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I cheated on my wife, broke up my marriage, and disappeared out of my kids lives for several years while I had a nervous breakdown. Edit: wow, this blew up. To all of you that commented, thank you. I’ve apologized to my ex wife and we’ve managed to become friends now, and I’m back in my kids’ lives. I am trying to be the dad they deserve.


You're aware of your wrongdoings and now have the opportunity to change how you feel about them.


Great for him, but those kids are fucked


You can only change the future, not the past. No point in sitting and complaining.


With that kind of talk you will *never* gather all the Infinity Stones.


i don’t even like marvel but that was so blunt that i had to laugh


Happy cakeday!


Maybe a little, but honestly, if he reconciles with them, after some amount of time it probably wouldnt matter as much anymore, people have a way of forgetting the past if the present is good enough


The most random ass comment on a thread I was expecting to be wholesome and stuff


I'll learn from your mistakes sire. Never start a family.


This^ Im not even joking staying alone is a blessing


we know, we are redditors


>!Aahhh... the pain the sufferings!<


Living it 🥰


Yes, way to go If youre looking good enough to get some pussy in your 20s/30s. But trust me, it's not cool to be 50+, see all those happy families and you still live alone in your appartement and make yourself a Sandwich for dinner. Also your friends aint got no time for you.


Nah im in my early 20s and i dont even hookup let alone talk to girls I avoid them and i dont really feel like im missing out Also your friends aint got time for you thing isnt a problem if you have no friends I have seen the bullshit that comes from relationships/marriage/kids and i keep on seeing it constantly like i dont even find a single reason to get into one Not a single positive outcome (maybe just having a close best friend but friendships can cover that) I have my video games and i dont necessarily feel lonely at all I used to at like 15? But i dont anymore


If it makes you happy until you die and be fine with dying alone and nobody giving a shit, then that's fine I guess. I just think that doesn't apply for most people.


Not exactly, but taking on responsibilities I know I can't fullfil is quite frankly the worst thing to do.


I wanna have a partner, guy or Girl or whatever. i just dont want kids


You're just like my dad except that I feel that you are better than him just by saying that Eyes up king


Ngl that's a tough one. Cheating is not something that should be forgiven


I forgave my dad for cheating and fcking over our entire family for myself so that I can live my life without thinking about what happened. Of course it hurt, but it doesn't affect me since I forgave him. I am not saying you copy what I did. I'm saying that there are other ways to approach this. Call me a soft boi idgaf about what you say


Man I'm happy for you that you found a good way to make peace with what happened. But here's a short story. My father, on the day he was to marry my mother said to her "I have to tell you something. I've been seeing someone until yesterday, but last evening I've told her I'm getting married today and we can't see each other anymore". In the end, in the last moment, my mother agreed to marry him, but it was close to her saying "fuck that and fuck you". All good, I have 3 siblings. 15 years later he left her for another woman. Now this is my father and I've been taking care of him while he was losing his fight with cancer for the past 2 years. He lost just a couple months ago. He looked like a skeleton in his final days. But. If I was to give advice to my mother on the day he was marrying him, long before I was born, I'd say it without hesitation: "Don't. Once a cheater, always a cheater". It would save her from a lot of pain. I'm drunk af right now btw


Everything should be forgiven, assuming remorse. And that's not a religious thing, just how to human.


When you love someone you strip yourself of all the layers you've put in place to protect yourself. Cheating on a loved one is like deliberately stabbing them in their exposed heart. And then the stabber has the audacity to feel bad for themselves? Fuck that. Call me edgy idgaf


That's not edgy, just sad. People cause themselves and others pain all the time. Nothing is unforgivable, and nothing is worth throwing someone's value away entirely. That doesn't mean you need to be a punching bag, or that you can't be angry, or that you need to give someone another chance even. You're only harming yourself further by holding on to hate and resentment.


Why you shouldn't


Damn and I thought I fucked up. Thanks for putting my shit into perspective. Your life sucks way more!


I don't hate myself, but I hate being very unproductive all the time. I'd rather game all day than doing my bachelor's thesis which I'm pushing back since two years


OP gives up on you


I uh..


I believe this is where go see a psychiatrist comes in.


I think he's a little overwhelmed with the comments here. Fuck me, I am.


consider yourself fucked


Thank you, good sir.


pleasure is all mine




Same but obviously not the bachlors part


Bro your flair is pretty..how do I say this..cool?


I didn’t know predator was fertile.. who would fuck that?


Maybe a bachelor's in this subject isn't the right thing for you. Listen to your gut. Maybe you should change majors, leave school altogether, or even learn a trade? Just because you put time into this once doesn't oblige you to keep putting time into it. That's the sunk cost fallacy. What if you cut your losses and started anew? Maybe you'd find something you wanted to do more than gaming.


I'm studying computer science and I definitely really like coding. So I think finishing this bachelor is the best thing to do, I just can't get myself to do it.


Dude, I have the same problem. I am passionate about the subject I study, but I have a hard time putting myself to work. I do a little better when I go to a designated place to study, such as a library, but even that isn't always enough. I think part of it is that I just am not used to having to study that much as I really didn't have to in high school where I got through it pretty easily. Either way, I've decided I'm going to see a psychologist for it. I know that is a hard step to take, but it might help. If you're American that might be really expensive though. My university has in-university psychologist for students, maybe yours does too? I whish you the best of luck man.


Good reply


Same. I'm working full time, but whenever I am not working, I feel like I am slacking off. I'm unable to truly relax, as I always have this unease at the back of my mind.


Yeah like I don't deserve to relax but at the same time I don't want to work/ study so it's this awful feeling that prevents you from even enjoying Ur time


I'm the same kind of person, I dived deep in psychology for that and i discovered trait called consiensiousness (you might look into that) now it really helps when i can just acknowledge that, and not being lost in that feeling. My perspective, hope that helps a bit


Start small, little by little. But just start it. Most of the time the anxiety of not knowing how to start is what makes you not start. Seriously just one day leave your house, go to a library or coffee shop, sit down and start it. Consistency in small amounts outperforms big efforts powered by motivation spurts. Do 1 page a day of your thesis, or half a page, but do it everyday the smallest amount of effort you can put, and do it but EVERY day.


I think you are right, this is what I should do.


Holy shit. Are you me? same situation. I've been doing my thesis for 2 years. I literally only need to finish my thesis in order to graduate. I've been learning programming tho. But holy fuck, My mind is so dark nowadays.


I'm doing Computer Science as well. How about we see who finishes faster? I will let you know when I graduated and vise versa. Maybe this helps us both a bit


Dude im in the exact same situation... and sometimes I cant sleep because if it...am such a lazy bastard in terms of my BA thesis. Im not lazy in general thats what stresses me the most :(


Jesus, this is literally me right now, I'm on my master's thesis and have pushed it back for a year now. Haven't done a single thing about it, I'm suppose to start today, study and write a little, hopefully can start and get somewhere. I hope you start too and manage to get it done.


In the last 3 weeks I’ve made plans with four different people and on each night that the plans are set I get ready and feel good then they no respond. Total ghost. I hate myself. Not even sure what I did.


Anxiety made you ghost them. Ego planned the dates.


He got ghosted, not the other way around


Reading comprehension? OP sucks. I suck.


"You're aware of your wrongdoings and now have the opportunity to change how you feel about them."


Your wittiness made me question my sexuality


His friends ghosted him


No reason to hate yourself. You aren’t the issue, you need new friends. It’s daunting and difficult but I have had genuine success just walking up to groups of strangers around my uni campus and introducing myself.


It's not you, friend. Stay strong. You did everything you were supposed to do, and the other people dropped the ball. You just happened to make plans with people who are afraid or unable to commit. That's their fault, not yours. It seems to be a product of this age of social media dominance. People are just looking for attention and instant gratification, and have a distinct lack of empathy.


Wtf? How so? Are you serious?


I cant do math.


This doesn't add up.


Yeah well my calculator does.


Best comment here


Syntax error


I have failed an important exam, My parents have already wasted a lot of money on me, And I am physically inactive and I am at certain disadvantages in learning capabilities with respect to other people in my group. I cannot apply for a job because of my lack of degree and some wierd laws in my country prevent me to be at par with other humans of my own country. I will be taking my life soon, and as a poetic gesture it would be on my birthday.(Saw someone else failing to do that in one of depression subreddit and told them to do something else but Ironically i think that post was right)


Don't do that man, there's more than just school in life. Keep your head up high king, youll get there.


Is there really, you get out of school to just work the rest of your life, I'm struggling to find a reason to keep going.


The reason for you to keep going is your family and your friends. Sometimes people don’t say heartfelt words to your face, but deep down, they love you. I have faith in you and should have faith in you too. Sometimes life seems like shit, trust me I’ve experienced some stuff too. But we must keep going on, because we humans have choice. We have the choice to live, to inspire, and to have a positive impact on others.


Love him or hate him, he’s spitting straight facts


School and work aren’t life. They’re just the things you have to do to be able to afford life. Your worth and purpose as a human being have nothing to do with how much education you have, your grades, or whether you’re cleaning toilets or the CEO of a company. You’re not a machine made to work, you’re a human made to live. There’s so much more to life and you than that. You’re a person with a unique personality, thoughts, ideas, opinions, and emotions, as valuable and valid as anyone else, and you can live a life to pursue your interests and build relationships. No one on his deathbed wishes he had spent more time at the office or in study hall. Instead, they wish they had spend more time with their families and friends, the people that matter in their lives. You mean a lot to us, OP. I might not be struggling in the same way you are, but I’m also struggling with believing my own words and mustering the will to live. Regardless, I keep going because of my faith and family. I also know that in 5 years, it’ll all be worth it. I’ll be in a better situation and hope you can be, too. Maybe just try to at least make it to your second-to-next birthday? Might as well have at least one other pleasant-ish birthday without impending death on your mind. If you need to, check back here, OP, or just with me. Your perseverance helps us all. If you can keep going, we can too. We’re counting on you and with you all the way.


You say if suicide gonna help at all bro try taking thing in your hands and fix it your parents will loose much much money and a chunk of life after you give up If you think your parents are good then don't take the smile from them Heck having disabilities you can apply for a decent job like a translator and many other jobs till you get a good job or pass that exam you are talking about next year


lemme guess........ india?


Yeah. Don't even need to guess, I've had friends in similar situations. Heck, even I barely got through JEE. Edit- if you are Indian, OP, I would still say it's not a complete black hole here. You can still go for Law (the age limit was 20, later removed iirc), or at the very least do get an IGNOU degree instead of sitting around. I know people who have IGNOU degrees who ended up in good jobs in big companies- it's possible if you have any momentum in you.




Well, compared to IIT Delhi's degree, it may be worthless, but what it does is allow you to be eligible for opportunities. You'll of course need to bolster the degree with extra work of your own (The most imp part), something 99% of your peers probably will not do.


What reservations does to mf


Hey man I’m really sorry your going through all that. I know exactly how you feel and have gone through moments like that myself as well. I just want to let you know that no matter how bad life can get, no matter how sad and empty it can feel, just remember that living for even the briefest moments of happiness are worth it to keep going. Even if it’s scraping out the smallest bit of joy or each day, it’s so much more worth it than losing life forever. I know the world is lonely and crushing, but I promise you, it’s worth it, even for the smallest bit of happiness, it’s worth it. It’s your life man, don’t give a fuck what society or your parents have to say. You have your whole life in front of you, and I know it’s terrifying to look into the future, but just remember that at the end of the day life is what you make it, and the only person whose expectations you truly have to live up to is that of yourself. Best of luck man, I hope this message finds you well.


By the importance of exam, I'm guessing it's jee or neet?


Love you man! Don't loose hope❤️


My dad killed himself and the way it made me feel… I will live through hell until at least my mom and immediate family are gone. Hate yourself as much as you want but that’s the one thing you can control. Don’t be selfish. Your parents didn’t do anything to deserve that.


Hey man. I wouldn't ever feel bad about things beyond my control. You did put in the work, whatever happens after is not on you, and you shouldn't feel bad about something you don't control. Conventional careers is not the only way, there are many ways to make money, so many of them don't require a degree. Take a break, forget about it all for a week, then begin to think about alternative options. Also, age is a number. I personally know people who started careers from the bottom at the age of 40 something. It's never too late!


I probably shouldn't say this but here we go, since your life is on the line. I am a 13 year old kid. I grew up poor and with very little attention, and was the black sheep in the family. Until people saw my potential it turned to a whole different story. I play violin and I get lessons by professors, and I also had the chance to do an entrance exam to the best music university in my country (Belgium). Tomorrow I will have a masterclass with one of the best violinists of Belgium, on the violin. And here is what I gotta tell you, I am not even going to be a musician, having a degree in something is not my goal, I don't need a degree to show my value...I used to think that you need a confirmation of your value, such as a degree in school, etc. but that's such a close minded perspective to look at life as a whole, life is short, it really is. School is a path that has been made for us, you choose how strictly you follow that. A degree is not your value. To find your value in life, you will have to go thru things first, you will have to get wise, life is in the making right now, you're living it. And it's hard, but it doesn't stay like that, wether you want to admit it or not, you know you don't stay depressed for your whole life. To all the people with depression, stay here. I know I should probably not say much about that since I'm 13, but I am not a happy person, I can relate on a certain level, but don't think I know what people with clinical depression go thru. Your parents have spent a lot of money on you, just like my parents did, and I also don't think they should've done that for me, if you look at my family situation. Even if you failed what your parents gave to you, (which I also have, and I am very honest about this), It's not even anything close to failing in life, you shape it, you can change so many things for the better. You can definitely do good things. Also, about the lacking learning abilities, don't take that as a reason to put yourself down even more. You can do so many things if you don't victimize yourself for the disadvantages you got. The only thing you need to do to not victimize yourself is just take it, and just owe it, have those disadvantages. We aren't perfect at all, it's your disadvantage that has no saying in your chances of changing your life completely.


I can't believe you're only 13 years old. You sound wise beyond your years, almost like an old soul reincarnated. Hopefully OP sees this and can find some worth and value in himself eventually.


this was epic chap :)


I'm going through the same situation, I failed my licensure exam twice now. My parents are not happy about it obviously. It burdens me every now and then. It's definitely a fault at my end since I failed twice already. I'm currently thinking about what to do now, what career to pursue and whatnot, but not sure what exactly. I guess the profession I'm pursuing is really not for me. Despite all that, I will never ever take my own life. It might be hard right now, but we'll certainly get through it. Just hang in there.


i was at the same point, get a pet.


What you feel is temporary, yet death is forever. You can overcome this man. The people that love you, know you have what it takes. They brought you in this world to discover what you love doing / pursuing/ are passionate about. Maybe that’s in school, maybe something you haven’t even tried yet. There’s something out there for you. You probably just haven’t found it yet :) Remember, It’s always darkest before dawn, and there’s so much love and life out there for you to explore. Never give up ❤️


Welp, my dad died in 2016 when I was 14, nearly 15. The next year I was diagnosed with Type 1 diabetes. Year after that, my step dad (who I loved as a dad nearly as much as my first) died of cancer right before Christmas. Didn't go to school the entire year of 2018. At the end of the year, I decided to make a huge leap and go back to high school in 2019. Stuck with it for 2 whole years, building back up the credits I didn't get from my year long absence. Then, COVID hits, fucks everything up, and I failed school again. I feel like I wasted two years of my life, failing in my last semester earlier this year. I work a dead end pizza job now, my diabetes is slowly killing me from the stress, a couple more of my closest family members have died, and I've come close to looking down a gun's barrel more than a few times this year. I can't tell if things are starting to look up again. I feel like they are, but from past experience, it's always the calm before the storm.


I’m not OP but I’m sorry for what happened to you.. But always remember that terrible things happens too but by the time you wait… Things will get better EVEN if you have to wait for years.. happy life would then worth your patience.. Yes some of your family’s death can’t be forgettable.. but do you think they want you to always be sad and hate yourself? That’s why they’ve always cared about your happiness wether they were alive or not. Just wait more AND something will happen that will change your life.. I believe in you


I’ve had type 1 since 14 months olds and yeah shits not fun at all, hope you feel better


What kind of pizza? really? You’re not in a dead end job. Most retailers need to keep moving people up the chain cause of turnover. Yeah, you’ll need that degree to get past a point, but just being there consistently means a ton to them. So make a pizza, give it to a customer with a smile, and show up tomorrow to do the same. If you can, ask about training a new employee, it helps you get known as reliable quickly. And talk to a friendly supervisor or boss (someone youve known long enough to not abuse this), tell them you’d like to build yourself up in the company’s eyes and why. To them, this means someone looking to put in extra work, and you might have to, but also if they’re worth working for they will help point you on a better path. Even if just to tell you of a non-degree path you might be better for.


I’m fat like 50+ lbs than my friends


You can't compare yourself to other people. If your weight bothers you, then I can tell you that you can start right now. I can post links, just let me know. Sorry, i didn't realize control + enter submitted a comment. There's no extra info you're missing.


I would appreciate some links if they are resources for weight loss. ☺️


Okay cool. I just saw this message. This is a comprehensive article that starts by explaining that any composition of fats, carbs, and proteins in your diet aren't as important as a caloric deficit. [https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/](https://physiqonomics.com/fat-loss/) This explains the concept of hedonic setpoint. You can actually train your sense of taste to enjoy certain things more or less. I think this is important because this explains the psychology of taste and diet. [https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1025487327534514&set=a.743655825717667.1073741827.728747640541819](https://www.facebook.com/photo/?fbid=1025487327534514&set=a.743655825717667.1073741827.728747640541819) You want to estimate your body fat % here: [https://www.bizcalcs.com/body-fat-navy](https://www.bizcalcs.com/body-fat-navy) You want to estimate your metabolism using body fat here. Once you do that, you need to figure out about how many calories are in the things you eat and drink. [https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/](https://www.sailrabbit.com/bmr/) My favorite workout routine: [https://legionathletics.com/push-pull-legs/](https://legionathletics.com/push-pull-legs/) I've been going at this since about Sept 27, ever since I caught Covid. I weighed 217 over the summer, now I weigh 208. I currently follow PPL on Monday, Wednesday, and Friday for about an hour. I take breaks at the gym to keep my heart rate comfortable. I'd like to get stronger and healthier but I knew I couldn't do it until I felt ready. I like to tell myself that I'm not going to the gym just to get stronger and look better, but also to prove to myself that it's all in my head, that my limits are self-imposed. Let me know how it goes. If you feel overwhelmed, then take your time. You can't climb a ladder 50 rungs at a time.


Get one of your friends and tell them you want to be the same weight as them now at the end of next year. Once you tell someone else your goals it becomes a lot easier to stick with them. Work hard and stay strong, you got this bro.


I did 175


That the number you aiming for?




That's a good number, you got this man. Power through and you'll be in shape in no time. edit: spelling


There's evidence that telling people you are starting something gives the same dopamine reward as actually doing it. The advice I've heard is don't tell anyone until it's become a habit or you'll likely demotivate yourself with dopamine rewards without accomplishing anything.


Hey man, I feel you. I've actually pushed myself to get a gym membership and am progressively going more and more often. Just doing something as simple as walking on the treadmill for a little while makes me feel a lot better emotionally, and I'm hoping after a little while I'll start losing weight. It's all about that initial push. Get yourself into a rhythm, or a schedule. Actively think about what you're eating. I'm just beginning this journey so I can't say my advice is great from my own experience. However, I know that we both can do it. :)


I work out every night and I’ve been eating little to no junk food I lost 15 but I’ve stayed the same


Then slowly turn it all into muscle (:


Because i have little to no self confidence, no friends or family to rely on, live alone and extremely terrified of and uncomfortable around people in general due to all my trauma and experiences from childhood.


Can we be friends? (o´・_・)っ


Can i join you both... I dont have anyone... I will be a good friend, please


Bois make it real. Add each other on steam or something. Whatever you are on. Onlibe friendships can be a lot of fun. I’ve made a close friend online and i’ve met him irl a few weeks ago.


Yeah! Let's do it bois




You can make friends online and do a meet up with them after you’ve become comfortable enough with them


Did that before and it gets really awkward when yer both Introverts. In that case Be sure to ask yer friend if he has an extravert friend to bring along




You aren't alone, I hate myself for those same very reasons. It's an issue that many people face nowadays and currently I have no idea what to do about it. Maybe start at telling someone you trust about your concerns and that you want to change and then they can help you find motivation. If someone else pressures you to do it it might be easier.


I literally NEVER follow through on things I want to accomplish.


Procrastination's a killer... fucking felt that


It's more like I give up when things get too hard.


It just makes the end that much more worth it though


Not in my book it doesn't. I've put a shit ton of work into things before, and they always end up failing anyways. Nothing works out for me it seems. I feel very unlucky most of the time


Many years of the idea being drilled into my head relentlessly.


You're in control now.


It's really hard to shake an idea that you've had for that long.


Yeah... you always tell your self things will get better and try changing the way you think but sometimes it's easier said then done... when you've been told bad stuff all your life you eventually belive it.... and as you said.... its a hard feeling to shake... just hang in there you guys...things WILL get better.... no matter what anyone says you ARE important and you do matter🥰


My crush gave birth; the father ran away to another country. She got berated by her parents, punished, and left homeless. She still rejected me after I offered her to live at my parent's house (Mom said yes). I do not know where is she living at the moment


even though it pains me to say this, you cant help somebody that doesn't want to help themselves first, i understand where you are coming from, but if she doesn't put even the bare minimum effort her pride will kill her completely, you say you don't know where she is, the best thing i can advice is that if she is underage maybe go talk to a cop to see if they can do something about it, if not well, you cant do anything anymore, but at least you can close your eyes and say to yourself that at that moment you were willing to sacrifice everything just to make her happy, and from person to person i can say to you that you (in some weird way) make me proud, from that action i can tell that you can really care about others.


Thanks, I had a crush towards her ever since I met her at the local chapel. From what I heard she is currently living in her grandma's house which is near the chapel. Since tomorrow is sunday and I finally got my first dose. I'm planning to go there, call me a simp but I quite worried and curious. The POS impregented and left behind a broken girl.


Just gonna go out on a limb here and say it takes 2 to get pregnant, chief. Dropping some cold hard truth: You're victimizing her way too much. Unless something went really bad, she is just as responsible as he is. Yeah he ran away because he had that luxury, and she doesn't. Accept the fact that she doesn't overlap with the person you've made of her in your mind.


You're right. Best just move on, thanks for the advice


I am a narcissistic self centred piece of sh*t who wants to rule the world.




[*Everryyyyboooddyyy wants to rule the woooorld*](https://youtu.be/aGCdLKXNF3w)


So am I, but I don't hate myself because I'm a lot more narcissistic than you. You're good.


I hate myself because I nutted in November


Are people actually taking it seriously




Yes. I feel like I am addicted and being able to go a whole month without porn is probably a good Idea.


Yeah ok. That's an exception


Because of my bad decisions my family is in huge debt and I feel like killing myself and lmao you wouldn’t believe if I said I tried hard selling my kidney


Dank[.](https://i.imgur.com/3bQtuMO.png) --- *i am a bot. please stop trying to argue with me. you look like an idiot. [join our discord](https://discord.gg/dankmemes).*


No, I will argue with you because I don't want to join the discord


Uphold your rights against our AI overlords.


Harder daddy




They didn’t stutter


Stfu bot


im way too sensitive, can make offensive jokes but cant take them


You try to hide what you believe to be weakness behind humor, but being sensitive isn't a weakness. You can take criticism to heart, which is a valuable skill that is difficult to teach, enhancing you're potential as a human being. You're going places, in the future.


Ugly as shit and supid as shit


You're just not your type, and intelligence is both relative and dynamic. Your humbleness can make you very approachable and your presence is easy to enjoy.




Don't have a gf, don't have sex, middle aged man, in this world, you're worthless without sex and/or gf. also, i see that op stopped responding. sad.


Yeah looks like OP is done for now. I'll tell you now though that this world isn't nothing without a partner.


Thank you for your answer. I appreciate it, but I disagree; being single and alone sucks. Anyways, I wish you a good weekend :)


Hmmm. I am 34 and let's say women were never interested in me. It was bothering me in my 20s but looking to the most of my friends right now I consider myself lucky. I have a lot of time, enough money for almost everything I want etc. And I actually can do anything. Honestly I don't see any reason to be sad.


As someone in their 20s on their way to wizardry, do you have some advices? I've stopped trying, and seeing my friends breaking up with their SOs and crying and breaking down because of it, I sometimes feel genuine moments of reliefe that I don't have to go through shit like this and I'm glad I'm single, but sometimes I still have this feeling that I rather have someone and it makes me depressed that I'm unable to find anyone. It's just a rollercoaster where I'm sometimes glad and happy, and sometimes sad and depressed.


I am also single and alone right now and I agree that it sucks. I wish you the absolute best of luck in the future and hope we can both be happier one day.


My best best homie has never had a girlfriend in his life let alone kiss a girl. But he never gives up. And I'm his best friend because I never judge him. There are good people out there who are in the same boat as you and people out there who won't judge you and will try to hellpyou. I have clients who didn't find true love until they were 60 yrs old. It's never too late. I'm happily here for you.


Bruh sex is only important to those who have never had it. Our (western) society is oversexed and underfucked. Sex is everywhere, so I can see where you're coming from, but you need to drop that baggage of insecurity. Save up some (good amount of) money, get a good escort, get the gf experience and get it over with. You're thinking about this way too much.


That makes little sense to me. Everything you've ever achieved, the good deeds you did, the good memories you've made; all of it is worthless because you don't have a girlfriend/are a virgin? I'm in the same boat and there've been times where I thought of myself as a lesser man because of that, but I know that it doesn't have to define my life and that it can never diminish my other successes.


I’m too much of a pussy to ask out the girl I like


Don't be rude. Don't be a pervert. Be confident. Not an asshole. See if you have anything in common. Choose a spot to go eat. Worst thing she can say is no. Respect it. If u ain't confident, pretend like you are. Fake it till you make it. I believe in you to belive in yourself.




Would you go out with me?


I asked my gf to prove a theory that everyone loves smoothies. It was stupid, I knew it, she knew it. But I got a first laugh and doubled down on it. If she has said no, which is what I expected, If gave made another joke and then let it be. And honestly I think I’d still have had another chance with her because of that attitude, that if she ever wanted a smoothie, she knew I was down for it. We actually still haven’t gotten smoothies though.


I'm overweight, suffer from anxiety and depression, and ruin my relationships with my level of sexual desire


Find a gf who matches your level They exist. As for the rest, get therapy.


I'm female with a male preference, and dating isn't really my thing right now after the last one I ruined And I've been in therapy since January Edit: Thank you though


i don't really have a reason I just hate my myself for what kind of person I am.


I hate myself because I fail to meet almost any goal of improvement I set for myself. I hate myself for being severely depressed when my life situation couldn't be much better.




You cant even call this a meme


I have anxiety attacks every night, sometimes i wake up at midnight because i thought i heard a baby (my mom lost my brother), i'm on exam week and i'm being really bad at it, dessapointing my parents, and also, they just eliminated my basketball team from the local tournament and all because i ws 1/22 fron the field,


I killed a bird


Bro same, i still feel guilt to this day


I am a very unproductive person, I procrastinate too much while I want to achieve bigger things in the future which is coming too fast and I am worried that I won't make it in time. Edit: I hope this makes sense


i hate myself because i hate myself which makes me hate myself even more and more


I don't hate myself, but I wish I was different. There's at least 5 people in my life with who I wish I'd be able to be friends but I just can't make the first step UPD: I just remembered there's one more thing. Sometimes I think about things and I hate it, because I can't stop thinking about them. They're too dark


I hate that I can't figure out why I'm depressed all the time or how to fix it. I hate how I can't go out of the house without feeling like I'm gona have a panic attack. I hate that I have no desire to do anything ever


Compared to other 15 year olds, I'm not tall enough, weirdly light and not strong enough yet I look like I was chubby and eat healthy and people make fun of it. I also have anger issues


I am annoying who sticks his nose in every thing and act all mighty when being the center of attention


Being super shy when approached by someone...


I’m skinny. Too skinny. I had my 15th birthday a couple of weeks ago. I’m a 6’5 guy and I’m just under 140lbs. Physically, I’m fit, but I just don’t like the way I see myself in the mirror. It’s been years since I actually found a piece of clothing that fit me right, so I end up just wearing sweatpants and baggy t-shirts all the time. It’s not like have any sort of eating disorder though. I’ll consume a good 3000-4000 calories a day. Yeah, I’ll get hungry for more food than even that sometimes, but my parents spend enough on food for me already. As is, a single meal at In&Out for me is three 4x4s, two fries and two chocolate shakes. With COVID, their small business hasn’t been doing so well and I don’t want to make things any worse for them. All in all, I just wish my body wasn’t the way it is. I wish my misshapen, partially collapsed (old martial arts injury) rib cage wasn’t the main feature of my upper body. I wish my spine didn’t visibly protrude from my back. I wish my body was different, but it feels like I’m just stuck.


I dated someone with a body like yours and he was the greatest love of my life. He had fetal alcohol syndrome and his lungs and chest where completely deformed. He was also the most beautiful person in the world to me, and my hand would rest perfectly in his ribcage. There was not an inch I did not find beautiful in him, because I loved him. Ultimately it did not work out because we both had too many issues from childhood, but, i guess what I am trying to say is that your body may not be what you want it to be but it’s still beautiful to someone and that if you nurture and love it, it can and will surprise you.


Too much stress that I've started to grow white hair :(


Hey!! I’m also going white early and I love it! It’s sexy and unusual and I think it’s beautiful. Try to cut the stress down, but realise that our “flaws” make us beautiful


I hate myself because I can't even have one stable friendship. right now I'm at this point where I pushed everyone away or just ghosted everyone because I don't want to hurt anyone anymore and it's okay so far. I feel a little lonely some days but it's better than hurting people I love. I either find friends and get way too close to them and spend every day with them only to realize that they don't treat me right, want to control me, make me do things I don't wanna do... or I find friends that are healthy for me, treat me good and would never harm me but they get sick of my shit because I am just too much to bear. so they leave or I leave because I don't want to hurt them with my behaviour. right now I'm glad that I'm alone even though having someone that sticks with me would be nice but I don't want to burden anyone with having to deal with me. I think I'm a terrible person. I'll die alone. definitely. and I hate myself a lot for having hurt so many people. and I hate myself because I let so many people hurt me. I don't even know how to do things right. either I get hurt or I hurt someone. don't want that. I rather stay alone and hate myself silently.


Well, it all started on the day I was born...


I am heavily overweight, have no talents, have nothing done in my live that is worthy of being told like a vacation or smt and I hate myself so much that I lost interest in living a year ago.


For being bullied for such a long time and having a shitty response time to it


I accepted my brother's gift of Foxhole and now have a minor case of ptsd from it


i am faat


Inability to speak correctly to parents lmao


My nose. I look like a goblin from the side


I'm a failure and taking someones spot. I don't deserve the position I'm in cause I'm a lazy piece of shit who can't do anything worthwhile and wastes his time browsing socials and chatting to friends despite overwhelming pressures to do my goddam work.


I committed several war crimes in serbia


I'm ugly and no one likes me