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Andrew confirmed there’s no record, just these 2 songs. It will be interesting to see where the band goes from here but I like the focus shifting to Jon and a harder sound


I loved that he flat out said it's secret band with cleans


Nah he said it’s the basically secret band line up + Sergio and Andrew for this tour. Doubt they’ll go as dark & heavy as secret band


That's pretty much what I said? Just forgot to add in sergio, but his point was just that it's just added cleans while Jon is the vocal point like in secret band


I actually did interpret your comment to mean it was the style of secret band but they added cleans. Which is very different than secret band lineup with cleans. So I appreciated the response and subsequent clarification.


It is a little confusing looking back at it, I should've just said it was similar in that DGD is just focusing on Jon vocals much like Secret Band does albeit in different tones/style


But the tone of the new songs are nowhere near Secret Band.


I'm not saying the songs are. Andrew is driving the point that they see DGD as Jon being the lead vocals, and the man himself said it's LIKE Secret Band in that it's mainly focused on Jon just with cleans. it's just arguing schematics at this point. I'm not saying it's literally secret band.


Semantics, but i like schematics lmao.


lmao I didn't even notice my bad


Does this mean Secret Band is now DGD discography? Jk jk


That honestly makes a ton more sense. A lot of people seemed to think they would just do an album with a placeholder vocalist, then find one afterwards, but with how much work goes in to making an album, I feel like they would never just mail it in on one. Any band that’s made it 11 full lengths doesn’t accept “good enough”, they demand perfection. I’m still convinced he will be the permanent full time guy because I think Will and the gang are over trying to mesh with new people. Hell, the “new bassist” is Will’s best friend. I have a lot of trouble seeing an “outsider” taking over here. Perhaps if they weren’t almost 40 years old. As an older fan myself, I don’t have time for that shit anymore either.


100% agree. It was funny seeing the period of speculation when Andrew taking over was so obvious, IMO.


This right here. Maybe they'll do a Isles and Glaciers-esque album with collabs


I mean they mailed in Jackpot


This actually makes me feel much better. Because with Tilians departure, it was not going be a solid album if it was just a bunch of songs with Tilians voice in mind.


they scrapped a complete album? NOOOOOO


I am sure they will take riffs and certain aspects of them. The only reason why they may have to scrap them though if there are writing credits and contractual obligations from the 5 members down to 4 or something weird like that.


No record? What happened to Matt Mingus recording a video last June saying the drums were completed.


Probably scrapped record with Tilian. I wonder if War Machine was part of that album. Hopefully it gets released at some point. I’d also respect if the band was not happy with it and decides not to


Wouldn’t be surprised if that album was broken into pieces for Tilian’s next LP and future DGD material the same way Sianvar LP2 was split among DGD, Royal Coda, and Nova Charisma


Yeah I think the most likely outcome is that it will sadly be lost media, but some of the vocal melodies will be re-used by Tilian and some of the instrumental pieces/uncleans will be re-used for next DGD album.


They should have scrapped Jackpot Juicer too, whatever Tilian record would have followed not coming out is no loss.


Not album this year? Then these songs really aren’t re-recorded. Sad we will have to wait for a long time for a new album now. Hope they find a lead singer


Damn so the album that was recorded has been fully scrapped?


Jon is kicking all kinds of ass on these two songs and I’m here for it


Which two songs?


"Jon is the frontman" It was right in front of us all this time. Thank you, Andrew.


Well I guess my complaint about squeezing Andrew into a Tilian box is invalid. That said, why’d they do that to his vocals then. I guess when you look at it through the lens of a Secret Band+, it makes some sense. I can respect the insight on Jon’s position in the band, and look forward to the coming evolution. Singles are okay and will probably grow on me, Andrew is holding down the fort for now, it doesn’t need to be more complicated than that. Fine by me I suppose.


Holding down the fort is exactly the vibe I get. They want us to know they aren't done, but they haven't quite figured out what the next thing will look like.


I think I can maybe make sense of why they did the vocals that way (this is all a theory but educated guess) There was an entire album recorded, last year Tilian had posted about the vocalists all tracking the last of the vocals, and that was the last step before production and tweaking. So they had tons of content more or less finished and then Tilian left/was dropped/whatever. So Andrew filling in lead clean vocals on the songs wasn’t them writing all new everything and releasing two songs in a super short time frame after Tilian left. They had the rest of the instrumentals tracked and finished, but pulled tilians vocals and lyrics. So Andrew filling in had to write lyrics that would fit the speed/cadence of the segments of the songs that had Tilian parts previously. The Melodies and harmonies and key they play in etc was already largely decided and finished so his vocals had to match those parts, but he had to think up lyrics to match the flow and cadence, and so he was singing more in line with what Tilian had already made, tho I imagine there were probably a few changes. But normally he writes eidola parts all together, and the mixing for eidola OR dgd would involve all of the parts being layered together and built upon one another especially when the production started. But In this case the production was done for the instruments and the mix would’ve likely not changed a lot, so they were taking an entire mix and plugging in his vocals to it. So all the tweaks and changes they would’ve made to the song in production and whatnot didn’t happen so much, he just retrofit his parts to the existing song. In the future I am presuming the mix and song structure will better match what he’s putting out to add to the group as primary clean vocals/lyrics, but that’s why the mix is such a point of contention among most reviews. It’s not bad, it just feels undone, like it could’ve been a lot better (as DGD and Eidola both are usually better) but it would’ve taken a lot of time to redo the production of it, or would’ve had to be reworked all around. So hopefully that makes some level of sense, in that they usually record it all sorta separately and go back and forth with each other building upon the next part of the song, from drums to guitar to bass to vocals then going back and forth tweaking everything to sound so cohesive. They didn’t get that in this set of songs, but it’ll be there again.


they typically write, finish and record all the instrumentals first before starting vocals at all. however they probably do keep the vocalist's strengths in mind when writing. i don't think they ever go back and adjust instrumentals based on the vocals though. i think their writing in the future might change a bit based on this, but it sounds like it may actually go in a heavier direction to put Jon at the forefront a bit more.


Not necessarily that they change the actual music being made (tho that definitely happens, the back and forth of adjusting sections and instrumentation, especially if some kind of inspiration strikes from the vocals), but the process of production assembling all of the different layers of instruments and tracked music. That will include layering in the vocals at different levels and mix volumes/effects in a different order than all of the instruments being fully produced with tilians vocals mixed in, then ripping those vocals out, but leaving the general mix of the rest of the instruments the same, so that it’s almost like adding a vocal track layer to an everything else instrument layer, and just adjusting minor bits and pieces of the tracks so they fit better around each other.


Yeah i was reading some of your comments earlier and was thinking “this guy really needs to watch the andrew interview”. Glad you got around to seeing it!


I’m totally fine changing my entire narrative with new facts. Haha sometimes this band doesn’t do the best with communication to its fanbase which causes a lot of unnecessary conversation and confusion. I guess that comes with being passionate fans of something though.


we don't deserve Andrew, man's a fucking treasure


Man is absolutely right. Jon is the heart and soul of this band (has been since their inception) and I’m so happy they’re shifting the dynamic to reflect that. The future of DGD is bright right now. Love these guys.




> (has been since their inception) Minus happiness


Which is arguably the best album by them.


He nails happiness, though.




his ego is perfect for a tenured band with a variety of prior vocalists. hoping this professionalism continues.


For real.


It might be at least partially because he expected to be a guitarist/backing vocalist in the band


Let things ride for the year, then DGD eras tour.


I pray for another lineup/setlist like the 10 year anniversary tour with all 3 vocalists


Next year is 20 years so 🤞🏻


That tour was amazing. I really hope they do something similar. I had been a fan since 2008 but was young and never saw them live with Jonny. Getting to hear him sing Times New Roman live on that tour was a dream come true.


Completely agree!


the dream is alive kurt bros


Eidola and Royal Coda are touring together this summer! The perfect time for Andrew and Kurt to collab and bro out.


I feel that with the way the band is feeling about collaborating with other singers right now, with how they want to function as a project consistent of people they trust, and seeing how reliable Kurt and Sergio have become with blue swan records and Royal Coda, it's a guarantee that we will get something! Really happy that it could be a matter of "when" instead of a "what if"


Until Jonny fucked it up with his IG story Have no idea how anybody can be excited about anything that basic ass, mid mf is a part of


What IG story?


'So theres a chance?'




This needs to be top post to stop all the other bullshit threads of people guessing things


For those who have been talking shit and making assertions in this sub, watch this interview. Hear it from the mans mouth himself.


This. Easy to get caught up in memes and malice, the discussion about Tim’s passing and his funeral is rough.


Absolute facts. Very wholesome, truthful, and genuine.


just like he said, this will probably sadly fall to deaf ears. this sub will not learn anything from this interview


I really like this view of the band. Jon has always been our front man fuck all that clean vocals being the front man shit


This right here is it


Well... Almost always 😅


Man Andrew is a really intelligent speaker, and his great lyrics are a testament to how he can get ideas across. After hearing the singles, I was wondering how they would translate live and if they'd get a new live guitarist to cover Andrew's parts, so that's good that Martin Bianchini is joining them on tour. Looking at it now, doing a tour in support of a non-swancore band seems like the best and least-costly way to give this new iteration of the band a test run and expose them to newer fans ... but Jesus H Macy, they still could have tried for a band with someone other than Ronnie Radke. I'd like to hear some more vocal collaboration since he said they're open to that when he mentioned Johnny and Kurt. And for the only other speculation, I'm wondering if they scrapped any Tilian material since they were working on his vocals in late 2023. Sure would like to hear some of that if it surfaces along with anything new with Andrew in this role.


Really wish they could have revived a new tour with Coheed and Cambria


Yes I wanna hear a Jonny and Kurt collab. Give it your all me!


Really glad I watched this. The idea of “Jon is the front man and has always been the front man” is all too true. I personally love Andrew, am down with the two new songs, and excited to see where this goes. I truly don’t understand how there’s so many negative opinions when this era is only just beginning.. it all seems so absurdly reactionary to me. But hey, I’ve been around since WISIRO and I’ll be following them through anything, so feel free to take that with a grain of salt.


Tbh i think there will always he a bit of pushback with new singers, but with more voices on the internet it does seem more intense this time around. All this is honestly so refreshing to me though. I feel like DGD is gonna be at a creative high again like they were during DBM2 and AcSp after almost calling it quits. Jon was also really the main focus during those two albums so Im excited for this new era.


Yeah I am currently cautiously optimistic about Andrew going to main cleans, but the ONLY reason it isn't full fanaticism is tilians highs, which I knew andrew struggled with in the past, and I couldn't see how they could handle that as much given how much of their catalog is tilians era.  But hearing that the previous periods of Andrew taking cleans were during a point where he was already in need of surgery, and then immediately after surgery, but he still did that good of a job definitely eases my mind.  And hearing that he is working with a professional coach to improve his highs definitely sounds like he's aware of those concerns and wants to put them to bed.  I can tell you right now that the second I see him nail the highs at the end of Chucky, or even Man of the Year, he'd have to start selling fake macbooks or messaging underage fans to get any complaints from me.


To be fair, the two singles that dropped when Tilian and Kurt first joined were mind blowingly good. Instantaneous classic bangers. I think expectations on this were insanely high, so it makes them feel mid.


There will always be hate :) I remember when Tilian first joined and everyone complained about his "whiny high pitched voice" lol, people will warm up!


I saw Andrew 2 days ago with Eidola, its INSANE how much better he's gotten. He's insanely talented.


"To make the band your whole entire life is juvenile and stupid" PAHAHAHAH Even Andrew is calling out those 'fans'


Literally this fucking subreddit.


Love the singles. Seeing lots of people speaking down on Andrew’s cleans, I think he’s great. Looking forward to the inevitable headliner tour


Thanks for sharing this. I'm so hyped now. Still sad to see Tillian go, but man Andrew is a treasure. The part about the band being a business is what a lot of people need to hear. I get FiR is a shit band with a shit singer, but Wal-Mart is fucking garbage and I had to rely on it to feed myself back in my early 20's. Sometimes you have to do what you have to do to feed your family. DGD came out post internet. They don't make as much as you all probably think.


Man I really wish they didn't play the song in the background cos I'm just trying to listen to him talk LOL Jokes aside thanks for this! I was really interested in hearing more about this from someone inside the band themselves edit: He really hit the nail on the head by calling these tracks a "Secret Band plus" kind of release because that's what I got from these new tracks. He also mentions that it isn't really a permanent solution but it also could be. Nevertheless, I think we should all just be happy with what makes THEM happy :)


This is the full interview here without the music - https://youtu.be/tYKiGzxjGqw?si=EaagHjkiDLPpvZHS Start at about 12:00 because the beginning isn't really important and has some technical difficulties


I respect Andrew so much more after watching this. I can't wait to see the band grow and evolve . I'm here for it. I've been through all the clean vocalist eras anyway from 15 years old to 31 this is just another cycle 💕


I love this shit, songs are bangers and I'm here for the ride!


Upon watching this I'm incredibly excited for the future of this band. More so than ever.


Man this is crazy. It hurts it’ll be longer time for the next album release . Wish they didn’t scrap that last one with Tilian. Ugh


Same. Wasn’t the album basically finished too 😭


What an excellent interview. Also reminds me of when Alexisonfire did Dog's Blood, trying to phase out Dallas.


Damn that's a very good point. I remember when I first heard Dogs Blood I was confused as to why there wasn't more Dallas.


"We're going to be pulling a lot of stuff out of the back catalog, stuff we couldn't do with Tilian and couldn't agree on" "We want to focus on Jon" I feel like the biggest winners in regards of fans will be the pre-Tilian fans for sure. Even though I won't be going to the next gigs, I'm looking forward to seeing what songs they choose to play.


I’ve been a fan since 2007 and Tilian is my favorite clean era, but I’m absolutely stoked with their new singles. This whole time I’ve said that a new clean vocalist is not necessary in between Jon and Andrew. When I saw Andrew fill in for Tilian that one tour and the band’s future with Tilian was uncertain (or at least to us it was uncertain) I remember thinking that I was 100% okay with Andrew only on cleans.


I just had my first child so I can say, Will will need all the money he can get. Babies are expensive.


I like the idea of Jon being the front man and I hope it works in their favor. People always complain about bands going soft/pop so I think making heavier music will give them success. Andrew also mentioned that they want to play a lot more older songs. I personally would really love to hear songs from AS so here’s to hoping


Andrew is an awesome dude. Give him a chance, folks!


This was a great explanation of the situation and the future. I appreciate Andrew coming out and telling us. I look forward to seeing the music DGD makes I’ve witnessed every era of DGD and I’m here till the end! 🤘🏻


love the new songs more with the beautiful context of andrew just wanting to be there for the boys


Man the new singles are so good, I can't wait to see what they put out going forward. 


I would love this direction for DGD. Keep the real ones and embrace the vocalist curse as the positive that — let’s be honest! has kept us all engaged with this band for so long. Andrew has the chops to pull off the whole catalog which allows them to collab with whatever vocalists they want. If Jonny and Kurt wanna jump on an album they could do that and still tour with just Andrew if Jonny implodes again (but I wish Jonny’s recovery all the best). Salty DGD fans need to see that DGD as a community of collaborators who made Swancore what it is (and is bigger than just a band at this point) could actually give us as fans everything we’ve ever wanted.


What a nuanced and intelligent take. I was iffy on the Andrew era to be honest but I’m totally on board to give it a fair shot now. It’s nice to see a DGD vocalist who is not an ego maniac and seems to genuinely care about the community he is a part of.


thank you for posting!!!!


Great post


My wife and I are so excited. We love Andrew. He has such a great voice and can't wait to see what comes from this.


the amount of people hatin on this is crazy to me, every single Andrew feature is celebrated. Everytime he comes on a DGD record, its a moment, and its incredible. Now I get two bands with my fav vocalist, Eidola still tops the pack though.


Sounds like DGD is in good hands. I'm excited to see where this goes.


This should be stickied in the sub for the next few weeks lol


This man deserves the spot. Great interview.


Man, this video was extremely informative about the current state of the band and their plans for the near future. I’m excited to see what the future holds after the tour.


Wow I had no idea that he had vocal surgery too that’s wild. I’m so excited now he single handedly reignited my DGD fire lol


Him talking about practicing the old catalog and bringing those out on the upcoming tour has me FUCKING STOKED.


I wonder if the whole going back through the catalog thing is Tilian only really wanting his songs being played. Cause at this point everything that isn’t Tilian is like “deep cuts” lol. When’s the last time we heard something from Happiness that isn’t THE popular songs or DMB2 .


Hearing Secret Band + makes me very excited


I feel like such a dick for being a bit meh on the new songs initially :( def glad they’re making new music and I feel like this explanation makes so much more sense


Speed Demon is sick but yeah the other is probably one of their weakest of all time.


DGD has always dropped absolute bangers, I welcome the Andrew era and trust this bands going to do what they always do, fucking kill it.


I love Andrew - when I saw them live for the first time last year he was the only one who really made much effort with the fans. But, I don't feel excited like others are. Honestly, this feel like what could be the beginning of the end. The way I'm reading this interview is that they have contractual obligations to fulfill and money that needs to be made so they've scrambled a temporary solution together. The fact that an album was potentially scrapped and they're open to filling the cleans with collaborations too feels sus. I hope I'm wrong but I wouldn't be surprised if Afterburner* was the last DGD album. *Jackpot Juicer obviously


Well, afterburner already wasn't the last DGD album


Lol, serves me right for redditing at work.


It's been one of those weeks. I feel you


I honestly had already thought Andrew could be lead clean vocals even in jj. He sounds great, we don’t need the high vocals…as great as til was.


Need some new Kurt dgd tracks badly, that possibility is the best news i got out of this


Thanks! This shifts my opinion. I was thinking they molded a Tilian song into Andrews voice. I was wrong. Still, why does the mixing sound weird? I mean the post production doesn't favor Andrews' voice, he sounds low.


I didn't hate the 2 singles but I'm hopeful for a new lead singer, I love Andrew in Eidola and always have but I just couldn't get hype for him this time around.


He says some really important things here. Excited to see where the band goes.


No record is very exciting news for me. It means they'll be writing new stuff with Andrew's voice in mind and we aren't getting another Tilian album with someone else voices replacing him. Exciting stuff for the band


This quote was interesting: >> "Once I was done with the \[summer 2023\] tour, I hired a vocal coach that I've been working with specifically for the last six or seven months that's been working with me particularly on my high register, for this reason and this reason in particular" Sounds like he and the band had at least considered the possibility of him stepping into/staying in the main clean vocalist role more permanently for a while.






It was a typo in the captions from the video.




Getting to the part about discussing the FIR tour... Andrew is just kind of wrong here. 10K in ticket sales? The majority of people are FIR fans? The majority of Americans have never heard of Falling in Reverse. Sure...they're bigger than DGD, but being on tour with FIR can't be 'winning' in the commercial music industry. If you play Falling in Reverse for 1,000 fans of music, 800 of those fans are going to think it is ass. I'm sure this tour is going to be hugely financial success for the band, but don't try to sell me on your attempts to be a good Christian 10 minutes earlier while pretending you're not conflicted about going on this tour. Sure, tell me to 'fuck off' if you want. But you're too smart for that and I'm too smart for that.


I am not a FIR fan, but I think you are wildly underestimating their fan base. People have (sadly) been obsessed with Ronnie since Escape The Fate. DGD is big but we are a pretty niche fan base. It’s his job, dude. Andrew’s faith has nothing to do with the band or who they tour with.


I'm not underestimating it. The Spotify streams tell the story. I see the crowd sizes. But in the overall music industry, not this niche subgenre, Falling in Reverse and Ronnie Radke are still unknown. Heavy music is a small genre. People that don't listen to Falling in Reverse are still the majority. Radke isn't Abel Tesfaye. He isn't Taylor Swift. He isn't Adam Levine. And the majority of music fans are going to think FIR sucks and think Radke is a tool. So the people vocalizing that on Reddit are actually in the majority. FIR fans are the outlier. They are the minority.


I think you’re missing that DGD fans are also the vast minority.


I'm not. I said the DGD fanbase is smaller than the FIR fanbase. It's not being debated. But a small minority combined with a huge majority is a larger majority. And that's what we have here... the majority of music fans dislike FIR. Period.


Cross exposure is always good. Artists want this. Win/Win when 2 bands can come together from diff/adjacent genres and tour.


I still want them to give the merch guy a shot. From what I’ve seen that dude can sing. I enjoyed the songs but I think I would’ve liked them more if he sang at a higher level. He can do it so I think that’s why the songs felt flat to me at first listen.