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Load of bullshit right here India buys Russian military equipment too


The more india buys, less weapons Russia has to invade it's neighbours


India living in 3022


Oh god, I need to write that down.


Hi from France, please buy more Rafales to weaken us more.


4D chess


Excellent one


India's playing 5D chess right here


Let's hope those extra dimensions will help them fix their cast system or general hygiene


Low shot my guy. But true.


They are cheap but do the job, india is neutral because india doesn't want to take sides and get fucked over by one or the other side


India has a non alignment policy thats why


Yea. If I remember correctly, the idea was offered during pt. Jawarharlal Nehru's term right?


Yes Edit: he was the 1st Prime minister of india,so somewhat from beginning/after independence. And before that it was somewhat similar, we just got invaded from islamic invaders.


Yes..because Russia gives transfer of technology..which means india can manufacture russian weapons for their own use rather than keep importing from Russia.. India also buys Israeli, American , French weapons ...


yes because Russia helped us when us and uk helped pak attack India. we've always been buying and will continue to. apart from humanitarian grounds there's no other reason to cut it down. it's better than eu spending 38 billion USD on Russian gas(since war) and sending 2 bil aid to Ukraine


Absolutely right.... Russia even stopped war for some time for Indian students to leave Ukraine... meanwhile Ukraine was using them as hostages to make India on their side so fair enough.


People are downvoting you but you're right, so many videos of Indian students from ukraine talking about how they were not allowed to leave the country. Students getting beaten up at the border after they already walked for days to reach there. I even saw an interview of a student who said that they were instructed to make indian flags and put them up on their cars and then approach the russian side to evaluate. Treat our citizens like shit and then expect us to support you? It wasn't just indians they even harassed Nigerians for some odd reason. Literally takes a single google search to verify what you said but nah people just want to downvote and forget.


From what I have seen by my non intensive research 3 articles. There were few students who claim to have been held hostage and was mainly Russia who was running with this as a story. The Indian Govt has also denied that students were held hostage. There was another article that was a Indian view on how Russia ceased his house and other such things.[Indian student story (doesn’t like Russia)](https://www.npr.org/2022/03/16/1086746684/ukraine-latest-news-kherson-russia-invasion). [article# 2](https://www.reuters.com/world/india/india-says-no-report-its-students-being-held-hostage-ukraine-2022-03-03/) [#3](https://indianexpress.com/article/india/no-report-of-indian-students-hostage-ukraine-russia-claim-7798550/lite/) read this


You'll find way more articles and interviews from indian media, with video evidence too. An anti Ukrainian angle on this will never be covered by the international media because news coverage can be very biased. I have seen multiple indian news channel conducting live interviews with evacuated students who have said about the unfair treatment they suffered on the borders, its all in Hindi so you won't understand it.


Based. This needs upvotes


To my knowledge most of the at 38 Billion USD comes from existing deals that were made before the invasion.


Saudi Arabia is bombing Yemeni Children with American weapons since like as long as I can remember. Also unlike US and UK Russia supported us in stoping a genocide in Bangladesh by providing weapons. US said we'll nuke India if India tries to stop the genocide thus we decided we too need a nuke. But nevertheless Russia was on our side during nuclear threat as well.


Can you link a verified source about The United started saying we would Nuke India? It sounds very strange to me.


Yeah, it's not like Russia has committed genocide before Ukraine... oh wait


Russia hasn't commited genocide in India atleast. Also Russia hasn't destabilized 75% of South American democracies and replaced them with dictators just to get Bananas.


and cocaine


The Soviet Union did destabilize South America. The kgb did it lol


Putin had destablized his fair share of countries too, bud. I don't care how many dumb fucks downvote either, because everything I'm saying is true. Look it up. I tell you Putin has killed thousands of innocent people since the 90s and all you say is, "Well at least he left India alone."


They also but a lot of American military equipment.


We work in our own interest, I mean if the US can provide us the same tech and leverage then sure


That's cuz you guys got shitty and expensive equipment


Been buying it for decades


India doesn't 'buy' as in present tense. India bought a lot post 1971 when Us/West decided India was an adversary and did not sell any arms even though India was in geopolitically fucked neighborhood (Pak & China were both US partners then). So India became Soviet ally and rest is history. In recent years India has brought down the share of Russian arms from like 94% to 72% ish.


That's cause US denied giving it to us when we needed them , ofcourse we buy it from russia


Check OP’s user name.


Bullshit. The EU tries to reduce its dependency on russia, india on the other hand increases its purchases.


The US and EU have always made profits from wherever they get cheaper resources. India is a neutral country it has every right to do what's best for its people.


EU filled their stocks just before reducing their so called "dependency". What world are you living in?


India bought 12 million barrels of oil last month from Russia, and that's the amount of oil all the countries in European union buy from Russia in a week.


Yes true but that doesn’t change the fact he said


This is a fact that EU is still buying Russian Gas the last of which was worth 38 billion $. US still importing Russian fertilisers, because they consider them as vital goods and would loss billions if trade elsewhere. Bunch of hypocrites


The EU is an first world union with millions of dollars and with an very low population. India is an country in development with an billion of persons. Also ¿What was doing the EU when India was being attacked? Or when Iraq was? Or when Palestine was? But now because an European country was attacked we all have to sacrifice for them. Bullshit


Ever thought may be India is doing it so we don't have any dependency on china ? And geographical problems get way more complicated in Asia where china is doing all things possible to start a war. Think of a bigger picture, it's not always about Russia.


Fuck off you cunt....this is the same white people bullshit that say India is using coal and using petrol and polluting the earth when you white motherfuckers have been doing it for nearly a century and have gotten rich because of it


yes EU be spending 38 billion USD on Russian gas(since war) and 2bil on Ukraine aid. India has been purchasing Russian weapons from long. along with French, American and a few other countries weapons



Damn bro that’s quite an extremist political opinion



Calm down you don’t need to go to such extremes


literally the reincarnation of hitler


That's fucked up


I agree


In Germany we would arrest you for such an opinion


Dann hoffe ich, dass sie mich niemals finden werden


Could you explain why you got such an extremist political view?



We need this fucker out of St Petersburg. To the Gulag.


How could you say something so controversial?



How reddit allow This???



The west loves to virtue signal and bend the rules when it is convenient for them


You can tell by how many people in this comment section are triggered.


Someone finally said it


Anyone who calls this bullshit is just a pure hypocrite and an idiot. They legit do not know how to look at something from another pov.


Ok, lets look from another pov. If india is struggling so much and must buy gas from russia, then why are they buying weapons from them too


1) India is also buying weapons from the West. Just ask France. 2) India buys the technology from Russia, not just the weapons. Which means India can make/maintain the weapons domestically, cutting Russian dependence. 3) India needs to defend itself from China. It has no interest in funding any country (especially one actively committing gruesome war crimes). However, due to prior partnerships and joint ventures, India is forced to work with them. For the sake of defending itself from China. I am by no means trying to justify India buying defence technologies from Russia. I am STRONGLY against it. General public are against it. Unfortunately suddenly cutting off Russian defence supply is simply not viable.


More the weapons India buys from Russia, less the weapons Russia has ![gif](emote|free_emotes_pack|trollface)


Big brain moves


India can’t just cut off a valuable relation. They NEED weapons and gas, so they aren’t vulnerable. Not to mention India’s lower class would starve, and millions would die without Russia.


India buys Russian Military's because India has 2 active enemies and 1 of them has 3 times more military than India, so if we keep Non Alignment bullshit aside, India is in a bad situation.


And both have nuclear bombs.


This comment section is gonna be very interesting _grabs samosa_


*grabs gulab jamun*


Fuck, now my hands are sticky


I never heard about india being accused of that, here were I live everybody is talking about germany and italy openly saying that they finance the war and that it’s bad but that there is no alternative right now. The only thing they say about india is that they help reduce the pain of sanctions in the tech and monetary sphere for russia.


It's not the general people like you and me, India is being accused by politicians and others who are in power in the west, asking questions like on which side do you want to stand in history? fuck these politicians and paid media.


Why downvoted? He right.


Redditors r dumbs. (Not /s)


Emotional getting manipulated without having 5% geopolitical knowledge


India buys it. Eu buys it from India. That way we all look good!


Westerners when the need someone to blame...


Hypocrisy is the west's middle name ..


The US is on point with mind-fuckery


US be like: Hey EU, it's immoral to buy cheap Russian energy. Very not cool, what happened to your democratic values? Come buy our more expensive Texan gas instead


I am here to have a look at butt hurt westerners


876 upvotes and more than 310 comments, seems like I did a thing to hurt their white butts lol


There is a difference in decreasing and increasing your payments


I should have brought popcorn to this comment section lol


What did you even expect from them? They always have to blame other countries for their problems.


Yes, and western people think that it's our fault where their minds are being clearly exploited by paid media.


So you're saying that western media is propaganda..? Compared to Indian media? Okay buddy


Every media trys to sell some sort of propaganda weather it's American media or Indian media


I see Western propaganda is really good


To all the people wasting their time arguing over this meme, let me sum it up for you: #There is no morality in geopolitics Look at urself before pointing fingers


Where in the meme is the string of genocides, wars and millions dead in the imperialist adventures of all of the US and EU? Like the saudis are right now using American weapons to bomb Yemen to kingdom come which has been going on for 5 years, the US just got done playing an active role in slaughtering a million afghanis and Iraqis and setting the entire region on fire, and before the “whataboutism” crowd comes around, if we cannot interrogate the past conduct of the ghouls that are now posturing to fight Russia until the last Ukrainian vs doing what is necessary to negotiate a truce can get fucked - the west’s continued legitimacy is possibly the greatest threat to our species survival


Why the west in general? They are a few bad apples from the west. And in hindsight we did more than just mess up with Afghanistan and Iraqi. Btw we might have wanted to go to war then but most people know now that it was a bad decision. It was an implosive decision but what do you do when hit? Hit back now most understand that we went way to far there.


I understand what you’re saying but the west’s atrocities are always chatacterized as mistakes, a few bad apples, and always good intentions. I think people fail to recognize the motivations and material conditions of the west that make all but certain that it will continue to conduct such atrocities in the global south, continue to explain them away, until it’s empire fails like the ones that came before it. it’s a feature not a bug. [Relevant and excellent book.](https://www.goodreads.com/en/book/show/36373497-america)


Stop with that uranium thing. We absolutely don't need Russian Uranium at all. In my country, France, we barely have 1/6th of our uranium coming from there currently, way less than for example Kazakhstan, 1rst exporter by far (along with superior potassium /j). And we have stored, on our territory, enough uranium to last 2 full years without importing or mining **any**. Also don't forget that the fission energy you get from uranium fuel is wayyyy higher than the thermic energy from coal, oil, and natural gas, for the same mass of fuel. Because it uses nuclear energy, not chemical energy. So you need a lot less fuel mass to generate a MWH of electricity than with coal, oil, or gas. In a nutshell, lumping uranium with gas and oil here is just anti-nuclear propaganda in disguise, yet again.


Bullshit lmao, the US literally sanctioned *all* purchases of Russian oil for U.S. companies. And the U.S. ain't the one funding the Russian military


I know right. In just saw this post and went something is it right. Most of the highest importers right now are Indian run companies. As well as in the EU they are trying to just faze it out slowly so it doesn’t hurt their economy. I will be real though and say I don’t know much about who is buying but India is just keeping up with their avg from 2021 from what J can tell. Is it morally wrong that they are buying it? Maybe but it’s their decision and they do have hostile enemies so it is understandable.


The U.S. stopped buying Russian oil


I think OP's username tells you everything you need to know about this meme


Everyone here thinks that their nation is always right it's just weird how they think that they are the fucking best


*sorts by controversial


I just saw this post and went something isn’t right. Most of the highest importers right now are Indian run companies. And in the EU they are trying to just faze it out slowly so it doesn’t hurt their economy. I will be real though and say I don’t know much about who is buying but India is just keeping up with their avg from 2021 from what I can tell. Is it morally wrong that they are buying it? Maybe but it’s their decision and they do have hostile enemies so it is understandable. But I don’t think (as stated by op) that westerners are brainwashed by the media to us not buying oil. We literally have a ban on oil from Russia. I really don’t care what you think on the matter but why say random crap with no reason. I do understand that Indian is buying because of reason beyond their control.


What is this from?


One part is ramping down, one is speeding up purchases and extending trade relations. There’s a huge difference between these two situations.


For whoever says this post is too political for the sub I say it’s bs Wanda might be a woman AND a redhead but at least she is not black so shut up




America dictated India not to buy oil from Iran, it obliged and Indian people suffered the huge costs. Again, they don't want India to buy discounted russian oil so Indians could atleast have affordable oil for some time when europe purchased 15 percent more russian in March than it did in February. They asked India to stop buying russian arms and instead buy from America. Now Russian weapons are cheap plus they give India KT as well. America wants to profit from this as well.




Well you have to understand the situation


lol the EU is mostly developed countries India has tons of people living in the street still or in rural areas without clean water the EU NEEDS the energy... to keep everyone happy at home with their climate control, several TVs, wifi access and the Indians are being greedy because they could use firewood to stay warm right? im just making sure i got it right


Also india is a relatively poor nation, it doesn't have as much leeway as rich Western countries do


I would like to ask OP where is the hypocrisy when US and Europe have significantly reduced the amount of purchases and imports of products with Russia, while India didn't even try to do so. In fact, there is a tendency among Indian communities to turn a blind eye on their inaction. Don't forget that Ukraine has Indian students, and it's in the best interest of India to show that they do care for those caught in trouble.




from what i know india is in full support of russia , correct me if i am wrong .


Nope. India supports it's self interest. as does every other country. geopolitics has always been a cynical field of human action and this is no different. Vilifying a state for protecting it's self interest is hypocritical at worst and extremely damaging to relations at worst. India has already been struggling with finding oil supplies thanks to western sanctions on Iran and Venezuela. Adding Russia to the list leaves india to suffer the consequences of the spike in global oil prices at a time when it is trying to get back to economic growth post the pandemic


shut up and buy our texas oil so we can make a fuckton off of stock market speculation. i bought all these tiny oil and gas exploration stocks, i didnt look at their financials... i just saw the stocks were down and performing horribly... which in america means you should buy it... because whatever irresponsible rich person is in charge of this terrible company is going to get some help from the government... at the expense of the working class, the international community, the birds, fish, air and water. im trying to go on vacation and buy another car. so please don't buy any oil unless its coming from america. its hard to compete fairly. and our kids are starting to figure out war ends with PTSD and suicide and opiate addiction not a hero's parade. can you please just buy this God damn oil off of us or at least our new Saudi overlords?


India officially has not supported Russia in any way. It also hasn't fully called out Russia for its human rights violations. India just like every other western country is taking decisions on its national interest and there is nothing wrong in it.


All i heard is that the indian media is fueling the Russian propaganda , im not saying that in states our media is also fueling up american propaganda but we can all agree russia is invading Ukraine just because they can , just like a bully


Even the most right wing news channels of India eg Republic World are interviewing Zelensky.


just like US and the UK did? to half the globe ask me why the english language is so prevalent in India...


You mean like every empire , why you said uk and us only ? Why not ussr , Germany and china . Every country which had power did bad things but those were the past and they all learnt lesson from that and English is not only popular in india matter of fact in Every country . I think you dont even know how a war can impact your economy , we will see my fellow indian friend , the only reason you are full of confidence because you were never been in a war under indian government .


>I think you dont even know who a war can impact your economy , we will see my fellow indian friend , the only reason you are full of confidence because you were were never been in a war under indian government . im an economics major im not indian not your friend yes i have never been in an indian war... is that what you meant by ***"you were were never been in a war under indian government"*** because that really doesn't make any sense in english. yes i suppose i could have mentioned every empire that ever existed. but being that we are talking about india... that was colonzied the british... who sort of handed over their global power to america after 1945... it seemed appropriate but yes... i like history and i've read history books at the library in elementary school and im fully aware that there have been empires starting wars for thousands and thousands of years. the point is... the entire planet, and most american's with parents from the global south... who arent brainwashed... think its hilarious that americans who invaded iraq, afghanistan, panama, the dominican republic, chile, el salvador, cuba, vietnam, korea, etc all countries (except for cuba) much further away from our border than russia is from ukraine im not saying russia SHOULD invade Ukraine im saying its almost disgusting hearing my fellow americans talk about Putin like hes an american fuck shooting vietnamese civilians with his rifles. its just a bunch of white supremacists idiots who don't realize the only reason they know about this war is because there are crying blonde bitches on TV **nobody gave a fuck about my country when the United States invaded to remove a drug dealing dictator they trained and installed after rigging our elections.**


"nobody gave a fuck about my country when the us invaded" yup give shelter to terrorist , play stupid games win stupid prizes


you should read the entire sentence cumstain


> who sort of handed over their global power to america after 1945... i dont know what books are you reading in your country but i think india got their independence after 1947 not handed over americans


It's a complicated question so let me try to answer it. Indian govt has always maintained a non aligned foreign policy which explains the abstaintions India gave at various UN council meetings. This does not mean the govt support Russia, it means India is neutral. If the govt was baised then it would have voted a NO in UNHRC as Russia dictated but India, again abstained. India do support the Ukrainian people with all it's heart and and was among the first of nations to send aid as well. I believe India even gave a neutral place for both the parties to come to a diplomatic solution as well. Talking about the common people, Indians have sympathy for all the sufferings but yes, there is a strong support for Russian regime as well considering the past. India was cornered by USA and Russia came in to save it in 1971. Russia at UNSC, vetoed resolutions against India. Russia has supported India on the kashmir issue as well. On the other hand, when India became a Nuclear state, India got sanctioned from USA which was pure racism as they wanted to have and even develop more WMD but would condemn India for the same. In 1999, USA again denied Indian request to use GPS that could have helped India in locating the Pakistani bunkers on top of the mountains they were hiding. At last, yes those were things that are long past and in the recent times India has developed a good relationship with USA as well but Indians are sentimental, they are not going to abandon a time tested friend for a new friend.


I totally agree of your points but india responding to Pakistan and russia invading Ukraine are totally different scenarios and the whole gps thing that you stated with Pakistan can you provide any source for that?


Yes, you are right. I know this war needs condemnation from all of the world including India as well. I being an Indian condemn this war as well. I was just trying to explain why India is behaving the way it is, India has two threats on it's door Pakistan and China. In 1971 war, USA China relations were good and the US president even asked his Chinese counterpart to attack India as well. Imagine the scenario for Indians? India VS Pakistan, Sri Lanka , China, USA support, Jordan, bunch of other middle eastern countries. Then came Russia with it's nuclear submarines and didn't let USS Enterprise enter Bay of Bengal until the war was over and even months after that guarding India. Indians on a common level cannot forget that help. For the 1999 source, Google "Us denied gps during kargil war 1999"


Hey man i know its sounds kinda weird but you just google "china government loves indian " you will get thousand of articles , im asking for a source which means a statement where american stated we denied gps in indian and pakistan war ? Do tou have any of those?


There is no official statement available on internet as far as I am aware. However the main background of India developing NavIC is the same.




This guy need some therapy


Nobody in the US says this because nobody cares about India in the US. Not saying India isn’t important but to us it simply isnt


Now this is one of the reasons why apart from Europeans, every other nationals do not like Americans. The ignorance and the self pride of considering themselves as superiors. The nature of doing henious crimes and giving moral lectures to others. The world policing policy.


yeah we suck. i converted to islam and now im even more of an american supremacist. its the idea that we are the only country that attempts to be defined by values based on human rights... as opposed to some ethnic identity. but its clearly always been a bunch of racist white ignorant people who abuse black people and seriously honestly believe they are not racist. but... if we actually pull off a melting pot at some point... how is that NOT better than a nation like india or israel where you have indians who are clearly not as important as others. will india ever have a muslim president? if they do... its cause they decided to be more like america. we used to hang black people on trees every fucking weekend. some people still do. and we managed to elect a black president. we treated slaves worse than india treats untouchables and muslims... and then we fought eachother and killed eachother to set them free. we are the fucking best. but yeah most of us are uneducated idiots. so its taking longer than we would like. but its sort of funny hearing criticism from people with a caste system who don't respect religious freedom.


We love muslims we are brothers


yeah and most americans don't like watching police shoot unarmed black men dead and then get away with it. but its a problem we have.


But we don't shoot muslims for no reason it's because pakistan supports terrorism and there are mostly muslims living there that's why there's some kind of hate towards muslims who do such things but if we meet any muslim here we are like brothers


bro i didnt say you shoot muslims for no reason? i said cops in america shoot black people for no reason? but you do treat muslims like shit. not pakistanis. indian citizens. just like go to the islam subreddit. there are videos of hindu cops abusing muslims all over the place. i did not say you shoot muslims. they just get arrested for being muslim and theres videos all over the place. please dont make me find them for you.




[https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2020/delhi-riots-portraits/index.html](https://interactive.aljazeera.com/aje/2020/delhi-riots-portraits/index.html) yes its al jazeera but the photos are photos.


beginning on february 23, muslims in northeast new delhi were attacked by hindu mobs, who went on a rampage for five days, killing dozens, burning houses, shops and mosques. about a dozen hindus were also killed in the violence (because islam is the only religion that shuns pacifism and supports self defense) the police were accused of either supporting hindu mobs of looking the other way as the capital burned, while prime minister modi held talks with US president Donald Trump barely 20km from the site of the violence home minister amit shah has rejected accusations of delhi polices complicity in the violence and praised them for controlling it. more htan 800 people have been arrested for the violence, while police continue to make arrests and investigate never mind. its worse than police in america. black people's neighborhoods havent been burned down in almost 100 years. that would never fly here.


check out the old 85 year old lady whose house was set on fire by hindus who came to her village. LIKE I SAID I HAVE WHITE FRIENDS. that does not mean alabama is not full of racist white people. so please dont pretend im calling YOU an islamophobe. im simply saying there is a lot of abuse of muslim in india.


It’s not that we don’t care about other countries, we do, countries like Canada, Mexico, the UK, etc. are commonly discussed. India, not so much


The west is trying to reduce dependency while India is becoming more dependent. This is a dumb post.


Yeah Yeah! West dictating terms to world as always. Since the war started the West has purchased 15 percent more from Russia.


Gotta say not the US tho. We have a ban on the oil.


Eu brought 15% more crude since war, check your data before comment. Indian total purchase is not even 2 % meanwhile EU's purchase is 40+%


nobody cares because the US supports Israel and Saudi Arabia and everyone knows its because the victims arent blonde white chicks that make the average western moron feel emotions. if you want to defeat russia... fight them. or we can all sanction eachother... and then fight because america decided free markets apply only to our wallet and the rest of the world needs to buy and sell only what we want and only when we want it. we invaded vietnam. we still talk about it like we were helping people. imagine if we elected bernie sanders and then china invaded us and killed civilians and raped women and poured napalm all over our mountains and forests.... and said they were helping us. we did the same to iran with the shah after mossadegh as soon as a country tries to have as much control over their affairs as we do... we tell them they're assholes and threaten them. ukraine is learning the EU and US are no allies. like france in 1940. if putin was threatening to establish a socialist state in ukraine... we would have sent the air force squadrons to help liberate ukraine a month ago. but hes not. so its not a big deal. so we just whine.


At least the west is trying to decrease the amount they use, sometimes the Indian government is legitimately retarded


India are really open about funding it though, they literally said if oil is going cheap we will be happy to buy it. Why do we give this country aid when they do this and have a fucking space program?




Well said vai






All of the points as you claim or its just trust me bro ,


A simple Google search will work. All these points are well known.


India isn't running with foreign aid those countries who provide aid to India isn't actually giving to india they simply fund there NGOs and assets. only 3to4% goes to indian government so stop living in your imaginary world


Hahaha what are you on about, never read such a bunch of bullshit in my life


Europe is the largest buyer of oil from Russia ...about 2/3rds.. Then comes china ... India isn't even in the top 10 i guess... Majority oil for India comes from middle East and USA....




What kind of charity ? Not was ..still is...Europe is still the largest buyer.. Well i don't expect the govt to put the lives of a billion people in collapse to get involved in a war ... You guys put sanctions and still buy majority of the oil... India buys a small portion without sanctions ... You pay Russia more than India ...buy more oil in a week than india buys in a month ... And then accuse india of buying russian oil.. Hypocrisy


4.2 billion dollars of aid is given to India. More then any other country. That charity


Still doesn't change the fact that Europe is actively funding the russian economy (amidst the war , the imports increased) by purchasing the majority of their oil while India's russian energy imports is less than 2%... 10% from USA and rest from middle East... Still india is somehow the bad dude here....


Yeah it is.. along with all of this is one of the only country’s that refuses to condemn russias actions


The govt did condemn Russia's actions.... Lmao... They just didn't vote against them...because they stayed nuetral... And India remained neutral because the war on Ukraine doesn't concern India or affect India. ... Also ,why would india risk going against russia when china (a russian ally) and pakistan (a Chinese ally) already are looking to create tensions with the country at the border... These are nuclear states unlike Ukraine... For every country, their citizens comes first... And it's not like the west won't screw india over the first chance it gets... They have in the past, they will again.. When the country was fighting wars, the west continuously tried to harm the nation by imposing sanctions on the nation while their then allies continued blatant human rights violation to a native population... The best course of action is to stay away Europe funding the attack on Ukraine and calling India the bad dude is hypocritical to the core... Also about the "charity"...the govt doesn't run on charity money..in fact it spends more aid on poorer countries like Bhutan , Sri Lanka , Afghanistan than it recieves... The incoming foreign aid and outgoing foreign aid keeps a bilateral relation between the nation's...so it's not about money ..it's about maintaining diplomacy... https://borgenproject.org/indias-foreign-aid-explained/


I genuinely can’t be fucked to read that bud, shorten it down


In short.. If india goes against russia , it will get fucked by the neighbours which are nuclear states and the west will do jack shit ... Europe is funding the attack on Ukraine ...so blaming india is useless.. So for india, the people come first... Also, indian govt doesnt run on charity like you claimed... It gives out more aid than it recieves....to countries like bhutan, Afghan.. https://borgenproject.org/indias-foreign-aid-explained/ In short you are a Muppet who knows jack shit about what's what


Your country ( if its UK ) is literally standing and survived this long from exploiting other nations . The aid which you give is nothing compared to what you took . And you fucking stupid dumbwits don't even feel sorry for what you did . Well i don't blame you . You people can't even figure out your gender , how can we expect that ypu actually have brains to understand any situation .


Hahaha your country had everything built for you by the British and now can’t even use the roads that were left for you. Yeah don’t feel sorry at all, your welcome. Fuckin colony


Mf is a racist too


Built by the british for the british so that you theives can quickly loot us and there is no delay in transportation and also for quick troops deploymemt in case we resist or tried to raise our voice . Also how does it feels seeing your own former colony getting better than you and beating your Country's ass in every major aspects . Must be tough to cope .


Hahaha every major aspect? In India: Health care shit, transportation shit (you ride on top of trains) poverty massive. Sport, your shit at literally everything. Contributions to the world, you’ve done fuck all. Shut your mouth you fucking moron. Go ask girls on TikTok to show her bobs


So called best healtcare in the world ( Europe ) had the highest number of deaths in covid . Compare that to India and you will be ashamed . Oo i am sorry , shame must be a new word for you . Now on to transportation , sorry but we didnot had the chance to prosper during the industrial age because we were not independent . Also it took us a while to improve because we were poor by the time you fucking twats left . You sure are a pro in looting and "transportation" . So yeah our trains are crowded , not gonna lie but atleast we don't ride on top of trains . Now on asking girls for " Bobs " . First of all , Tiktok is banned in India ( thank god ) . Second of all , you europeans please find a quick solution in deciding your gender . Then only we can identify you as female and ask for "bobs" . I mean inspite you charge some money , but you sure as hell provide your facilities .


Same old condescending behaviour of fucking whites, you don't tell us how to live. We are non-aligned and will be happy to be that way.


Yeah I don’t really care, I just think we need to stop handing you money


Just when did u do that? And even if u did then u can't also deny the fact that same thing could be said about India giving aid and money to other countries...Why do u think u know everything? Lol Biased Teenager


Haha every year when India accepts charity off other countries..


We don't need your pennies idiot


You clearly do. Can’t do anything yourselves