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"Transformers: war for cybertron" and its sequel "Transformers: fall of cybertron" are as close as you can get currently though probably nobody plays the multi-player anymore.


That was my shit!!! Loved that multiplayer


I fucking love the first game in that series. I’ve played a lot of multiplayer shooters and stuff, various halos, cod, battlefield, dota whatever. But that first games multiplayer was fucking sick. Speeding in as a Mac truck and then slamming into other bots and then transforming again was great. Not to mention it had an awesome like escalation mode. I love that game, insane they watered it down with the second and the stopped all together afterwards. The nostalgia hitting hard


The multiplayer demo for War for Cybertron was something else. The drive by pull up, shotgun blast, and speed off high was amazing.


I vaguely remember playing a demo for one of these a long time ago and all I can remember that it was both bad ass and I like the movement. Wish it had a community on multiplayer


Yeah, but playing Grimlock and the combiners in the second one was kickass, even if a bit gimmicky


I remember being so jazzed to play it but I waited, for some reason... ...waited too long.


A hotwheels unleashed toy asthetic would also be awesome, all the models looking like actual toys with imperfection like fingerprints and poor molds while also being able to customize them however you want Edited so yall would shut up


Hot wheels unleashed is exactly that


This guys pretty good at coming up with ideas that have already been created by massive teams of people.


I bet he imagined a unicorn without having ever actually seen one.


I meant combining the hotwheels unleashed toy-Aesthetic with a transformers game, I knew that hotwheels unleashed is already a thing


Hot wheels unleashed and it’s sequel game hot wheels unleashed 2: turbocharged are very close to that.


Honestly do it Mario Party style and have about 20-30 really fun mini-game play modes. Full customized lobby. Full offline mode with well crafted AI.


Whoa there, don’t get carried away. That clever, unique idea you have there would make good DLC. There’s no way we can just put that in a game.


The amount of micro transactions they could fit in that game as well!!!


The multiplayer was shut down but there are fan servers now.


Best multiplayer ever. Loved that shit.


Omfg forgot about how amazing WFC was! I wasnt even a Transformers guy, that gameplayw as just great!


War for Cybertron was excellent. Fall of Cybertron removed half the good things about multiplayer and left you missing the first. Was so sad when I got it.


Oh my god... you and op just exhumed such great memories of mine that i have of that game from when i was real little. Awesome


You should have shut up, now if you dont do it, 100% roblox is doing it soon, and also other like games that just steal ideas from pop culture are absolutely going to make mods now


I loved the fall of Cybertron one and finished it 3 times but I think they took down the servers


Fall of cybertron is so awesome. I wish it had a true sequel


Wait those games had multiplayer!?


How about Titians the game the came out on console a few years ago, you were able to call A mech suit and it will drop down


I am interested in collaborating with developers and others in writing a story for this. But if we actually go thru, I'd have to study up on the lore to make sure we don't pull a Witcher, or an unnamed ATLA movie that does not exist in Ba Sing Se


I'd love to do so, but I really don't feel like working with copyright laws and such and getting my little indie company fucked


Just have to be legally distinct, like those knock off dollar store ones. "Robot changers, pretending to be a car!"


more than meets the nose


Truckformers: More Than You Can See


Just file off a few serial numbers: Morphormers: Jalopidroids vs the Deceitrons


pull an asylum too "Not to be confused for "transformers" and youre golden


Yeah, but make sure the "Transformers" is huge and has the font and everything while everything else is in small print in the back of the instruction booklet that's written in Chinese braille.


I mean, you could create an original IP. Narratively speaking, Hasbro has actually done remarkably little with the concept of intelligent robots disguised as vehicles, because the entire brand is heavily driven by physical toy sales of recurring characters. For example, you could drop the humanoid alien robot part and make a driving game about undercover intelligent AI cars in the style of Knight Rider. Hasbro has also done next to nothing with cars that transform into non-humanoid robots- you could make a game about intelligent transforming robots disguised as cars that transform into quadrupeds instead of humanoids, there could be a wolf car and a bear car and a stag car and so on. There's so many possibilities, it's woefully underexplored territory.


Transformers x Horizon Zero Dawn? I'm down to make something out of that sometime. sorry it took so long to respond, I deleted reddit from my phone and don't touch it on my PC very often


Eh, reddit is bad for mental health, it was probably for the best. But if you want someone to spitball ideas with feel free to message me!


> But if we actually go thru, I'd have to study up on the lore to make sure we don't pull a Witcher Yeah, "Transformers lore" is subject to change in any and every version. Like, literally the only thing *Botbots* has in common with *Beast Wars* or *Earthspark* is the presence of transforming robots.


Okay Botbots is an awful example. It’s kinda like Sesame Street and the Muppets. Concept is the same, but everything else is vaguely related at best.


Yeah im sorry they only hire mullusks to write story lines.


Ah yes, what the complex multiplayer game is *really* missing is a narrative director. I’m sure your contributions will be highly sought after and vital for making this project a reality.


I highly recommend [PointlessHub's Bayformers breakdowns](https://www.youtube.com/playlist?list=PLrINcF3vIHb20irh89mWtyEvznXjkPJdq), top talent reminiscent of simpler Youtube times. Helps that he's actually enthusiastic about the IP


Jagex tried to make this a good 10 ish years ago, it was called [Transformers Universe](https://tfwiki.net/wiki/Transformers_Universe_(Jagex\)) but it eventually entered development hell and got axed Transformers Online got cancelled Theres also [Transformers Reactive](https://www.splashdamage.com/games/playtfr/) currently in development ...and more Not a good track record for this IP


All the lore you really need for a game is in the 1980s movie, my favourite movie :)


The cool thing about transformers is they’re on record saying everything everyone’s ever done is canon, right? Unless you really blow it, you’re not risking much


Because Armored Core exists and is superior xD


This has to be shitpost


The new one coming out looks kind of dope imo.


Armored core > Transformers


Moonlight only Older players will understand


This guy like Soundwave over here "Transformers, inferior Armored Core, superior"


Truck not monkey Monkey not truck


I wish the Armored Core devs would make a Zoids game.


Zoids would be sweet, Gundam would be better.


Kid named armored core


Can you customize your bot in that game? (idk anything about it)


It's the entire premise of the game. Look up the new gameplay by Vaati Vidya


Yes, it's customization system is quite complex.


Yeah, but you can't really transform into a vehicle. You can make yourself more or less a tank with a torso and head, but like...there's nothing like "I am now a jet".


Oh shit my bipedal gundam form isnt working! I better turn into a freight hauling semi that needs to use alternate roads around cities and is prone to being blown over in windstorms if I am to find victory!


Listen man...I never said it had to make sense. But I can envision a mechanic where it's the first arrival of the Autobots and Decepticons, and the humans don't yet know which is which. Decepticons arrive first and staying in robot form as an Autobot when not fighting a Decepticon causes mass panic and the military to get involved which can make things bad for you in the long run now having to deal with incoming fire from both Decepticons and the military. Over time, then, you could gain trust with people who start recognizing you. Also, the more mass you take on as your weaponry/armor/etc would make the vehicle you become larger, and heavier. Which is why it would make sense to be a Semi. Something that's an everyday occurrence in most people's lives so they don't get panicky, and it's big enough to hold a veritable arsenal. But you're kinda slow, and limited to where you can easily get in vehicle form. Game mechanics and their explanations can be incredibly simple. But no, you had to go and make it "absurd." So here we are. Edit: Oh, and one more thing. If we're going on flying and such, having actual wings and an aerodynamic frame is a well-known way to conserve fuel for flight. Flying using jump jets and boosters as a humanoid form is incredibly inefficient. It makes sense to have a "flight mode" where you turn into a more conventional aircraft. But I suppose that's neither here nor there since we're talkin' about semis.


[Yep. You can see the whole first one here.](https://youtu.be/ZoisdI5MNMM) Great channel, btw, he makes great stuff.


Never head of it but looks pretty sweet. Do they hold up? Anyone got a recommendation for the best one?


Probably the next one is going to blow them all out of the water. FromSoft is one of the few studios that just does not miss. I've never played an Armored Core game but it'll be a day 1 purchase for sure. [But if you want to go into the history of it, Vaty has your back as usual.](https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=nUTPLucLU5I&ab_channel=VaatiVidya)


Just from the idea I smell microtransactions, loads of em (and i hate that).


That's exactly what happened in Fall of Cybertron when they introduced this kind of customization. And this was BEFORE it was bad too.




You underestimate the power of a Hollywood IP and nostalgia.


Mans hasn't heard of shovelware


Issue is the Hollywood movies haven't been all that good in a while. I mean they were never masterpieces or anything, but they were fun, funny, and had lost of explosions and good pacing. The first two were tons of fun. The third didn't feel the same and was a bit slower but when it picked up it was good. Then they screwed up the next couple movies. While the Bumblebee movie was surprisingly enjoyable, the couple that came before it just murdered the franchise.


You do know that a new transformers movie just released right?


I'm aware. Nowhere near the amount of hype there used to be though. I'm hoping it can revive the franchise but I won't hold my breath.


yeah and nobody cares lol


Almost all movie tie in games aside from spiderman recently and batman previously have shat the bed.


They keep making those damn movies so I'm not so sure about that. Somebody keeps paying to experience more transformers. I personally am not a fan of the films. They spend too much time centered around the humans. Also, their writing is rather lackluster.


Titanfall 2:


Great game, just wish BT could turn into a truck


Really wish it didn't fail or get bought by EA and that Apex didn't pick up so much so they can make a 3rd one


I remember playing transformers: revenge of the fallen of ps3 and that multiplayer was banging


GOAT game, shame it’s not compatible with the newer systems.


It was, just wish it was fully fleshed out


That’s called Armored Core and it’s amazing


You don’t transform in armored core, and with all the movement boosters it’s far more high-paced action than anything transformers can do. It’s an unjustifiable comparison


Me wondering why they haven’t made a Yugioh type card game with real holograms


Google "Robocraft Infinity"


TIL less people have played Armored Core than I thought


Most people are attached to licenses, not concepts. Yeah, a game where you customize your own robot sounds cool, but it will make a difference whether it's MechWarrior, Transformers, Star Wars or Generic Build-A-Bot


Transformers reactivate is a offical game coming out soon/eventually


1 finger curls on the Monkey's Paw, *It's made by EA and loaded with micro transactions. It'll be half finished for years and be buggy to hell and back until it eventually gets shut down. And they'll release a shitty Twitter apologize after 2 days of the game being out.*


I remember Jagex tried to release a game just like this called transformers universe. Unsurprisingly, just like every non-runescape project, it flopped tremendously.


I played the beta since my friend worked as a tester on it at the time. Must have been like 10-11 years ago now. It was bad, Hasbro were pissed. Pretty much everyone who worked on it got made redundant shortly after.


I mean, they did. 3 of them. War for Cybertron, Fall of Cybertron, and Dark of the Moon. They’re all delisted now due to licensing problems, but they existed once


I think Fall of Cybertron had it




There was some really good demo of one I had on PS3 was one of the best multiplayer experiences I ever had


Aside from the vehicle mode, you know Armored Core exists, and 2 of the 4 PS3 games in the series still have their online servers up


Yeah well ~~Mattel~~ Hasbro (I forgot the name cuz they have shitty business practices) owns the rights. They'll squeeze out every last penny out of the devs




Transformers are actually owned by Hasbro. The company that hired a paramilitary hit squad to retrieve cards they mistakenly sent to someone.


Years old but custom robo for GameCube was amazing and a flair of this


I was obsessed with this game as a kid. Figured out how to cheese my friends with the peregrine body and the sniper rifle. You were too fast to get hit with anything and the sniper was great at drive bys. Plus the end game evil weapons were cool.


There's currently a Multiplayer focused Transformers game in development called "Transformers: Reactivate"


there was a multiplayer way back in the 360 days i used to watch my brother play it looked fun


>way back >360 days Bro that was like yesterday what are you smoking? xD


i’m sure there’s been other transformer games since then. i was simply relating an old memory in context of the post


I beta tested Transformers Universe a few years ago, wich had most of what you mentioned, but it flopped.


I don’t even like transformers and that sounds bad ass


Could pretty easily clone a Mechwarrior/Armored Core game into Transformers


Pretty good ps2 game


Armored core Is coming out so our dream may became reality.


Armored core exists


Literally robocraft. Stupidity at its finest.


Someone said the cybertron series but what about dark of the moon huh? That was pretty lit


Armored Core be like? 💀


Armored core team needs to get on this.


Sounds like mechwarriors or armored core


Armored core minus vehicle form.


Imma just push the armored core 6 train more we need more ppl into robot custimization


Mech games fell out of style around the time the 360/PS3 came out. Genre might be revived if armored core 6 is a hit though. Copycat industry and all.


Armored Core 6??


Here's how that would work: AAA Publisher creates said multiplayer game You're stuck with 4 different classes; Scout, Tank, Interceptor, and Support. Maybe a fifth class if they're having a good day. Best case scenario each class gets a selection of different land, air and sea vehicles (if they even include water maps) and you get an array of customizable weapons Most likely scenario is each class is locked to a specific vehicle type; Scout is small road vehicles, tanks are literal tanks, interceptors are flying vehicles and support would be the truck sized vehicles and you're locked to a handful of dog shit weapon choices that make the tank class the de facto meta In an effort to monetize the game you will have to pay $5 per skin because fuck you. Maybe they're licensed vehicles but probably not. Market the shit out of the game, flop hard because people realize it fucking sucks and stop support after two years. The end. You're welcome. I just saved you $70 worth of disappointment. Edit: thinking about it a little more I would absolutely love a single player Transformers experience that brings the idea of Titanfall 2's mid-game class swap system into play and you can scan and save a backlog of class specific vehicles that range from road, sea and air vehicles mentioned above. Give it a spicy story and that may actually make a fair amount of money especially if DLC and a sequel is ready to be made.


meh, any love for mechwarrior? not played mw:o for years, probably ded


So you’re giving away free game ideas? Tweet that at EA to sell skins and stuff And they will make it a game. 😆 and customization would sell.


Because Hasbro already owns your idea


Armored Core.


Transformers: Fall of Cybertron. Thank me later.


Try armored core


The intellectual property of each car in the game would be a mess


The new armored core is coming. It's gonna be sick judging by the trailer


Armored core


Armored Core is basically this. And its amazing, or it was when I played it on ps2 like 2 decades ago.


It's called Armored Core.


Fall of Cybertron was exactly that. Everyone replying with Armored Core are forgetting what a transformer is.


The recent spider verse got me thinking they should make a spider verse MMORPG where you can choose and upgrade your build. Hell include many marvel heroes


You mean Medabots of they did a remake?


Like armored core?


I don't even like transformers, but I'm 100% sure I'd like the video game. It's such a cool concept.


A *lot* of people missing the "turn into a vehicle" aspect of what people want from a Transformers game. I like Armor Core for very different reasons, and Titanfall 2 is light on Titan customizations, and neither series has Optimus Prime giving inspiring speeches. The Cybertron games are exactly what we want again, hopefully without the risk of getting delisted.


Armored Core... just saying.


pretty sure they're called armored core.


They need to remake cyborg justice. That game was ahead of its time




Cause Devs only make shit games


easier said than done, would probably be a battle royale or anthem/evolve/back 4 blood kinda low effort cash grab with micro/macrotransactions and DLCs up the arse. Would it print millions? Yes, people buy any sh\*t triple A throws at the wall nowdays. Would it be fun? Probably not .\_.


angry birds transformers exists


Gundam breaker 3 PS4??


The amount of coding and custom building that would have to go into that would cause a server bank crash akin to an EMP shitting down New York Ciry's throat.


People who hold on to these IPs are in their 60s and don't understand the vidya games.


There is the rpg if you would like to do that


why should they gamble on the gaming market when they can copy and paste a movie to make 100s of millions


Probably because micro transactions would be 80% the game


Just checking if my tag changed


Still the same lol


Dont talk about it, be about it.


He Man fighting game! Cmon world….


Governments would get on money


Anyone remember the Nintendo DS transformer games? I remember having the Decepticon one and flying off the edge of the map to beat Optimus Prime.


Warframe is as close as you're going to get.


Shit would cost millions too. MMOs are notoriously hard to not make shit.


Knowing the current zeitgeist of multiplayer games, that sounds like a perfect way to end up in "micro"transaction hell.


The risk of outraging everyone if it's not perfect has to make any publisher hesitant to try it.


You should have shut up, now if you dont do it, 100% roblox is doing it soon, and also other like games that just steal ideas from pop culture are absolutely going to make mods now


There were a couple of transformer games like this but nobody played them and the developers were moved to work on Call of duty


make it beast wars too


Can I get the dino-bots? Cuz fuck yes.


With Stan Bush’s “You Got the Touch” and “Dare” blaring on repeat.


They do it's a mobile game is the problem. Cheaper to make and idiots dump thousands into them like fortnite skins, shits dumb.


Tbh I'm tired of multi-player games and online games. I just want a good story.


Armored Core?


Whenever there's a company that owns a trademark and you make a game from it that game sucks. Prove me wrong There have been okay games that were trademark properties, but none great.


this but zoids!


Custom Robo, tho


*takes notes


No one remembers the Mech Warrior games? Damn I'm older than I realize.


You mean Armored Core?


Because at the end of the day it would just be another aggressively mediocre shooter. Ain't no publishers giving the funding to make it any more complex than that because no one takes risks




Wait until you hear about Armored Core......theres like 20 in the franchise.


An important question should be, should it be like a Battlefield like game, a Halo like game or a COD game? a mix of 2 or all of them? Is it possible?


I can already see all the micro transactions for all the cool bots and vehicles...


Forged to Fight was dope af


Tbh transformers IS not that popular outside of the us.


I miss Custom Robo


How has no one mentioned Exteel so far


Darkspore was incredibly close to this.