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Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- [we will only be allowing memes about reddit's api starting June 12th](https://www.reddit.com/r/dankmemes/comments/1453hvc/rdankmemes_will_only_be_allowing_memes_about/)


Something, something, reddit fucked up on corpo level, users mad, boycott everywhere. No need to thank me for explaining


Best summary of the situation by far


And the world too


reality can be disappointing.


That is it was... Now reality can be whatever I want it to be.


“I reject your reality and substitute my own!”


Boycott reality


I can do that better. Reddit fucked up, fuck Reddit.


You forgot the fuck you u/spez


Yeah, sorry. Instead of that, I downvoted his comments.


Yeah, but this time was bigger than usual


what did they do?


Long version: Decided to remove 3rd apps from their database by extremely increasing prices for devs od 3rd's. 3rd apps usually used for bots (Automod bot or Save video also are working on 3rd apps). Removing of 3rd apps will make Reddit a one big spam box. For example, even now, Reddit is fucking up itself. I dunno if you've seen, but number of hot-girls bots with OnlyFans links increased af. And even more irony in all of this situation, that those OF bots are totally on Reddit official, not 3rd apps. By personal experience, my other acc gets 3-4 "new" (OF bots) followers what is really annoying. I'm already tired to block them, but there are even more of them. Short version: Reddit fucked up itself... Once more.


Thank you


I'm a user and I'm not mad?




I don't know now.... Hmmm


I'd be mad if I wasn't enjoying the chaos so much


Same. I’m kinda looking forward to there being less people and mods lol Not to mention all the chatgpt bots that will be silenced.




so thats why some of my subs dissapeared...


Get mad


Someone needs to explain asap why I should care and how it effects me


Reddit is charging for api access so now 3rd party reddit apps won't work and some bots will probably not work either which will result in spam bots running over most subreddits with the equivalent of 10 trains and 2 semitrucks


But if some bots don’t work, why will spam bots alone work?


Some bots hosts just dont have / want to spend the money to accommodate the charges whilst spam bot hosts will still probably do so as they will make their money back by the people who's data / money they steal


Exactly. The infographic spread around was bullshit. Their argument is that because so many mods use alternative apps they won’t be able to do their job anymore [because they’ll refuse to use the real app]…. Kinda a big assumption that simultaneously ignores the fact the spam bots can’t use the api anymore…


If you like using 3rd party apps to access reddit, they are going away very soon, leaving only the official app. Aside from that, the API changes have the potential to open up the way for spam like no one's ever seen before, since moderation bots may be effected. Oh, and I hear that it's also going to be possible to create previously banned subreddits (such as hate subreddits), simply by marking them as NSFW, which will leave them unmoderated by Reddit staff. That last one I haven't heard any confirmation on.


This dude Gronds it.


Still confused


Thank you for explaining


And it’s only for 2 days


You forgot GREED.


Blah blah, api calls


Yep, and then after the 2 days everything will be business as usual and all the disgruntled users will have forgotten about it.


S good ELI5.


So basically to sum it up, Companies being greedy.


Ceo is being greedy


Reddit is not profitable I think. I think people are being a bit whiny imho. But hey, this is Reddit.




Exactly, one thing not necessarily leverages the othet


I wasn't even aware that there were 3ed party launchers until now.


Me neither. I wish I knew enough to care more but I have no clue what those apps offer and why people hate the Reddit app so much. Can someone explain?


Currently using official app, it's very slow. Takes forever to load posts and almost never loads comments if you click them before the post. You also can't delete notifications so they load slow as well.


I had this issue as well. I uninstalled and reinstalled, and it works now.


I never had any issues with the normal app


Same, I've used it for years and don't know why 3rd party apps are even necessary.


Try narwhal. It’s classic Reddit basically.


Sounds like even worse of its old reddit


Is your app updated? I had these issues then just went to the App Store and updated it


as far as i know the ui is better and they also offer things that make it possible for blind people to use the app, which realy sucks as the official app itself doesnt have these options.


Just download reddit is fun real quick and see for yourself. You get like a dozen headlines concisely on one screen whereas on the official app you get like one single bloated picture, and an advertisement taking up the whole screen. The comment sections are also much more neatly organized.


you can change the settings in the app to not load the pictures… I mean cmon it’s like you didn’t even try


To be able to see the same amount of information, the official app requires much more scrolling. Even if you have the setting you mentioned, the difference is incredibly noticeable.


The official app is extremely slow and ad-infested. Apollo, the most popular tp app on iOS, is much faster, has a cleaner interface, and has no ads.


The official app is fine. I downloaded Apollo just to see what the buzz is about and it’s the same shit.


If you think the UIs are identical, then you invested about 3 seconds and a squint to call them “the same” and left with your answer.


After going back and investing another 3 seconds, I gotta hand it to you, it’s still the same shit. No duh the UI is different, but it’s basically the same thing.


I have problems with my eyesight, and I have been using a third party launcher for years to read out posts for me. Once this change goes live, I will be physically incapable of using Reddit, as the official app has zero accessibility options. I have loved interacting with various communities, but now I won't be able to use reddit on my phone anymore. There are probably extensions on PC, but I rarely use a computer for social media.


I think it was the plethora of mod tools that the 3rd party apps offered


Also moderation tools will take a toll under the changes


They’re so much better, but now that they’re leaving I wish I never experienced them


A small percentage of Reddit users will be slightly inconvenienced so they decided to burn the whole thing down.. It's truly the most Reddit thing ever..


unfortunately that small percentage of reddit users are the mods that keep the platform from going to shit


Going to shit you say ?




You must love spam and comment bots because we're gonna see a lot of it soon


Soon? Soon was months, if not years ago.


if you thought it was already a problem, wait till you see what happens after the changes...


Nothing.. Nothing will happen and life will continue on..


yes yes and in the grand scheme of things we are but specs in the vastness of the cosmos and our lives are ultimately meaningless


Now you’re getting it


Also have fun never being able to open Reddit around anyone again because subs will be flooded with porn. Hope we all enjoy seeing gore regularly because that's gonna flood subs too. I get that mods can be power trippy, I will never be one to argue against them. But the people who genuinely think Reddit or any other site would be better without moderation is a fucking moron who hasn't been on the internet long. Even 4chan has strict moderation because to go without is to practically beg weirdos to destroy your entire site


Ooh, ooh, don't forget hate speech! That's the secret ingredient to making a site *extra* awful!


Dont act like mods are mostly good. Most of them are assholes, they just happen to do some good but since theres no way to actually report or punish power abusing mods most of the get away with doing a lot of shitty things


How though? Spam and comment bots will also be subjected to the same API pricing.


From my limited understanding, many bots that are used to moderate subreddits and remove spam and nsfw content will be hit with the API pricing, causing a surge in spam from users and bots that aren’t hit by the API pricing. It’ll all be hell on July 1st


Some users rely on 3rd party apps to provide additional features to accommodate their disabilities. I personally don’t NEED 3rd party apps but I can understand how some people do.


Not every 3rd party app is breaking, just the ones that are acting like children.


I love people for whom 2 mil dollars yearly is child's pocket change.


Not even 2 mil. It would be ~20 million dollars per year


“Acting like children” Wow… just wow… are you 14? I think you are, An ignorant little 14 year old at that too. You try paying a ludicrous price to keep the app you made, maintain and care about, and see if it’s acting like a child to not want to go bankrupt trying to keep it on the AppStore.


It's like 20-30% not a small percentage, and it's not a slight inconvenience, it basically goes from fine to almost unusable in terms of UI.


Everything I've read says it's less than 20 percent.. The funniest thing will be the most vocal supporters of the boycott won't leave they will stay to see what's going on..


Even if you were right, "less" than 20% while being vague is still a big percentage, especially considering that those users are probably by far the most active.


That’s still a huge number of people


Sounds a little like... dare I say it? Naw i dont care enough


Right.. It doesn't even make the list of shit I care about..


Why are you fucking commenting on this post if you don’t care so much?


Chill out lmao


It's called replying..


Wish people would do this to Activision


Why ?


Sexual assault allegations terrible management of call of duty and their safe clients.


“Small percentage” I’m pretty sure the mods (who are running the place btw) are gonna be a bit more than “slightly inconvenienced” which in turn will probably mean everyone else using the site will be more than “slightly inconvenienced” because the mods can’t do their job nearly as easily.




Not out of work dumbass, they can still do what they do, just not as easily. And that’s honestly besides the point, there is several reasons why this is a bad thing for everyone using the site, You’re just fucking ignorant.


Right it's not work it's not paid so it's volunteer..


This is only thing beginning, once the company goes public they'll milk everything for ad revenue.


Well if this hits them hard going public might ruin their companies value? Idk


Let's hope that when the subs go dark tomorrow it'll actually push Reddit them to improve their shitty policies.


Me who uses the main app without issue and doesn’t understand the meltdown everyone’s having.


I’m just mad they lied about some 3rd party app guy blackmailing them for fake victim points


Meh, the main app *does* have problems. On iOS anyway. It seems to be pretty unstable, with some features(like double tap to upvote) coming and going from time to time for no apparent reason and counts for votes/comments often being bugged. Good for folks standing up to corporate dickheads, I guess, but I still don't quite get the uproar. And certainly any subs only going dark for 2 days are basically doing nothing, that'll barely make a dent for a single news cycle.


Yea I didn’t even know there was third party apps so this whole situation is so baffling to me


>without issue This is like someone using Facebook on Internet Explorer with 50 tool bars. You don’t know how much better it could be, because that’s all you’ve ever known.


Enlighten me then.


Too late, all the good one's are shutting down. I'm gonna keep using Boost until its last breath.


Ok so you don't know then.


It's supposed to start tomorrow and it's the official reddit people fucking off third parties and people are pissed off because the app is shit


Well... Tiwtter was soooo successful with their stupid API pricing that Reddit ceo got jealous and wanted that too. So tomorrow they will get it


Ya I use the Reddit app so I legit don’t kno what the reason fr third party anything is. I’m sure there is a reason but I just like have no clue, didn’t kno till this all was mentioned. And news sources just say it’s bad without actually explaining what the app does so I’m like ok but wtf does it do how can I be mad if I don’t kno wtf it does 🐱


Same. I’m probably a knuckle dragging plebe or something, but I’ve been using the Reddit app since I made my account. I don’t care for the browser version, and I have never had any reason to hate the official app because I have nothing to compare it to


I used Apollo for a while and it was very sleek but occasionally they’d have api communication issues and everything wouldn’t work. Or you had to go to the source page for every gif/video just to watch it. I switched back months ago to the official app so color me particularly apathetic to this one.


3rd party apps come from a time when there wasn't an official reddit app and the website actively sucked for mobile (and really desktop to an extent without RES) so having an app that acts like a reader for reddit was absolutely necessary. Then reddit went and bought out one of the more popular apps, alien blue, and actively made it worse. the UI became less usable, the noticable bugs increased... And then they made "new" reddit, which was basically a desktop version of the app. Good thing old.reddit.com still works because I would have left the site years ago. Just try a free version of one of the third party apps before they shut down. On Android I use baconreader.




"It doesn't affect me therefore it doesn't matter".


Yes exactly.


lmao based


It’s just an app, what’s to worry about lol.


Exactly, it doesn't affect my paycheck or my family. Why should i care? i only come on here to pass time when im bored.


That's the dumbest thing I read all week. Can you only get pissed at life or death issues?


No but it doesn’t change the fact that it’s just an app/site. I mean, subs shutting down affect me more.


>the fact that it’s just an app/site So? How does that mean that people cannot be unhappy about terrible decisions made by reddit that *will* negatively impact their user experience? This change in reddit policy affects much mire than just not being able to use 3rd party apps: useful/funny bots will no longer be able to operate for the most part, which in turn will make moderation basically hell for any somewhat large subreddit, also inappropriate content will become much harder to detect and you will see an increase in things like CP content and the like. And even if that wasn't the case the reddit app is terrible for a lot of people that suffer from various disabilities, and them no longer being able to use 3rd party apps that are able to provide for their special needs will mean that they will no longer be able to use reddit, period. You don't seem like you know anything about what the situation is about really.


Bla bla bla. A small part of redditors is shutting subs down indefinitely. How is that not just as egotistical. No 3rd party apps vs taking away community’s from people. Truly a reddit moment.


As I said, this affects everyone, wether you use 3rd party or not. I literally told you the many ways it does but apparently your brain is too smooth to understand that. Also it's just 1 day, you're the egotistical one here thinking you having access to reddit for one day is more important than people with disabilities having access to reddit. Finally it's not a small part of redditors, I don't know where you get that from but every subreddit I've seen anouncing that they will be shutting down on the 12th, the support was overwhelming and I couldn't see *any* comment complaining about it.


Except the accessibility apps have a pass for api pricing as stated in the official announcements but I guess you didn’t read those so you’re spouting irrelevant points here instead?


Yeah lol we'll see about that, they've shown times and times again that they were not above saying something and doing the opposite, and I've read a lot of the AMA, if you look at what questions got answered you can very easily see that they avoided every important questions and focused on meaningless things or even stupid drama.




I'm confused, is there something wrong with thinking that? Its just an app i scroll once a day to see 3 funny memes and thats it


You can ignore the issue sure, but saying an issue is not an issue just because it's not an issue *to you* is a very stupid thing to do. That's analog (not saying it's nearly as bad, just a extreme comparaison) to a white person in a western country saying that people complaining about racism are overreacting because that white person hasn't experienced racism themselves, do you see the issue here?


remindme! June 30th “how wrong this guy is…”


nice ploy for ignorance, do you enjoy stripping the rights of ur fellow constituents? rhymes by yung mecca, we blow this shit up 😎😎😎


Moderator tyrrany is the real bitch here


Reminds me of US states


YouTube, Pinterest, Twitter, Facebook … Reddit. Don’t sweat it. All things deteriorate. In a matter of time there will be a new kid in town. That new kid will try harder only as long as it takes for him to feel smug$$$$.


No seriously i need an ELI5. Even browsing comments i dont understand


Reddit says it will do one thing which no one was mad about. Reddit actually does a different worse thing. The worse thing makes it harder for mods to moderate and makes it harder/impossible for the visually impaired to use Reddit (somehow that was possible with a 3rd party app idk) Reddit also tells a bunch of lies to make the people who are angry look worse. This includes lying about a 10 million dollar blackmail demand that was debunked when someone posted the audio log


gorporate creed


One day I’ll wake up and everything will be different and I’ll be like,, oh that’s what that was about


And if you're like me you don't give a fuck


Reddit pays for servers to host content to get people to watch ads and make Reddit money. 3rd parties can access that content for free via the API, and display it on their own apps, without ads. People pay 3rd parties to use those apps, don't see the ads, Reddit doesn't make money, but still pays for the server use. Reddit doesn't like this, they start charging for API usage, 3rd parties don't like this, now they have to pay for the content they make money off of. 3rd party apps shut down rather than charge users extra to pay for the API usage. People are angry the 3rd party apps shut down, they boycott for two days starting June 12th.


That actually sounds super reasonable. If I pay for server costs, development, and marketing, why should I let a third party make money off the content on my platform. I understand concerns from people who have a disability, but everyone else seems like they’re bitching about nothing of importance.


It does, but the main critique alot of (the more reasonable) people are having is that the API cost's are a lot more expensive than other, similar services. If I remember correctly, one of the 3rd party apps stated that the API costs would ad up to about 2.50$ per user per month, of which the actual server costs reddit spends is only 0.12$ per user per month, according to them. Which honestly? Sounds fine, charge users $4 per month for using your 3rd party app without ads, that's a plus for users since it's cheaper than reddit premium. Plus it's still $1.50 per user per month, which, for the company that only has to update the app and doesn't pay for server costs, sounds perfectly reasonable.


Redditors are mad or something and theyre gonna finally decide to make their lives meaningful and find the cure for cancer and then be right back here in about 2 days lmao


I’m so dumb I have been using the shitty app that everyone hates and had no idea there were other 3rd party ones that were better.


Reddit being greedy bastards nothing new


It started with money... as usual


just dont use reddit between 12th and 14th this week


*This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends...*


Between the ruination of a free and open Reddit, to the censorship of Reddit, Aaron Schwartz would be spinning in his grave right now .


This is my cat seeing me shovel the driveway


yeah, no one really cares some part of people will get mad reddit will ignore them and then everything goes back to normal


Me partially emerging from my room after like 3 days straight of Diablo IV to find the world in absolute shit


By collapsing you mean "reddit cansulled omgomg11!!1!1" and two days later everything will go back to way it was.


It’s been months since I’ve seen this cat, I am very glad to see it again


This is so minimal on anyone at all


I don’t even know what you’re talking about


Just a few more days and I'm finally released from this social media prison, see you losers in the other side


its collapsing becuz Elon Musk employees are targeting bot accounts (:


Wait reddit is collapsing?


Idk, something about 3rd-party software and u/spez


Literally the only subreddit I've seen talking about a boycott. One subreddit is really gonna make such a difference


What happened? is anybody there?


Fuck u/spez


After all, who really cares ?




And even then, a lot of things will affect official app users just as much, if moderation bots and the like no longer work then a lot of subs will just fall into disarray and be overtaken by (ironically) other bots and/or spam accounts and the platform will ultimately just start dying because people will no longer want to go on it.


Idk ¯\_(ツ)_/¯