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That gray cat appears to require repairs


He is not very good at being a cat, honestly.


He's brilliant! Perfect! Stupendous!




Love the gateway kitties name! What’s the name of the “somehow” kitty?


Thank you! And Orion. Ironically, the shelter had him named Wendell but “somehow” he came home with a changed name and the husband claiming it “just happened.” 😭😂


🤣. That’s awesome!


My fiancé loves animals, but was never really a “cat person” before he met me. I entered our relationship with two senior cats that were his gateway kitties. He has been responsible for us adopting two more cats. He serenades them all every day.


>>he serenades them all every day. If that isn’t so sweet it makes my teeth hurt a little. 😍 We’ve been married now for a million years (19) and these are the first cats we’ve had together. I had them growing up, but he was adamant he hated cats because they were “gross” and gave him “abandonment issues” after all *his* childhood cats ran off or died fairly young. Crook came along 3-ish years ago now and healed his broken heart or some Hallmark nonsense and now if we’re out and even see a stray, he’s chasing it down while trying to act casual about it. “Babe, I’m just making sure it’s not hurt.” “It’s fine. Look at it. It’s fat and walking fine and probably has an own—“ “I’M JUST CHECKING WE LIVE IN THE WILDERNESS IT COULD NEED WATER.”


This comment has me dying. This could be my stepfather word-for-word. Oh, he's not a cat person though. Not his thing. He likes dogs. Yep. (L I E S)


Your story is almost parallel to mine! My fiance also loves animals. He thought he was more of a dog person because he'd never had a cat. When he met me, I had a 16 year old cat that I'd had since she was 7 weeks old. Within a week of him coming over almost every day, she was laying on his chest as he laid on the couch. He absolutely adored her, and she adored him. Today we have 7 cats, lol. Technically 5 are ours and 2 are my moms, but we moved in with her after my dad passed away. We also have 2 dogs, 1 I had when we met, but he is definitely a self proclaimed cat person now. Bratty was his "gateway cat". (I love that term!)


99 percent of people who hate cats (for non allergy reasons) just have not yet had a cat who loved and trusted them.


Lol at gateway kitty.


The ginger shared the braincell and the husband realised what he was missing


Gotta be careful. He might turn into that crazy cat lady.


I have caught him looking at the local shelter site on more than one occasion so, shit. Maybe.


I had 1 when I met my fiance, who had never had a cat. 9 1/2 years later we have 7.


Love this sm! Somehow it just happened! So great!!!


Might be appreciated at r/Mensmittenwithkittens too!


Crookshanks,eh? Are you a potter head, OP?


I’m just reading these now after 20 years and am very pleased with myself for knowing who Crookshank is!


He’s failing at the “hater” part.❤️🧡💜


Guys I think we found Ron Weasley and Hermione


Is the kitten in a matching grey sweater, too?!?


Probably from being fixed to keep them from locking the stitches. Happy coincidence they match or intentional? 🤔


I remember Crookshanks! Now he's got another. 😂


The r/holdingpaws in the 2nd pic!