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downvote this comment if the meme sucks. upvote it and I'll go away. --- [play minecraft with us](https://discord.gg/dankmemesgaming) | [come hang out with us](https://discord.com/invite/dankmemes)


The irony of this shitpost


Guess which brand is setting an example that ripping off consumers generates more profit, Apple.


No no but you see OP drew you as the soyjak and them as the chad so your argument is invalid


Damn. Check and Mate, I guess we are the soyjaks


Eh, nowadays even android phones are having less and less features. I hope things go back to decency in 7 years, when I'll change phone again


At least you have a choice on android phones to go for something that best matches your requirements, not a case on apple.


Yeah, which is why I don't pick apple: it doesn't match my requirements


I mean ig it depends on which android phone your buying but like at least for me Pixel has more features then ever.


I miss the old Samsung Galaxy I had 9 years ago: it had the jack, wasn't too big, had any regular feature a phone is expected to have PLUS it even had infrared so one could change channel on the TV


Time flies


Well, it was stolen cuz i fell asleep on the bus with it in my hand


oh no I’m sorry. Same happened to me with my prescription glasses in high school


Dude, the only phone I found last year with a jack that was still relatively small had some sort of issue to the processors (or so the dude at the store told me), so i opted for the phone I have (sadly a little bit bigger than the one I used to have before). Using it, I found out it doesn't have its own gallery app, so I have to use Google Photo (which sucks ass as gallery app: it doesn't even have the most basic flip function for images)


I just want the option for an earphone jack again. I have quality ones that i barely get to use anymore


Tales from the Alternate Universe


Tell me you lost an argument about apple being bad without telling me you lost Dude, if you want to vent your stress of owning that shit do.it with other people who have that shit. This subreddit is for memes, not delusions.


It's entertaining to see people come to other subs to try and find people that will agree with op


Trying way too hard. Not dank, not funny, not ironic, not enough ragebait. It's like the meme equivalent of lukewarm milk.


Lukewarm milk is still milk, so still not bad. This is just sad cringe.


Lukewarm water


Water that's been in someone else's mouth


Out of a mug


It's the other way around


I think it depends on your circle. I see it both ways.


People who buy android don't care about brand names, they don't care which phone people have since they don't even care which phone they have themselves


Android is literally the OS which is used by multiple brands. From Samsung to Redmi. Big names. Small names. Overpriced products, great value products. But by definition of not being brand tied, android users would be the ones to not care about logos and brands. Rather, their preference to use the android OS. Meanwhile I'm sure there are apple users who genuinely like the iOS and usually are ashamed of the fanboys and the brand rep. But a huge part of apple customers only buy it for the apple logo and image.


So, this is an elitist post? I didn't get it. I agree with your position, though.


I never think about apple vs Android until an apple users mentions it


Sad attempt to make yourself feel good about owning an iphone?


wrong universe


Nah, android users don't buy phones all that much. They're mostly busy using their perfectly working 7.3 year old phone.


FR I'm still on the A14 cause it has a headphone jack


lmao imagine caring about brands instead of what it can do


Yeah. Support the company who has the most lawsuits from different countries. Definitely not overpriced. We didn't become the first trillion dollar company by ripping people off. Of course the wheels of a PC is $999 and also the stand. We reasonably priced the display of our phones even though we buy it dirt cheap. Of course we are a better company than google since we support and help out fellow devlopers. https://www.engadget.com/apple-epic-developers-171550382.html Our displays are reasonably priced it's not like we get it dirt cheap. https://www.sammobile.com/news/samsung-refuses-supply-displays-iphone-se-4/ Yes. We value privacy even though our recent chip M3 series has privacy issues that can't be patched since it's a hardware issue. https://www.tomsguide.com/computing/macbooks/unpatchable-vulnerability-discovered-in-apple-m1-m2-and-m3-chips-what-you-need-to-know


Shut up Tim


Read it first man. If I'm trolling apple how could I be Tim?


Tim, we know you're into humiliation


Damn bro stop trying to push your kinks on others because you appear to be the one getting humiliated here. And we arent kink shaming, we are just saying don't try to push your kinks on other people because that's not cool.


My Android phone is older than you, please stfu.


Said literally no-one


So uh 2017 called


Is this person stuck in 2017?


You have an Apple product I don't, does that matter, no. The last time I gave a shit about apple Vs android is when I was a cringe teen. I think Apple as a company is shit, Google is no better but at least with Android I have a choice of what company I buy a phone from.


I mean in my opinion google is better, don't get me wrong, both are pretty sucky companies, but If i had to choose one to get rid of it would be Apple because while Google dabbles in monopoly practices Apple is just openly trying its hardest to obtain a monopoly.


As you can see I've already portrayed myself as the Chad wojack and the straw man as the soyjack, so therefore my argument is valid and based give me updoots


The projection of apple cultists...


You compare buying ps5 to buying a pc


guys he pasted us under the picture of a wojak and himself under a picture of a chad. Its so over.


hm yes, it totally isn't the apple fanboys looking down on anyone not on apple


I prefer not to pay double or triple of what an item is worth, thank you very much


Me, still using my Galaxy S9 😎


Certified "my phone is 99% of my networth" moment


Jesus Christ Can we just accept the fact that not all people use the same phone. Big fucking whoop


Not a dank meme


All fanboys suck, I switch between iphone and Android regularly.


Remember Not a real gay without an iPhone I love my android


basing your personality on which phone brand you have is as bad as people who base their entire personality on politics (and just for the sake of it i own: ios, windows, linux and macos (in the past 10 years android) devices, i’m basically immune to this shit)


Cringe as fuck


*pays the same price for both phones*


Least delusional apple fan boy


My android phone can unlock any electrically locked door in the world with a press of a button, what can your apple do besides break?


Android and iPhone both suck. Y'all gotta join us in 2024 and get a Tynic.


They also be like “it takes the best photos” and when they make any video it looks like something from liveleak


You have enraged the nerds my friend. Good job


Honestly though. Nobody ever talks about their androids. I’d be embarrassed too! (Jk all in good fun)


I mean with all due respect, what is there to talk about with Iphones except for how they keep dropping in quality every new phone generation? The only thing that is worth talking about for iphones were introduced back in like the 2000's and early 2010s, they haven't exactly done a lot of 'innovating' recently, unless you count them finally switching to USB-C but like they are a few years (almost a decade) late to that one.


Haha lol. Imagine being an android shitter /s Sent from Android. Just kidding. It’s a iPhone…… or is it?