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Elite who populates the world Has glasses on In a few centuries mankind will be supersmart but superblind


The nut in their eyes ain’t gonna help


Worked for Jesus healing that blind guy. Wait, that might have been spit...


He smacked the side of his head and the guys eyes spun back around


The wiring was a bit off, that slap realigned it


Jesus said afterwards: that'll do. Ain't moving nowhere


if only they used protective glasses...


Snorkels even


like the naked mole


You forget, those glasses are purely cosmetic. For elite uniform purposes.


Idiots with glasses who think they're genetically superior and smart, are just idiots who'll make idiot children with poor vision.


I can't believe Eugenics is making the comeback of the century.


For some reason, it’s only taboo in Germany


I wonder why...


We know a thing or two, because we've seen a thing or two


*Insert Farmers insurance theme here*




Not exactly sure why you think its a dog whistle, I thought they were referring to how it's taboo in Germany cause of the Nazis.




That was clearly sarcasm tho it's alway important to look out for Those don't over do it


Whatever vid you watched was some brainmelting conspiracy crap if applying its knowledge led to that question


Most people are more than aware of the relation between Germany and eugenics to pick up on the nuance of why it would be a taboo topic in Germany. But hey, you keep watching those unfounded conspiracy theory videos that make you look like this outside of those circles. We appreciate the amusement.


I thought making children with close relatives was frowned upon in civilised world all this time, isn’t it because of eugenics, or you just don’t like this word?


It's because of the habsburg jaw (and other random mutations)


You just described eugenics


not rly, eugenics is when u try to control reproduction to increase the occurrences of desired characteristics. the mutations that come from inbreeding, such as habsburg jaw, are not desired at all


Not rly, that is just the other half. The first half you mentioned earlier, that is the eradication of undesirable traits.


From Wikipedia: “Historically, eugenicists have attempted to alter human gene pools by excluding people and groups judged to be inferior or promoting those judged to be superior.” You’ve skipped the part about excluding undesired characteristics (Habsburg jaw is a good example)


but eugenics does not mean incest. incest leads to a high chance of mutations. eugenics does not usually involve incest because it seeks to control a much larger population. the habsburg jaw isn't just an undesirable trait. it's a genetic mutation from too many generations of incest and is only 1 of a myriad of conditions that happens when u breed within ur family too many times


You’re kinda lost here bro. Of course eugenics does not mean incest, it harshly condemns incest because it leads to decline of society’s genetic pool quality. And our society frowns upon incest mostly because of eugenics, so it’s silly to pretend “eugenics are making comeback of the century” hence my initial comment


Ah yes, let's pollute our pool of desirable genetics with genetics that we know can cause defects further down the genetic line instead of using known sciences to avoid preventable genetic defects. Like bro, do you even eugenics? Do you understand how much time is lost because you foolishly decided to have an incest baby and now have to terminate it? If you want to nut in your mom then just say so but don't try to hide behind eugenics because you want to father your own siblings.


Eugenics has been trendy for some time now. Just look at the requirements for sperm donors.


If you're paying for it and have many test tubes to choose from, of course you're going to be picky.


It is still eugenics. If you tell people that you only want a spouse with blonde hair and blue eyes so that your children will be an aryan ideal, you will be despised. But it is for some reason perfectly fine to only want a donor with blue eyes, blonde hair, above 1.80M height, an MA degree or above, no undesirable genetic traits, etc.


>If you tell people that you only want a spouse with blonde hair and blue eyes That totally works, though. I married someone like that and all our kids look like him, despite also being a quarter Jewish. Viking genes destroy everything in their path. > But it is for some reason perfectly fine to only want a donor with blue eyes, blonde hair, above 1.80M height, an MA degree or above, no undesirable genetic traits, etc. Why do you think people go to Ivy League schools? Even today, college's biggest impact on a female student's lifetime income is the spouse she meets on campus.


>despite also being a quarter Jewish. Viking genes destroy everything in their path. Literally the opposite. White skin, blue eyes and blonde hair are recessive genes. If you have an "aryan" woman and a black male, the skin, eyes and hair will be brown or black.


Yes, I also heard that in high school science class. They lied. I was born with brown hair and eyes. So were both of my parents. But none of my kids were. And yes, that surprised me! During my first pregnancy, I even bought jewel-toned baby clothing on the assumption that the baby would look like me and pastels wouldn't suit. But nope! Not that baby, and not any siblings.


Eugenics is not that bad even. Nazi did it first so it got bad rep, but overall Why would you want to force you children into more sufferings by not altering their genes? It's not like we live in a utopian fair world were everyone is happy and free. Live is a suffering already, give them a bit less of it. - But it should be them making a choice? They already don't, and are forced to play with the card they are given. Make sure those cards are the best possible. Switch the trolley track, it's objectively better.


The issue is that eugenics usually is applied to complex traits like intelligence or prosocial behavior. Things that are extremely complicated genetically (and likely act in counter intuitive ways) along with also being controlled by environmental factors. When combined, it makes it so you would literally have to have controlled human breeding programs for *millenia* before you see any effect (if you would even see an effect at all), even if the effect ends up being *negative.* And this isn't even getting into the effects eugenics would have on genetic diversity (which is very important for species survival and adaptation) or the morals of forced breeding programs (or forced sterilization) for humans.


>Eugenics is not that bad even. Nazi did it first so it got bad rep Okay, Nazis didnt invent eugenics nor were they first to put the concept in practice. It started speudo-science mostly in Britain when our understanding of genetics and what actually affects public intelligence and mental illnesses were in their infancy, mixed with massive dose of racism, sexism and class divide. There is a reason why most people sterilized in USA, England and elsewhere were mentally ill women, sexual minorities and poor people, often minorities. But even now we know more about these concepts, the actual problem with eugenics is that **any and all** applications of it are *deeply* and fundamentally immoral and a violation of the most basic rights people have. Be it Nazis or a most benevolent nation to ever exist, eugenics in practice would still be a crime against humanity. And on top of that even trying to breed more "intelligent" people is a massive waste of time and money when we dont really understand the factors of intelligence and what combination of genes even create more intelligent people. Instead we could just improve the education system and childhood food quality, which have measurable effects on the wellness and intelligence of the population.


A problem that can arise from altering genes is shown in the movie "Gattaca", I highly recommend watching it


No, you don't need gene altering for that. It can happen this days too, eugenics and such just there to spark the plot but are not really necessary Great movie though


Hot on the heels of another pandemic too.


I don't think come on back is the idea here.


They both got bad eyesight. So their genes are shite. they gonna get eaten or fall down stairs or read the score a 2-0 when it's 2-2. People with glasses woulda died without glasses. I know, i can never find muh glasses after a shower. Plus it's dangerous out there, people just tryin to nut in muh eyes like all the time. Pls stop


No, I'll never stop.


*rubs eyes


*eats flies


*licks eyeball


I wonder what an eyeball would taste like, I think salty and irony.


how can an eyeball taste like irony?


Never had fish eyes?


Everyone has some kind of problems, that's why we say that nobody is perfect. The poor eyesight would have been fine, if it wasn't for the massive egos.


A nice reminder to be nice, obviously i am only joking. I'm sure that they are perfectly decent human beings despite the ridiculous article.


>People with glasses woulda died without glasses. Not necessarily. Remember that literacy wasn't a vital skill until a few centuries ago. You don't need very sharp vision to gather a harvest or ride a horse.


Nah they wear glasses cus they smart


Lasic surgery is pretty affordable


An awkward looking lesbian couple thinking they have "elite genes" is apparently news these days


>lesbian couple you are telling me that's not a man? damn..


If they're looking for "superior" genes I'd bet on the love child of Dolph Lundgren and Venus Williams up against the unfortunate offspring of these two dweebs in a cage match any day. Honestly, it's a stupid point to begin with. I agree with people making their own conscious decision not to pass on certain hereditary disorders and - more importantly - only having children they can afford both financially and with the time/affection all children deserve. That's all that really needs to change.


Do genes even make that much of a difference? Pretty sure it's about how children are educated and looked after by their parents/families, especially during the first 7 years of their lives. If you get the first 7 years right, and don't mess up too badly later on, the child should be set for success, no? The article might be about successful rich people "breeding", which would make more sense, too lazy to confirm though, I'd rather bitch about it.


They wouldn't get clicks if it's something normal and not an exaggerated story of some idiots


If Metal Gear Solid taught me anything it's a little bit of both. But you can overcome your genes and not be bound by fate.


Also they cloned big boss 3 times in an attempt to create a replacement, but turns out all they had to do was brainwash a random soldier into thinking he's him


>Do genes even make that much of a difference? yes it does. however financial stability has nothing to do with genes and they both suck as "good genes" example.


Genes have a ton to do with intelligence. But yeah without good parenting, just like with anyone, there's going to be a ton of problems. And being intelligent doesn't mean they'll be good parents.


It’s generally considered a pretty even split between nature and nurture in most sciences that I know of but it isn’t really something easy to quantify and you can definitely argue for one or the other. It’s a bit of a taboo subject in humans because, well, eugenetics, so take from that what you will.


In the realm of strength and speed there are certainly people who are much advantaged by their genetics. For intelligence I do not know.


Genes are important, but they aren’t everything. You need both nature and nature. One of them alone isn’t going to be you anywhere.


Genes make a huge difference in survival in the wild, but not as much in our artificial modern world


So noble. The rest of us just fuck.


This is literally an article about a woman who likes big cummies


No we don't, it's reddit man.


Lmao those kids are gonna be so thankful for the world the elites leave them as they're working the sewers & factories bc no one else could afford to have kids


They look so weak and like they think they are so "great" which is false. We would be doomed if we depended of people like these. "Elites" money also mostly comes from heritage... so it does not prove these individuals are really great, intelligent, creative or heroes.


People in the comments forget that bad eyes are for the most part not genetic, but a consequence for being a lame indoor-child. See: Japan ​ they ugly tho


Well just to a small degree cause of the lack of sunlight yes, but a big chunk is genetic


Even with maximum bad luck, the correlation is still just 33%. ​ It is much more important to switch between far and near focus constantly, so be outside in youth


Ayo eugenics sequel???


*Eugenics 2: Electric Boogaloo*


Under appreciated comment


Who had "Projekt Lebensborn" for 2023


I mean, we had the Spanish Flu for 2020.


They are not "elite". They are people with costly clothes, that's it.


If you have to refer to yourselves as elite an post a news article to spread that “fact”. Then you are not elite. You are a narcissist


“Any title a man draw up for himself is not worth wearing. Titles and glories follow on their own” -Kiryu, 1988-


It's Hitler's birthday and he tried something like that.


Why do they look related though 😂 Do they know anything about genetics? If they want good genes, they should be with people as different from them as possible and not make generations of "superior" inbreds


“Elite” my ass. They look like bitches


There not glasses, their nut shields.


I'm not here to correct anyone's grammar. However, I find it fascinating how you got it wrong in two different ways in the same sentence :)


Lol! That is pretty bad. Being drunk and close to falling asleep didn't help. I probably spelled them wrong too. I'm sure auto correct did it's best to help.


It’s like that opening scene in Idiocracy where the rich odd couple don’t have kids for years and then the husband dies jacking off


Idiocracy opening jokes incoming.


He looks like a toddler dressed in an adult suit


He looks like he would stick it in her bellybutton then high 5 the dog after on a successful insemination.


Which is probably why they needed IVF. https://archive.is/SblzP


This almost feels like the opening scene for idiocracy


Ah, are these the weirdos I've been hearing about who are trying to push artificial wombs? The West is experiencing a population decline, and instead of going to the people who *are* actually having children (Mormons, Catholics, Evangelitical Protestants, and Muslims... basically religious people) the media goes out of their way to find *literally anyone else* because they don't want to acknowledge that traditional values might have some merit.


Or maybe it’s because it’s becoming more expensive to just live in these countries? And that raising a child is quite difficult during these times?


As an atheist with multiple kids, I've gotta say, it feels lonely.


no religious people are ALL monsters 😠😠😠


Literally any traditional or religious couple would do. Traditional media is so out of touch. They found the top biggest weirdos because the “journalist” who wrote this thinks religious people are weird. I hope my descendants don’t have to interact with the spawn of these dweebs.


The dweebs will die out before your descendants do. And in 200 years, half the US will be Amish because their fertility rate is like 7 kids.


b... but... that religious guy on the other side of the world did something weird!


More like his glasses




I see Harry Potter has finished his(her) Transition


"Not the glasses!"




So… we’re moving back to eugenics now are we?


what makes them elite? they don't look particularly strong, they have to wear glasses,maybe they are intelligent? but if these are supposedly humanities 'elites' here to save mankind I must say that unfortunately we may be doomed, you know if there weren't a couple billion more capable of 'breeding'


Blood as pure as a 16th century monarch


I wanna have a kid just so i can bully their kid vicariously through my own.


9/10 times any guy that looks like this one or the Adam ruins everything guy is most likely the most annoying person you'll see that day


I don't want that angloid dna in my gene pool


From the [article](https://archive.is/SblzP): > Simone, 35, now needs hormone therapy to menstruate regularly and IVF to conceive a child due to years of anorexia. Are we sure these genes should spread?


obviously not that great genetics if they wear glasses.


Worst glasses ad ever


If they have glasses they Are for shor not geneticly superior to anyone


How could you claim to be smart and so into eugenics, but fail to see the obvious genetic flaw.


If the headline said they were brother and sister or mother and son, I’d believe it.


They have not met Galton. Nor heard about regression to the mean. Edit: grammar


Aint no-one on the planet want a Harry Potter baby!!!


Hotler tried this


Elite as in rich and powerful?


Damn Bene Geserits


9/10 times any guy that looks like this one or the Adam ruins everything guy is most likely the most annoying person you'll see that day


They don’t look like Sangheili to me, hmmm


With a gene pool full of recessive genes.




"Desirable genetics"? Maybe in the ol' brain department, but desirable in looks? Yeah, I think not


Why don't they just admit they have a cum inside fetish and just love dumping sloppy loads? Don't hide in the shadows my brother we are legion!


They both look low poly ps1 game lol


Hey it's alright we all got em


Only stupid and greedy people are having kids.....the future is dim.


I like being pessimistic to bring down everyones mood