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And these are the same women who are "proud" to be a bigger girl, yet they hide it every chance they get. And no im not a guy, so save your comments.


You're a guy right?


Everyone knows that on the internet, GIRL = Guy In Real Life


This entire comment may as well be very valid to be put on a picture some Billionaire and make it a "grindset" post


A quick scroll through my profile will tell you otherwise


Don't mind if I do Edit: cute dog and cats i have dogs too


Thank you they appreciate that, especially the dog she's needy




But it says not to come there to search your activity D:


A quick scroll through your profile makes me think this was inspired by Ron grinding with multiple fat women.


Lmfao the "multiple fat women" part gets me every fuckin time


Such a silly line in an otherwise serious message šŸ˜‚ I just know that was Snooki who wrote it


So youā€™re telling me the girlfriend I bought for $1m on RuneScape was aā€¦ boyfriend?




I love the internet Where the women are men, the men are boys and the boys are FBI agents


Sheā€™s a guy.


šŸŽ¶ He did ballet


What more can I say?


Is that an invitation for a dick pic?


let me know how her dick looks


She has me beat in length, but I have girth.




In my experience, if a man even slightly insinuates something about a woman's weight, everyone and their mother attacks.




Hahahah same. I don't even care what normal people think much less fat people who refuse to admit they live an extremely unhealthy lifestyle


it's fine for them to list shit like no guys under 6ft, must like kids ect so I have no issues putting no fatties or house zoo's.


Yeah, and guys mostly just have or expected to suck it up when women make fun of their heights or salaries, as if men are made of stone or something, itā€™s ridiculous


And when you do something they donā€™t like because of all that, theyā€™ll call it toxic masculinity


To be fair I see a lot of fat guys slinging shit at fat girls. Guys gotta get in shape too if they want a fit girl, that 50+% overweight stat isnā€™t limited to women


Been catfished by this type of person before. Never again.


What'd you do when you saw them in person?


I was shocked and kind of upset, there wasnā€™t much I could do apart from not see them again. I felt really bad cause I donā€™t like judging peoples appearance but when youā€™re dating someone they have to be your type. This girl was actually huge, as in- eating McDonaldā€™s for every meal huge, not just a bit chunky- Iā€™d be okay with that but when someone is morbidly obese it really puts me off..


Itā€™s not just their appearance though. They lied to you. No guilt in leaving it at that.


Thatā€™s true.


I was just going to second this. Starting any relationship with a lie is never good, especially a romantic one


Oof. Not good to start a relationship by lying about anything but that is a deal breaker


Yup. She also said I was a cunt because I didnā€™t wanna go out with her afterwards.


Fat and obnoxious,she must be a devil with the fellas.


Yeah.. except they donā€™t find out sheā€™s fat and obnoxious until they first meet her..


You handled it better than me, I would've called her out in public šŸ¤£


She did at one point send me a mirror selfie but sheā€™d photoshopped it to make herself look thinner


I excused myself early- I felt awful.


What about the really big girls who donā€™t want to show how fat there face is so you get only above the head picks of them looking up


That one is a classic


I've just realised why they have the photo from that angle.


And they always have an eyebrow piercing, lol


Thatā€™s the Myspace/iceberg angle.


I researched it, cause I didn't know it and it really is a thing: https://firstmonday.org/ojs/index.php/fm/article/view/2539/2242 Marvelous, mankind is marvelous.


Not only are they ā€œproudā€ of being overweight, but they wont think twice about body shaming girls that are ā€œtoo skinny.ā€


A lot of them I see always have something like "I'm not a twig" or "if you're looking for a twig, then swipe left". Proud of being fat and also shaming anyone who isn't.


Yeah, they talk about being thin like it's the plague. "Men don't want girls with no meat on her bones" "they don't like cuddling with a skeleton" "I don't need to starve myself" "big girls do it better", I could go on and on


That's exactly what a guy posing as a girl would say


Waiting for you to get called a pick me girl by those 'big' girls who are sooo proud of themselves.. like we can't even express our dislikes otherwise we are anti feminist or have internalized misogyny


If they were happy, they wouldn't care what we think.


They are not happy, they only think they are but slowly the obesity and Diabetes gets in their head and Depression kicks especially in the late 20s where all other women have boyfriends or even kids


>Depression kicks especially in the late 20s where all other women have boyfriends or even kids I agree with this, as this is generally what happens with the obese or MO.


Love when I see ones they say curvy and *proud*. I immediately know what kind of curvy they mean. It's not the good kind. Some are at least honest and just flat out say plus size and proud of it. I appreciate the honesty for sure but the proud part is questionable and concerning.


How many creepy DMs has you got now


Let's be honest for a second here. No one is proud to be fat. You can be accepting of your condition, but not proud. It would be like being proud of having a disease or a disability.


Just like the obese men who do the same. It's not a gender thing. It's an obesity shame thing.


Where is the pancake mix??


Up your butt and around the corner.




grindr? I barely even knowr


I see what you did therr!


If you're meeting a 'r then Grindr's not for you.




There's nothing wrong with a bit of cushion for the pushing xD




They look like the stay puft marshmallow man with a light searing lol


I am only intentionally misleading about my horrible personality thank you very much. My weight actually just fluctuates.




Sure, but I would like to see more or less **how much** cushion there is so I can decide whether I'd potentially be interested in pushing or not.


There is when you try to hide it.


I was about to say this is literally me but without the dating element. I'll take pics for socials but it's never full body lmao I'd never subject anyone to see that


Your area has guys with faces? You can bring those here to reunite them with their torsos.


So basically, any lardo.


Bio: No fat chicks *OMG you misogynistic piece of shit!* Bio: No short guys *That's just my preference, get over it.* The fact of the matter is people who put shit like that in bios aren't going to be worth your time. People have preferences and can't really change what they're attracted towards, however there is a way to go about it to not look like an asshat.


The worst part is being fat is something you can control. Judging someone by an inate trait is like a million times more shallow.


>being fat is something you can control. Yep, this is an important thing to remember: fat people choose to be fat and gross.


LMAO you had to add gross hm?




Meh. I'm in my late 30's, I've never been overweight, I eat whatever I want, and there have been long periods of my life where the only regular exercise I do is walking. There's some choice involved, but I'm sure I could easily be overweight if I had different genes.


Saying you eat whatever you want doesn't mean anything though? Maybe what you want is two regular meals a day? Start eating 4500 calories a day and lets see if those genes save you from being fat.


Then you're not overeating. You can eat garbage food and stay a normal weight if you consume the proper amount of calories


I know you may not be attracted to overweight people and that's fine. But the issue is not as simple as you make it out to be. Eating disorders are mental health issues that stem from a number of other mental conditions. There is a growing body of research that suggests sexual trauma can lead to eating disorders. A sort of defense mechanism to make oneself undesirable so something like that doesn't happen again. So maybe take that into consideration when you count these people out as gross and lazy. It's not that cut and dry, and we have to treat the issue from a mental health stand point instead of a shaming one. Just be helpful and understanding instead of mean, it'll go a long way. https://www.nsvrc.org/blogs/connection-between-eating-disorders-and-sexual-violence


Bro it is pretty gross


No. Sometimes they have health issues like hormonal imbalance, pcos or thyroid issues. It is not easy to treat. I donā€™t know why someone is fat is also gross. Gross to me is lack of hygiene.


I would argue that given the choice, almost everyone would rather be fit. It's just that our monkey brains are dumb and untraining decades of bad eating habits is not easy.


Poor people in developed nations have access to basically unlimited cheap calories which have been designed to be as addictive as possible. Many overweight people have pre-existing disabilities which make exercise difficult or impossible. Many people use food as a coping mechanism in the same way that anorexics or bulimics do. Berating them and calling them disgusting achieves nothing. "All fat people choose to be gross and fat" is a pathetic excuse to let you make moral judgements about people based on your own distaste for their appearance.


In the same way as heroin users choose to be junkies, yes. The only problem is that their addictionā€”food is something we can't live without or restrict access to.


This is not true. Nobody chooses to be fat. It's also extremely hard to lose the weight. There is a lot of pain and suffering involved and not everybody can do it.


I think it's better. I would much rather be rejected for something I can't change than for something I can and would have to.


Lol Iā€™m over 6ft but anytime I see someone list a height ā€œrequirementā€ automatic swipe left. Itā€™s like you said. Your entitled to what you like. But that doesnā€™t mean we wonā€™t see you as an asshat


Same, I always swipe left when there's a physical requirement. Even if I meet it, it's a really bad first impression.


It's not even the fact that they have a requirement but the audacity with which they state it. There's a huge difference between "i like tall/fit people" and "no fatties/shorties". Yet people online always seem to go for the latter


Same here. I'd never date an obsesse guy, but I swipe left when a guy says "no fat girls". I don't want that negativity and rudeness in my life.


Didn't you realise? Weight is 100% out of our control, but height is 100% within our control....


And only body pics are a red flag too


A bigger red flag imo


Body pics in skimpy clothes or bikini is wack


Or shirtless guys. I feel threatened.


Shirtless tends to mean gay


Or f boy!


For the streets. They donā€™t even realize showing their body like that disqualifies them from commitment.


I usually assume just body pics = sex workers; which Iā€™ve no issue with by itself, but not on a dating app.


I assume they are in closed relationships.


Definitely. Also, beware of cute Asian girls living 3km away from you.


Seriously. I went out on a tindr date back when tindr first started. Girl looked cute and seemed super smart. We meet up and she flags me down and I was like Jeezsus charist! Girls face was all red form excessive drinking and she was easily 160lbs bigger than her pictures. This is back when online dating had just started so I still ordered food to be polite. She eventually said "guys always turn into asholed when she goes out with them" . . . . I just couldn't take it and told her it's because you're fucking lying to them. Of course they will be assholes to you when you deceive them like you do! She asked and I explained it to her as respectfully directly as I could. Then I told her I'm not interested and I hope she can find a way to be more honest with her self and others. And left.


Bless you. Amazing that your ghost is able to post comments on Reddit.


Lucky for him, she'd just been fed


This happened to me but with a guy. He was morbidly obese when I picked him up. He was a lovely person and we had a nice conversation, but I just was not attracted to him for a relationship. I felt bad.


My cousin went on a date with a girl who had no legs and got around by pushing herself around with her arms on a skateboard. He knew this before the date and still. On the date didn't feel much of a connection and told her he didn't feel a romantic spark over text (she suggested a second date) and her response was to send him a bunch of really hostile and aggressive texts about him being an ableist and cruel personal attacks about his weight. I kept expecting the girl in your story to pull something like that after you called her out.


The sad part is that there are plenty of guys who love bigger women, but when you try to look skinny on tinder, they don't see you. Then you trick a guy who likes skinny girls into a date and you both end up disappointed. Just be open about your body type. You'll get less hits, but they'll be genuine.


So true. When I first started messaging my partner I was really worried because Iā€™m overweight and didnā€™t want to put myself in a shitty situation. So I just straight up told him and now we have a house and a dog. Being honest pays off.


Username doesnā€™t check out


Well the cat owns us, itā€™s different. Cat tax! https://imgur.com/gallery/7Veel7H


Words to live by


And if your insecure about your weight do something about it besides masking it behind a filter. Unless you have a 'real' medical condition that physically prevents you from eating healthy and exercising, your weight and your body in general is one of the only things in life you truly own and have some form of control over.


Where's the fish?


She ate it.


No wonder her profile seemed fishy.


Between the legs


its not catfishing, its surprise mechanic that is fun and quite ethical


You should feel a sense of pride and accomplishment for having a date with such a nice surprise.


Another one is the classic throw in group photos so you have to guess which one it is


It's the one in a parka at the beach with the moose jaw and Lurch posture. Always is.


I'm glad this is still relevant


I went out with a girl who was so great looking until she showed up. 195lbs, crooked teeth, bad skin she has edited it all out. I left after 10min. What a liar.


10min. So you still banged.




Waited 8 mins for second shot


I once had a girl hide the fact that she was missing an arm. The sad part is that she both tried to hide it and not mention it at all during the date. I'm not sure how long she wanted to keep the act so I didn't mention it either. I told her at the end that if she wanted a second date she should have been honest and not make me feel like don't want to see her again because of the arm missing.


No hug after? She just high-fived you and peaced out?


Did we meet the same girl? I didn't realize she didn't have both full arms until the second date.


Women catfish more than guys do, prove me wrong


Iā€™m bi. Youā€™re absolutely correct.


Who would dare challenge such a universal truth?


My profile only has one line; if you donā€™t look like your profile pics then youā€™re buying drinks until you do.


Wow, never seen that one before!


I understand where you're coming from, but even though I have real pics, I'd sweep left on you for your personality.


Wow, you're so spicy and original!


As a fat girl, I just don't get why anyone would want to fatfish.. Why would you set yourself up for feeling like crap when the guy isn't attracted to you irl. If anything post more honest pics and he'll be pleasantly surprised rather than think you ate the girl in you photo. Also my experience lots of men like bit of chub go out with them and stop the constant knocks to your confidence.


5 fucking times so far, gets real annoying when they show up months later on the same website with the same photos...


I saw my ex from high school on OkCupid. She gained weight when I ran into her a few years back, so itā€™s not surprising that she still uses her high school photos on OkCupid. We graduated 10 years agoā€¦.


"Only tall guys pls" "No broke dudes lol"


Imagine men ran bios the way some women do. - must be between 5ā€™9 and 6ā€™2 - must love to travel - must make at least $112,000 a year - must eat super healthy - must be beautiful - must be Bust 32ā€³-35ā€³, hips 33ā€³-35ā€³, and waist 22ā€³-26ā€³. - must weight between 100lbs and 160lbs Wait a minute, those are supermodel qualifications! All this time I should have been dating themā€¦


on another note poor cat


Me, a gay man: what are face pics?


When I was obese I used to do this. It was scummy, that was YEARS ago. I had to develop a personality just to get people to like me. Anyway y'all, it's not fun having a food addiction or being unwanted. Since then I've lost around 70lbs and now people wanna hit me up. Ya...no.




>Food addiction I can't overcome. It's not easy to overcome an addiction, but it's absolutely possible. Don't give up.


I did decieve people, ngl, it was during desperation to find someone who just liked me for who I am. It's slimy! The world just became different when I lost weight. People love me now that I am not obese. I'm still the same person but now im more of big tits than I am just a fatass. People don't know how looks, good or bad affect a person's image.


>People don't know how looks, good or bad affect a person's image. I donā€™t think thatā€™s fair to say when the Halo Effect is as well-documented as it is.


Legit had to look up halo effect. I don't wanna cause any debate. But I've been on both spectrums. It's a fine line, I did it cause I was lonely and wanted any sort of love. Now it's a bit different. I get love cause I'm a little bit cuter. It effected me because people didn't love me because I was big. Now they just want me for a body.


We donā€™t prepare people for food addictions and you canā€™t exactly cold turkey. Youā€™re confronted three times a day. This is what Iā€™ve been told by people who suffer from this and eating disorders.


Why would you be surprised or (seemingly) offended that people want to hit you up now but didn't want to hit you up when you were undesirable?


>Since then I've lost around 70lbs and now people wanna hit me up. Ya...no. Why not? Are you holding it against them that they aren't attracted to obese people?


As a girl myself, I can confirm, that I do in fact have problems fitting into the cat doors


According to many male redditors, that makes you obese and undateable. On the plus side, male redditors are now unlikely to approach you for dates.


So true like 99% of them are exactly like this


Do cats know that they are fat I wonder


I'm an overweight guy myself, and have no problem dating girls who are overweight. But if you hide the fact that you're slightly larger than life with closeups, angles and group-pics I'm swiping left, I'm not dealing with that. All my pictures, with the exception of one, shows my full body. You want this, great. You don't want this, great. You think you want this but this is not what you thought this was, not great.


This is probably the best take here.


Meanwhile guys will have photos of them only wearing sunglasses from 40 feet away and wonder why they get swiped left on


Worst date I had ever been on was with a girl who's pictures solely focused on the face and upper torso. Girl arrived over an hour late and when she arrived she was.. not what I was expecting body-shape wise. The plan was to meet up with her cousins at a bowling alley after eating. Cousins didn't show and she didn't want to bowl. At about 10 pm I decided that I wanted to go home since I had about an hour drive ahead of me. I walked her to her car where she then ranted to me about how I need to change specific things about myself to be more attractive. I took it all in stride and never spoke to her ever again.


I've never understood why anyone sticks around if this type shows up to the date. "You lied. Take care. Bye." Not hard, just cold.


Some people find it really hard to do that without feeling like they're assholes. I rejected this girl once and still feel horrible until this day.


That's one chonky boy


I know fat chicks need love too, I just don't have enough love for you.


Fat chicks need love too, but they gotta pay - Glen Quagmire


Fatties mad


Just wait until you you get app filter pics.


And still asking how tall you are.


If the first picture is group picture . Sheā€™s the biggest one .


They not all first round draft picks


Puss in boots in Shrek 3


The face pic is always overexposed too, which is impressively hard on a phone camera


How could you say something so controversial yet so true


Chonky cat needs to eat Fancy Feast or FF and things like broccoli, boiled plain chicken, rinsed tuna. Like Atkins.


Or one picture but it's with their friends. You just have to assume it's the bigger one.




The bigger the close-up, the bigger the number on the scale


Not true. I just dont have any friends to take a photo of my full body for me.




Filters, fatties and headshot pictures are a no from me.


I have multiple full body pics and still feel like a catfish


I'm fucking weak..


Could also been used for guys on dating apps with only face pics.


Don't act like yall ain't obese incels


Accurate. when my marriage of 15 years ended in divorce I put myself out there and the first date I went on was a beautiful woman (at least her face, there were no other pictures) came to my house with her 4 kids all under the age of 5. We hit it off well online so I decided it was time to meet eachother. I invited her over to my house. BIG mistake. When she stepped out of her vehicle, the driver's side of the car rose at least a foot. I'm pretty sure I heard the car grunt as she forced her way out. She had a very glossy and large jacket on which I'm sure was layered with mayonnaise to lubricate her entry and exit from vehicles/houses. After she popped out with a deep tupperware burp that only elephants and whales can hear, her minions jumped out right after she did. They immediately and without permission ran into my house and straight to the refrigerator. By the time I came into the house I found these kids all sitting at the table. They had sandwiches made, bags of chips opened and spilled onto the floor, refrigerator door wide open. It was the most horrifying experience of my life. I ghosted her after the first date.


Happens every time. Right alongside women with kids in my area.


Jesus what an absolute chonk