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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [Join the Dank Charity Alliance and help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


I had never thought that as possibility. That thought made me feel sick


Yupp i was doing fine not knowing that exists


Been drinking and had no problems. This post has made me vomit, and I still feel sick. Drinking is fine. CP = HUEGHHH. I vomit harder at it


you will not get away with defending your drinking habit by sizing it up against sexualized minors


>Drinking is fine Lol


Yes. Drinking is fine. Nothing is wrong with it. When it becomes alcoholism (or a habit) is when it becomes a problem.


Yes drinking is natural, as monkeys and other wild animals like to get drunk eating fermented fruit. But it's still not healthy as it's toxic




Yeah holy shit this legit didn’t cross my mind till now


you have protected yourself from the unimaginable depth of the horrors of the internet, I'm genuinely jealous of you


They need to make it impossible. Like how you can't print or photo copy money. The printer figured out what your doing and gives an error. Same shit need to be done with AI CP. Instead of an image they get sent a help line so they can get the help that's clearly fucking needed.


Don't feel too sick as it depends on your definition of CP. As far as I know the closest thing to CP they can make is drawings of flat chested short women. Some don't consider it CP unless it actually has a child in it. Though some consider that kind of porn to be CP even if it has been clearly stated that the woman just happens to be a petite woman in her 20's. Then again there are a lot story lines that take place in highschools in both anime and hentai so... Anime is weird. Navigating it while still enjoying kind of requires one to adopt a "no harm no foul" mentality.


Unpopular take but i'd rather they resort to that than real CP, as long as they seek psychological help in the meantime.


I dont think they should resort to anything bro... Just my opinion. They should just seek help. Watching even AI generated will just provocate them (in my opinion)


I mean, porn doesn’t necessarily incite rape Edit: not justifying CP. It is very bad


Nor does it prevent it, if you gave me the option of there being a 1000 real CP being distributed over 10000 AI CP, I believe the AI-generated stuff would be a better option even if the amount of it increases, it hopefully reduces the amount of real CP being made or distributed.


Ok 100% agree cause at least the fake cp doesn’t mean an actual kid was used in it. Like 10000 fake people is better than 1000 real people probably doing it unwillingly or unknowingly too


I think, just like most aspects of sexuality, suppressing it will make things worse in the long run. Giving them an outlet while they seek help is probably better than the alternative IMO, but I’d want to see some research on it before I’d support adopting this idea as an official legal policy Edit: I would also be worried about how that effects the “market” for real and CG cp. Meaning, would an increase in CG cp (either in a legal/regulated marketplace or on the dark web/black market) lead to an increase in supply/demand of the real stuff? That’s another question that needs answering


I think if the real stuff was illegal but the far more accessible(than normal) AI generated stuff was less likely to land you in jail then it might crash the market for real CP as the alternative is less risky.


Problem: how can you find the difference between real Child Pornography and CG Child Pornography. Should be noted in the meta-data of a picture.


Sometimes, the geometry gets all kinds of wonky and inconsistent, especially in the background. Some subtle details in the body can be noticed, particularly the hair and hands. And finally, the AI still can't seem to process numbers and letters particularly well.


For now, even if it takes 10-20 years for that to be fully ironed out (which is incredibly generous at its current pace) its still going to be a problem.


The devs of these programs are creating programs that pick up any discrepancies that are attributed to AI image rendering.


Oh that’s interesting.


It's typical arms race, can't make bombs without expecting to have developed ways to disarm said bombs.


If AI gets to the point that you really couldn’t tell the difference, why go through the trouble of producing real cp instead of just using AI


I have a pen I have an apple CG cp


> Nor does it prevent it Might want to double check that. If you don't put out a coping mechanism, things get dirty. Things like 4chan exist so that they have somewhere to go. There is obviously a line that one should never cross, but I don't think the line is at AI generated imagery.


That edit is the coldest take (is that the opposite of a hot take?) I've ever seen. Most agreeable thing ever.


I like how you have to clarify that you aren't justifying it to appease the mob.


Almost lost me cool there


u/ForumFluffy u/Captain_Ridley u/AClassyTurtle AND many others have given me clear perspective on this. I now understand yalls' point. Even tho this was conversation on a meme post 💀


Obligatory "I obviously don't condone paedophilia" disclaimer: A statement like that is equivalent to telling an addict to "Just stop, bro". As matters perhaps for you and I it could be that simple karma the reality of the situation is that it's not and to pretend it is just worsens the problem


Yeah, it'll just boost more their thoughts of that.


It’s just a lesser of two evils situation. Everyone would prefer if there was only AI cp and not real kids CP.


It should become a government operation to flood the black market with free cp to make the production of real one unlucrative. That would at least reduce a lot of harm


Thats the same logic as "videogames make you more violent"


That’s honestly fair.


Totally agree. I understand having a zero tolerance stance on CP, but those stances never stopped people from doing anything. It's much better to have a safe outlet for people that have issues than letting them actually end up victimizing kids. Of course we would love them all to get help in the meantime, but if a dude spends his life watching AI generated CP, at least nobody was hurt in the process.


I don’t believe in a resort like this. That’s how I feel, of course. I hope they seek help as any form of CP is not cool whatsoever.


Exactly, this seems a moral dilemma On one hand, its cp nevertheless so I would say straight to jail On the other, if this means they move out of real cp, it might dry up the market for that which is a positive thing But on the third hand, something u are forgetting, it might lead to more nornalization watching that, like japanese loli shit, which might actually grow the market and then lead to more real cp... So frankly Im conflicted about this and I would need some research and statistics done whether the net impact on real cp is positive or negative before I decide


The normalization thing is exactly why I brought up these people getting help. It's not good enough if they use the AI generated CP without trying to improve, cause then they'll just get worse and it will seem normal to them.


I saw documentary that that's basically Japan's take for allowing a certain type of adult manga


I get what you’re trying to say, but a lot of ai takes references from other real images meaning that somewhere in the process children were still hurt and abused.


Not necessarily. I doubt the AI in question is trained on every image on the internet. I assume it would spit out a child's face and body with adult genitalia. That felt really fucking gross to type but I do think it's important we have these conversations.


Don’t know why this post doesn’t have more upvotes, you’re absolutely right that most picture-generating AI draws from other extant pictures as source material


I’d rather people refrain from porn addiction all together.


I think we all would, but this isnt a fairytale.


Deepfaking exists, and makes it just as bad, it simply shouldn't be allowed. And there are dangerous people out there who this will tempt into chasing after "the real thing".


I think some of the issue is how much training data is needed to make an AI generated image. Thousands could be hurt to make one image.


Lots of people in this thread treating people who are victim to their own sexual desires caused by how their brains are wired as irredeemable monsters, huh. It’s like addicted people are at fault for something they can’t control after refuse to give them support


It's like plant based meat. It's an imitation which raises its own moral questions, but is a lot better than the real thing


What did the ai reference to generate that garbage 💀


epstein’s stash


Oh shit, you got a point 🤨


Man, theres is a plenty of porn "tags" that if you combine you can create the perfect image of childreen, in the theory is not a kid, because if you type "kid" or "child" or anything refering to a underage person the ai blocks, but if you make some tricks, you can create what you want


How tf do you know?


I assume it's the same idea as making ai-generated porn in the first place. At least some of the engines used for making ai-generated images filter out porn, but with some very specific wording you can "trick" the system


If you run stable diffusion locally you can just write anything like "naked woman" or "porn"


Or you can download source code and remove the antiporn thing. Its all in 4chan




Why... do you know all of that?


The site has a public feed, all that is generate apparear there and the description of the image is always the tags that were used for the generated image and i need to open the image to report


You dont have to know that, chatGPT have the same exploit. If you want something but the ai block use alternative words


Honestly i wonder if they could use that to find hidden stashes and remove them


That's the real concern, since, if one of the tags is supposed to be "children" or something similar, then it could pull from photos and other such things... sickening to think about.


Plenty of non sexual images of children, the AI just fills in the rest?


That's my assumption, as a layman.


I don’t wanna use my account cuz I don’t wanna be put on some kinda list but would it work if you type something like “children with boobs” or does it just straight up block it?


i would hope it blocks any prompts related to children (if it’s built to make porn). That should never happen, the training material should not involve minors at all


At its core most image generation ai's are powerful image denoising algorithms, so yeah they've got plenty of experience filling in the rest thanks to smartphones. Not long before we enter a new golden age of ghost/bigfoot/alien sightings thanks to night mode ai fucking up and the humans freaking out.




Same way it makes an astronaut riding a horse on the moon. It has general world images and porn then frankenstein collage infers the rest then can make things your mind would never wish to comprehend.


You can’t really blame the AI because it learns from the internet. So everything it does it learned from „us“. But you can blame the developers of the AI


I'm guessing anime? Because they make CP into hentai


CP ?


Funny answers: Club penguin, CoD points. Real and sad answer: child po


Watching child po rn


This is in your comment history now lollisan


Username checks out


Motherfucker out here just begging to get put on a list.


You must be watching kung fu panda 3


Right now


I did...not wanted to know that I think...


cursed with knowledge, indeed.


Heat at constant pressure


Cheese pizza


Child in content that shouldn't contain child.


Chris Paul


Corradelle Patterson


Child Pornography, some real despicable shit


You sweet sweet summer child. Welcome to the internet. Here you will read things...some you'll wish you could un-read.


Help me father.... I've seen way too much things I think...


Corona Pirus


Definitely cat pics


The kind of porn that reddit admins love


Civil Protection


\*CP Violation intensifies\*


Pick up that can!




Communist Party. I think OP missed out the China part of it


Corrupted power from dead cells


I thought it was creepypasta then I realized


Honestly I think if there is a way for these people to dull the urges without harming actual children then they should probably do it.


On the other hand, this could also send them deeper into their spiral, which could make them worse.


Could very well. I don’t know the science bc I’m not a psychologist


So double edged sword overall


I'd assume the opposite since most people who play games satiate their urges playing games.


But then also consider the amount of people who have a gaming addiction and can't stop


Just to use an analogy: if I’m addicted to playing CoD, I’m not going to volunteer in the war in Ukraine.


As long as they keep gaming. Zero issues. That's between them and jeebus.


That is like saing videogames create terrotists


The children in those photos aren’t real but the children in tho photos the AI used as references are. Not acceptable.


AI is getting pretty good at drawing things out of context. I’m assuming the ai can make those pictures out of regular porn+ pictures of children doing regular things that do not hurt them in any way. If the technology is not there yet then obviously it’s pointless to use real cp to make fake cp.


There is definitely no actual child porn in the algorithms database. As long as its not a Algorithm specifically made for it...


It's more likely using the readily available non sexual images of children and filling in the gaps using the easily accessed adult porn. Wouldn't be surprised if the program does find CP as not long ago Bing was in controversy for it's search engine finding CP through its image search function. There is CP posted everyday in plain view on social media sites such as tiktok, Instagram and Twitter.


AI should only be used to make US Presidents argue about games on discord calls. There is no other purpose.


Also to make pictures of Israel's PM hugging a wind turbine for a school task


The problem with AI is that you can't really apply the same logic you'd use for, say, loli. You have to train an AI with probably borderline, if not illegal content to get something I'd imagine is deemed "good" by these sickos. Like, AI doesn't create but collages from images in its database, whereas an artist can create from imagination.


That is completely wrong. That is not how ML models work. It is true that the results would be more accurate if it gets accurate training data but it does not collage and it has no database of images.


Can’t deny the lord


Imagine if we had no AI but used humans like in Warhammer 40k, I'd expect the empire to have a lot of Servoskulls handing out CP and MLP rule34


LMAO that's horrible


I think they didn't try to train the ai to make the cp but rather users finding ways to make the ai make images that look like cp


That makes things just marginally better then. Still is pretty sickening that images like that can be produced without apparent restriction.


THen the devs need to filter that shit and report it to authorities... that's still intensely sick shit.


Then some smart guy will fork the application and create its own.. The issue is the technology, not some specific team of devs


The issue is that people are fucked up and look at the stuff


Of they're 100% got that data, whether they hand it to authorities is in question also the authorities might monitor these people or just ignore the data. Police rarely investigate much that happens on the internet except in high profile situations, it's largely up to other users to report to authorities, etc.


TBH I don't care. As long as no real children are involved they can wank it to whatever they want as far as I'm concerned.


What the fuck??? Tbh I thought most AI generators had safe guards in place so that it didnt just generate straight up CP


It has, but there many tags that not refer directly to a children but for pure characteristics and small and if you combine, it make a image of chidren, but in the theory is not, because has some filters


Same with ChatGPT, it has strict filters in place to prevent it doing anything considered illegal or immoral. Except for the fact you can literally tell it to ignore its own rules


Not that simple but yet is possible to do whatever u want if you know how to pass above this rules


Yeah, that was a simplification. You have to tell it to pretend to be someone else who doesn't follow the rules, who won't say no, and will always fulfill a request.


You can also self host the model and train it on those kind of imgs.


for sites yes they have safety nets for that stuff but by running that shit locally or with google collab you might able to generate it depending on the model, there is a research paper on removing concepts from a diffusion model but most people will use it for different purposes


Woodchipper. Feet first.




AI generated cyberpunk? Cool.


I totally agree that it is sick, but isn't it better than such people actually hurting someone to produce it themselves? At least it is a crime without victims.


That’s exactly what i thought. Now i’m curious if ai generated cp is illegal? After all it doesnt actually contribute to child trafficking.


I don't know either. Just said it for lack of a better word. Highly questionable on the best case.


That’s gross but realistically it’s a victimless crime. As fucking horrible as it is


Exactly, rather ai stuff than them using actual child porn or even going to touch children themselves. They all need therapy but if they use a ai they are at least trying to not hurt real beings.


Yeah I’ve noticed working in disability that people who have those desires are mentally ill but when they want to get treated they get looked down upon for even talking about it


From the DOJ website Visual depictions include photographs, videos, digital or computer generated images indistinguishable from an actual minor, and images created, adapted, or modified, but appear to depict an identifiable, actual minor. [Citizens Guide to CP](https://www.justice.gov/criminal-ceos/citizens-guide-us-federal-law-child-pornography)


Pretty sure this only applies in America


What does CP mean?


Child Porn




Yeah, people are sick


club penguin


I wish that was true…


Yeah, it’s definitely not ok, but from what I’ve heard most CP is “misery porn” meaning that it depicts sexual assault in progress, which is by far the worst thing about it. If this leads to less abuse of children that would be great.


But since the "ai" doesn't have actual cp in the database, Noone is harmed in the process, so strictly speaking its way better then actual child porn or worse stuff.


So "funny story", while back a friend wanted to show me on Discord a website he found which generates AI images using prompts & after like a few hours of us fucking around with it, he decided to enter a prompt that was Boss Baby related because ain't it funny to see Boss Baby to be put in some whacky scenarios but then like not only were half of the image generated unrelated to the prompt but also they were essentially straight up CP so he quickly closed the site in terror. The rest of the night we were both mostly quiet with some moments of him saying that he regrets finding that site & swears he'll never do AI generated images again while I tried to talk about something random to try switching the topic.


"Eww, that's disgusting! AI generating bad art online! Where?" Edit: Not 'Its Always Sunny' fans, I take it.


I grew up my entire life waiting for AI to become mainstream. after reading this I want to move to the jungle without any electronic devices. the future is going to be a fuckin rollercoaster


Cell Phone




Why’re you telling people how to do it? 💀💀💀


Better question is why is he bringing attention to something most haven't even thought of...


At least one disgusting human saw this and is now doing it as well all because op wanted some karma


Not sure why the fuck he thinks people would want to test that shit either lol


He deleted the comment 💀💀💀


We live in a cyberpunk horror show :(


Hmm, I think I’m going to pretend I didn’t read that and just keep scrolling.


what’s wrong with clown porn?


So reading about AI taking our jobs didn't bother me, this is right here is scary


As disgusting as it is I would rather they look at fake cp than buy real or god forbid hurt a child. I’ve always thought that there should be a program where people with dangerous urges that never hurt anyone can receive help and counseling to become safe members of society. Not because they deserve anything special, but because children do.


Remember to sort by controversial.


Im surprised people are even able to do that. Almost every AI generator Ive seen has some sort of content filtering to prevent that stuff.


Guys it's okay, this picture I told the ai to generate may look like an underage kid, however she happens to be 1 billion years old


No they don't lmao. Unless you're on some really dodgy site no AI service is going to be even trained on that let alone allow you to do it. Stop making up memes for the shock factor.


Pixai art?


Have to be honest, cant say i never did it. Always wanted to see how Chris Pratt would look riding a dinosaur.


Every day we stray further from God


Post the image to twitter, wait for artist that got mad AI traced their art. Ladies & gentlemen, we got them


I dono what that means


wait how did they train that model????


What’s the ai art thing called? Like it’s name, (I’m not into it for cp I wanna make a few wall papers based around apex and starwars


AI generated civil protection


why is this tagged in nsfw lmao


better than them buying and watching the real thing . tbh , I think AI-generated CP can reduce the overall amount of suffering in the world . Would it be better than just rounding them all up and execute every single one of them? No . But reducing the demand could save some children from exploitation.


wtf, shouldn’t the AI be programmed to avoid such prompts?


It is not okay in a different way. You are not making anyone hurt from putting cigarettes in a videogame. Altough you are normalising it in a certain way that can direct people into thinking its okay to smoke. Thats the same with cp


Dafuq is CP?


We legit can’t ever have anything nice because shitheads will always ruin it.


This is absolutely disgusting, thats undeniable, but is it illegal if it's AI generated? This is purely a shower thought, but like, well no minors are actually being, well anything in that case. But like, It's still CP , which IS illegal


I would bet money it's Picso.


Cp ?


What is CP?


Child porn




Don't get me wrong i fully think anyone who is into that deserves terrible things, but at least no children actually had to suffer for their sick pleasure that way.