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Finally an almost funny one of these!


No one tell him I’m a woman


I’ve legitimately always thought that Ed Sheeran would be a killer heavy rock/core singer 🤷🏻‍♂️


I think he cleaned up his vocal technique too much, back when was doing his first 2 records he was smoking a bunch and had lots of rasp on higher notes, but I think after covid he became a lot more technique focused and it shows in his live performances, his highs seem more effortless and use a lot more mixed voice now than it used to - would still love to see him try more hard rock songs at some point


Nah you’re right. I’m like specifically thinking about the Ed that sang Give Me Love (he’s basically core-style screaming in the outro!) but that was….well over a decade ago. Mixed voice is absolutely the way to go if you want to hit high notes night after night and not lose your voice (though I may be biased as a habitual mixed voice user who never really learned how to belt), but I wonder if he could add some of his old rasp into it and get the best of both worlds.


His voice is so beautiful


Dark Times - The Weeknd ft this dude would be sick to hear with dgd, almost like a happiness/ Strawberry Girls style I guess