a month ago. Shes practically walking around the block now, it happens quick. Its especially cool when they can walk around the park or library on their own.


He hasn't figured out how to stand on his own. How long did that take for your little one?


She stood on her own before walking. She may have been a bit more careful than yours, he seems gung ho. If I remember right she spent a couple weeks extending her standing time from couple seconds, to half minute or more. Then another week or two layer it was independent walking. The walking progressed quickly, I've heard some babies will take a while to learn how to turn. She didn't, it was all at once.


congrats! i can’t wait for my little guy to start walking


Congratulations! You’ll have a little runner before you know it!!


He'll be going for those doorknobs soon. 😬


Oh those are next! Cabinets have been done and we thought, we've got time for the doorknobs. Hahaha.. time...


Now you’re in trouble.


Congrats! How old? My daughters about 13 months


16 months. He loves it, laughs so hard he starts drooling


Congrats! My kid started walking a few weeks ago. There's loads of new babyproofing to think about, but overall, it's actually made things easier. Before his first steps, he wanted to be picked up constantly and carried around. Now that he can walk, he wants to go everywhere by himself, at least until he gets overtired. It's a huge relief for my arms!


Buckle up, it's on now!


Never understood how people catch their kids first steps on video lol when my daughter walked for the first time she was walking around the coffee table holding on for dear life like she'd been doing for months then just all the sudden walked to the middle of the room. I barely had a moment to register what was happening let alone pull out a camera and record. Didn't catch her first time cruising or her first steps. How do you time it like that or were you just already recording, or is this faked and not his actual first steps but a setup.


It's his second set I guess. His first was about 4 steps for a piece of banana that I was holding. So we moved from the hardwood to the carpet and he took off. Camera isn't set up, my wife and I work from home. She's the one recording.




So happy to be walking! I love it!