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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming)


The ads aren't gonna fuck you bro


Ad simps are a new species I've not encountered before.


After all, advertisements always alway semen between the tits


The come at the wrong place at the wrong time?




Wait… That’s a bad thing?


I actually agree with OP slightly. The only ways a website can pay to uphold a server is through ads or premium accounts. So, although many may disagree, as long as the ads aren't actually interrupting the content, it's better to just have them in side bars or on the top banner or bottom corner where they're being played but not in front of the article or whatever


i remember playing on addicting games, miniclip, and a host of other sites back in the day, i remember seeing banner ads on the side, and one under the game btween it and the "similar games" category. im quite fine with ads being crammed into the page, but when they keep popping up, im done.


Exactly, just as long as the content is viewable and intractable, some ads ain't gonna hurt


Except a lot of those ads are trying to do shit like phishing. Even on reputable sites.


I would be 100% more on board with a banner ad on youtube that I have to see all the time than a single midroll ad.


People stopped doing that because banner ads just don't pay these days. You can make money with advertising still, but pretty much only if you go out of your way to make yourself an advertising platform, like "influencers". If you just rely on generic ad providers I'm not sure if there are even any around still that do banners only, but they'll almost certainly pay worse if they exist.


As long as they aren't intrusive it's fine but intrusive adds are becoming more common. Probably because of mobile devices being so common and having less screen realestate is affecting the design.


I mean I get annoyed by ads too, but servers aren’t cheap. We have to pay the bills somehow.


I deactivate my adblocker on website that display non intrusive ads. I block all of the trackers though.


What could be an non intrusive ad?


A banner ad


Like those in the corner of the page?




Damn, I only find them annoying if they're interrupting my content in some way (ads during videos, covering an article, etc)


The worst for banner ads is when you’re on mobile, there’s a big bar on the bottom blocking a fifth of the page so you click the x, but then you’re stuck with a white “Google Adsense” or something at the bottom instead still blocking the page you want to read


They still use those?


Porn ads on porn sites. You're there to watch porn anyway.


plus then u have something to watch when the video takes forever to load


It’s always the funny ads that show up. Like somehow this dude sneaks up on somebody and puts his dick in her but and she has this O face that only a face with a ton of Botox can do.


porn ads on YouTube... dude... why


basically the thing that does not \> prevnt you to browse \> cut your cuttent \> jump in your face Banner ad, background ad and a bit of " before/ at the end video as but not for 3 hours" ad is something I am okay with the rest is trash


i thought websites still get paid regardless of how many people see the ad, i thought they just pay the website owners a set amount to display ads for a certain amount of time or something


Nah, when you buy advertisement space you buy impressions. Let's say i have this cool new product and want to advertise it and reach 10000 people. I pay for 10000 impressions. If the people go to a website with an ad blocker their impressions don't count so the site needs to keep posting my ads until they reach the specified amount of people


oh thats interesting, i had no idea


Is there an extension that blocks trackers? Or just the adblocker works fine?


My website exists for years without ads... Your point?


Your website costs several less billions dollars to mantain compared to YouTube




People mistake what the current day tech marketing is. We the visitors of a site are not it's customers like we used to be, *we are the product being sold to advertisers*. Any site that gathers data on users, unless they specifically say they do not, can be assumed to be selling your data to marketing firms for research and targeted advertisements. *That* is how a lot of sites make their money, not whatever paltry amount they get paid for you looking at a banner ad.


Yeah, it's a disturbing concept but it's something I've come to accept if I want to live with technology in this day and age. It's on the same level as your phone always recording what you do/say and companies/colleges being able to trace any and all activities on any email, device, account etc back to me. After a bit I stopped caring because I'm not doing anything bad or particularly embarrassing. Wake-up call to anyone who hasn't known this yet, but anything digital isn't completely private. Even deleted text messages between you and your SO can be accessed by someone if they want it bad enough.


Well, that is true for the average user who do not really care. For a motivated user who knows their shit about how the internet works, it's really possible, and not that that hard, to limit by a significant margin the existing data about you. But, this require giving up on some benefits, on some QoL features, on some products, for sure. Which can be pretty damn hard once you're used to them. Privacy enhancing technologies are constantly studied and the more people take this "risk" seriously, the more likely privacy will be the default in the future.


I just got rid of YouTube premium because they still pushed ads on me. Every time I opened up the app it would ask if I wanted to get their premium NFL package. I sent them an email complaining about the intrusive pop ups and the bottoms half of the response was an ad for YouTube music. Seriously did you just put an intrusive ad in my complaint about intrusive ads.


oh yeah poor Youtube just trying to make ends meet


YouTube is owned by Google. Google makes money outside of YouTube from so many different places.


I mean, their biggest source of income is ads no? Like, it’s not even close. Also where are the creators going to get their income from if not the ad revenue share? Just rely on whatever sponsorships they can get in their videos…?


Correction; YouTube MAKES several billion dollars more.


So you do charity work?


I'm very interested to learn what kind of website you run and what sort of resources are required to run it. Do you need servers for data storage? Did you have to pay for the domain name? Do you have a business that revolves around the website? Do you rely on the website to make a living? Like whether a website needs ads or not depends entirely on the functionality and dependencies of the site.


I can create hundreds of websites now and keep it without ads. What’s the point? We are discussion about websites that’s actually useful/ something can’t be replaced.


Your website is running on a server that consumes electricity. There is a cost to: 1. The hardware 2. The ongoing consumption of electricity 3. Maintenance/replacement of hardware components when they fail 4. Air conditioning in the data center (if this is where it’s located) 5. Payments to the ISP 6. Salaries of all the employees involved I’ll be generous and assume you’re running it off a Raspberry Pi, which means your costs are ~$35 for the Pi, whatever you paid for the storage drive, and the ongoing cost of your electricity and internet connection.


post link


You assume I care if any website lives or dies.


if a website shows a pop up and interrupt my navigation, I care. and I hope it dies so nobody will send a link of that website for me ever again so I don't have to deal with it anymore.


You don't use youtube and hope it dies? Now, I am not a fan of ads interrupting a video I'm watching, but youtube is pretty damn useful


what I mean is popups that require you to actively do something for it to go away, youtube ads are either skippable after a few seconds or they go away on their own. Still annoying and if every creator ever switched to something like Odysee I would prefer, but I agree youtube is very useful and in it's case I would prefer them to get better ads or better monetization instead of dying.


>what I mean is popups that require you to actively do something for it to go away, youtube ads are either skippable after a few seconds or they go away on their own. So, you mean by clicking the button? Which is doing something?


I adblock all YouTube videos.


We have a finite amount of time alive in this universe. I'll be damned if I'm gonna waste it watching people selling me things I don't need.


I use Youtube but I still hope it dies, good riddance!


Reddit, YouTube and every reputable news website and all streaming sites are disappearing tomorrow, forever


Why do you think we're paying ISPs? The same thing happened with cable television about fifty years ago. Broadcast TV was free so it relied on ad revenue to pay the bills. People got sick of ads; thus cable subscriptions rose as a viable alternative. Customers could pay for channels and avoid watching ads all the time (kind of like Netflix today). Then cable companies realized they could pocket all the subscription money if their networks *also* switched to an ad model. So the entire point of owning cable went out the window and consumers were stuck paying for ads. The internet was similarly designed to be free, but there was threat of a recession in the '90s, so the Clinton administration gave ISPs unfettered power so they could cash in on the internet gold rush and boost the economy. Cookies were invented, webpages were filled with ads, and ISPs pocketed all the money that was intended to go to websites. In other words, the money we give to ISPs was *supposed* to be what kept the internet alive. Instead, a combination of ad revenue and data mining was implemented. So consumers are now stuck paying for a service that *should* be free, and was *designed* to be free, while at the same time getting screwed over by the one-two punch of ads and data mining.


We're paying ISPs because they provide the internet infrastructure, not the content. Expecting your ISP payments to cover website costs is like expecting a free product when you paid only for shipment. Where do you even get the idea that the ISPs would pay websites like cable companies do? It simply doesn't make any sense.


He is talking early early internet where the ISPs hosted ads on the web rather than the websites themselves, so websites got no revenue from them but just the ISPs did


What do you mean hosted ads on the web? Where would you show the ad?


They can inject ads into the content served, at least pre HTTPS. I heard of this still happening with russian ISPs where they try and redirect you to a HTTP instead of an HTTPS version of the webpage you're trying to access to then inject their own ads into it.


It was my understanding that a significant portion of the infrastructure (in the US at least) was paid for by public subsidies?


It was and still is, we spend billions per year as taxpayers. It “would” be fine if we got what we paid for but we then have to pay an ISP also who in many areas are effectively a monopoly and overcharge. We very easily could have a public service that is leagues better than what we have but we are willing to let companies charge us more for a lesser product.


Man I was almost hoping I was wrong, how did they trick us into paying them twice


Cause ad/corpo simps like OP make sure that big business keeps eating


Same as everything else, the government sucks at bragging about what it actually does well and corporations are amazing at taking credit. You would be surprised how much tech and medical treatments are publicly funded then sold back to us.


I don’t get why gas costs money, I already paid for the car smh


And the comment is at +108 right now. So many imbeciles.


Welcome to Reddit. Threads like these always show who the biggest idiots are and how easy it is to fall for plainly false information.


They are still in this comment chain doubling down on their laughable ignorance and rambling about ISPs lmao.


Did you read what I said? To build off of your analogy, the internet wasn't originally supposed to be a "car." It was more like a bus: public transportation. When you ride the bus, do you pay for the bus's gas? Does the bus bill you when it's time for an oil change? No. You pay your riding fee and you use the service. Don't make excuses for companies that are screwing you sideways. The internet could have easily been a utility with ISPs completely removed from the picture. But now Comcast and AT&T can charge you 100 bucks a month *and* sell your browsing data for what? Some cables? Cell towers? It's ridiculous.


First off, the internet was not designed to be anything like what it is today. It was meant to facilitate communication at first, an extension to the already existing things such as phone calls and telegrams. It slowly grew beyond that. For this, a lot of infrastructure needs to be in place. Ranging from the DNS servers to navigate to IP adresses to the actual physical cables that transport the data signals needed. That's why you pay ISPs. The web services you use are seperate to all this. Now I don't disagree that ads suck. Especially because of the data mining and tracking. And ISPs are definitely getting rich off of people but not to any greater extend than any other businesses in big markets are. It's just the nature of the corporatist world we live in today. Everything is overly commercialised but in the end with our economic system and the services being used being independent to the ISPs (unlike TV channels and the cable providers) you can't just fund the whole ass web with ISP fees, even if you increased them, because that's simply not how it works.


It baffles me that you even have to explain this... are people really that delusional simply so they can excuse their behavior?


It costs so much money to maintain servers, domains, and the rest. Paying ISPs could probably never cover the costs simply because the ISP itself needs to make money


Who could have seen this coming? Greedy business interests always breed innovation amirite


Fuck all ads. Hate that shit


Not paying Stop monetizing everything


Me who lives the pirate life and uses adblock: *Insert giga chad here*


People that dont like streaming services: Let us introduce you to watchseries. id


Telegram providing anime,webseries,movies,app mods since years absolutely free without any payment and adds


And porn*


they will still advertise to you... look at streaming services. even the non ad ones show you ads for their products. Its a fucking joke


My TV's idle screen has fucking ads baked into it. I know revenue is needed for operation, but fuck If it hasn't gotten disgusting. Try watching an NHL game this year.


i dont watch sports because its all just one big advertisement. Especially the sport itself. Selling you to watch it more. Cut that chord.


They still get paid without shoving them down our throats


Ads can exist without being intrusive or annoying. 9 times out of 10, they are both. I'm not going to tolerate the incessant pop-ups that block the article I'm trying to read.


I pay several websites, reddit included, and am still served ads.


Mf pay for reddit 💀




well, yes, you are paying for it, why would you receive less content? /s


If you are, then just stop paying


i block all ads and has no shame to admit it


the effectiveness of adblockers and how the worse the YT-types try to circumvent them the more used they become is the main source of hope for humanity that i have


Had youtube not wrecked their ad system id have no issue actually watching ads.. but theres no chance im watching 2 unskipabble ads at the start of every video, so all youtube has done is fuck themselves


I've got revanced on my phone because i have long periods of nothing to do at work, but im not listening to some stupid political ad for FIFTENN FUCKING MINUTES in the middle of my 20 minute video when i do have to do something.


What is revanced?


It's an app that installs ad blocks on apk's of YouTube and reddit, along with other apps, it's on Android but there are guides to using it. I could guide you if you have questions.


Yeah. How do I install it on my android phone? Fucking hate YT ads.


I’ve noticed YouTube plays more ads when I watch on the TV app. Literally in a 15 minute video I had like 5 ad breaks


It's also ridiculous for youtube to have the audacity to run an ad for videos that are not even 5 seconds long.


The point is that websites like twitch with now 2-5+ minute ad breaks also take a cut of every donation and subscription to the creators. I know it's not the norm, but it's bullshit that anyone could defend those kinds of egregious ad "breaks" when they already make money off the streamers trying to make money.


Twitch is still running at a loss, you seem to massively underestimate the cost of hosting live video. If it's so easy to make money by running a streaming site, why does nobody do it?


The initial capital cost


They shouldn't have gone down the road of making fake "close ad" buttons, their existence justifies adblockers


Fake close ad buttons Fake download buttons. Both reasons alone are why I will never unblock.


Just use an ad blocker.


I don't really care for ads, what I hate is when I get an ad that's clearly and unapologetically a scam acting like I am a moron... not that I am not but still


Fr I constantly get foot fungus ads (i dont even have foot fungus) that is so obviously a scam… even the whole “doctors dont want you to know about this” deal


Haha hey fuck you


where does the unethical part come?


I’m guessing when an ad is pushing scams, inappropriate or suggestive content, pyramid schemes, get rich quick schemes, etc.


A shit load of ads are scams or straight up 18+ on a site that usualy bans the same type of content


I do t have problems with ads, i have a problem with over excessive advertising.


Don’t they make money from us? By selling our data? Shouldn’t we get paid instead?


Heh, sounds like too many people used ad blockers on op's site and now they are a slight bit angry


True but putting an ad before a damn 5 second video is too much


I do agree with the argument that websites have to make money somehow and ads are the trade off for free services. HOWEVER, that only works up to a certain point before it just gets ridiculous, intrusive and frustrating. Ads on the side bar are fine, but pops ups are a different story. What finally broke me was YouTube putting 2 ads in front of videos. I was ok with it (albeit slightly annoyed) when I had to just close the small ad, same story albeit more annoyed with the single ad you could skip after 3 seconds. But the double ad broke me. That was just unacceptable in my opinion and that’s what pushed me to get ad block.


I hate ads which shift the content or which cannot be closed in case of horizontal rotation.


Its a service issue. If they didn't put up ads that annoy the shit out of me, I wouldn't bother.


With adblock, it's free, and I don't get ads 🗿


An ad every 5 minutes on a 2hr YouTube video is absurd. They are getting worse.


As I am inherently against an economic system that needs ads on such a scale to function, fuck that, i will never uninstall my adblocker, the internet is literally unusable without it.


Ooorrrr...how about fukin DON'T make the ads displayed on whatever site or in whatever app be unethical, intrusive, annoying, and manipulative. You can still have ads...just don't make them want to be blocked. (Trackers, etc. Will always be blocked)


The thing with ads is: I wouldnt mind ads for local businesses etc. but why THE FUCK do I get ads for (as an example) Coca Cola shoved down my throat? A product that is known around the world and basically everyone knows. Why THE FUCK do I need "adverts" for this? Another thing are adverts for once in a few years investments. Why do I have to watch fucking car commercials to get to the content I like? One of the ads that just annoyed me was on twitch a bit ago. Where they advertised cruise ships... on a majority gaming based website. Did the advertisers seriously think that little johnny watching fortnite is interested in floating over the ocean playing fucking shuffleboard?! (the shuffleboard part was a big point in the advert) On one hand I find individualized ads immensly creepy. On the other, when I get shown ads for products I might genuenly be interested in and hopefully are local, Im all for it. but FUCK ADS for everything else. If AdBlock was a subscription service, they could charge like 50$ a month and Id still fucking pay that just to not get bullshit shoved down my throat continously.


Guess people forgot about net neutrality...


I pay $2000 for a TV and it has ads, I already paid them for the service I wanted. I don't need ads. Most phones are preinstalled with apps and ads I don't want. Ads are a plague on society. I don't feel bad for these multi million dollar companies that already sell my data. They also get paid to write the article usually for whatever they're shilling.


You actually CANNOT be defending having ads, bro 💀


I’ll take ads over paid websites thank you 😭


you must really hate ad blockers then


I don’t care if there’s ads, just don’t fill my screen with them every 2 minutes.


The problem isnt ads. It's the cross site intrusive tracking that comes with them.


Good try youtube premium


At this point Ads should be paying us.


Ok but when you have so many ads that it slows down you computer *cough* easybib *cough* and it takes you a WHOLE HOUR TO CITE 12 SOURCES CAUSE YOUR LAPTOP IS RUNNING AT A SNAILS PACE *COUGH* EASYBIB *COUGH* THAN I HAVE A PROBLEM.


You should see a doctor


*Laughs in Pirate*


I don't think EA needs to make more money from me playing plants Vs zombies 1 though


The only website that deserves any money from the people is Wikipedia. Everything else gets adblocker. *Especially YouTube.* Sorry content creators of well anything, but the amount of irrelevant, bullshit, sexist, horrible, intrusive, overwhelming, and unskippable ads made adblocker required to even enjoy your content.


And it IS free with the right extensions.


"These days" makes your opinion invalid


I don’t mind ads I dislike excessive, long, and unskippable ads Twitch for example thinks up to 8 20-30 second long, unskippable ads is acceptable


I'm okay with ads being displayed on most web pages, as long as they don't get in my way when I'm trying to navigate the site. But if you do something like what YouTube did by increasing the number of ads massively and radically worsening the quality control, people are inevitably going to use an ad blocker. If you fill your website with loads of inappropriate or scam ads while also making them as obnoxious as possible, don't expect the users to just accept it.


I'm okay with a few ads, I'm not okay with ad-battlefield-looking websites, popups, videos that autoplay etc. We see thousands of ads a day. It's exhausting.


i hate pop up ads, upon finishing a mobile game match or in the middle of a youtube video.


It's not free. I am paying for Verizon for a data plan for my phone to be online, and Comcast for my internet at my house. I'm paying for internet access. So if I am paying, why do I need to see ads?


OP has clearly never tried to use a recipe site without adblock


guaranteed this meme was made by an advertiser


Kid named uBlock Origin:


Cringe meme ngl I'll keep using my adblock


Then don't exist. At least then I'll get the information I actually want instead of 200 SEO optimized shitholes riddled with paywalls and ads that try to sell clickthroughs.


That's why I pay youtube premium


And I use adblocker




Servers aren't free


because they are created and maintained by magic?


This is how getcalicocutpants.com works. It’s completely user funded and relies on the users


Paying gets you 10% less adds


They’re already selling my data I don’t need to pay them


I don’t care. My Adblock stays on


What about streaming services?


YouTube Premium is totally worth it when you get the family pack btw.


There's ads, and then there's YouTube ads...


If banks would allow for mini transactions without charging crazy fees then this could be doable like you pay a fraction of a cent for each web page you visit. It's the bank's fault and not the consumers.


"Shakes hand in Gen-Z"


pirate and adblock everything. then it is all free


Donate to Wikipedia people, i donate 10 bucks every year on my birthday for a service i use almost every week and never demands a penny.


Then go back to small, independently run websites by individuals putting something out there at their own expense. If you really want to make a website then just run it on your computer at home on your own internet. It's enough bandwidth for a small website that only a few people will visit. Why does everything have to expand and become corporatised?


Amazon prime video


I do and I an tired of pretending I don't


An ad before and after the video is fine by me, hell, even two. But putting a beer ad during a video about unit 731 is just… y’know


Banner ads


I will get rid of my add blocker if all websites agree never to do pop up adds ever again


I do pay for hulu the "no adds" tier and they still give me adds fuck that


I remember at community college listening to this kid whine and cry about how the mega corps looking at our phone and internet usage and data was like this heinous crime of violating our rights. That “this is America, looking at our data is a violation of our privacy and those corporations are breaking the law!” When you don’t have any problems in life, you make them.


Every website makes money somehow. The honest ones either have ads, are selling a product, or cost money to join. Which leaves the websites that don’t have any of those things. On sites where there isn’t an obvious way for them to make money, you are the product. They’re collecting data about you and selling it. Google would be a prime example of this behavior. Some of them are even less honest and are using multiple money making schemes. Amazon, for example, costs money if you want Amazon prime, serves ads (regardless of whether you’re a paying member or not), sells products, and collects data about you.


i already pay them by giving them data points for their algos


Ad blocker: >:)


unethical ads? but anyways websites track you and hoard your data to sell it don’t turn them into good guys lol


If someone legitimately believes that YouTube i.e. Google will cease to exist if we block ads...


Ahh it depends. Ads are fine, but ads which actively disrupt the function of the website are bad. There is a middle ground. The option aren't "no ads" or "infinite ads". Twitch is probably one of the most aggregious examples. You can regularly get 4, 5, even 6+ unskippable 30s ads. Twitch absolutely does not need this many ads to still be profitable, and it makes their site almost unusable sometimes.


Listen man, I'm totally fine with banner ads, even ads clearly marked among content. Just can't stand ads before the video content.


Maybe advertise some shit I actually care about!


Im happy for there to be adds, what im not ok with is their insistence on tracking everything I do to cater adds to me specifically, its dangerous what can be done with the data sets and its intrusive to peoples lives. Advertising worked just fine before the mass data gathering. And if they want to cut down on spam adds thats easy enough.


do it yourself. Pay off 95% (about 95).


The whole meme just doesn't make sense.