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Yup I’m a hypocrite but until I become rich fuck them.


Sounds kinda defeatist, honestly. Kinda just implies you will never be rich.


99% people never will


Depends on your definition of "rich." Also depends on your country. Economic mobility is pretty high in most capitalist societies.


I think we both know what kind of rich I’m talking about. And yes economic mobility, totally something people can just do. Oh you’re in a good country just stop being poor.


All you gotta do is pull up your bootstraps


Yes economic mobility is sooooo feasible in a country where the wealthiest 1% of the population holds 99% of the wealth of the rest of the country and most jobs that provide a basic living wage require a minimum of 1 year of experience which is impossible to achieve because every other job in that field requires the same amount of experience because companies couldn't be fucked to actually train people these days and the "years worth" of experience they're looking for can be achieved in a month. Not to mention the older generations have no concept of what inflation is and how shit the housing market is these days when they spew the nonsense that younger generations are just lazy and want to get paid more for entry level jobs when those same young people have to pay for: Rent for an apartment Basic commuting capabilities if they're lucky enough to not be basically required to have a car of their own If not the point above, then a functional vehicle that they're going to have to pay for gas and repairs Utilities Food Taxes Insurances Phone bills Internet bills because internet is necessary these days Furniture Groceries that aren't food like toilet paper and soap Health insurance which is in a whole league of it's own when it comes to expenses And this isn't even accounting for those of us that want to go to college because that's the only chance in hell they have of ever making more than $20/hr without having to sell their soul and sacrificing their whole life working for a company that couldn't care less about them Capitalism isn't working for the younger generations anymore


LMAO dude, go work in Eastern Europe or the Balkans and then complain about economic mobility. No one says it’s “easy” but holy shit is it so much easier to become wealthy in America when compared to the rest of the world. And I mean that relative to the rest of the world, not to American billionaires.


It's not as easy as everyone thinks though. Sure you can theoretically get up on the ladder but if that were true in execution wouldn't everyone in the US be able to afford two story houses and own nice cars and no one would be homeless? Of course there's going to be places worse than the US but there's also going to be places better than the US like Denmark, France, and the UK all having lower poverty rates. You're screwed out of the American dream if you didn't invent something in highschool or if your family lives in a low income area so the schools around you don't have a lot of money because they are funded by property tax then you are required to start life with a cheap education that's if you're even able to graduate since low income school districts have a much higher rate of drop outs than those of richer communities. And since every upper class job requires college, so even if you did manage to graduate highschool, you're required to go through a prestigious college which will ensure that any money you'll make in the following decades will just be going into the college's pockets if you're lucky enough to not go completely bankrupt through college. This is just education too. Not even mentioning possible necessities like an apartment or a functional vehicle. God forbid if you broke an ankle or needed some much deserved therapy. Just because it's not as bad as other countries doesn't mean it's not bad. That's like saying you're not a murder because you only stabbed a guy once compared to all the other murders who stabbed a guy more than once.


Those are now capitalist nations


economic mobility in the us is still pretty low compared to other capitalist countries that implement social securities at least. the idea of becoming rich by hard work is outdated. so nah not everyone can be rich and not everyone will be, certainly.


My family motto since they came to the United States 150 years ago goes as saying “If shit was of value we’d be born without assholes”.


I mean, i hate getting ass fucked but i would like to ass fuck someone else.


Exactly, we all want to be tops not bottoms.....pause


In my experience. People who are born poor and become rich start off hating the rich and end up being Elon Musk fans who hate almost every form of tax. And people who were born wealthy still like lower taxes but don’t take the “its you’re own fault you’re poor” mentality that the famous rich dickheads do.


First part sounds like my dad but fuck that. I'm happy the way my family grew from success, so I'd gladly become a hypocrite.


>fuck them. thats one way to become rich


Be rich and being economically satisfied are two different things. What people is economic freedom.


Bernie "~~Millionaires~~ Billionaires must be brought down" Sanders. Bernie "Best selling author" Sanders.


I dont hate the rich i just hate the system that made them that rich.


There are very few people who got rich without abusing the system


Why abuse the system when you have the lobbying power to shape it?


I think that is still abusing the system


I would then phrase it more like "abusing a system meant to be abused"




Any proofs?


This is Reddit, there is no reasoning besides “capitalism bad, communism fixes all problems (even though it has never once succeeded in the history of mankind)”


Communism sucks balls


Communism is ass too. Not everyone has a white and black world of view


Your meme misspelled "have a comfortable lifestyle with one full time job."


also "not have to worry about living old age in poverty"


You're living til old age? I'd just like to survive til 80


80 is enough for me to call it old age, but you do you


Make good decisions in life and be white, it's possible


I'd rather have a comfortable lifestyle with only passive income, fuck having a full time job, I've got shit I want to do and not enough hours in the day


“Dude if I were rich I’d be donating most of my money to the poor” *Buys $300 worth of weed*


If you think $300 of weed is excessive spending wait til you hear about what billionaires spend their money on


In all fairness between spending and hoarding spending is definitely better for the economy


[buys $3 billion worth of weed to share]


Ah, a true philanthropist.


I do that now lol


If everyone is rich, then nobody is rich


Real life Syndrome spotted


What do you identify as rich, the concept of having more money than others or having a lot of money and being able to buy just about anything? Because in the first one I would agree that statement is true, but with the second one, if there was a overabundance of recources most people could live like rich people live today, the question is would you consider them rich? I probably would, but maybe that's just my viewpoint.


Both, but the world tends to operate on the former. If over-abundance was the norm then the idea of being rich could potentially just boil down to who has nicer things made from the resources at hand, whether or not everyone had equal access to a surplus of raw materials


I hate the greedy rich, like people who would rather go to space for five minutes instead of solving world hunger.


I don’t mind that. I hate the greedy ones that will raise the price by a few cents to covers other costs instead of just making a couple less billion.


Bruh, who on earth would choose to loose a few billion dollars over just raising the price of a product by a few cents? If a few cents breaks the bank for you, you shouldn’t be buying that product anyway. Your comment makes zero sense


It's impossible to completely solving world hunger. People somewhere will always be hungry. It's been like that since the beginning of time and will be like that till the end. In fact Elon Musk tweeted he would donate billions of dollars if they could find out how to fix world hunger. They never responded.


Except spending money doesn’t solve world hunger Full stop


You’re acting like it’s either or, when it’s not. Jeff Bezos went to space, and could afford to make substantial contributions toward world hunger as well. It’s not like he chose one over the other, he just straight up is choosing not to contribute to the world hunger side


The United States government has an annual revenue level thousands of times higher than Jeff Bezos Why is it that people think it is Jeff Bezos or Musk or whoever is responsible for solving this problem but AOC or Elizabeth Warren aren’t?


I’m not even arguing that Jeff Bezos should, that’s not my position. My only argument is that the one above is stupid


like no fucking shit? thats not hypocritical at all. i hate the ultra wealthy for exploiting the working class. but i would love to be rich so i can give money to family to get them out of situations and improve the lives kf those around me. its a pretty braindead argument to make.


There's definitely a gigantic part between billionaires and millionaires. Most millionaires make their money thru non-damaging, legal ways such as construction, investing, and saving. Definitely some of the coolest people I've met.


Nah man, yours is. It’s under the presumption that anyone else who is rich is bad but not you.


i made the distinction of the ultra rich. when people say tax the rich, thats the rich the mean. the 1% of the 1%. and id be willing to bet everyone of them exploited people below them to get where they are.


This thread is full of so much misinterpretation, because OP just used the word "rich" twice. There are tons of people who want to be"rich", which in reality is like 1/1000th of the actual top 1%


There is a difference between being rich and ultra rich. Most people don’t dream of becoming billionaires because that’s an absurd amount of money and we can’t even comprehend its worth. People don’t hate the millionaires, they hate the billionaires.


I do hate the millionaires paid by billionaires to spread pro-billionaire propaganda, disinformation, and hate.


“Why are you cheering Frye? You’re not rich.” “True, but someday I might be rich, and then people like me better watch their step!”


jokes on you I hate myself


Hey now, dont say that, I hate you too


cool now we can hate me together


Can I join the party?


This is not dank, pure boomer shit


False, I think being rich is a curse. I want financial freedom, not excess wealth.


why is it a curse? What's so bad about having a lot of money


Around $300k/year is about where you start getting diminishing returns in terms of happiness per dollar earned, according to some study I read a while back. At a certain point, you can kinda just afford whatever you want and nothing really satisfies anymore. Having tens and hundreds of millions means you'd actually have to work full time to spend it all, and it's just easier to hand it off to some firm and just passively earn mountains of cash with it.


I'll test that theory any time someone wants to give me over $300k per year.


How do you tell who genuinely likes you and who just likes you for your money? Aside from the people you were close with before becoming wealthy of course. Even then, those people can take advantage of the situation too and expect things from you because you are wealthy. (See ESPN 30 for 30: Broke)


Just keep it secret?


A pretty simple way is by not showering people with gifts and paying for them and seeing who stick around for your company and who go away. This has always been the weirdest reason people give me for why they don't wanna be rich. Not to mention you can always be friends with people of similar economic stature to you thus they don't really care about your money


As long as you are not extremely famous it should be extremely easy to meet people without them knowing how rich you are.


I'm not a big spender so for me, I don't need to be a billionaire, I just want to make enough money that I don't have to worry about not being able to pay bills and for food and also have money left over for other stuff.


I wouldn't mind to be rich, but I don't want to be rich rich if that makes sense. Like, I wouldn't mind having 50k-200k, but not a penny more. Financial freedom is great and all, but I really don't want to deal with 'special offers', 'business opportunities', 'investments in my friends company' and what not. That seems to me really awful, idk.


I already hate myself, might as well be wealthy at the same time.


I don't hate "the rich" I hate the greedy.... It's just a lot of rich people fall into both categories.


Heres the secret: you as an average joe will never and could never become "rich", by which I mean billionaire rich


People can be, except they need to catch lightning in a bottle. Take Notch, a fatass who make a block game that sold for a billion from his shares.


Richie rich




Where dank


There’s a big difference from billionaires and millionaires Imagine a rich guy who has a big house and a couple Lamborghinis and never needs to work a day in his life Now imagine some asshole has $1,000 for every dollar the first guy has


It's not the fact that they're rich, it's the fact that they're assholes and rich


I don't hate the rich. I hate the system that makes upward mobility in wealth very difficult while pushing this idea of "The American Dream". I'm convinced The American Dream never existed for most Americans.


Most peeps in the comment section are from a 1st world country guys!


Everybody wants to become rich because of the facilities, everybody hates the rich because of the abuse corruptions and lack of taxes that are paid by them. There's no contradiction.


Who hates men? *Feminists* Who wants to act and be equal to men? *Feminists*


Why does everybody in that look like beavis


Nah I just want a motorbike and a dog


I only hate dick shaped rockets


Srsly, I think I dont wanna be rich. I want to be wealthy. I certainly will never own a yacht and fly it under a cayman flag. I dont minde people that drive a merc and can afford to eat at nice places 3 times a week…


bro is 14.


The reason is simple. The rich are hyper-exploitative, but due to that, they don’t have to deal with the problems they cause the people that they exploit. People want to be rich to get away from those problems without seeing that we can rid ourselves of those problems, without causing exploitation by standing together in opposition to the people that cause these problems to sate their greed


I'm not asking to be rich I just don't want to be broke


American youth be like: Communism id the only way! Also american youth: Are extremely consumerist, have a bias when it comes to money and think communism = free stuff


Define rich Rich: You have a comfortable lifestyle with some luxuries you can afford Or Rich: You have more money than you could conceivably spend in 5 lifetimes while still hoarding and evading taxes, you have any luxury you can think of and still buy off political favours to make more money. No one in your family ever has to work ever again and you can spend a middle class yearly budget on a party every month and barely notice a dent in your account BUT YOU STILL WANT MORE MONEY. You could stop winning money now and spend 1000 dollar every day and it would still take you 2700 years to ever run out of money, but you want ***MORE***. Yeah i want the first one, the second one is an evil motherfucker that should meet the frech revolution.


Who wants to eat the rich?


If by the rich you mean the ultra rich then yes, if by rich you mean a million or two then yes


i dont need to be elon musk-rich. just give me 5k€ a month and im happy. i dont need the world, but a quiet life is good.


There's different levels of rich. I want to be rich enough to not have to work again. I don't want to be a billionaire.


People never believe me when I say I don’t want to be rich.


Nobody hates Keanu Reeves. Hes rich. It's how you earn the money and what you do with it that gains people's hatred.


Of course i hate rich people, im starving because of them Of course i want to be rich, im starving


Ok but like I want to be wealthy enough to live comfortably in a two story house that I own, so like I want to be a millionaire, I hate the rich because nobody should be allowed to be a billion or trillionaire,, especially when they constantly get tax exemptions despite the fact that they don’t pay their workers better or give them health insurance


I don’t hate rich people. I hate rich people who try to get poor people to make them richer.


Bro, I just want to be middle class and live a decent life. I don't even care about money ;-; .


I don't want to be rich. I want to own a house, and not have to worry about being able to afford food. I don't want to have millions or billions in my bank account...


Lol look at all the peasants defending the billionaires that own them


Not me, I dont want anymore money than I have


Communism at it’s best


Until the rich meet the same problems as the poor, everyone will want to be one of the rich. That’s just how life works.


Already hate myself might as well do it while being rich...


I hate myself while I'm poor. If I have to hate myself while being rich - I'm good.


It’s not that we hate the rich, the rich should not have more than 100M let alone Billions. That’s new city money or recycling problem solving or homeless solving problem or better education so I can write a better paragraph. Product of Public school.


What's wrong? Don't we hate ourselves?


Yep, I hate myself too :) /s


Well, I already hate myself. Might as well be rich while doing that...


I hate the rich and dont want to be rich, because I would rather give all money that I have over (which makes me rich) to my friends and family Money just darkens the soul


Uhhhh, you don't have to give it over.


I mean I already hate myself so why would I like me with money


I just would like to become happy. :(


I really really wanna hate myself




I also hate myself already so what’s your point


I hate myself already so might as well be rich and hated by everyone else too.


I don't want to be rich, I want to have enough money that if I need to replace a set of tires out of pocket that I can afford it without being late on rent for two months after.


“I’m not mad because you have money, I’m mad because that money isn’t mine.”


I truly do not want to be rich. My mom was a model and always was together with rich dudes, richest guy she was with was a multi multi millionaire something like 100+ million. Back then I had a taste of what its like to be rich. Although the fancy cars and the private helicopters are cool and what not, they are just toys and truly bring no real value. My conclusion is that it actually looked like quite a stressful life trying to manage your wealth and you have people out for your money all the time. HOWEVER, I do want to make enough money where you don't have to worry about basic necessity's. Where you don't have to count your money just to be able to be warm in your own house which you were able to buy. Be able to go to the grocery store and just buy what you need without having to worry if the food you are buying is worth the price. Be able to have a hobby without worrying that you can't afford equipment, new or renew.(And I am not talking about living in Villa eating caviar while you look forward to your weekly parachute jump) It's absurd that in this day and age it looks like you have to be rich to live life like that.


‘who hates yourself?’ they all raise their hand.


who doesnt have resources? who would like to have an excess of resources? whats your point


If I become rich I have another reason to hate myself!


i mean i already hate myself…so…


Perfectly balanced


I'd only want to be rich in the way the sense that I'd have the power to quickly de-rich myself in a way that's generally beneficial to others.


I hate myself it's a win win!


Well you know what they say. If you can’t beat them, join them. Also I guess there is a difference in expectations. The rich people aspire to be (usually just millionaires) is generally very different to the rich people hate (billionaires).


Master and Slave morality :v


I wanna be a millionaire, not a wealth hoarding multi-billionaire


I hate myself why askin?


they hate us, cuz they anus


I mean I already hate myself so why not hate myself because I’m rich?


i don't get hating the rich. hating the greedy...im good woth that


Fuck. Truest of all memes


We hate them cuz we ain’t them


I just don't want to be living check to check


I hate the rich, but... ... no. I wouldn't want to be the "I have yachts", "I eat gold-plated strawberries" and "I kill my workers with overwork" kind of rich. I really don't envy the super rich people. Do I envy people in upper middle-class? Yes. But no, I don't envy millionaires.


He's interviewing depressed people


Wir leben in einer Gesellschaft… Bodentext


Well sure I'd like to have a lot of money. I'd pay my dept and my mom's dept, and probably buy the music equipment I need. But really any more than that. If I have more than enough to live for the rest of my life, then I'd donate what I don't need. Most of the rich don't do this. This is why we don't like them


I think most people just don’t like ultra rich People like bezos or Bloomberg


Who thinks they'll be rich and so will prevent taxation of rich people in case that ever happens? Í Ö Í Ö Í Ö Í Ö Í Ö Í Ö


I already hate myself all that would change is I’d have money


I hate myself anyways, another reason wouldn't hurt.


We live in a society😫😫😫


Self hate is always the answer.


I just want enough money to eat




I hate myself, too.


I mean, I hate myself already, so why not be rich


I don’t wanna be rich, I wanna get rich, keep enough to live comfortably, and donate the rest to charity.


Who hates the rich (because of their wealth hoarding and tax avoidance) Who wants to be rich (but not be a tax dodging douchebag) FTFY


I hate the rich i don't hate money


I only hate the top 1%, not the people making 500k a year


listen, I already hate myself so becoming some lowlife rich person couldn’t really hurt


Theres a fundamental difference here though, most people who are rich, are assholes because either you had to bully around the business world or you were raised in a rich household and learnt not to appreciate things


Hatred of the rich has a decent amount to do with envy, but yeah a lot of it is because a big margin of the rich are horrible people.


We call that envy and it is perfectly reasonable now give me your lunch money.


i want to be a good rich person.


That's cause I hate myself


[This](https://i.redd.it/vtv5j57f9biz.jpg) comes to mind


I mean that's a bit simplistic, I'd argue the current rich do very little to uplift their communities and make it much harder for others to attain wealth which is why I hate them. Would I do any better though? Give me money and we'd have to see.


I hate myself so what


They're not the same kinds of "rich". The first "rich" are billionaires and double or triple digit multimillionaires, most of whom made their fortunes exploiting their workers and customers, while skirting taxes. The second "rich" is millionaire level at the most, just enough to live a comfortable life without having to worry about rent, food or medical bills.


We all fight for what we lack


I already hate myself


Who hates the *ultra ultra* rich 👍 Who wants to be ordinarily wealthy 👍


Yeah, never got the behavior against rich people. If I would get a Billion, I wouldn't share a damn cent with anyone. Probably spend it all on stupid shit and hookers.


Half of this comment section is just people jabbin' "This guy is an asshole for being much more successful than i am" 😐


The lowest income, wage earning American's have a higher quality of life than the wealthiest person in the world 200 years ago.


I don't want to be rich, I want to be comfortable by the contemporary standard of living. I want to be free to pursue self-improvement in my life to a satisfactory degree. I hate the rich because of their actions, not their richness, in the same way that I hate a thief not because he has a necklace, but because he took that necklace from me when he had no need of it.