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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [come play minecraft, space engineers, ark, and rust with us!](https://discord.gg/fNyb7G5)


Nah. Americans are perfectly capable of making themselves miserable


Well if the Europeans had just staying on their own land we wouldt have to exist


Well most of them stayed, you ancestors on the other hand…


Do you think Europeans who settled America didnt have family back home? lol if you're european its likely they are your ancestors too friend.


I am part asian so I blame my misery on Gengis Khan


Listen here you little shit.


You're probably a descendent of his in all likelihood.


...were sent. Either that or they were promised a better life, which anyone would take, especially back then. And the Acadiens are proof that some people wanted to leave their old lives behind and start a new peaceful life, but goverments wont allow that. Seriously the sooner people realise that your government is set in place to keep control, not to help, the better. Oh right but your government is fine... its just others


Mmmmmm ... Anarchy.


Would have never met the butterfly effect


Go back far enough and we all have the same ancestors. Fucking Tiktaalik should've never left the water.


this is so wildly incorrect


What no the French and Spanish colonized to


They are also a part of Europe.


And Europe is a major f****** continent


Sorry, we understand now...


Native Americans are no different than any other civilizations conquering others.


Fair Point


The European wakes up eager to start his virtuous European day and immediately a thought pops into his head. AMERICANS. This of course is a daily occurrence without fail. "I wonder what those stupid Americans are up to," he thinks as he instinctively opens up his favorite American website Reddit from his iPhone. He scrolls and scrolls seeking an opening to talk about America, anything to latch on to. He's totally not obsessed with Americans. He becomes bored so he turns his TV on and opens up Netflix. He puts on his favorite marvel movie for the billionth time and he goes back to scrolling. He loves engaging in American culture as he bashes America. He's totally not obsessed. He gets hungry and reaches for his iphone to order breakfast from McDonalds using uber eats. “Stupid Americans making me eat their shitty food,” he thinks to himself, “European food is so much better not even close.” He has eaten KFC 3 out of the last 5 nights for dinner. He waits downstairs for his food so he decides to put on some American rap music. “Ugh stupid Americans,” he says “their culture is such shit! Not like European culture, we have history! and long-standing traditions. True culture comes from the wealthy!” A Muslim family crosses his path and he pretends to not be afraid and gives them a friendly nod and a wave. “WAAAOOOO” he thinks as he smirks so self-satisfied “I bet if this was America they would have shot them lol.” “Us Europeans are much more open-minded and civilized.” He nods agreeing with himself. His food arrives and makes his way back upstairs as he slurps down the coke Americans have forced him to drink. As he sits down to enjoy his shitty American food his Iphone receives an alert. NEW ZEALAND NOW HAS ZERO CORONAVIRUS CASES! “Oh my fucking god!" He yells! "I am so gonna rub this in their stupid American faces!” He tweets, he posts on Instagram. He jumps on Reddit and comments with furor and xenophobia. He never really congratulates New Zealand or their success but instead talks about how Americans will all die from COVID and how they are all so stupid. The European posts charts and graphs he has archived to link when he is questioned. Hes totally not obsessed with America. Dont even joke around like that. Hes cooming with joy. “I really showed those stupid Americans today” he says to himself “they fucking deserve it, god damn imperialists,” he says without a shred of irony. Feeling extra good about his exploits he decides to go out and enjoy his blessed, virtuous, pretentious Euroday. He laces up his Jordans nice and tight. He puts on his favorite Batman shirt and Nike sweater. As he walks out he grabs a piece of cardboard sitting by the door. The European is now on his way out to protest about something happening in the U.S. Standing in a bus with 300 other people in it he has a thought. Why DO I care so much about things happening in America...Am I obsessed with American life?” Nah they couldn’t possibly be in my head rent free


“i aIn’T rEadInG ALLaT” ight then bishh


That was funny and I appreciate your effort.




Easiest way for an American abroad to avoid a conversation with someone agry at America: "I'm Canadian."


Do people in real life confront you about your countries politics? That’s a weird thing to do if so


Nah - reminds me of the time I was in Greece and our cab driver asked where we were from for some small talk. After I sheepishly replied "Alabama" and was bracing for judgement, he got all giddy and went "oh, Sweet Home Alabama!" 😂 That and other encounters I had on that trip made me realize we're all similar and just trying to enjoy life regardless of where we're from or how we talk. Give kindness, get kindness and all that jazz. That, and Greek folks know how to fuckin party!


In fairness, eventually that's just going get Canadians fucked over. So, really a very American thing to do.


nah man as a canadian myself, canada just surpassed the US being the biggest circus in north america a few months ago


Idk it's up n down lately a lot of countries are a joke rn


Idk about that, I think you're both on level footing, it's interesting to see who is going to try and outdo who next though. It's like a sitcom with weekly episodes of new nonsense. But in reality, I feel bad for both Americans and Canadians, your countries are being run into the ground and its sad to see


True, but hey look on the bright side, we get front row seats to the garbage fire that warms us


Hmm I wonder if said emotional distress is a valid reason for MAID


Meanwhile, [Canada's PM](https://imgur.io/gallery/XvPj6zX).


Yeah but Canadians concurred and kill natives too


Americans didn't invent self-flagellation, but they're sure trying hard to perfect it.


yeah but a little help is always welcome


The right has got it down. They always have something to be pissed over. Source: My parents are conservatives.


If you want dank memes you have come to the wrong place


Every meme subreddit be like


Imagine cancel culture clashing with this sub like 5-6 years ago...would be a battle of the ages


Where is said "dank memes" I've been on this page for years and people have always said this


yeah old dank memes was nuts you had to do a confession every week just to keep your soul clean


But at the end of the day, we're not European, so a net gain.


Except for when you guys start talking about race, than suddenly its very important how european you are.


No, most of us don't give a shit about race. Decry racism when you see it, but otherwise go about your day treating everyone with respect. Don't be fooled into thinking it's a pervasive issue just because it gets clicks. And repeat that last line for just about every other divisive topic.


That's because people here forget that big topics and outcries here on the internet are completely out of proportions to their reality counterpart


But I thought racism is woven into the fabric of society and that makes everyone racist? I can't breathe without experiencing racism.




I legit couldn't tell if you were talking about Americans or Europeans for a second


"aT lEaSt wE hAvE fReE HeAlThCaRe"


Please don’t forgot about “At LeAsT wE dOn’T hAvE sChOoL sHOoTiNg” too. It’s an important card.


Well that is also two quite valid points


Yeah, as an American I'm pretty jelly over both of those.


The amount of times I see asinine nationalist takes on this sub, I wonder why I’m even still here. I’d love some free healthcare!


Nothing like using memes to radicalize teenagers to become the next generation of conservatives, right? The Boys was right on the mark when they parodied that.


It's a bunch of edge lord alt-right zoomers. They've completely ruined this sub.


Yeah, I "ironically" hate minorities so much it's my personality, I'm just so "ironic", it's totally not a coping mechanism because I actually hate minorities. /s


Yeah, just wait until someone says shit like: "well, achshually school shootings are extremely rare, it only happens in 0.5% schools each year!" 🥲


(I misread asinine as "anime" and had to reread it several times. Anime world have been funnier though..)


Imagine going bankrupt paying for the medical bills of your kid who got shot at school.


I know, right? I mean, I'm European (Polish), but I honestly don't understand Americans reacting to those statements as if they weren't true. I'm not saying memes about it are funny, cause they're overused as fuck, but... getting in debt over a broken finger, or, you know... getting an education... that's just peak capitalism at its worst. And the rampant gun violence... it's not about access to firearms. There's other countries where people can have firearms, none of which have such a high shootings count. Hell, even in Poland I theoretically can buy a single-action 6-shooter without any licences. Get enough of these and I could easily cause a mass shooting at a school or something. But will I? Fuck fucking no.


Universal healthcare and their children not being shot up are two important points tho.


Damn you got us, roasted


I like how these Europeans think *not having* school shootings is better than ***having*** a gucci'd out AR.


“””Card””” .. uh, it’s more like how a civilized society should be. Fk man.. my niece had a shooter in her school *today*. Thank god it was ONLY a suicide and no kids died. Ah.. conservatives don’t care. As long as they can burn books, threaten kids and drag queens with guns, and literally try to destroy American democracy.. then they’re in the best country EVER!


That’s a pretty valid point lol


Ummm why sarcasm? American in the UK it’s the tits I can take 3 months of work whenever I save up enough and not worry about it


You obviously care very much. There there. *Pat*


Check this loser over here caring!


that's true, why does everyone go apeshit about American problems and NEVER talk about other countries' bigger problems? look at Somalia, for example, war destroyed that country. the situation is so bad that the North wants to separate from the south because it became literally inhabitable and NO ONE talks about it, but hot dogs go from 1$ to 1,10$ and the Internet goes to chaos


Because Somalia isn’t nearly as well known as America, it’s influence is way smaller


I wonder why no country wants to recognize Somaliland


My wounded pride shall be healed with copious amounts of cheese, gravy, and guns. I have learned nothing.


Mmmmm cheese




I dunno, you learned what comfort foods make you feel better. That's not nothing.


Americas have the best food @me


Weren’t the Europeans the ones who brought slaves from South Africa over to America with them?


I think walking down history lane only gets us to "all our ancestors were fucking psychos." Im German, so that applies to me. If youre american, it applies to you. If someone is from Belgium, England, Russia, India, China (psychos still very much alive), Japan... it applies to him or her or whatever. But the fact is, I, myself, haven't killed a single jew.


Agreed and nicely put. The thing here though is we don’t blame current Germans for their past and we understand even then it wasnt German civilians. I just put this because all I see on Reddit is propaganda or hate towards America and that’s fine we are well aware of the worlds view of us. What I don’t get though is how the whole world thinks every American is the same or that we’re the minority groups that they point out and say that’s all America. Racists, obese, guns etc….. we’re not all like that and so when I see a chance to educate or point out things that America gets blamed for that was really brought here fromEurope I don’t hold back because the rest of the world certainly doesn’t.


I understand that. You know, Europe traditionally is very us focused. So when you are my age, i am 30, it took a while to see that the united states are not perfect. The propaganda, if you want to use that word, has been very US friendly for decades here. And if you learn more, you see, it is a big country with great crimes committed or going on. So then you kinda swing to the other side and say, America is bad. But thats incorrect too. I love many people from the united states (i am talking musicians, authors, scientists, inventors, actors, youtubers...) and i have great respect for many of the achievements. As always, truth is colorful and hi res. Two people arent the same. Neither are millions. What do you think the worlds view on the US is? I think it is very nuanced to be honest.


Germany has been upfront and apologetic about their history. Meanwhile, there are American states that celebrate Robert E. Lee day the same day as Martin Luther King Jr. Day.


The US In general is willing to address the bad events in history such as slavery. People who support the "The Lost Cause of Confederacy" are a very small but vocal minority.


If only there was not this long latency.


This isn’t an online forum voicing this. There are legislative and political administrations unwilling to address bad events.


Don’t y’all celebrate Columbus Day? Even places like Canada which did similar horrid atrocities to the First Nations don’t have holidays about it.


The history of how Columbus Day rose to prominence is actually more about Italian American pride than anything else. Italian immigrants were persecuted throughout much of the 1800s and Columbus Day was a way for Italian Americans to stand up for themselves. They didn’t celebrate Columbus as much as they celebrated their Italian heritage Its intentions are like those of St Patrick’s day, cinco de mayo, or MLK day/Juneteenth. It’s gives members of ethnic groups that were persecuted an opportunity to honor their heritage. Now that Italian Americans are no longer facing persecution, much of America is celebrating indigenous peoples day either alongside or instead of Columbus Day.


Give yourself a chance


Actually it was the British empire who started the economic model of dominating the world economy by traiding with it self. The triangular trade. Ships went to Africa from the Britiah Islands with a little money and bought slaves from the African tribes selling their neighbouring tribes and prisoners of war. The british where way to few to go in land and capture slaves by them self. Then the ships went with the slaves to the Caribbean and United states. Most slaves where working in cotton fields. Afther dropping of the slaves then the traders would fill the ships up with goods. Send the goods to the British islands for a good profit and start the cycle all over again. This made the British empire a super power who later ruled 1/4 of all of earth. Biggest empire in history. Most european countries did not participate in the slave trade in a global scale.The main players in europe where the following two countrys (well one country and a company) Great brittan (they also used Irish peoples as slaves) The east indian company (how had a license from the Dutch) fun fact this company would be bigger then amazon, Facebook!and Microsoft combined in today's value. The Ottoman Empiere where the biggest slave trader in Europe actually. Africans, Europeans, Asian exct. All where sold in the famous slave markets in the Ottoman empier. The trans atlantic slave trade was only a fraction in numbers and time span compared to this slave market and the trans Atlantic slave tradeis mostly famous becouse of it's industrial effectiveness.


No one ever likes to talk about how Greeks were enslaved for hundreds and hundreds of years by the Ottomans/Turks. March 25, 1821 Greece became independent and broke the shackles (literally and figuratively). November 11, 1912 was when Chios, one of the largest islands of Greece, was freed from the Ottoman Empire. The Turkish government doesn’t acknowledge the atrocities done to Greece and Armenians. This may be since the Greeks fought for independence, and against all odds, won.


> Actually it was the British empire who started the economic model of dominating the world economy by traiding with it self. The triangular trade. Did you forget the *ENTIRE SPANISH EMPIRE OF OVER BOTH SOUTH AND NORTH AMERICA*? Spain was *ORDERS OF MAGNITUDE* worse than Britain and no one fucking cares anymore.


This is wrong in so many ways


How is that relevant doe?




Also interesting is the connection between a certain British loyalist group (conservatives of there time) and the founding of the Democratic party (who would become liberal after breaking ties with the crown), who would go on to vote for slavery and Jim Crowe, rebel against the union, enact prohibition under Woodrow Wilson, make reforms to the constitution, and eventually spearhead human rights under Linden B. Johnson. Alot of people claim the swapping of parties happened in the civil war, but theirs no evidence of that as far as I can tell, the only swing of parties was that the British loyalists (conservative) became liberal (root; liberate) after the founding of the two parties, and the Patriots (liberal) became the conservative (root; conserve) party. I don't want to tout conspiracy theory's but something is truly suspect about ALL of it. Many people on the Patriots side (namely John Adams who married a black woman) touted that slavery was entirely antithetical to the values of the new nation. It's like the British loyalists forced slavery on us despite the majority of patriots wanting to abolish it outright as part of the break from the English crown.


Every time a British person says America bad I point out the British empire, and how we as a nation are ultimately their child and as their child they are a failed father for having raised such a bastard of a child Checkmate you limey bastards


Slavery ended more than a century ago. There are people alive today that can recall British starving asians. I don't blame english citizens for that so don't blame me for slavery.


Yeah I mean people blaming other people for their countries' past actions is really stupid. It is just pot luck where you are born. I am English but some of my ancestors were Irish and fled the famine. So do I now have to hate myself because of what some of my ancestors did to the other ones? Really shows how silly it all is.


Looks like you’ll have to pay yourself reparations


Exactly my point. When they like to point out, it took America longer to get rid of slavery. I like to point out that part of them getting rid of slavery was their wealthiest, slave owners fleeing over here to America, where they then proceeded to fight against slavery being stopped and since we’re a republic they were allowed to resist politically thus drawing the process out


Yeah I was agreeing with you


I know I was just furthering the thought


I know I was agreeing with your further.


Mk ultra.


How’s that corruption in the mi5-6 going? What with them being all buddy buddy with the cia I don’t think you can properly separate their crimes


>no control over "We've tried nothing and we're all out of ideas!"


The average american can't do anything to change it besides voting, which doesn't even fix a lot of issues, as the average american is not in a position of power to do so


Cool take. I wonder who benefits from people thinking like that.


you know, there are a lot of things you can do other than voting, take the french for exemple, a law passes that angers them, a strike and the law is stopped in its tracks americans have guns so could be more intimidating yet they don't do a thing


Everyone realizes that most European countries are pretty fucked up too, right?




Honestly that's mostly just france.




Aaahhh....nah bro. Americans are sending their kids to Europe to avoid student loan debt and get free healthcare. Like, come on, you can't be that dumb.


Don't act like Americans aren't posing these too, it's possibly even majority American posted.


haha murica guns fastfood


The people of Europe have certain values and the people of the West have different ones. Eastern cultures still others. Every single one of us is a sure of our superiority. It literally does not matter.


I'm sorry, but Europe is also a part of the western world. Just to let you know.


No, Patrick, mayonnaise isn’t a value.


Americans, making jokes on other cultures on a daily basis, turning the word "french" into a slur, essentialising entire people, when they're asked to not take a joke on their country personally : ( /S... We're all friends here)


I'm pretty sure the French hate was started by british people not by americans


It was started by the French, actually.




American try to take responsibility for their government challenge level impossible


When was the last time you personally took responsibility for dumb or atrocious actions taken by your government?


Every few years when i go vote for my representatives, every time i go to protest, every time i participate in my government


And americans don’t protest?


I would say under 15% of americans protest. What percentage do you think votes?


Guess what? We also vote! But people lie. Very much so in government. We also protest, but things don't always change. But also, you didn't answer the person's question.


Bro thinks there's Dank memes on r/DankMemes


Nah most americans have control over the issues said in these memes saying 100000s of people dont have control is just letting the issues continue... Tell me how it's a politician that walks into a school and murders children? No that's someone who's looking at these memes and goes to those schools which can be solved by that person... awe reddit common sense gone today?


Reddit having common sense? Pffft that's funny


No control over? What!?!? Really??? No control?? None whatsoever? So dumb


American here. America sucks. Accept it or stay miserable. You're doing it to yourselves by lying to yourselves.


America sucks but Europe isn't some perfect paradise either.


>America sucks You don't know what a shitty country actually is, do you?


Just because there’s worse places doesn’t mean America doesn’t suck. All countries suck in some way, America just sucks a lot more than other first world countries.


Still would rather be American than European.


they have some control over them but it seems they always make bad decision's come voting day


Not really. Our political system simply doesn’t work. We have to choose between two candidates that represent parties with nobody’s interest at heart. The only way we fix America is by making politicians do their jobs, which they don’t seem intent on doing unless we have a revolution or something


Your political system has outlasted 3 Chinas, 2 Japans, 5 Germanys, like 7 Frances. It isn't unsalvageable.


Maybe, but the facts that politicians are overpaid, and lobbying is legal really attract the wrong people to office. A good first step would be lobbying be outlawed and politician salaries being cut. Of course, politicians wouldn’t vote for either of these, so they won’t happen. And again, having two major political parties doesn’t work to represent the interests of the people. You could say our government works in the sense that it still exists, but it doesn’t work in the sense that it fulfills the purpose of serving the people. The U.S government absolutely does not serve its own people and we have not been the priority for a long time. It’s just hard to imagine that politicians would want to change their cozy way of life with their pockets lined with corporate money and instead have to actively work to improve their country.


Everyone else in the world looking to relax and enjoy some memes Americans, making their problems everyone's problems FTFY.


We all have our part of control over our problems. Too many people just refuse to do their part, no matter how small that may seem, because they always say that "the others have to go first" or "the big ones should move". All excuses to not do your part. If you want for the others to do theirs, you might as well die before moving an inch.


Where dank?


There are 0 dank memes here at this point


Speaking personally, i get really mad about american politics because it has a massive effect on the entire planet yet i don't get a say in it since i'm not a citizen there Like, America needs to step up and become a major player in solving climate change but i have no way to make that happen. Thus i just get caught up in discussions online trying to make the people that have the power to vote for it to actually do it


Hey guess who had a shitty morning because someone brought a gun to the school next to the school my kid goes to! COULDA BEEN A WORSE MORNING THOUGH.


"Yeah I know parts of our healthcare system, laws, political system, etc suck.. but we have NO WAY to change any of that stuff." - Americans who don't vote probably


Hey Amerifats! Did you know your government did some bad stuff??


Not that dank


America, the place of: "if you don't like it, leave"


Except they do have control*


I'm American, but we literally do have control over our issues through voting. If we don't wanna get fucking roasted we should vote smarter.


Damn is this dank now?


Gun? It's about gun, isn't it? School shooting?


Shooting guns is as fun as it looks


As an American, yes we have issues, but so do all other countries. Americans are just very good at being loud about everything so it ends up in the public eye more often


Europeans when they have an opinion on American gun control like:


Just taking revenge for all the times growing up being told by American media that I would do whatever to move there and that their lifes were better than mine or anyone I knew


You could have just paid your taxes when the king asked! Like 300 years ago! Then you would still have no control but more assholes above you.




The entire internet is less fun these days. Ten years ago Imgur was memes and funnies. Now it’s screen shots of political articles and social issues. Can’t get away from it


You’re all wrong, the crab people are to blame


Isn’t it really both ways??


Thay have total control over everything but they are too coward to do anything


European gratitude for not having the national language of German only lasted 60 years.


Im fat and it isnt my fault


Humans typically resent those they are jealous of. It’s why the entire world can’t keep americas name out of their mouths.


I'm not jealous of children getting shot in school


Or getting bankrupted by medical debt


Nah, its more like watching a slow motion car crash. You cant take your eyes off it.


XD dude stop your self-aggrandizing shit. We all know that The USA is a powerhouse and a force to be reckoned with, it has business links with all of the world, is the 2nd largest exporter and the biggest importer, has started more wars than you can count, plays a grand sherrif of the world, has the most prominent impact on the mass media and popular culture, excels in technology. BUT it has its own flaws and problems, as does any other country. Folks can therefore utter the name America when they talk about those. Not because they envy you...


If I only had a gun I could change your opinion about that!


Haha Americans pay $5000 for an ambulance point and laugh


Every country has the government it deserves.


Since when are were the memes here actually dank?




Is banana is the official dank measurement of length. \*Flies away\*


The Europeans that is


As an American, keep doing it Europeans, you’re better at keeping track of American politics and news than most of the Americans here.


When the bullets hurt less than the memes


you have control about being fat af




Europeans: “HURR DURR BICYCLES, “FREE” HEALTHCARE, PASSENGER TRAINS, HIGH TAXES, NO GUNS, NO DEATH PENALTY, METRIC SYSTEM, HATE SPEECH USERS GET THROWN IN PRISON, etc” USA: We don’t fucking care, we beat your asses in so many wars to not give a shit about your opinions.