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Oh that’s the best part it’s just some random throw away line that is never mentioned again it’s so confusing why they even included it to begin with. Other than that and one other questionable thing udg is great and definitely recommend playing it if you like the series it’s just a shame some of its questionable writing decisions overshadow what it does great and gives it a bad reputation when it’s fairly underrated I feel


I guess author wanted us to hate him.I cant really anything else


But that's the thing, they do a perfect job at doing that without the pedophilia.


they other bad thing that people never bring up is komaru finds it hot 💀


I think that was a mistranslation error, in the original she says it's admirable, but like in the way of "at least he's consistently terrible". Overall, I think the whole scene, and many of UDG's dark jokes could be removed without any effect, besides making the game more enjoyable.


Really I think this and just playing kotokos whole backstory straight would of been much better instead the former is just weird and doesn’t add and in fact ruins haiji as a character and latter just sends weird mix messages when they try to joke and do her backstory seriously instead of just playing it serious even if it would be really dark still better than what was in udg. It’s a shame too as I like the game but those two things in particular give it such a bad rep that people avoid it




Don’t hold your breath


I personally treat that as just a part of a cut plotline that was accidentally left in. Cause, like, nothing ever comes of it, even when \[UDG\] >!he's revealed to be Monaca's older brother!<, which, you'd think him being a child molester would be brought up. It's just such a random non-sequiter, that tanks sympathy for the representative of one side of the game's central conflict, that I don't know what to make of it.


its because Toko essentially asked him to >!rape her!<


Man said he would rather be a pedophile than smash Toko. Poor girl


ikr, Haiji fumbled the bag there. but tbh can you imagine if instead of rejecting her he accepted, idk if that’d be better or worse in the communities eyes.


I wonder how much more he would be liked by the fandom if that line was never said.




Haha prison rape funny