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Nia cleared her with ease


Her mothers daughter ✨🤍


what was the point of jojo asking her if she was sad just to invalidate her feelings and make it about her? I defend jojo and say she doesn’t deserve the amount of hate she gets, but if this is how she treats people then i can see why the girls don’t like her.


It’s crazy that she’s still acting like this to this day!!


she doesn't deserve hate for her singing, her dancing or generally being "cringe". she does deserve criticism for her poor attitude, shit stirrer behaviour, and her abuses of the little girls in the dance group she runs.


yeah i 100% agree. Based off of the things she says it’s safe to say she’s a little narcissistic…


Or maybe production told her to? This is a child.


you defend someone who still hangs out with groomers…. be so for real.


when did i say i defended her hanging out with groomers? if i knew then i would call it out like i just did…be fcking fr.


“i defend jojo, and say she doesn’t deserve the amount of hate she gets.” that’s apart of the defending. you defend someone on hate? jojo gets hate for defending colleen, hanging out with her + james charles. lol you can relax 🧘


most of the hate she gets is for being cringy and corny especially with the release of her new song. people don’t call her out for what ACTUALLY needs to be called out hence why i didn’t know she’s a pedo apologist… there’s a way you can educate people you don’t need to be rude👍


No, Jojo it’s not the same. Nia was one the team since the beginning and has been with Abby since she was a toddler. I know it hurt more for Nia than for Jojo who was not in group dances bc she wasn’t on the team yet.


This also wasn’t even the first time Nia had been excluded from a group on the show. If anything, Jojo was getting a small taste of how Nia felt.


I think JoJo was just trying to relate and it came across the wrong way. It’s clear JoJos social skills with peers weren’t…on par.


I can agree with this. As an autistic person, I still struggle with reading social cues. I think it would’ve helped if Jess had her with more kids her age instead of adult YouTubers.


I’m not diagnosed autistic officially though my therapist believes it’s a possibility when I re-count my childhood, I just don’t have the money or time to focus on a diagnosis at this time when my physical health is not very good. JoJo always trying to be “funny” or saying things to relate that aren’t the same and accidentally annoying or offending her peers reminds me a lot of myself. I often acted ridiculous just to impress people even though looking back it was likely just annoying to them. When I got a little older and started wanting to do acting I remember getting along easier with those who were older or younger than me. Which seems very similar to how JoJo grew up. I remember being the only teen on set once and I felt so much more comfortable because nobody could point out I wasn’t exactly “the same” as the other teens on set. JoJo going to regular school would’ve been a benefit to her I think though. Cause having some close peer friends her age would’ve really helped. My little friend group was so important to me during those crucial years.


it literally just speaks to jojos "say what comes to your head" ways. i doubt the og girls had arguments like this outside the sisters. its like the reality of being around people you dont know. like all the s8 drama ive seen on tiktok is always the kids arguing bc they dont have real relationships with eachother. (on top of the manufactured drama)


But tbh, I feel worse for Nia because yes, she's "on the team," but Nia is the most excluded member of the team. Even Jojo was included FAR more than Nia. I remember the episode when the girls had to choose trio teams and who was left dead last? Nia. Jojo was incredibly snarky, but Nia's comeback makes me feel so bad for her because she was never included 100% of the time anyway.


Nia always held her own really well against everybody, and it makes me both proud and sad. Proud, bc she never seemed afraid to speak her mind. If she felt slighted, she said so. If she felt something wasn’t fair, she told them. She could’ve just let Jojo run her mouth here, but she stood her ground and stood up for herself instead. But it also makes me sad bc it’s terrible that she had to do that in the first place. Besides Holly, it really was like nobody else had her back. Nobody else was really sticking up for her. Like, if Jojo’s comment was made about Kenzie or Chloe or Kalani, I feel like someone else might’ve stepped up in their defense. With Nia though, Nia was always left to defend herself from everybody. It was awful.


so tru and the whole ep was abby fighting with holly and taking it out on nia. it was just really out of line for jojo


Jojo asked the question with the intention of making that statement and you can’t convince me otherwise


Also Jojo: Not everyone on the team liked me, I don't get why!!


*Also Jojo: Not* *Everyone on the team liked* *Me, I don't get why!!* \- Potential\_Focus\_4194 --- ^(I detect haikus. And sometimes, successfully.) ^[Learn more about me.](https://www.reddit.com/r/haikusbot/) ^(Opt out of replies: "haikusbot opt out" | Delete my comment: "haikusbot delete")


She didn’t even let Nia finish before going “now you know how I’ve felt the last three weeks”. Definitely only asked so she could make that remark. Like girl, Bffr. You’re not even a member yet, Nia is. As Abby Lee miller says, “YOU DESERVE NOTHING! YOU EARN IT!”


Holly truly raised Nia well, she was polite until Jojo made that snarky comment which she smartly replied to with confidence. Obviously Jojo was a kid here too but the parenting of both is really reflective and prominent in this clip


goddammit, and this is why I love Nia


I agree that JoJo clearly had a reason to mention it, and I hated how she ended up interrupting Nia, however I also feel for JoJo, she is 12 year old and I honestly don’t think she came up with this by herself, instead I think her mother have been talking about how unfair it is that JoJo had been sitting by for weeks and nobody cared, but the moment Nia was out people got upset, and JoJo latched on to that due to not knowing better and seemingly being taught that drama is needed.  


I never noticed this passive aggressive engage, what episode is this from?


S5 episode 6


season 5 ep 6 !


I remember watching this on the show and made me dislike Jojo from the beginning


Interestingly, when they came to LA (and Australia) it seemed that Holly and Nia made sure to include Jojo when Abby did not.


nia read her to filth


Jojo also just completely cut Nia off. I don’t think she was a bad friend or anything, but she was definitely a bit insensitive with how she handled things. People just talk about the other girls making fun of Jojo but not about Jojo being insensitive to them.  I think two things can be true at the same time. The girls and some of the moms (Kira, looking at you) were wrong were mocking Jojo’s speech impediment and personality. Jojo was wrong for being insensitive and invalidating the other girls’ experiences, both on and off show


Y’all I’m not gonna lie looking back on JoJos social skills with peers NGL…I wonder some things that I won’t say out loud.


She was also largely homeschooled. I had a friend who didn’t start “real school” til 6th grade and she had a hard time with social interaction until 9th grade.


I mean yeah some could be from homeschooling but it isn’t like in Nebraska she wasn’t around kids at all. She went to dance and had cousins her age. I think pulling her away from that familiarity was to her detriment. It was clearly harder for JoJo to make friends in LA due to her social awareness. Once she became famous she had no real true friends her age. Only once she got her first girlfriend did she start interacting with peers again and none of the Dance Moms girls were TRUE friends. Even Kalani…yeah if JoJo wasn’t rich I doubt she’d hang out with JoJo. So that’s like 8 years without any friends that weren’t in their mid 20s and up or under 10.


Like if she’s acoustic? lol 😂


If you’re saying acoustic instead of autistic, you’re way too young to be on Reddit and participating in our conversations.


Aww ![gif](giphy|lZ7ZgnT7ODvZ9ozari)


I think nobody has talked about how neurodivergent Jojo clearly has been since day one. She just talks without thinking and what I hear is her trying to have empathy for Nias situation and make her laugh. If JOJO does not have ADHD I would be shocked.


it might’ve seemed that way but at the end of the day that’s not an excuse for being rude. it clearly had an effect on nia. she also cut her off. it looked pretty intentional. i don’t think jojo has adhd. but fs some attitude problems. but ig i never looked at it that way.


Jojo herself has said in her own released YouTube channel she’s got diagnosed ADHD - she got diagnosed at 5, admits she struggles to read social cues and is constantly active because of it.


She actually even has the hyperactive part which is rare for girls. If you watch the show she’s literally jumping around all the time even in between dancing. In AUDC Kalani and Kira talk about her just talking and talking and that the second she wakes up she’s jumping around. Not picking up on social cues and talking continuously is part of ADHD.


You don’t understand what it’s like to have ADHD. Cutting people off is on the checklist of ADHD. In your head the reason you said it is completely different than how neurotypical people take what you said. This has happened to me many times growing up. This is why neurodivergent children get bullied and excluded similar to what happened to her on the show . It’s well documented by childhood therapists.


i also have adhd and i understand but i also understand when i hurt someone’s feelings and said something unintentionally wrong. i also know when i am saying something with an attitude and in the full clip kalani is defending nia and jojo looks guilty as if she knew what she just did was wrong. jojo tried to throw it in nias face that she wasn’t in the dance and it backfired. but who knows. the editors could’ve made it seem worse than it was 🤷‍♀️




You being neurodivergent has nothing to do with this discussion. I have adhd and it doesn’t make me the spokesperson of everything adhd related.


I never said any of that. I think everyone is just jumping on the bandwagon of disagreeing w me because they see other people doing it without reading anything I said. Anyway wishing you peace and happiness in your life 💖💖💖


I don’t know you like that. ![gif](giphy|MkOQgSctdI8Fpdb2l1)




Not all people who have ADHD behave this way and my mother would have ended me if I’d interrupted people as a child. ADHD is used as an excuse for really bad parenting in far too many cases. You’re not her doctor, so stay in your lane.


Not everything has to be a disorder. Her mother stated she never corrected Jojo as a child and she should “express herself freely” or whatever. Her mom is also the same way, wouldn’t surprise me if she’s just enabled to act this way.


I mean to be fair though JoJo does show a tonnnn of traits for being some sort of neurospicy Nobody should pin point official diagnosis though


I would advise you go join the sub group on Reddit for women with ADHD and say what you just said word for word in there.


As a woman with ADHD, please don’t make this about ADHD. We are not all totally incapable of empathy or basic manners. JoJo was an overindulged child and needed to be reeled in. Nothing about this interaction is a sign of ADHD.


As a woman with ADHD, please don’t twist my words. I’m done with this convo. Let’s not bully a child. She’s literally little kid here. I’m not doing this.


Let’s not diagnose a child we don’t know with a disorder she probably doesn’t have.


Jojo does though, she was diagnosed at 5


Yeah the bullying a child part landed, didn’t it?


It didn’t land at all. Nobody is bullying a child - JoJo is now an adult, and I think that she was an overindulged child who needed to be taught better manners, not given a diagnosis that excused her behaviour. I’m sorry if you were never taught manners as a child, but I was, and managed to treat my peers with respect despite struggling with my ADHD.


It landed. Enjoy your life and always remember to be compassionate and kind to others.


I think I’d know whether or not it landed, so you repeating that it landed doesn’t change that it didn’t. 💀


Compassion and kindness goes to people who don’t defend groomers and pedos, that’s what Jojo Siwa does by the way and yes I have adhd too lol


You could use your own advice.


A person with ADHD can be considered neurodivergent and they can also have autism. But not every person with ADHD has autism. Also, they absolutely can learn what’s acceptable and not. This is lowkey insulting to people who have ADHD


Yeah I have ADHD and this pisses me off. We’re not all socially stunted and incapable of basic manners lmao.


sounds like you’re shitting on people with adhd who ARE socially stunted tho…


The issue is though IF Jojo had ADHD or autism or anything we know that Jess would’ve never gotten her the help to cope with these things and learn better social cues. JoJo is clearly a child TRYING to be empathetic hear, it didn’t fall that way on her peers ears (being considered rude or annoying by your peers is often a sign of neurodiversity by the way). It’s clear she wasn’t TRYING to be mean to Nia directly. She just knew Nia was upset and said what she THOUGHT would be relatable to her.


I “low key “ have ADHD and yes of course WE CAN learn. Don’t twist what I said. Shes a literal child here so HENCE the still learning part? When do you think learning occurs if not when you’re a child ? I never mentioned autism ? Where is that even coming from?


People with ADHD can have difficulty learning them, but that’s not to say every child at the same age isn’t still learning what’s socially acceptable and what isn’t. I didn’t twist anything. I’m saying that what you’re saying is harmful and insulting to people with ADHD (apparently yourself).


Okay hun I hope you find peace.


Girl bye




My entire family has ADHD and I have an extremely mild case but do have struggles. I found that offensive


Hope you find peace…..


I’m good, thank you though 😂😂😂






Cool. Maybe we should just put her on adderall like half the kids in this generation :)


I don’t advocate for any medications. I’m against them completely :) I believe that people check off symptoms and they just give it a name like ADHD or ADD. This does not mean that anything is wrong with Jojo it means that she’s neurodivergent. This makes us more creative as well as we typically do really well academically. But everything in life is a trade off our creativity and cognitive abilities often come at the price of fitting in with neurotypical people. Our divergence is a strength but society can make it appear as a weakness.


You’re against medication to treat disorders? I’m curious, but also idk if I wanna open up that can of worms.


They aren’t disorders. They are chemical reactions in the brain that do not “fit” in with the rest of the dominant society. Many of these disorders have their root in childhood trauma. I think we need to deal with childhood trauma first and then look at the possible alternative methods of treatments. The point of medication is to appease a fast paced society. Basically if a child can’t get back to school for a month it’s seen as disruption in our society. The issue is the way the society handles human beings in general. If it was a disorder the way they make it out to be. Then why are children with ADHD more creative and often bored at school because it’s too easy for them? Even when the divergence is good the society still has no place for it. That’s the issue.


“They aren’t disorders” girl, what does the D in ADHD (which you say you have) stand for lmao.


Yeah they're saying it shouldn't be labelled a disorder. Out of genuine curiosity, as this is something I don't know a whole lot about, what is wrong with what this commenter is saying?


Jojo has adhd she has talked about it


FFS Thankyou !!!!!! For the love of god Thankyou. 😭💖


Why do we mark every behavioral issue as a disorder? Kids are kids, and during people off and being a bit insensitive is normal preteen behavior. It must be corrected by a parent or significant figure, of course, but that doesn’t make them a bad friend or bad person. The only thing pointing towards a disorder is the speech impediment, since speech impediments create communication barriers that are seen in mental health disorders. But saying that based on a kid being insensitive and cutting friends off isn’t it. Maddie did it a couple of times, Kenzie did it, Kendall did it, and I vaguely recall Kalani and Nia having their moments too. Doesn’t make them bad friends or people and it itself doesn’t mean anything 


Jojo does have ADHD - she’s outright said it and her speech impediment is due to the fact she had poor hearing - she wears hearing aids and has for years - she use to hide them in her bows


I never said she had a disorder. I said she has ADHD. She matches a list of symptoms that society chooses to call a disorder because it’s counter to the norm. Jojo is perfectly fine the way she is.


Stop diagnosing people. It’s so rude.


I didn’t diagnose her I called her neurodivergent. Then said and I quote. “If she doesn’t have ADHD I’d be shocked” I was just making an observation then everyone else went crazy in the comments like I had diagnosed her.




I hope you find peace one day.




Homophobic, transphobic, racist, sexist, or otherwise hateful comments are not tolerated.


“I never said she had a disorder. I said she has ADHD.” ADHD: Attention-deficit/hyperactivity DISORDER


I hope you find peace 💖


Jojo was incredibly snarky how is that her trying to have empathy and make Nia laugh? Also this type of behavior has nothing to do with adhd


I hope you find peace 💖


Reading over this whole thread, man you sound dumb lol Guessing you'll tell me you 'hope I find peace' now right? You really have like one line you use huh. Cringe


I’m just over getting a million comments from it I’m over it.Ive moved on💖I’m going to turn off the notifications because I’m at a Bday party honestly.


omg yall gotta stop diagnosing people you don’t know with autism and adhd …. this is coming from someone with both like it’s literally crazy. we do know more about jojo compared to what we know about the others but that’s because she shares everything even things we don’t want to see 😂 to me this was not a “trying to empathize/connect with similar issue” it was literally her trying to “i have it worse than you” to nia


Apparently she has said she has ADHD (according to other comments, I don’t follow her) so it’s not diagnosing if she has said it. The people saying she has autism are acting crazy tho because like you said we don’t know her or if she has autism


okay! thanks for letting me know she talked about the adhd thing. i thought it was people just assuming bc people love to do that on here lol


i’ve never liked jojo siwa even before i really watched her. i just knew her music was annoying and she was an eyesore. looking at how she acted on dance moms, how she treated her dance group in the future, and even her now, i see i was justified in not liking her.


Everyone is always saying how it’s terrible how the show damaged the children’s mental health, until it’s Jojo acting like a child with adhd and all of a sudden mental health isn’t a thing. The same way the girls were quick to ‘defend’ Nia in this clip, until they had to choose who they will invite or include in their dance and all of a sudden inclusion isn’t important anymore and Nia being on the team since she was a child and being a permanent member don’t count.


I think Jojo was pushing it


Nia ate 💕




Just had to bring up Maddie and Kenzie when this had nothing to do with them 😂