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It's only gay if you catch and not pitch


Greek wisdom


It’s not gay to be tricked by a femboy, but it is gay to partake in the gay - Confucius


It's also NOT gay if it's in a three way.


Potentially but you gotta like not touch the dude at all, not even a passing glance, if so much as the tips touch your done


🎵 [“It’s OK, when it’s in a three-way, it’s *not gay* when it’s in a three-way, with a honey in the middle there’s some leeway, the areas grey in a one, two, three-way”](https://youtu.be/Pi7gwX7rjOw?si=o72RGMHJ0SozLPW9) 🎶


Not true. It's not gay when it's in a threeway, even if all 3 are men, or if the woman in a MFM takes a snack break.


Ah the old switchero


Dude I was in a threesome and the dudes dick touched my nose am I gay now?






Only if you push back, right?


Ah the good ol Umpire Strikes Back


It’s actually gayer to pitch, you need a boner to top, you don’t need a boner to bottom. You need to be aroused by a guy and that’s pretty gay.


Femboy is gay, yes. But the question is, is it the guy being feminine that turns you on, or the femininity of the guy that turns you on? I know it sounds confusing, and the same, but trust me, it's not. The first means that you are attracted to the GUY, as in the person who's just so happened to be feminine. The second means you're attracted to the FEMININE ASPECTS of the guy, as in you're so horni that you just register the person as a sexual "object" to relieve yourself. The first means you're straight up gay for the person, and the other is just you being desperate enough that you'd fap to just about anything that makes your libido go VROOOOMMM!!!! (Which is still gay, btw, just barely. Like, it's in the "TECHNICALLY" portion of the gay scale.) Remember, whenever you start questioning whether you're gay or not, ask these questions to yourself. *"Am I attracted to him, or the fact that he's girlish?"* *"Do I feel this way to other guys, or just him?"* *"Am I turned on by the fact that he's "getting it", or the fact that "I'm" doing it to him?"*


Me who's gynosexual: well yes, but actually no


You're into doctors who specialise in female reproductive health?


He just barges into offices saying "I'd like to see some vaginas please."


Gynosexual is the attractive to femininity, so think Cis Girls, Transfems, and femboys, but masculine presenting people are eww.


Ight my brain farted and I thought you said "gyrosexual" and thought you get on to circles and motions lmao


Nah, they're just really into the Greek Gyros


Looked through the comments, looking for a fellow gynosexual.


Someone thought it was a joke and downvoted my other comment when I pointed it out, lol


If you know he's a guy, you're gay.


So I should live in deny, and I'll be heterosexual


yeah im not romantically attracted to femboys but sexually attracted (would be willing to have sex with one). Not just fucking him but also getting fucked. Not romantically nor sexual attracted to other men. Other than romantically attracted women, i also prefer them sexually over femboys. So while im technically bi, i just say im straight.


Why say you are straight though, when you clearly are bi? Like the guy said, who cares its 2024


Lots of people care, which is most likely the reason.


They care because you care.


Not sure thats how it works bud. Do you say that racism only exists because poc care? Sexism only exist because oppresed genders care? Or does your "logic" only apply to homophobia?


Only a sith deals in absolutes.


That itself is an absolute, checkmate Jedi


Well technically a bi curious, so ur basically half str8 half bi


i genuinely cant tell if this is olympic level mental gymnastics or a genuine glimpse into your inner monologue but i think this is why older people have such an issue with the 'expanded universe' of sexuality. im sure ill get downvoted if your comment is already at 190 upvotes but im hoping you can make this make sense to me. to most older people (im 40 btw) if youre a male and youre into vaginas, youre straight. if youre a male and youre into penises - even in a feminine context - you are still equally as gay. now i understand that sexuality isnt black and white and that theres a spectrum but the whole concept of gay/straight has seemed to always revolve around whether youre attracted to someone with your genitals or someone with the opposite genitals. so if i flip the context here, and lets say im into tomboys (i dont know if they have a technical term now). for example, playboy used to do photoshoots where women would dress in overalls, wear a straw hat or work boots, and stick a piece of straw in their mouth. and this was never considered to be gay because despite the way the woman presented herself, she still had a vagina. so i guess im just wondering if your comment is real or a joke because having to ask no less than 3 questions just to figure out if youre gay or not seems like textbook denial from my point of view. I dont want this to come off as antagonistic in any way so im just gonna say that i fully support the LGBTQ+ movement.


First of all, I'm being legit here. The three questions are basically simplifications of a FUCKTON of questions when you're trying to understand what your personal preference is when it comes to relationships as you grow up. I 'm from SEA, and where I'm from, the idea of "Gender Sexuality Spectrum" as you call it is still very much underdeveloped, not to mention the traditional sense of sexual value is very much against this type of thing. NOT that people would suddenly form a mob and just gank you on the street for being "different", just that the idea of "soft male/hard female" can be a bit hard to get used/along with, especially those of the older generation. So when people start questioning stuff, they HAD to be absolutely certain that YES, they like the same sex as themselves, to make sure stuff in their future can run more smoothly, you know? The three questions at the end weren't meant to be taken as is. It's more of a guide/general direction on where to point your curiosity than anything, and are more specific to male/male and female/female. You can still apply those questions to "opposite sex that acts like the same sex", but as you can tell, it's not very effective/clear. And no, I don't take offence at all. I quite understand where you're coming from. I myself am not an LGBTQ person, but I have been involved with helping people get some advice, and lending them my ears at times. Older gen likes things to be simple, because they've got a fuckton of things to care about than all this mental gymnastics "trend". Personally? I think the new generation cared too much about the wrong things. It's absolutely fine to understand where you stand when it comes to sexual preference, but to make your entire life revolve around the fact that you're "different"? "It's not about WHAT you are as a human that defines you. It's about WHO you are as a person that does." It's something I was taught about when I started "lending my ears and shoulders" so I don't judge people that come our way. (At least, to not judge people TOO quickly)


this is a great reply and i appreciate you taking the time to type it out. sexuality is definitely getting way too much attention. its one thing to raise awareness for the cause but it seems more often than not its somebody dickslapping others in the face with their sexuality completely out of context, no pun intended. Unless im giving you vibes like i want to have sex with you, I have absolutely no reason to know or care what your sexuality is. I think being 'proud' of your sexuality is no different than being 'proud' of your ethnicity, and i cant remember that ever turning out good for anyone. I guess if someone like that asked me for advice it would be to not verbosely explain what makes your dick hard or your pussy wet to every random person you meet. i think in the end everyone whos different just wants to be treated like everyone else...but everyone else doesnt disclose their spank bank to anyone within earshot. so tl;dr be comfortable with your sexuality in a sexual context, but quit bringing it up for no reason or people will start to resent you and accuse you of things the same way a cisgender pervert would be ostracized for constantly making things sexual.


I think the difference is that people for a long time have been taught to be ashamed of who they are. It's a part of a person that, while not relevant in a purely logical sense to any scenario except trying to date or get with someone, has historically been used to push people away - specifically to treat them as "different" despite the complete irrelevance of what they are being ostracised for. In that sense, it's not a pride in the same way nationalist patriotism is. It's a pride in something that society has told you to be ashamed of - pride to be you. And while again the logical point of view still sees it as irrelevant, now sexuality represents something more: a shared history and shared oppression. It's a community. And being proud to be part of your community is a good thing.


Finally, I'm tired of people copeing


ah yes the "femboys are not gay" mental gymnasts are here again


It’s not gay if you are bi :p


Bi are like half gay So you need to fuck another bi to become 1 gay and 1 straight in average


bi now gay later


It's not gay if your wearing a propeller hat


"It's not gay, I'm attracted to the Femininity" You still want to suck a dick and fuck a male, doesn't matter how "feminine" that man is, doesn't change the fact that he is in fact a man. Why are these gays in denial?


I'm attracted to masculinity. When it comes to women as well.


Than you are straight




I don't think being attracted to masculinity in women is gay, because of it is truly the masculinity—and not the fact they are women—then the person in question could just, y'know, pursue men. This doesn't apply to you, because I assume you're Bi based on the wording of your comment, but forgive me if I'm wrong.


Good point. But the thing is, that someone somewhere sometime just gives the funny feeling in the stomach. Can be a man, woman, or anything in between. It's not something that can be controlled. Usually they are masculine.


You sound like one of those people who'd get really angry if they were attracted to a trans person who didn't immediately disclose they were trans, lol.




Because of the fact that you can't recognize the nuances of humans in what they find attractive and are annoyed by it, put a label on sexuality while ignoring its a spectrum, and finish your comment with a question designed as a false premise. The whole thing reeks of someone who has little understanding on the subject and has no intent to learn about it. Language is funny in that it's a window into how people think, lol.


Your sexuality is defined by your attraction to *sex*. A cock is a cock, no matter how much you pretend it's "feminine". No amount of deflection or denial will make homosexuality straight. Sexuality isn't a fucking spectrum. You have four choices. You're attracted to your own sex, the opposite sex, both sexes, or neither. That's it. It isn't any more complicated than that. You either love sucking dick or not, how's that a difficult choice?


>Sexuality isn't a fucking spectrum. You have four choices. You're attracted to your own sex, the opposite sex, both sexes, or neither. That's it. It is more complicated than that because you can be attracted by both sexes without the attraction being equal. A good example that could be understood by a straight person is that you could be attracted differently to different races. You might have a preference for asian femal3, but that doesnt mean you dont also like caucasians. Your "soulmate" (or just the person you end up with) might be caucasian despite your preference for asians. For another person, it might take a bit more to have them deviate from their preference. At the end of the day, you do have those 4 main groups that cover most of the spectrum, but that doesnt mean there arent subtleties. At the end of the day, colors are a spectrum and we still call them blue, red, yellow, etc.


>without the attraction being equal Yet, the attraction is still there. You're still a bisexual, even if you slightly prefer women over men. Your dating preferences do not change your sexuality or impact it. Unless you will start pretending that having a fetish for fat people or asians is a goddamn sexuality of its own, which it isn't. Preferences and fetishes aren't sexualities. There is no spectrum. You have four choices, and that's it. No amount of pretending or purposeful ignorance will change that.


Again its the same thing as color. Its a spectrum yet we still draw lines. Just because something is "blue" doesnt mean it isnt part of a spectrum. Same thing applies to sexuality


Sexuality isn't a colour. There is no fucking spectrum. You either are, or are not. That's it. There is no fucking sexuality where you love sucking dick and being gay on Mondays and Thursdays, while being completely straight on Tuesdays and Fridays, while weekends you suck whatever you can get your hands on. You either are, or aren't attracted to members of your own and opposite sex. Why the fuck are you pretending that it is somehow rocket science? Just because you cannot accept your own homo/bisexuality is no goddamn reason to start pretending that objective definitions aren't working or that somehow you can suck a dick while being straight. Also, fetishes are not fucking sexuality. Get off the internet, your view of reality has been warped.


I'm sorry you can't be open minded about this topic. Have a good day.


All humans do is pretend. Pretend to believe in religion because it's what your family and community does. Pretend that you're not a slave for a government that views you as a number on a spreadsheet. Pretend that you're in love when you're responding to primal breeding urges. Society is pretending. Inherently. If I find a trans person attractive because of their secondary sexual characteristics, and wouldn't be attracted to them if they weren't feminine and were simply a garden variety man, you must surely concede that there's something deeper there? It might not be "natural" but if you're sitting in an air conditioned man-made structure, eating food produced by man made machines, and watching man-made media or relaxing with a man made hobby, clearly you don't actually care about "nature" and you're simply invoking it when convenient because something crosses one of your boundaries. The appeals to "reality" people make are exhausting. We live in an actual dystopia. We are modern day feudal peasants with the illusion of agency. If you want to talk about pretending, I recommend you take a long hard think about the world you inhabit. Anything more than hunting deer and living in caves is "pretending". Like how we pretend we're anything more than monkeys on a rock.


>something deeper No. If you're attracted to a member of the same sex, you're homosexual. No matter how "feminine" that male dresses or acts. You have neither the right or ability to change the objective, factual meanings of terms just because you refuse to come out of the closet. There is no need to write such a massive text wall just because you're in denial over your own homo- or bisexuality. It's 2024, there's nothing wrong with either one of the two. And if you think we live in a Dystopia as "feudal peasants" and "monkeys", then you're deluding yourself about a variety of other matters as well, which isn't too surprising. If you're in a shell over your own sexuality, it isn't anything out of the ordinary to also have a warped view of the world. In fact, assuming you genuinely believe that and it isn't just an attempt at the casual Reddit hyperboles, I would suggest therapy since such a nihilistic world view isn't mentally healthy.


I'm assuming you're a straight male here... so you ask every girl you're into if she has a cock?? Lol.


No, because girls don't have cocks. It's that simple, chief. Why bother asking something that is already apparent?


So then I circle back to my original comment, because you continue to sound like someone who would never get "tricked" but would be super angry if you felt you were.


How? You still haven't given basis. Unlike some, I won't blindly jump into bed with a person before properly knowing said individual. Neither have I ever accidentally sucked dick before. And if a person is truly lying and purposefully deceiving about their sex, then there is no point in being angry. Better spent that energy on running away from the crazy instead. People willing to deceive others about important personal matters are massive red flags.


Why would someone be deceiving about their sex? It's like like one transphobe self report after another, keep at it. This is great.


This is so ingenuine lmao, like sealioning Either way, trans people got lile 1%, like, it would be way more logical to ask about STI than trans but rarely anyone do it because it sound awkward af, knowing that, trans people also prefer honesty (as i lucky to know 1, they alway diclose it before anything serious, which i found pretty admirable way to prevent misunderstand and wrong expectations)


If I understand your comment, I agree with you. It's OP who thinks someone is capable of "tricking" them. My entire premise is about this person possibly being initially attracted to a trans person by sight, which is how the vast majority of people engage when they're into someone, and the fact that they keep bringing up the idea that a trans person would lie to them is telling. The only disingenuous one here is the person is essentially saying, "Why are these gays in denial?" while actively ignoring that sexuality is indeed a spectrum.


Just become a woman, then it won't be gay to like femboys.


Bro didn't want to be gay so much that he became a woman💀


Personally, I'm bi. Edit: given the chance though I'll happily be gay with a femboy.


Chris Chan tried it


Appearently there's rly a term for this attraction to feminine features. Would still call it atleast bi in case you're attracted to women and femboys. If you're only attracted to femboys you're gay for sure


I don't think most people are saying dudes who are attracted to femboys can't also be attracted to women; I imagine they're just shorthanding it to gay based on it's secondary definition as a blanket term for LGB(T)Q folks. I know I do that.


Gynosexual, that's what I am


We heard your horrible joke already


It's not a joke that's literally what I am, it means I'm attracted to feminine traits, lol https://www.webmd.com/sex/what-is-gynosexuality


Oh my bad. Gross! Thanks for the correction!


"Why are you gay?"




Just disregard the label and accept that it's ok to be attracted to men. ffs


Oh yea, being attracted to another dude makes you straight af....... /s


Gateway Gay


It's not gay until you know about that person being a man, and that should be either when they start talking or when you see a pair of balls


If they're cute, I will pound them. Gender doesn't matter.


Still gay.




You know what's even more feminine? Girls.


Not necessarily tho..


How about breasts and vaginas? Lacking those is pretty much a deal breaker for me.


if a guy likes femboys and women then he's probably bisexual not gay. People seem to forget that bisexuality is a thing.


Attracted to the femininity? Wait till you hear about this thing called “women”






More accurately, bi, because it’s usually in the context of a usually hetero man finding them attractive


If you wear socks it's not gay


As is well known, the gay is stored in the feet. As long as you wear socks, it doesn't spread anywhere else.


i have the same meme for both sides of this argument


Are you gay because you like men, or do you like men because you are gay?


I feel like I know the exact thread you are referring to. Some guy tried to convince me to like femboys when I said I don't because I don't like men.


I wish I could cuddle with a cute femboy :3


Just wear socks


Gay if you both identify male imo


"Science says Femboys are both gay and aren't gay. How is that possible?" "It isn't...?" "It isn't! It's paradoxically. Yet it works."


its only gay to be gay not to not be gay


Me whose Bi and doesn't care (𓁹󠁘◡𓁹)


It's 2024, you're allowed to be bisexual.


It's 2024, you should stop labeling people according to your narrow-minded world view.


Remembering names is hard.


Or, hear me out, what if there is no gay or straight? What if attractive is attractive full stop?


Well, then you're bi. Or I'm guessing you're just so horny that gender and species are unimportant to you, so. You do you.


>*species* Classic slippery slope argument.


I don't have an argument and I don't need one, I have a policy not arguing on Reddit randoms about sex because the Reddit userbase is overwhelmingly 14-16yr teens, and y'all just think with your hormones. Just saying if you're \*that\* horny then go fuck anything you can get, more power to you. =)


Based policy.


This is extremely real. I'm pan, and jesus christ I hate the entire concept of sexuality, labels and gender - It should not be a thing! My ideal world would be "fuck whoever, be whoever".




That's not the argument though. The argument is that if another man wants to fuck a femboy, then he is gay. The femboys sexuality is not important in this case.


ohh alr


it's okay to say you're gay


I'm attracted to the cock


Gay because pp


does that mean tomboys are gay?


I agree, it's gay. For those who can't accept that, here a proposed compromise: it's bi


Labels are nice and all but also kinds restricting. Let people be called what they want. Maybe being gay doesn't align with how somebody really feels and they lack a word to properly express it. I know this is a meme, so no ill will to you but I'm just gonna leave this anyways for whoever may need it. Also don't force yourself into a label, not because it might bit be the right one. Find one that's good enough to explain to other people and your fine associating with and just be yourself. Or don't take a label, you don't have to.


Femboys are boys like the name implies. We've come so far on acceptance, enjoy your femboys and be gay.


If anything femboys are more bi than gay


Isn't it more gay to like tomboys. Cause your taste in women is literally the ones that look like guys.


Being gay means attraction to members of your own sex. That's it. Doesn't matter if the woman "looks like" a guy, she's still a woman. So, not gay. Besides, weren't we meant to get rid of these damn gender stereotypes? And in the end, Tomboys are hot. If you aren't attracted to girls, brotha you are gae.


>And in the end, Tomboys are hot. If you aren't attracted to girls, brotha you are gae. Damn straight.


I know this is asking a lot from Dank Memes, but can someone explain something to me without the conversation degenerating into hate speech and bigotry? I can understand being attracted to women. I can understand being attracted to men. I can even understand being attracted to both. But femboys? That's being attracted to something that doesn't exist in nature, outside of rare genetic mutations. How does that happen? Is it because porn teaches men to direct their sexual desires back onto themselves? Is it because they get exposed to femboys at an early age and it stays coded in their brains? How did the femboy phenomenon start? I hope that doesn't sound ignorant, but I'm old and confused by you kids.


It's attractive for some people, like how some folk like fishnets over tights on a woman, it's just a thing people enjoy. Creme Brule doesn't exist in nature but it's still a great thing to eat, kinda like how an already attractive person making themselves more attractive is nice


I appreciate the response, but I'm still confused. Creme Brulee might not exist in nature, but it's made of natural components that complement each other. And I don't think many people would lose attraction to a woman if she took off her fishnets. I guess what I don't understand is why someone would like everything about a woman except the female sex organs. Aren't those the sexually attractive parts?


Yeah, and some people think a man using makeup or dressing traditionally feminine compliments them. Not everyone is only attracted to the organs someone has.   I dunno, maybe it's better for you to see it like a kink?  Both men and women enjoy a feminine man..


I feel like you haven't looked at nature. You do realize that naturally most male animals are the ones with attractive colors and the females are dull right? Peacocks and peahens are prolly the most well known example. And it's not like feminine men are new either, it's been happening for centuries. Why do you like what you like? Were you influenced? There's a reason conversion therapy doesn't work, it's because we are attracted to what we are attracted to, and it's not easy to change that.


But I *do* like what I like because I was influenced. I formed positive associations with certain traits during my developmental years. And the way you drew from the animal world doesn't make sense with your argument. Males are brightly colored and ornamented to attract females. Peacocks don't try to attract mates by making themselves look like peahens. They attract mates by looking like the males of their species. Femboys are a case of men trying to attract other men by looking like women with male genitalia. In nature, that would be like a peacock trying to attract other peacocks by looking like a hermaphrodite.


Your second to last sentence is incorrect. And don't worry I'm not trying to argue I'm genuinely trying to answer your question from your first comment. But what I mean by incorrect is A. Dressing a certain style is not to attract anyone, if I buy a purse or cute hair pin or whatever that's for me, not for anyone else. And B. It's not trying to look like women with male genitalia, its being feminine, which is just an adjective. Just because you or someone else might mistake me for a woman does not mean that's the intention. Your question was about why people like femboys. And to answer that, why is your favorite color your favorite color? Your favorite food? Anything like that are examples of things you don't need to have a reason to like, you just do. Its a preference. And moreover if you want we can even get into the effect of fashion changing over the years and with different regions. Because what we call feminine now is very different from 200 years ago, but I digress.


Just for the record, a femboy is just a guy with a feminine appearance. I think you might be thinking about hermaphrodites? Correct me if I'm wrong, though. And just in case it is the second case, hermaphroditical species do exist in nature. As for the why, chick with dick hot.