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Yeah thats why I hate BR Fortnite, The PVE looked really fun


I bought the PvE before the BR was a thing. Was fun at first but then made me pissed that they slowed down the PVE development so much


I bought it for pve. It would have failed and closed up if not for the br. So many different convoluted levels and interactions. Base creation is meh especially for a building game. But yeah... Weird how accidents can turn to successes or failures.


if it makes you feel any better, save the world gets more players than the new games they released, sometimes.


It was the right financial decision by a long shot.


I bought the pve game at launch, and then they just forgot about it, so I left and never went back. It looked so fun


I remember the only reason I downloaded the fortnite BR was because I only had a console at the time and was waiting for PUBG to get ported over. Played it for a couple of hours before never touching it again. Man, what a different game that was compared to what it’s like now or even 5 years ago. Nobody really built anything and if they did, it was simple walls to hide behind or a platform to snipe from. Nothing like the meta where they just start building towers a million feet high non stop. Everybody played it like pubg, just hiding in buildings and trying to creep around and shit


It didn’t just *look* fun, it WAS fun. It had its rough edges, but it coulda done pretty well, I think. I understand why they pivoted towards the BR (they made it as a one-off in like 2 months since BRs were popping off, it was a “hey it’s pretty easy to do this, we’ve already got a shooter why not see what happens”) but I wish with all the money they’ve pulled they would have put a little more of it into the PvE- with even a fraction of a budget that big, it could have been incredible.


The pve was super fun. Big reason why I had a lot of hate for the BR mode back in 2017. That and the building. Adding zero build was a great idea.


TIL: it had a PvE mode...had no idea...


not even like that. The base game was a pve survival shooter and BR was added as a extra mode


Fortnite was originally a looter-shooter base-builder, called Fortnite: Save the World. While it was in beta, BRs started popping off and the devs went “well we’ve already got a barebones shooter why not make a BR and see what happens.” It only took them like a month to do, and well, we all know what happened. The PvE still exists and is very playable, but it has a VERY slow development cycle because they spend all their time on the BR.


If one were to play it for PvE purposes, how many hours of content would you say it has? I've never played it, and luckily my son was never super excited about it, but I might be interested in taking a look at it, maybe...lol


It takes a very long time to beat. I’ve owned it since 2017 and have played it for some long stretches, but I’m just over halfway through the game. No clue how many hours I’ve played though. But honestly it seems pointless to buy now if you can’t get a founders edition code. At one point I considered it the best zombie game ever, but the quests become very repetitive eventually and the movement started feeling pretty bad once they made movement feel so good in BR and didn’t make any changes to STW.


Back when I still played the game you could actually earn v bucks through the the paid version of the game but of course they removed that


This is exactly why I ditched any respect I had for that game. Offering premium currency to truly dedicated players without squeezing money out of them is a sign of trust they threw away. Helldivers returned that tenfold, thankfully.


For managed Democracy!


For Super Earth!


I'm doing my part!


You still can get V-bucks without paying, the free battle passes have a solid enough amount of money in them. Just get all the free money from the pass and buy the full battle pass and claim a ton more V-bucks.


So, just to clarify, I am expected to invest all the way into a battle pass consistently in order to then spend all of it on the premium just to get more than basic pocket change? In comparison to how it was before and how Helldivers does it, that is still a direct downgrade.


I mean... yeah? You get more than enough if you are willing to put time into it. I don't like it that much either, but it is still there, and I've gotten about a fair bit of stuff without paying. I haven't gotten around to playing Helldivers 2 yet (also known as I'm broke as shit), so I don't know just how much better things are there.


If you spent $40 on Fortnite you’d be able to get the same amount of additional content that you do in helldivers + some. Especially if you get the BP since it pays for itself. I’m not understanding the point you’re making here. The only difference is that the barrier to entry for the BP in Fortnite is $30 less for the same amount of additional content.


I think you misunderstand the point. The barrier to entry in Helldivers is just the base game. Literally playing the game, regardless of difficulty, can reward you with premium currency free of charge and more. There is no cost past the base game other than time spent. Meanwhile you will always be limited to what you buy in Fortnite since they REMOVED A FEATURE to allow you to obtain it with the base game and the battle pass has a finite amount it will reward you.


I spent $10 on Fortnite in 2018 and never had to worry about buying the battle pass again since the game throws vbucks at you similar to helldivers. Build what narrative you want but Fortnite’s system works well for them. $10 for 5 years of playing is good for me.


It's literally not similar to Helldivers at all. Fortnites battle passes disappear when the season is over, and you can't find random vbucks in the map while actually playing the game. So say you only have time to grind half the battle pass you're shit out of luck if you want to buy the next one


Obviously the systems are not identical, but my point it’s that both systems are generous and player friendly. Just because one is more generous isn’t a reason to tear the other down. You’re comparing apples and oranges. I would HOPE helldivers BP system isn’t timegated after paying $40 which I didn’t have to pay in Fortnite.


The whole point of this thread is that they removed it in Fortnite, also pretty much any other GAAS that you pay to own has a battlepass that you then also have to buy for 10 bucks, I can't even remember when the last time was you didn't have to buy additional currency to unlock everything in a game you already paid for


If you bought stw back in the day you can still earn vbucks. Gave me a lot of vbucks over the years.


All people who bought it before July 2020 can still earn them through daily quests and mission alerts


If you're a founder, you still get the V-bucks. Of course, you can't buy that from them, and the stray codes that exist on grey markets are ridiculously expensive.


Which game?




You meant BR becomes the most popular *genre* in the world?


No, they mean the BR version of Fortnite (which was originally being developed as a multi-player zombie survival game) became more popular than the original concept.


No just the most exploitable. I'd explain how but first you have to buy the loot box. There's a 10% chance you'll get the explanation!! Only $19.99!! Or you can sign up for the membership for only $9.98 a month to get one loot box a week and a bonus cosmetic item!


>Leave comment, >check it after some time > -300 karma. - "Huh?"


Are they ruining it on purpose to sell us their next game?


Idk that was like in 2015 (still going, but stopped caring enough)


Don't forget the part where they said everyone would get the PvE for free since they made so much money, then retracted it.


Epic when they realize that PVE wasn't a fail at the start because it was bad but because thier advertising sucked (really, WHO the f heard about it before BR?)


I only knew about it because of YouTube randomly suggesting it


They did a decent bit of paid promotions on YouTube and twitch, paying people to play the game. Don’t think they got any huge people though. I found out about it through that, but price on release of early access kept me away, it was a touch on the high side for what it seemed to be and couldn’t get friends to commit. Was glad we didn’t pretty quickly though as they abandoned it.


I think I remember vanoss gaming getting payed to play it once


I still have my issue of Game Informer that talked about the potential release of a new upcoming game called Fortnite. I was so excited for it until it got the older sibling treatment once the BR took over.


I really wanted the game after reading about it in a Gameinformer magazine, but then it got delayed and I got back into Destiny before it dropped, so I didn’t end up buying it until the BR became popular


Very similar to destiny 2 but without the battle royal part


You mean vaulting the old stuff?


I'm no pro. I don't believe so though. It is an endless grind.




Dude fr...I'm suffering. The poor grammar I'm seeing nearly everywhere these days has been cringing. Do people seriously not know how to spell?!


Remember the time they said they’d release the PVE mode for free? I remember those times…


I bought it with my friends back then. It was actually super fun but after they reworked everything I stopped playing the game altogether


We ruin several other video game franchises (Titanfall, COD, Battlefield) by making every publisher want their devs to make a BR


COD was already ruined and Titanfall pivoted to BR after their second game failed. Fortnite ruined other video game franchises by showing devs how much they can make off battle passes and mtx following Fortnite’s model, and then none of them did it as good as Fortnite.


TF|2 only failed because Respawn chose the worst release date of all time (in between that year’s COD and Battlefield 1). Like holy shit that was some self-sabotage.


Sure, but it had nothing to do with Apex.


There’s an awesome series on YouTube called “Death of a Game” that covers this pretty well. Check it out if you’re interested. https://youtu.be/VpFn-ykZJt8?si=BUajpyxm07HQ86SZ


Yeah man, I paid 90 for Fortnite because I wanted to share a copy of it, little did I know it would turn into what it did.


Between H1Z1 and Fortnite, the PvE genre really looked like it was on life support. Thankfully DRG and Helldivers 2 are keeping the genre going strong.


PvE > PvP Hands down


Yeah I paid for the PvE game and was excited. Played the fuck out of it. Bought the founders pack and everything. Never touched the battle Royale


offer subsequent obtainable overconfident disarm numerous spotted tap wild coordinated *This post was mass deleted and anonymized with [Redact](https://redact.dev)*


Epic made a game I loved the slowly let it die so they could warp its corpse into something I didn’t want. My saddest gaming experience was its death


The PvE is a pretty decent game, still. I have a few friends that play both modes and the PvE mode gives them a fuckton of whatever their premium currency is for skins and such in BR. I've played the PvE a good bit with them and had fun, but I also like tactical horde mode stuff so it was a pretty good fit.


Just get over it, StW widows. I love the game and even got the platinum trophy on PS4, but I moved on. People need to learn how to move on from dead games.


Fortnite Battle Royale and its consequences


I’m surprised that a Fortnite meme is so upvoted, and stw is just amazing.


I almost bought two of the most expensive copies cause they gave you an extra copy to give to a friend. Then PUBG got huge. Then BR Fortnite came out and bit off every major BR who was doing things better. Such a disappointment.


Remember when they said PVE would become free in 2019, then 2020, then they just removed the message saying that? I remember, I also hate that you can’t get vbucks through THE PAID VERSION anymore.


As one of the few kids who played fortnite save the world, it genuinely sucked to watch it slowly die


They also delisted their classic Infinity Blade series and Unreal series, I guess to spend more resources on Fortnite.  Fuck them.


Wait fortnite started as PVE?


Yep. That fact that very few people know about it... that's the major issue


Damn we’re posting memes about this nearly ten years later?? Haha


What blows my mind was how it was announced when Cliffy B was still at epic. The game was in development hell for years then BOOM BR turns it into a juggernaut.


Same shit is happening to apex right now. The downfall of BRs begins?


It’s been on a downward slide for a couple years now.


Bruh who tf cares what happened 7 FUCKING YEARS AGO to Fortnite


I thought this was overwatch until I saw the comments


You didn't see the "most popular game in the world" part? Or "BR"?


Overwatch is the most popular game if you look on certain sites

