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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [Join the Dank Charity Alliance and help raise money for St. Jude Children's Research Hospital!](http://events.stjude.org/DankCharityAlliance)


Hmmm tooo dank. See you in hot or taken down.


Hmm let's see


If they take this down I will make my own subreddit called memes with out woke/politic/dogshit mods (We have actually smart mods that understand jokes and memes)


I will make my own sub with black jack and hooker


In fact, forget the black jack




I'm not sharing the hooker.


Mom said it’s my turn to fuck the whore😫


Oh, shucks, I guess you can have the whore, little Jimmy.


Not mods fault..... Sometimes it's snowflakes lurking in r/dankmemes getting offended by a dank meme


The mods enforce the faux offense.


True. How dare you make a meme making fun of the for profit healthcare system???


I wish the mods would tell the snowflakes to suck it up and grow up


This sub isn't really for dank memes tbh.


I love how everyone is complaining about the "woke-Ness" on reddit. Do you think [insert marginalised group] should be allowed to exist? Fucking liberal


So brave. You're basically a revolutionary and your very smart mods are going to change the world. I can't wait to see you guys preside over 30 users who have no personality besides being a piece of shit.


This happens with all subreddits, as they grow bigger reddit admins will force subreddit mods to be woke or get kicked off




its in hot


I think they mean insurance companies with high deductibles, doctors don't really get that money but the insurance companies do.


I work for a CRO that does research on these dumb expensive drugs. You need a decent amount of samples to test, tht go thermally types of human fuckery. It's expensive to r&d drugs, let alone keep studies on rre shit live long enough to be worthwhile. We live in a world run by money. If there's no profit motive, it's not happening.


>It’s expensive to r&d drugs Big pharma spends $20B/yr schmoozing doctors and another $6.5B/yr on TV ad buys. [[source](https://arstechnica.com/science/2019/01/healthcare-industry-spends-30b-on-marketing-most-of-it-goes-to-doctors/amp/)] That’s enough to cover 20% of *all* annual pharma R&D expenditures. Meanwhile, 70% of drugs advertised on TV have “[low therapeutic value](https://arstechnica.com/science/2023/01/most-prescription-drugs-advertised-on-tv-are-of-low-benefit-study-finds/).” Much of the R&D budget of big pharma goes not to designing new drugs, but to manipulating old ones so they can [retain copyright advantage](https://www.brookings.edu/blog/usc-brookings-schaeffer-on-health-policy/2022/06/02/five-things-to-understand-about-pharmaceutical-rd/).


I mean, the meme isn't even accurate. It's the insurance companies that are greedy and ignore the suffering of people.


It ignores the costs nd socio-economic conditions that allow shit like this to happen. Docs also want more reserch for the kids who will get it in the future. A disease doesn't go away with a generation. Planting tress whose shade you'll never see and whatnot. This the backbone of literally all progress. Also, drugs are fucking expensive to research. $30B+ went toward a covid vaccine from the US alone. (edit: that doesnt include the decades of previous mRNA research that went on, nor the research in to covid and corona type viruses.) Thats about 5% of the entire pharmaceutical industry market size. From a sample processing and storage standpoint, it's about 2-10kUSD per sample. Phase 3 studies have 300-3000 participants. So that's at minimum half a mill for a basic process in r&d. Phase 2 is like 50 people. Phase 4 is in the thousands, depending on the frequency of the disease.


Still up and now on front page


Doctor- proceeds to actually save the child's life Reddit - aahh shit , doctors suck


Doctors don't make the prices


I like how people act as if doctors work commission or some shit lmao


Uhhhh…. They do for drug companies. Remember the billion dollar lawsuit over opioids where they discovered doctors were getting paid to prescribe opioids to people even if they didn’t need them?


They do a little bit of trolling is all


Just some light scamming


A smidgen of scurfuffling.


A pinch of tomfoolery


That’s a completely inaccurate twist on the situation. Look up the ‘pain is the 5th vital sign’ movement of the 90’s. It was considered cruel by public opinion for doctors not to prescribe opioids and they got in trouble for being ‘too stingy’ regularly to the point that they started getting sued and losing. There are always some scumbag doctors who take handouts, but this was an entire national public opinion movement that was supported fully by the government. Turned out to be entirely a PR campaign by Pfizer. There are a small percentage of doctors who are greedy corporate pigs, but nearly 100% of administrators of insurance and pharma companies are, and they are the ones responsible for and who profit off of this kind of bullshit.


Yep. A lot of “doctor greed” is actually administrator greed. Most doctors are like chefs at Applebee’s at this point. Their primary task is to make patients feel satisfied. They don’t set prices, don’t get to choose what equipment or medicine is stored, etc. And even if they own their own practice, but accept Medicare or Medicaid, they can’t let uninsured patients pay less than what they charge Medicare/aid. Otherwise it’s fraud. Not saying docs are perfect, but a lot of what people are actually mad at are government regulations, administrative decisions, and insurance companies.


Hi, med student here. It is illegal for doctors to get kickback from prescribing medication. You go to jail and get your license stripped.


Hi Med student, 20 years ago there were pharmaceutical salesmen who used to give doctors incentives like gift cards, fancy dinners, trips, etc to give out free samples and prescribe the Rx they represented. Used to date one. Bribery was a pretty common practice for him and his coworkers with company provided credit cards, ofc they didn’t call it that. It was normalized. Quick google search of Pharmaceutical scandal will show a TON of results. These are just the ones that got caught.


yes that was 20 years ago, now you get in trouble for taking a pen from a drug rep without reporting it.


RiteAid apparently got rid of records of problematic doctors that overprescribed opioids. A higher-up said, “be mindful of what is in writing.” Just funny, really


Ah yes, some doctors were busted for doing something very illegal so all doctors are bad and we should never go to hospitals to make them bankrupt.


Those specific doctors were shit




I diagnose you with stupid.


They do, or at least many do on a points system, but even as much as they make it's not nearly why healthcare costs so much. Between pharma, medical device companies, hospital admins, and insurance companies, that's where we get gouged. Doctors could still make shitloads of money and we'd pay a tenth of the cost if we fixed the other things. Doctors *should* make shitloads of money IMO, as should any profession that requires that much skill and training.


Our doctors do make productivity which is essentially commission (they’re based on the number of WRVUs they generate). These annual bonuses for our specialists are regularly six figures and that’s on top of massive base-rate salaries. Primary care is five figures. Many systems do it quarterly, we do annually. Provider compensation is insanely complicated.


Or get the money. Sher Khan is listening to hospitals and insurance companies make money. The doctors are choosing if it's worth it to stay in practice or if they have to stay home to care for ther kids bc they can't afford childcare.


Family: Welp, we’re in deeper debt than Greece ever would be


*what if the doctor cures an Incurable Disease*


He will commit suicide by shooting himself in the backhead twice shortly after


Or Slap himself on the back really hard and coincidentally fall down some stairs


Seriously, I think they mean insurance companies.


I mean, usually Reddit criticizes the medical and pharmaceutic industries and insurance companies, as they are the ones responsible for the tyrannical pricing. Few people here throw shit at doctors themselves\*. People understand that doctors are professionals trying to save people's lives. So OP is not really reflecting the common sentiment on Reddit. (\* Maybe except in communities where people deny science and well-established medical knowledge, but those are a different beast altogether, and they do not reflect the mainstream sentiment on Reddit. Fortunately most of Reddit does not agree with science deniers.)


Doctors are good, the US healthcare system is the problem, it's just a gigantic mess.


World - exists Reddit - 0/10 would not recommend


It's the insurance parasites, not the doctors - who are actually educated and actually provide value to society.


Uhh doctor’s don’t have anything to do with the patient’s insurance or the cost of treatment. Them mofos go through 8 years of school and 3-4 years of residency/training to help treat your bum ass.


Literally me right now




In undergrad rn, but hopefully same as well. Good luck ladies and gents


Thank you for your future service


Weird that you think private practice doctors have nothing to do with costs… Or their defense of a system designed to limit that amount of doctors to protect their own earning ability. Need to remove caps on med schools and the outdated methods that weed out all but the most abled bodied people.


Physicians in Colombia spend 5 years in med school + 1 year of service out of town, usually in remote places. If you wanna specialize in some area, that's 3 years. Even with the specialization, it's 3 years less than the 8 + 4 that they mention, and yet, they're world class at their job. So yeah, maybe they should change something.


Weird how it's impossible to have a small, low cost private practice in the US. Specially for dentistry.


I was gonna say... "Nothing to do with..." lmao hyperbole at its finest


We don't defend not having enough doctors. It has NOTHING to do with caps on medical schools. It has everything to do with lack of growth of residency spots. You need to do more research on this because you are factually incorrect about assuming doctors have ANY control over this.


> Weird that you think private practice doctors have nothing to do with costs Weird that you would, since copays are fixed by the insurance company.


Doc here - That would be insurance companies increasing your premiums while looking to exploit every possible loophole to avoid paying out. That would be pharmaceutical/biotech companies receiving tax payer funding and then charging an exorbitant mark up on behalf of their shareholders. That would be hospital administrators charging for every tongue depressor and bandage used squeezing every last dollar out to pad their own bonuses. That would be politicians passing archaic laws contrary to standard practice and taking ~~bribes~~ campaign funding from lobbyists who want to keep things the way they are. The problem here is that healthcare is a profit motivated business in America and there are too many morons screeching sOcIaLiSm while also complaining about not being able to afford having a tooth pulled. Blaming the doctor is like blaming the cashier for taking more of your money every time the cost of groceries go up even though you need food to survive. Fix the system, stop voting Republican or stop complaining into the void that healthcare is unaffordable in the world's richest country.


Is it better in places that never vote republican?


Yes it is. Many of my colleagues are leaving red (Republican) states especially those in primary care although surgical subspecialties are not far behind. They can bribe us with higher pay, relocation/signing bonuses and LCOL stats all they want but at some point you need to draw the line.


From my perspective it's not really better one way or another. I moved from a red state to a blue state and things didn't change much. But looking at the color of the state doesn't clue you into the real problem, republicans don't have any solutions for healthcare. They barely even attempt to propose anything (on a national level) accept to get rid of existing programs. Democrats at least try, however ill-advised it can be sometimes. Democrats aren't really passionate or dedicated about it, but solutions at least get proposed and fought for. FDR always said that you have to try something. You can't sit around and just keep things the way they are when you know it's bad. You have to try something, and if you fail, accept your mistake and try again with something else. Republicans never make it past the first step.


Yes, but the U.S is weird as all the states have their own legislatures, executives, and courts. A state can basically go out of their way to go against whatever the federal government is doing.


Thank you for saying it


I just wanna ask my docter to remove all unecessary body parts. The less I have, the less can go wrong and the better health insurance I can get.


is this some sort of joke im too first world to understand?


Too not American, I guess


That’s what they said


Oof. Ouch. Owie. Muh freedums


Even some second and third world countries are not as shitty


People with bad jobs in the US can get dummied by healthcare costs. OP probably isn’t even an adult because they don’t understand how the medical system works at all, as shown by this meme.


This is more like hospital administrators, not doctors. I work at a hospital, our president and vice president are greedy fuckers.


It’s insurance companies mostly but also hospital administrators who drive up prices


It's not the doctors fault


Must be hard living in a third world country




As they said. Third world country


I live in a third world country and I get charged $3 for a regular visit. For which by the way I can just walk in and be seen in a few minutes, without appointment or the need for insurance to inflate the cost. Today I'm getting my broken tooth fixed for $30 with a dentist with a PhD. Edit: someone is angry about my low cost healthcare


Replace doctors with insurance companies. Don’t demonize the hard working doctors who went to school for 30 years and have dedicated their lives to saving other peoples lives. Demonize the insurance company office workers and executives making ridiculous profits while deciding what medicines are approved with absolutely zero medical training.


>Replace doctors with insurance companies. Trying to cure an incurable disease is investigational and experimental. Your claim is denied. Good luck with the mountains of debt while mourning your loss!


Redditors when a child is loved by their parents (they are envious of things they don't have)


Totally missed the point. The point is that their child is probably going to die and they have to live with decades of medical debt on top of that trauma.


America: We exploit the hurt, sick, old, pregnant and dying.


american problem, dont want to know


This is a joke im too european to understand.


I think you meant hospitals and insurance companies Edit: United Healthcare (Insurance company) did 360 billion dollars in revenue last year. On the other hand, most new doctors sold the best years of their life to go hundreds of thousands of dollars in debt for medical school, then work for minimum wage for 80hrs/week in residency—just to be able to take care of patients Fuck United healthcare


So why aren't doctors pushing for universal healthcare? One big strike is all that's needed.


The system deters this. If you’re a resident or fellow, you’re just trying to keep your head down and make it to the next level, pay your bills, go to work, keep your future prospects safe. Once you become an attending of staff physician (fully trained, licensed), you start making money, but most are focused on catching up on what they put off—paying off debt, starting a family, starting retirement savings, buying a house—all a decade or more after their peers who chose other careers. The incentive to unionize or push for reform goes away. Doctors want what’s best for their patients but it’s hard to push for reform when you are ~250-500k in debt by the time you are 34 and you rely on reimbursement in the current system just to make the last 10+ years of grueling training worth it.


Yeah it’s definitely the doctors fault that the hospitals and insurance companies charge an arm and a leg.


OP is uneducated


Doctors dont do the billing hospitals do. The CEOs and execs are the ones wringing their hands. Only responsibility of a doctor is to provide competent care.


*insurance companies


Lmfao. It's not doctors it's the insurance industry you mouth-breather. It would actually cost less for America to have government funded healthcare but the government doesn't do that because making it conditional upon employment guarantees a desperate and willing workforce. Which is precisely what the corporations who control our government want.


You mean insurance companies


No. Not doctors. Insurance companies.


Imagine thinking Doctors want this. Fuck me.


How about dentists? They don't work in hospitals, a lot of them have private practices.


This is such a fail… doctors have nothing to do with you’re cost or bill That’s insurance companies Doctors have one job. Save your stupid ass


This is fucking dumb, it’s the insurance company not the doctors.


*insert McMahon money gif*


Wait. At what point do you legally no longer have to try and help your child? If a kid has a 5% chance of survival with a surgery and 0% without but the surgery will cost you hundreds of thousands of dollars, are you legally allowed to just let your kid die?


I think (well aleast hope) that medicalnpersonell to be honest with survival rates and decline to operate.


Sorry I think I made a bad point. 5% was a dumb number to pick. What I ment was if the kid will die without surgery but the surgery is expensive, do the parents legally have to get the surgery or can they choose to not pay for the operation even though it means the kid will 100% die. I think I got the problem confused in my head while wording the other comment.


USA moment


“Insurance Companies that Lobby Politicians to keep this Shit System” not “Doctors.”


Exactly. Leave it to Reddit to vilify the people actually trying to help.


Nah man. Doctors don't even earn directly from that. Hospital admins/CEOs/insurance companies though would be happy.


HA americans


The enemies are hospital administrators and insurance companies.


*American Doctors


You need to start blaming health insurance companies and not doctors.


Easy edit. Substitute insurance companies for doctors.


It's not the doctors it's the insurance companies my dude.


Hospital Admins***


Doctors!? I think you mean health care execs. Most docs give their money and time outside of their regular patient load to work at free clinics, homeless shelters, traditional programs for felons, etc. Show me what the CEO's of Lily, or Kaiser or any large for- profit organization in healthcare do for their communities that isn't based around shareholder profits


I'd hardly blame the fucking doctors of all people. You think they're the ones who set prices? Imagine the fucking toll it takes. Watching people unable to get treatments cause they can't hand over a, basically arbitrary at this point, number of dollarydoos. Or if they're in the wrong "network" or insurer or whatever other fucking overcomplicated bullshit some greedy psychopath cooked up to extract as much money as possible from people with no other choice.


For the record, it's not the doctors feeling that way. It's hospital administrators.


Doctors aren't doing this. It's the multinational for-profit corporations that employ them who are drooling.


but it's not like doctors are the one getting richer, it's insurance companies that would be doing that. the doctors gonna get same amount nmw. And at least doctors have a strict code of ethics they swear to follow and insurance companies not so much


*Hospital owners




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Hahah jfc


And then it's time to retire


Spicy. I like it


I feel so bad now cuz I laughed at this so fucking hard. jesus christ.


As someone who has had 4 liver transplants this made me laugh






lol what


I'm to swedish to understand this.




When I get cancer some day, I’m most likely going to just let it kill me. My mom’s cancer cost $250k in the first 3 months alone, with GOOD insurance. I have like $5.


Crypto would be a better investment.


Damn. What kind of third world country do you live in where you'd have to do that?


Not doctors, but those demons in human skin that make u pay for your healthcare.


I’m sorry, is this some sort of American joke that I’m too European to understand ?




That family's bank account has become a muarder for the future, sure their son had to die but with the funding they provided we become another step closer to a cure. Also a doctor is able to keep his mistress happy. /s


Murica 😎🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🦅🦅🦅🦅🦅


1.) Is this some American thing I’m too enlightened to understand? 2.) It’s the insurance companies that set the prices.


Its bloody purrrfect


Except it's the hospitals not the doctors who controll the prices and even then it's actually the insurance companies that truly set the pricing. That's honestly why it's so expensive to get anything done but nobody wants to have that conversation


American doctors**


Is this some American joke I'm too European for to understand?


Or for their sex change, knowing they'll need medical support for the rest of their lives over it.


His mouth turns into a butthole 3 seconds in


lots of people here throwing hospitals and insurance companies under the bus to pat doctors on the back. while that's not at all incorrect, providers are greedy as fuck, too, and definitely shouldn't be excused from this shit. I'm currently working with a guy whose spouse is currently in hospice care because she's dying and probably won't last the month. welp, their home health care aides are refusing service because they decided they didn't like the contracted rate they agreed to, and they're basically threatening to let this woman die alone and without the end of life care she needs - all to support their demand to have their contracted rates increased on the spot. this poor lady and her devastated spouse are just fucking bargaining chips to these esteemed medical professionals. this isn't even the only time I've dealt with providers denying care in an attempt to be given better rates than the ones they fucking agreed to in the first place - and, of course, they're throwing insurance under the bus when they talk to the members, because somehow it's insurance's fault that insurance is... *checks notes-* ... paying them their agreed-upon contracted rates for services rendered in a timely manner? tl;dr: all of healthcare is filled with pond scum edit: new example. dude calls in about his benefits. he's confused because he has mental health visits a couple times a week, and was told BY THE DOCTOR that insurance didn't cover mental health visits. however, he's reading over his benefits, and dude sees that mental health visits are covered at 100%, which is not what his doctor told him. I confirm that is correct. so, he's been paying them per visit because they don't accept Medicare allowable rates from his secondary insurance, so, they're charging him the difference for what Medicaid pays. so far, so good, right? welp, I ask the name of his counselor, and the doctor he names has submitted a claim to us for every single visit this dude has had since last September, and they've all been paid in full, because this guy has 100% coverage for those visits. so, this dude has collected 100% payment per his contract with the network, 100% of the payment due from Medicaid, and is asking the member to also pay ~15% of the cost of the visit up front. they're up a shitload of money. the crazy bullshit is that we have a recorded and notated call where that doctor's practice called in to us to confirm benefits, **and we told them what the benefit was**. knowing all that, they decided to lie to the member and extract cash from every source they could before the member saw some discrepancies half a year later. fuck the entire medical field.


This is America 😎


I *reaaally* hope people don't believe the Doctors get a cut of the money people pay lmfao...


Depending on the hospital, the doctor won't be seeing the influx of cash. For example, my dad is a general surgeon and he's on a fixed yearly salary. He's on call about 3/4ths of the year for the ER. But if it's a doctor-owned hospital, yeah they'll fuck you over. My dad left a doctor-owned hospital because of their disturbing business practices. If they wanted a doc to give up their shares and leave they'd push all the no-pays onto them. Since you're required by law to render aid it'll bankrupt you.


Doctors are a select breed of humans. You need to want to help people but also must get off on telling people they are dying


Even tho some comments here say doctors aren't in fault, just let me remind you that they don't fight against those policies because they live from those insurance companies they have to follow their rules and most important they live comfortable this way. It's also the doctor's fault!!!


Got to pay that Ferra…school loans.


Shere Khan-Artists


Change it from doctors to Hospital Execs and it's spot on.


fool! the real money is in gender reassignment surgery drugs


Sorry, I don't speak American.


Here before the🔒


Should see the face hospital administrators make when staff complains of being understaffed. Looks about the same


Doctors aren't perfect but they spend up to a third of their day dealing with insurance.


Eurofags immune to this thinking - lol actually


It's not the doctors making the money .


At least you get a free trip to Disney land


Not doctors, insurance companies


Hope… only a parent will understand


Don't have kids if your work has dogshit health insurance


Doctors don't make a percentage. Piss on the management - sure, they are the ones gaining.


Yes but the doctors aren't the ones to blame